(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Oh.. I'm hoping tat my baby can come out 10-10-10 or


Hehe my edd is 21-10-2010. So mb baby choose to come out 1 day earlier? Haha..

Suwaiwai ya lor! I was also asking the nurse that the VE was done more than 5 days ago leh.. how come now then got blood.. she said it is possible. Hmm.. tomorrow check with gynae again..

I see blood I scare liao. =P


hehehe..where's everybody ah???

so quiet today!!


Glad that you are feeling much better!You must rest too!!Take care


I think it will happened in all hospitals as it is always the case!The can nvr confirmed the room status until the exact day!Because it is supposed to be first come first served basis[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Unfortunately[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It depends on luck!Really!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good luck to you then ..hope you can get your desire room!

AS for me,I WILL STILL WANT MY SINGLE ROOM!!!!wahhahaahha


Yah ,Jade was born 180308!!!MY GOD!!THat day was chaotic man!!Damn Heng that i got my singe room!Somemore the midwives kept saying that day was like madhouse!HAHAHHAHH!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Steamboat sounds great!! Yummy! Think I'm going to have it tis Sun while watching the F1 race on TV keke =D

Shiok to have it on a rainy day!!!


Take it easy and dun stress yrself! Happy Mommy = Happy Baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babydes: Don't worry! Accordingly, "show" can appear for awhile before real labour contractions kick in! As long as your blood colour is not bright bright red, it shouldn't be a cause for concern! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babydes... if I see blood I also scare!! Who will think its cos of something that happened the wk before??!!

heavy rain at my office. sky really dark and got thunder.

no coconut tonight as hubby got to work late [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

After lunch felt tummy ache, then go lie dwn, who know i knock off immediately till 3plus. hahaha..

Lilbluey, how come you in office? Thought Dr Lim ask you to bedrest huh huh? You need to rest more wor.. Now already can hear the F1 zoom zoom noise liao ah?! so early!

Apple good to hear that from you. Remember to keep yourself happy ya. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Empress, Princess Diamond, jadefeet and diveera.

Diveera, take bus one stop never mind. As long as u minimise movement when u feel uncomfortable is money well spent.

Etelle ...

Me have always opted for double room cos we stay v v near to MAH so doesnt make sense for us to pay a couple of hundreds more to have my hubby stay over. I visited my fren and her's was converted which I tot was ok heehee

Jadefeet ...

Dunno abt GlenE though =p

Princess Dia ...

Yar man ... Jade's yr even worse ... cos 2008 somemore hahaha my #2 is exactly 1 yr younger than Jade =p

Oh diveera, My midwife Will Côme n see me later but most likely i decided to pump liao. Latching seems difficult for both of us and i am not sure how much she drinks or if she gets sufficient milk or not.

Thanks Empress, xin, babydes, suwaiwai.

Babydes, sûre sûre. I Think most impt must bitte thru thé bullet n Think that tomolo Will be a better day. Everyday smooth smooth i Will be very happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin2, u mean the upgrade was only for 1 night and still got to move back? Wow, I cannot imagine if my SO unpacked everything and all my stuff are ard the place. Have to repack and pack again... think my SO will faint.

Can I ask abt BW? I know the topic already covered... I already have an appt to do BW at Strip coz at my last appt, gynae says dunno if I will turn to C-section, so she said shd go and do BW 1st.


- which type of BW should I do for C-section? Coz I'm a BW virgin, if it's for C-section, shd I get the one w/ 1 strip/something remaining or should be everything off??

- what happens if I do BW now but bb is overdue e.g. I have abt 2 weeks' worth of hair by the time I deliver?? Will the hospital shave me as long as I have some hair? Won't it be even more painful since the hair is so short? (P.S. my hospital is KK, not too sure if the hospital policy is diff from hospital to hospital)

Thanks in advance...

Thanks lilbluey and Ivy too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hopefully today and get everything org, n everything Will be a breeze. Yipee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just woke up from my nap. Was in half awake half asleep state throughout so didn't get much rest.


Congrats on the arrival of baby Rhea!! So happy for you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The bleeding episode must have been quite a scare! Glad you are okay. My gynae told me a few weeks ago that if I see blood, just go back clinic see him. Unless got a lot of fresh blood or blood clots then need to go hospital.


Wah, you're getting the hang of looking after an infant already! Are you still latching her on or just pump only?


You waiting for hubby to come back open coconut for you?

Just received news that my friend just gave birth also. Very cute baby boy le. But hers is only 5 days earlier than EDD! So happy for her! Waiting for my turn now. Hoho!!


Tdy will be my 2nd last day of work, actually my boss said it's ok for me to go on leave from nxt Mon onwards...

However, there's a newcomer coming in nxt wk to cover my duties then workload for Mon is oso going to be heavy, so Mon I will still come in then my official leave frm Tues onwards...heee....hopefully from there on I can rest sufficiently well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, ha ha my house dont stock coconut. so need him to buy coconuts!

going home now. bye mommies. Have good weekend

Congrats Vivian! Finally bb Rhea arrives. Do upload her pics when you can and rest well.

Lilbluey, ya i understand, esp when you got to handover things to people.. tht's the stressful part I find lor. Sometimes you will worry poeple cannot cope as well. Now I also hack care liao, since nxt wk onwards I'm officially on ML lor. Ngiak ngiak ngiak! just had a last call with my ang moh boss and that's it. Dang dang dang dang! I'm washing my hands off work till nxt year! and Helo bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jacq, hope you are feeling better after taking your nap.

wei wei starry

how ar eyou feeling?better???


wow!That sounds like tons of work to handover !!Remember to take a breather!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Happy for you!!!


Wah...all going on ML liao!!GOOD GOOD!!HAPPY for you ladies..take time off to rest your body for the big DAY!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

Better, but still a bit woozy. Hey, any idea if the drowsy medication I took will make baby drowsy also huh?


Your EDDis very very near already! Glad that you started on your ML. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My boss juz told me the one going to assist out is coming in only on Tues! too bad lar cannot save them leow wahahaha ;p~

I juz come in on Mon and cleared the load and tht's it! keke....

Too bad I can't do a proper handover becos of last min circumstances...

The worst was my boss tendered his resignation! so by the time I'm back he won't be ard anymore... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Haiz sadz....

Princess Dia,

Actually given only 1 day, it's v v tough to do a handover, now dunnit leow lor *good luck* to them man


Shave there yourself ah? Sound so risky. I want to trim but realized tat I cannot see there for a few weeks liao. Hb offered to help but e tot so uber scary lor. Lol.


Handover done and now you get your well-deserved break. Rest well and wait for baby's arrival! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Zuen, jadefeet,

I also very tempted to shave myself but I cannot see!! My bathroom mirror can only see from chest level up. Hubby won't dare to shave for me one lor. Maybe should explore wax strips. Then at least won't be itchy and scratchy.


yea,then that's too bad for them la..YOur much needed rest is more important and last min kinda job is always endless..there is "these" much you can do to help!Happy for you....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


very steady!Look at the mirror and shaved ah?Best lor!I look at the mirror oso cannot see!!wahahhahhahaha...LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ASk your hb for help lerrrrr...so dangerous!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes Starry.. really paranoid when see blood! =P luckily turn out to be nothing...

Hope u are feeling better... flu best is to take the med and rest n rest. Drink more water too!

Lilbluey no F1 for me this yr too. At least u can still hear the engines purr from your office.. I can only watch from TV.


glad that you are a lil better..thank God you have the weekend to rest[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im not too sure if the meds you take will caused the bb drowsy but i personally think it will cos whatever we eat they eats as well..so im not surprised if they actually do absorb the meds..

BUt it will be ok de...don't worry!

LilBluey ...

Me oso starting to do up my hand over list liao ... q shiok hahaha too bad for them lar ... since the guy can only come in on Tues then your boss got to brief him lor!

I actually pity the guy who is covering you hahaha


with regards to the green seedless thai lemon... its 0.45cents per 100 gram.

7 of it will cost you about $2.15 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haah just got from Shop n Save =)

Just had juice from 1 lemon mixed with cold water and honey... yum yum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey ladies..

Im seeing some of you actually drink the lemon with honey!Honestly...that's my own concoction le...i dunno got any effect onot cos IRISH SUGGESTED ONLY LEMON WITH WATER AH...so don't get the wrong concoction hor!!!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

Felt that Jadelyn was 'drowsy' just now as I don't really feel her moving much in the afternoon. Now ok le.


Yeah, dunking water now and keep running to the loo. Hee!

Cin cin,

Thanks for the info! Will hunt for these elusive green lemons tomorrow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond.. i add honey cos i have gastric haha.. might be too sour for stomach if its just lemon juice and water.. so i added honey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry.. good luck !! kee kee

Melissa, one of these days i sure K.O. one..

congrats Vivian!! pics pls!

Re; green lemon juice

i too lazy to buy honey, i add sugar ley.. muahaha. anyhow make my own concoction. hopefully my baby will be fair n sweet :p

libluey and babydes..

no F1 for me also... even though HB has 2 pairs of Fri - Sun tickets !!!

Balloted and won 6 pairs of NDP actual day tickets also...right at the centre facing the padang...

Had to give it up too!!!!

can cry ah.... heart pain pain ...

Starry me too. Keep drinking water and going to the loo... These few weeks I seem to be thirsty all the time! N I crave for cold drinks! Ice water also good! hehe..

The green lemons i think also selling at some of the NTUC. It's placed together with the limes. But NTUC labelled it as Big limes. And they have seeds not like the ones in Giant. They taste the same to me.


my gynae's instruction was I can wax latest 4 days before c section and it's only bikini wax not all the way to V. Maybe u can check with your gynae., y r u going for c section? 2 weeks before op by then sure got hair growth n the nurse will shave for u again... That's my tot..

I got full length mirror in bathroom so just try lo.. But later will ask DH to remove my nail polish.. For sure I can't reach my toes...


I was discharged this morning. Still hv contractions but not pain. Doc say it's up to baby now...see when she wanna come out.

I went back to sch just now to handover some stuffs n also to pack. Now gg to Fullerton for dinner. Hope baby won't be tired out.

U take care! Rest more.

I'm craving for COCONUT JUICE!!! But dunno hv contraction can drink or not cos it's cooling. But I'm feeling heaty cos at MAH they keep giving me Milo.

Good evening all,

I am selling 3 bottles of confinement red wine.

Letting go at $15 each.

Avent single breastpump @ $180(u.p $299), used for 2 weeks+ only. Will include Avent breast shell, nipple protector and Avent Thermo bag.

Avent warmer @ $30(u.p $79.90), used less than 3 times. Will include NUK 0-6 months pacifier.

Pls pm me for more details.


Glad you are discharged le. Rest well at home! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Probably best to avoid coconut for now? If everything ok then drink next week bah!


You pumping every 2-3 hours?

Suddenly so quiet tonight?

Jac, yar I mainly pump If I leak or feel sore. I leak like every 2-3hrs leh dep. The whole shirt can go wet lor.

Jadefeet, thanks for the info on waxing. My last gynae visit I was talking to her abt BW, she didn't correct me to say only need to wax e bikini area.... think I shd check again like u said.

Nail polish... I long time ago cannot reach my toes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] When I heard from my gynae have to remove nail polish before delivery, I cancelled my mani pedi appt. No pt spend e $ look nice nice and still got to remove. Will go aft bb is born/confinement.

Apple, do u have BM collection shells? I saw them online... supposedly can help in collecting the BM leakages so they dun go to waste.

Starry, Princess Dia,

when I was leaving office my boss asked me if I can come in on Tues as well? Bleah..:S

He never forced me lar just ask me think abt it.. Diao diaoz..


Same thots I pity the guy who is going to handle my stuff good luck to him! :p

Hope he won't disappear after 1st day of work! Wahaha..



it's ok to miss tis year lar not much of a big deal bb is more impt than anything else since every year also abt the same grp of pple racing for the title haha :p~

Btw are u feeling better? Seeing yr gynae later right?

Cin cin,

u are really lucky!! I oso got a pair of VIP tickets due to my job bt unfortunately circumstances wise doesnt permit my attendance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but it's ok lar since it's a yearly affair..

