(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hello yvaine!!! Yeah my scan is scheduled at 12noon today followed by seeing e gyane to get e result at 12.30pm.. Hope everything goes smoothly..


hi yvaine,

I will be going to expo for the bb fair on thur ahha 1st day hehe.. cos hubby is free so i'll take half day and go and jalan lesser ppl too i tink.not so crowded.

will update if there's freebies.

hahaha Milo and Rainbow - i see you both are already out in full force at the malls! pls update on good deals! ;) i'm not so motivated to buy much cause i think i have most htings already... but will need another baby carseat, which is an oucher. waiting for robinsons to offer a good deal for their Britax carseat. can't imagine how to fit 2 baby carseats into a small toyota altis... i think after that no one else can sit inside liao.

ooh have a good trip to the gynae's Rainbow! so nice, your visits so frequent. mine is far far away.. after that horrible sonographer. anyway i sent in my complaint liao. they're looking into it.

crystal - nice! have a romantic baby walk with your hubby,. hhaaha... yes yes update whether got freebies or not. can you help me check, if u remember, if Moms in Mind has a booth there (they usually do). and whether got good offers on their slings. only if u remember la. xie xie!

yvaine, okie.. i'll save the name. i am also looking into slings. are they easy to use? i have this crazy phobia tat the bb will drop out hahaha dun ask me why. i'm a fT mom hahaha... so if u have used them let me know? thanks.

Yvaine/crystal, me too me too looking at sling. I also scare bb will fall off but saw those mum using it, bb seems to be in comfort and so stable. When will e fair end?

rainbow, the fair is from 3-6 june. ya ya haha i also see the bb like so comfy inside hee which is why i looking into slings hehee.. i tink they are easier to manage esp someone my size copared to a stroller i guess.

actually i bought a MIMS sling for the first pregnancy... but didn't get the hang of using it and much prefer my Ergo baby carrier. only thing is that for Ergo, the baby faces me, so it's the baby is very inquisitive, the baby will be bored of mommy's chest after a while. the sling offers a hip carry position which allows the baby (when it's lighter of course, haha) to see the environment while you sling it. (Ergo also can hip carry but a bit awkward).

so this time i'm considering giving it another go now that i'm more comfortable handling my baby (hopefully, hahah!). maybe you see if there r handmedowns, then you try it first on your baby, then decide whether it fits your style? but honestly, even if you buy and don't like, can still sell on this forum lah... hehehe. that's what i did with mine. but a bit regret. should have kept for second pregnancy.

oh ya i think different slings have different designs which make it easier/harder to use. some are adjustable n some r not. good n bad. maybe the other 2nd/3rd time mommies can share their experiences ;)

Morning mummies, how was your night's sleep?

Couldn't resist the temptation to watch War of the Worlds on Channel 5 last night. Ended up waking up 2-3 times last and not being able to fall asleep. Another day to hope for 6pm to come quickly!

tenq, the show so exciting arh? hahhaha...

yvaine, i looking for one that can let the bb face front. i tink quite boring for the bb to keep loooking at our neck or chest rite? hahahah

Hey ladies, I'm back at the computer. :p Feeling a little better from the sickness but evenings are still not so good for me.

with regards to sling, I own the beco butterfly II, and its really good as the weight of the baby is on my hips. Again as yvaine mentioned, doesn't do the baby forward position and so baby may get bored. However, you can sling the baby on your back when he/she is a bit older! quite fun. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I prefered using the MIMS sling when my child turned 5 months old though (or when she is able to sit up). I found it easier and less warm to use the sling. Plus I use the sling during bfing, so that helped! I still use the sling now that my kiddo is 14 months old although not for very long as she is getting heavier!!

I think I will use the MIMS sling this second time still, and maybe the beco when the child is older. But I have a toddler who doesn't like to be in a pram! so I don't know how. Maybe I will carry the toddler / or let her walk and put the infant in the pram instead!

morning .. do you gals have any gastric ?? I been suffering of gastric these few days .. whatever in whatever out til my gastric cant go off ..

amelia, i do at initial stage. u can take mylanta. my gynae prescribed it for my gastric but u can buy at pharmacies. jsut follow instructions on the bottle.

crystal, ya loh, it was quite exciting. And usually whatever i watch b4 I sleep will sort of affect my dreams that night.

tenq, hahaha... maybe next time u can listen to some soothing music before sleeping to calm urself first?

wonder where is our stefie and milo...

crystal that'll be the baby bjorn or similar category then. it offers a face-front position. but can only take up to 12 kg i think. the bjorn synergy sports can take up to 15 or 18kg... but i think more builky leh. ergo is the most comfrotable so far, for baby n mommy. from the user reviews i've come across.

TenQ - wah u r so on! the show nice anot? yes me also lookoing forward to 5.30pm, hehe..

Chilli- gooooood to see you again!!! i've been wondering how u've been, haven't seen you for the longest time. feeling better liao? i heard abt the beco also, designs nicer... haha.. but end up still got the ergo... it's a really good buy though these ones are more expensive. they're really mroe ergonomically designed to support the back better. i think sometimes there r BPs on these carriers. very good deals. i got mine about $220... BP here able to get it at ard $160-170!

i also agree, sling probably better for younger babies, than the ergo/beco and the likes when the baby gets heavier. BUT best is to train the baby to like the pram... easiest in the long run. otherwise can be a back breaking business carrying them all the time!

Amelia - could it be the food? or lack of it? do see ur dr if still unwell. can imagine it muz be very distressing.

hi yvaine, thansk for the heads up on the different brands. i'll go and try them on thur hahaha.. see how i feel hehe.. wahh slings not cheap hor.

crystal: i will go to pharmacy n buy .. cant take it already

yvaine: i think could be lack of it coz no matter what is going in will be coming out .. that's y no food in the stomach n all acid only ..

Crystal, ya soothing music is good for bb development too right? haha.

Yvaine, that's the problem with having a TV in the bedroom. You can't resist watching it b4 gg to bed.

crown - i'm sure u can... they're generally quite understanding where preggers are concerned. but r u able to take time-off from your work? if so, it's better, can it's unofficial n not documented. but if cannot, then, take i'm sure u can ask for mc. just say u r not well n need to rest. the gynaes are generally quite ok. u doing it soon?

Amelia - hope it gets better soon. better double check with the pharmacist abt pregnancy contraindications hor!

TenQ - aiyo... thats true. move the tv out then! hsahahaha... me also, i'll need time to wind down befor ei sleep otherwise mind very active. sotthing music to wind down is a good idea indeed

yvaine, the prob is my boss still duno yet. then i am only seeing gynae in the evening at 6.30.

10.30 is the scan

amelia, yes i tink u shld take it. But be forewarned that u may puke immediately so standby in the toilet or a plastic bag.

tenq, yes yes haha... my hb will DL alot of soothing music etc on his iphone so nightly will play for bb to listen. good way to zzz for me hahaha.

crown - oh i see... how far r u in the pregnancy? u intend to let your boss know soon? that'll save you quite a bit of mc. cause u never know, towards 2nd and 3rd trimester, you may need the mc more u see. so now if you can conserve your mc, you might want to do so. how many days you have, 7 or 14days? if 7, try to conserve, but if 14, then can a bit more liberal taking them hahah.. maybe call your clinic to check if they'll issue mc for that? but i personally think if you tell your dr you didn't go to work cause very exhausted or from the puking or just feeling unwell etc, your dr won't be so inhuman to say "too bad, i refuse to give you mc" bah...

i got 14 day leave and 30 day MC. i am waiting for first trimester to be over then let him know. i think should be able to get MC from doc in the evenin ba

Hi moms,

Hope everyone has a good rest during the weekend.

Counting down to my 12weeks this coming sat and oscar next monday.


basically anything thats raw,undercooked,do not take.

Limit urself to caffeine under 200mg everyday.

Maybe cause this is my 2nd pregnancy, i am not so worried, i do take coffee once every2,3days. I still take salads without caesar,thousand island dressings though. Most of the time is balsamic.

Those cheese thats not preocessed also have to be avoided.

Basically white meat like chix,fish are good for us and babe.

amuro, how much is 200mg of caffeine? i take lipton tea 1 cup a day without sugar when i'm working. but i dun let the teabag soak for long.

Hi All,

Anyone done OSCAR test already? can someone tell me how is the procedure like? and the waiting time at TMC? Many thanks

actually alot of them guess already but i dun wan to say. cos previously i keep on putting on weight when i have high prolactin. at that time, a few of them got scolded by me cos keep asking if i am P. now they dun dare to ask liao lor, hahaha

yes crown, the mc was given by gynae for the oscar scan checkup.

hi Ethan, i got my appt at 830am. reached TMC ard 745 then go hav breakfast. registered ard 825am and then waited for only 10mins, my name was called to go in for the scan.

The sonographer will take all the measurement and check on baby poisition. baby was cooperative. then my hb was called in to see baby heartbeat and wave and kick.

by 910am, i was out of the room and done.

my gf waited for 3 hours cos she didnt managed to get an appt from the gynae.

oh i see, stefie exams...

crown - hahaha... well anyway juz a little ways to go. but if your scan goes well will you consider sharing with them? twins sure get lots of attention de, heheh

hi , anyone know if we miss this motherhood fair at expo, when's the next one coming up? now like too early to buy some stuff ...haha ...

Hi crystal,

A cup is about 200mg. Not mug yah.

Hi Jolin,

You can change ur gynae now, but maybe not advisable after your 20th weeks as most of your details,information and all is with the existing gynae.

Hi Jolin,

u can change anytime if u dont feel good with your gynae. Lucky i change mine as i was given wrong info about bb size and weeks. i just feel glad i change. Thanks

thanks amuro and Ethan !

so do you ask to bring along yr past records from previous doctor to the "new" doctor ?

my reason for changing was because of $$

i have quited my job, will be a stay home mum-to-be, so wanna save some $$ for my hubby

Yvaine, actually I can't wait to show everyone my ultrasound pic and tel them I am P. But I scare so keep quiet first. I am very excited cos this is my first time being mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just came back from gynae. He checked the baby and placenta and all are ok. Said the brown discharge is old blood and can be due to anything, like a burst blood vessel in the cervix that may happen when you strain, cough or sneeze. Told me to come back only when the discharge turn to bright red.

