(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

dear mummies ^_^

mia for a few days and felt so left out man! wahaha....

how is everyone feeling. me fell sick le. coughing my lungs out. giddiness, migraine, insomnia and nauseous attack together again. this morning puke so hard and long till urine came out. but still gona dragged myself to work as month end mah. sianz.

lena: if installing new aircon is too expensive, maybe you want to consider cooler. i think its cheaper. a few hundreds buck bah. else its really too hot to sleep with the current weather.

as for computer main switch. can use extension, right? extend the switch to outside the room then they cannnot keep walking in and out of the room. really no privacy and disturbing. im sure your future sil doesnt feel good walking in and out of the room too.

try not to stress over money loh. we were very stress over money cause hubby and i paid for everything, inclduing guo da li stuff and pin jin.. can you imagine? by right, guo da li and pin jin should be from his parents de. but they claimed no money so hubby forked out also. my mum also took a bit of the pin jin, i think $xx and returned the rest to my hubby. she also commented she is marrying her daughter and not selling her daughter.

keep us updated on your photoshoot ^_^

asimil: congrats on the sound oscar scan ^_^

crystal: my tummy also bigger at night.

sharon: dont get too upset over your hubby's temper. just let him know that he should control his temper cause he will be the role model for his own child in future. cheers!

crown: i agreed with the mummies that you should pass those tasks over to hubby since he is so unsympathetic. maybe he cant see what you are doing for the family so let him have a taste of what its like. only then can him put himself in your shoes and think for you. what disgusted me most is the part whereby your sil makes you wash her undies! i cant imagine that man!

chris: beansprouts pillows are very good for babies de. mum is going to help me do that too.

oh so sianz.. saw that you gals managed to get some real good deals from taka and philips fair. i missed those two as firstly hubby not in town and secondly i wasnt feeling well. will have to give the motherhood fair at expo a miss this coming weekend too as hubby's trip has been extended and wont be back in time to go with me.

asimil: glad to hear that you are fine. rest more though.


Eoneon, are you feeling better now? What do you wan to see at expo? I help you see have or not. I am gg there to check out the prices. Alot of ppl advised me dun buy first until 5 months

crystal: terrible! i coughed till voice also changed le. my colleague asked me to pack and go home but i cant. i have month end to do. my month end usually need at least 2 days to complete.

crown: not any better. hao xin ku. was so hungry but didnt feel well enough for other stuff so ended up with clam chowder soup.

i wana check out those expensive items like stroller, car seat, cot, playpen and breastpump. thanks leh.

but why cannot buy now? any specific reason?

eoneon, aiyoh u poor thing.. pat pat ke lian le... u ned to take care okie... weather is bad and we have lower immunity. avoid crowded places if u can lo

Duno leh but other forum friends ask me dun buy first even maternity also dun wear first until first trimester over

you wan to pm me your contact? Perhap that will be easy to contact you. Any particular brand?

I was thinking whether should I get 2 individual stroller or twin stroller. I also want to check out the price of baby cot. Can't buy anything cos dh not gg with me. My friend accompany me there to see see look look

eoneon, i'm going to help my fren check out on breastpump i can help u on this. i wil also be checking out on slings too. so far for me i onli need these 2. the rest i have them.

crystal: kam siah wor. me have been locking myself at home whenever possible. but later need to get some necessities on my way home as ran out le.

crown: i see. but they never say why hor? for stroller, i am looking at combi or mcclaren.

aiyoyo... stroller will be a bit headache for you. cause individual and twin have their pros and cons. if you are out alone, twin is good. but if you are out with family, then individual better cause can share load. but twin is very bulky so certain place cannot pass through easily.

crystal: thanks for the offer on breastpumps. as for slings, i dont know if i need ley... hmm.. how ley...

crystal and crown: you gals are so sweet. im so touched. 姐妹们,谢谢!

eoneon, got to reallie take care le cos H1N1 is back with a vengence again. we cannot contract this now. will be risky for us lo...

can ask ur family to help u buy the stuff?

Eoneon, ok I help you to see cos that is the 2 brands I am gg to look at too. You think I will go out with my twins ago? I can't manage lor. I will stay at home. My dh's idea is to get 2 individuals. I duno lor

eoneon, no need thanks la haha since i'm going anyways. i'll update u on watever i see la. u can decide if u need them or not later on lo at least u have some info.

crown, when are u going? i'm going on thur.

Crystal, I am taking afternoon leave on fri to go. H1N1 is back. Then I better dun stay out too long in the crowd on fri. Yesterday I went hospital to visit my AMA and my dh actually wan me to wear mask. Faint

crystal: im not living with parents. family members are busy with their own stuff too. so dont want them to come all the way just to deliver the stuff. i will just make do with whatever i can grab and then leave the not so urgent ones till hubby is back.

i have been so out of touch with the news. H1N1 is back?! oh gosh! thats terrible.

crown: haha.. yah, i think not possible to go out alone with twin unless they are older. i think in that case, individual better as one person takes care of one stroller plus kid. and they are less likely to get stuck in those crowded places.

eoneon, ya okie then chop chop get ur urgent ones and go home and rest lo...

ya it was on sat's papers. so even when i go to GSS i avoided those super crowded shops.. went to those not so crowded ones cos u dunno who is sick ma....

i think individual better hor? everytime in the mrt, i always find ppl's stroller occupy alot of space. if i bring in a twin one, i think ppl will be cursing and swearing behind me, keke

crown, unfortunately that's the truth cos singapore paths is soemow not built for such big strollers so... its not so easy to bring twin strollers out.

HI Mummies: Wow... Some of you are so active over the weekend...

Have finished my photoshoot on last friday... It was very tiring (doin the pose etc) but it was fun especially havin to keep lookin at my bf in some poses that makes us aching already.... We went to Punggol for our outdoor shoot and although the photographer has spray mosquito repellent for me, i still kanna lots of mosquitoes bites on my legs... There's a part that my bf gotta carry me up to take photos but due to the photographer keep askin me to pose in a way + i'm heavier now, my bf was pantin and sweatin like mad which also makes me laugh so much till we have to retake so many times... lol... Luckily, the photographer was very nice cos he know i'm preggy and will try to let me rest more during the shot...

Lookin forward to see the photos on next monday as we'll be goin down to choose photos... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Eoneon: Muz take good care of urself k... Mus be very xin ku to have MS and sickness attackin at the same time... *Sayang*

Ya.. Mi too think of buyin that cooler if they reali dun wanna install new air-con... My bf also cant seem to understand the hotness i will feel and just said use the fan to blow directly at me... I told him straight that last week, i just slept for 1 day and already cannot tahan the hotness, not to mention when i get to later part of pregnancy when i will feel double hotness compared to normal people... He just kept quiet and i dun wanna argue much also..

Hi Crown: Wow... You got so many days of MC... I have already finished my 14 days of MC for this year as i was Mc for some times durin my early weeks due to spotting.. For my gynae, he mentioned that i can take MC from him when he was going to arrange my appt for Oscar so i think you can get from your gynae too ba... Dun tin they will be so stingy, afterall, preggy needs more rest and you wouldn't know how long you will spend at TMC cos some people needs to scan a few times den can finished the measurement...

Must be very exciting and feel like announcing loud loud that you got twins rite... haha... Endure for another 2-3 weeks and you can say out loud liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies know when's the next Motherhood Fair or BB fair? Dun tin i'm free to go this weekend too...

Lena, yeah. Currently 2 colleagues knew i am P. They are so happy for me cos i am longing for very long liao. They said i wan one so badly and now come two, keke

hi mummies,

been busy in the morning so no time to check in. how's everyone's long weekend?

eoneon, hope u get better soon! rest more and drink more water.

i also didn't know H1N1 is back - this means we have to be really careful and be more attentive to our surroundings. i better start bringing my dettol hand sanitizer around again.

yvaine, thanks for asking about my nephew. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he's really really cute and looks like my brother. haha! a miniature version of him. there was water in his lungs when he first came out, so was placed in NICU, then after 2 days got jaundice so was placed under the light. today got discharged already, so all's good! my mum's really happy with her handsome grandson. i told her, "of course you think he's handsome, he's your first grandchild! even if ugly you also will say he's cute!" LOL!

Yea... Havin twins is reali a happy tin cos it's not easy to have... I ever heard from a mummy that the area she stayed in have alot of twins... Haha... but i cant rmb where izzit liao...

Lena, good to know you enjoyed your photoshoot. I rbr mine (it was 1 year ago!) and I had so much fun then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Which studio are you with?

Crown, i saw those twin strollers and thot they look so cute!!! i do see some people pushing those twin strollers around so they should be quite ok. maybe you can go to those baby warehouse places and check it out when u are free. Test out how they feel and how convenient they are in opening and closing.

lena: ya terrible feeling loh. thanks ^_^

dewdew: im drinking a lot of water now loh. keep pouring water down my throat. thanks ^_^

haha, you are so funny. teased your mum like that. good to hear that baby is discharged le.

hi all mummies,

finalli bk...hd been MIA for so many days...after a short trip to malacca i feel more tired mayb i dun realli enjoy e trip...sigh

huh...H1N1 is bk, i'm stl thking to gg to hokkaido in Jul lei...btw i'm gg to motherhood fair tis weekends aso...go chk out e price of e stroller & bb cot.


photoshooting part is fun but cm to choose photo...tats d headache part...hehe...

PSH, i think u need to check out see how the virus is going. cos for some strange reasons its the high season now for H1N1 in singapore. not sure how its affecting rest of the world.

PSH, yes le haha choosing the photos are the headache part. i remembered i went after work at bot 8pm and chose till 1am.. crazy rite? ahaha


choosing e gowns aso dun take so long...hehe...ya ya...we aso took almost half a day to choose all e photos but y u dun take half day tat day??

Hi Dewdew: Thanks... We did our photos at Seletar Broadway...

Hi PSH: Wa... You got so much energy sia... N plannin for more holiday... Nowdays, even if i just go walk awhile at shoppin centres only, i like feel so tired and easily panting liao...

Ya.. the person did told us that some couples took the whole day to choose photos but we'll be going in the evenin after work on next monday, not sure enough time to choose anot...

How long did you all take to choose the photos?

PSH, hahaha cos before we went me and dh said we will onlie choose the esential and then make up the number of pages we wont add on liao

but then went there dh said this also nice that also nice and my photographer very smart la he took serial photos so its like linked photos. so u cant say i take 1 but not the other so end up a lot of things to choose lo hahaha i wasnt very keen to choose a lot of pics but dh was haha he said very well taken so must buy.

Lena, I recall it was a long and tiring process. Part of it due to the fact that the bridal studio will try to sell you a package for "extra photos". But if you are very firm on keeping to x pics as agreed in the original package, I think 2 hours should be enough.


nt tat i gt energy jus feel tat tis trip nt shiok euff...haha...

we took half day to choose e photos...so if yr photographer skills is gd n u will hv hard time choosing...if u go after work u may end up like crystal choose untl vy late...hehe


agreed wif u...photographer like to take a series den we gt no choice but to choose e rest aso...may i kw did u top up a lot ?

PSH, hahha yes le hahaha we top up 3k for the pics... but its not just the album la we got framed photos which was good for us to hang around the house. part of it was the "discussion" to get the frames hahaha but ur bridal studio wont close one lo hahhaa doesnt matter the timing ahhaa i tink if we choose until 3-4am they will stay open ahhaa..

we are apparently not the longest liao ahha

after we paid for the extras my consultant told me they actually stayed till 6am before with a couple. they start at same timing as us until next day 6am can u imagine. i tink i would have pass out from fatigue there on the sofa liao ahha

alamak...put wrong name...hehe


nt tat i gt energy jus feel tat tis trip nt shiok euff...haha...

we took half day to choose e photos...so if yr photographer skills is gd n u will hv hard time choosing...if u go after work u may end up like crystal choose untl vy late...hehe

agreed wif TenQ, if u r firm on nt adding extra photos den shld b fast.

Lena, the selection was long and tiring - our PG was not too bad but we were very "im chim" and didn't want to spend too much on additional photos, so much so we eliminated too many photos and had not enuf for the album. in the end had to go back to the discarded pics and go thru again. lol! took us about 3hrs.

nowadays i also tire very easily. y'day brought my dogs out for walk, then showered and dried them, then cleaned my room a bit.. omg, today i'm like a zombie. and my legs ache so bad! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i aso top-up abt $2k for e extras...although a lot of ppl say no nd to buy so many cos in e end it will end up in our storerm...but i feel tat its once in a lifetime so top-up aso nvm, i dun wan to regret after stepping out of e shop...$$ can always earn bk.

can i see yr photos??

Hi MTBs,

I'm also starting to feel a little more achy these days. I went swimming yesterday and now i can feel my muscles all like collapsing on me. Didn't even swim much. Told hubby that I want to buy a kick board so I don't exert too much. =)

The current weather is making me want to SLEEP!

dewdew, ya... me too haha yest i went to vivo for like 3 hours... went home legs pain, back ache like old woman ahhaa

i miss my shopaholic days ahhaha

PSH, sure let me find my link first and i PM u.

crystal, u are also shopaholic? LOL! me too! but now not so much already... like u, i cannot walk too much. haiz... really ah, pregnant already become old woman. :p

lovebyte, the weather is SO good for sleeping, right? how i wish this type of weather is for night time - then i dun have to switch on the aircon every night!

hello everyone... just came back from my oscar scan today.

sonographer commented bb was very cooperative.. no movements at all while taking the measurements.. i was telling myself must be like me sooo lam nuar!!! lol. my ratio reading is 1:14557 which is at a safe side, bp and blood pressure to bb all ok.

oh yes, gynae say bet with me.. say bb gender most likely boy... i half sian!!! my next appt will be 5 weeks later...

dewdew, me super SHOPAHOLIC lo ahhaha.. so much so that my i can shop from day to nite no need rest other then for meals one hahaha...

now cannot liao.. hahah wear flats also legs ache ahha

Rainbow, you should feel very happy that result is so good. Why 1/2 sian? As long as baby is healthy, be happy :)

I am shuting myself at home these days, scare too many virus outside. over reacting hor.

I also top up $2k to get back all my photos and soft copy.

I also can't walk much. Yesterday shop for 3 hrs nia, I keep complaining I am tired liao. My dh still say we didn't walk much, I keep looking for place to sit down.

Rainbow, why sian? If mine boiboi, my dh will be super happy

crystal, cos i can't wait to deco my empty room!!! lol..

win/crown, me and DH prefer gal... funny hor. moreover it's my mil 1st grandchild...

crown, am at week 12. gynae view from an angle and mention so... but dunno how accurate.. can only cfm on the 5th mth.


hahhaha boy also can decorate ma hahaa

rainbow, u are like my dh le haha he also hope for gal. will be my MIL's first grandchild also she also want gal hahaa..

but i tink my chance is quite low hahaa

