(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Yes..so UNGLAM is the word!!tsk tsk tsk..but ah...i don't find my pillow wet or i smell in the morning le...?wahahhaaa[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


he is the one that is waking me up with his snore lor....sounds like a dinosaur...and this morning Jade had a nightmare,so HB brought her to our room and sleep with!Can't sleep!!!I ve got a dinosaur and a bb dinosaur sleeping with me..!Both snored so loudly!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]LOL....


Thanks Melissa, Snoopy, Jac.

I can't do much at home because of my pain down there. Feel so useless, pek chek and even got the thot of shld not have given birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now Hb is doing almost everything cos I m in such pain. I only get up to pump and feed but till feel pain. Hating myself quite a bit becos of the pain. Otherwise I can hElp to do many other things.

starry, princess d> Hubby also said I snore very loud now. I never snore before too..

And I always drool! Can't help it. Too much saliva now becoz of pregnancy. I also have several occurrence of saliva goes out of my mouth when talking/laughing :S.

My friend just gave birth in Mt Alvernia yesterday. She's in her Week 40 of pregnancy. 3 days ago when she go to her gynea to check, the gynea said still no sign of delivery, and asked her to come back yesterday. Who knows yesterday she gave birth already..

I'll go and visit her today to hear the full story. hehehe..

Princess Dia,

Same here has been drinking alot of water tis days but I guess it helps to cool down our body, everyday I feel like a furnace then even at office when everyone is wearing thick sweaters I'm fanning myself away and complaining hot! lolx ;p~


Yeah! Hope u can see yr gal gal real soon!! =D

Probably bb is burrowing herself into the birth position..


U are prob the oni one ard here who says u feel 'light' & 'free' keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good for you!

Now I only pump out and give milk.

I want to ask how much shld a one week old be drinking huh?

princess_d.. y are u staring at yr nose? lol.. actually i realised my nose getting bigger and rounder and oiler by the day..urgh

jac, princess_d, i just wanna know if this is prelabor symptom then how long till i see babbyyyyyyyy~ ive been chirpy for 5 days already.

actually here's the even weirder thing, i can feel baby hiccups in my butt.. lol


It IS nesting instinct and it means due date is near! You go google abt it and will find that many women are like you, suddenly got this burst of energy and then they will deliver very soon. Excited?? Heh heh!!


Oh, you too eh? Guess it is common then! Maybe the womb pressing on diaphragm and making it difficult for us to breath when lying down.

Princess d,

Jade also snores arh?? Haha!! Really like papa dinosaur then! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hang in there...Once you are home..things will be naturaly different and a lil more stressful!We all gone through that and some of you might experience the same thing esp if it syour first time!

Let your HB do what he can do most for the time being while you jsut rest and make sure your wound are well taken care and your emotions stabilized![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You are better at least you talk it out and know that you are in such mood!Some don't even aware and throw theri frustrations on bb!!

If you have the time while Hebe is sleeping,do take a rest along and turn on a soothing music to calm yourself down!Let your HB know how are you feeling and asked him to be patient with everything!These feling will slowly fades off!

Take care dear....Everytime you feel thta bad,Take a deep deep breath and start over again![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Emmie, Ivy, lilbluey. Now at home I dun feel good also because my bed cannot be adjusted. Feel so much pain when trying to get up and down. Can't turn when sleeping too. So frustrating. I walk like preg time too, very slowly.

Cyn thanks, congrats poppyseed and waiting to hear Vivian latest update.


Must be your baby head down there and when hiccuping you feel her 'in the butt'! So cuuute!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yea,tell me about the heat!!!i take cold shower and blast my aircon!!!!can't believe this man..despite of the amount of water im drinkin...im still asking for more!!!LOL


A 1 week old bb should be drinking approx 40-50ml and slowly increased!If you are feeding her BM,ensure she is drinking your hindsmilk more to get her fuller!!IF she is only drinking your expressed foremilk ,maybe 50-60ml isght not be enough and that's when she will kept asking for more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If you suspect that she is not drinking enough,try to feed her a lil more on her next feeding and monitor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah..i ve got a pimple on my nose!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]HATE IT![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]lol

Ermm....those prelabor symptoms usually comes 1-2 weeks b4 EDD..which means..maybe anytime lor...can't tell you when but usually very soon...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yea!They both snores...very loudly!!!THat's why i said to my MIL...they both got the same diets,character and habits!!!!Even the way they both sleeps!the same![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey Apple, should be happy u're at home. no more dealing with tactless french nurses.

Wah, where is vivian. can't wait to hear gd news!

Lilbluey, kjhekher.. i never thot i will describe myself as light and free at this stage. but dats how i feel, dats y i can mop the hse. i swear if u ask me to run, i will do it! actually my tummy really big ley now. as big as princess_d's. just now the 7-11 lady downstairs was staring at my tummy and asked when due? i so paisey want to say oct.. i jut say soon, soon..:p

jac, i dun want to google and bring my hopes up high. Skali baby come out on due date.. i will eberyday sit at home feel depress

anyone know how long can we keep those unopen coconut?

I ve got 2 unopen but it was since last week Hb bought it..think coming 1 week liao..still can consumed onot ah?


Try to get up and move about more so that you will recover faster *shoo shoo* the pain away real soon!

Princess Dia,

Hot until cmi leh -_-"" veri frustrated when I get too hot!!!!


U really feel good at tis stage! Whoa! U are prob the one who still has the energy and stamina to run even!! kekeke ;p~

I can oni be confined to bed rest to prevent stressing out my body further -_-""


Enjoy and make full use of the energy you have now...your last 2 weeks is purely for relax!

To me,i can't sit still !Even on the very last day b4 the BIG DAY!hahhahahah..i would rather walk and move about!Hate to sit and lie down..so much pain to get up!WAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But then,having said that..must be careful when you ar edoing house chores like moping andwet floor k...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Dia ...

Can still consume if it still look 'pretty' ... I bought mine like for almost 2 weeks ... still taste v good when I drank 1 a few days ago.

Apple ...

Agree with LilBluey ... you got to get down and start walking so that you can speed up your recovery. My gynae tells me that he only allow me to rest on bed for half a day ... after that he expects me to come down and start walking asap.

My fren was sharing that when she pop at #1 at Mt A ... the nurse kept coming and ask her to get down the bed and walk. She was so pissed and had to do it cos they KEPT coming in and she was in pain.

She delivered at East Shore for her #2 ... the nurses just left her alone and never force her to walk. But she compared her recovery for both ... her #1 was MUCH MUCH faster. So she said ... when she look back ... should have just bear with the pain and start moving about.

For BM ... its usually 1-2oz for 1 week old baby =)

Marissa ...

Well done!! Look like you are ever ready now heehee

princess_d, i still drink my unopened coconut a week+ after i bought it. as long as it's chilled in fridge, no prob

jac, lol it's funny everytime she hiccup, my butt went tingling. my hubby kept telling baby to come out fast.. like y u want to stay in mummy's butt. so smelly in there.. hmmph :|

but i realised she hiccups more these days, should i be worried ah?

princess_d thanks! actually i was tempted to scrub my toilet this morning. aiyah, im sure one of these days im going to K.O. coz too hyper already

Good morning everyone!

My baby girl is due on 2 Oct and like Teoong, hearing so many popping stories is making me really excited! Everyday I wake up and wonder if today is going to be The Day!

I had been experiencing sporadic cramps together with contractions these past few days, esp at night when I sleep. All these pre-labour symptoms are making me really anxious and I have been feeling rather emotional too and poor hubby has been on the receiving end of my mood swings, really need to say sorry to him who had been nothing but sweet and understanding throughout the past 39 weeks!

After birth - my mom also said to come down and walk as soon as possible after birth (for both natural and c-sec) this will aid recovery.

sundrops, im sure yr hubby will understand. its e pregnancy hormones dats making all of us mad!

a fren called me yest to say that yest was 'full moon' and that its common for ppl to give birth during full moon. I actually went out and looked for e moon.. full moon my a**. i'm still pregnant.. lol!

thanks SeaBreeze and Marrisa

Ok ok!!i left with 2 in the fridge but lately i was out most of the time and forget to aske Hb to open it up for me!

Hi sundrops,

Hope to hear good news from you soon!Is getting so much nearer for you eh..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it is quite true!Even my gynae encourage me to walk more...cos sitting down will cause more pain[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah yah yah!!!HAHAHHAHAHHAA......Full moon my A*$

I got the same comment from some ppl too!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have been on leave since 13 Sep, thinking that baby should arrive two weeks before EDD! Now I am starting to wonder if she will only arrive after EDD since my mum told me I was an overdue baby too. Haha, dunno what to do with all these time on my hands!

Marrissa, I LOL when I saw your message on the full moon lor. So funni leh.

Welcome sundrops! Did your gynae estimate when bb will be due? Mine tell me anytime after 39wks, but i still don't have the feeling that she is coming out anytime soon. Tmr going to see gynae again lor..

Princess, like the rest said so long the coconut is put in the fridge n still looks okay can drink one. I also drink the coconuts that was in my fridge for almost 2wks. Some ntuc got put expiry date on it leh.. Like Jacq lor, i think we women are better with hsechores, i ask my hubby to open the coconut for the first time, I see that he nearly wana spoilt the knife. Then I took over from him lor and teach him. hahaa.. come to think of it, they are funni when trying to open the coconut, so clumsy! :p

Cravings, I've been having lots of cravings these days leh. All these while, no cravings thru'out the pregnancy. Probably my body is telling me to wack all the food before bb due, hahaa.. now I craved for Char Kway Tiao with more chilli. Yum yum!

Welcome Sundrops,

Are u expecting your first child? Boy or Gal? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Full Moon,

Tis year Mid-Autumn Moon is the smallest for the past 18 years wor...normally there's some sayings that Full Moon more pple will conceive wahahaha ;p~

Thanks Seabreeze! The dropcups ones are really cheap! Did you get your usual sizing?

Princess D,

Ya, I doubt she ever bf before. She also kept staring at my breast, then I told her I want C cup after trying, she said all her nursing bra the largest size only come in B cup. Then kept staring at my breast like as if in doubt of my sizing. U really champion leh, still wanna go walk walk. Also good, maybe your labour will be faster this way. I really gave up, too tired to walk around. I dun remember I was that ‘xin ku’ when I had #1. Now under house arrest by my hb after he found out I went out alone ytd! Kekekeke….


Or probably this is your #1 and bb doing good, so he just kept to 2 weeks appt. Coz my #1 out at 37 weeks and this is my #2, so he might be thinking this one also might be early. And yes, nursing bra better to get one cup bigger, u need space for engorgement too. The wrong size one, u just wear when your breast not engorge lor. Dun waste.


Me! I also keep feeling bb ‘barrowing’ down there, esp in the night! Was so worried my waterbag will burst anytime!


Try the salt method. Put some salt in a pail of hot water and sit over it. Let the steam heal the wound. I did that when I had #1, my wound heal within a week. Not sure whether this really helps, but no harm trying. This was taught by an elderly auntie in my ex-company. And yes, walking does help to heal faster. I was down from bed walking around on the same day I gave birth.


Relax, do things you wanna do now b4 bb comes. Go for movie or slow walk with hb. When bb is here, won’t have so much time to ‘appreciate’ each other.

Teoong: I actually had a false alarm on Tuesday. Was feeling contractions and menstrual like cramps at night from 1am till 7am. I thought this must be it! So I trooped down to my gynae's in the morning with my hospital bag in hand to check if I was in labour. He did a VE and told me, "Not time yet, your cervix is still very much closed!"

So in the end, I was sent home after doing the CTG. I was like, "You mean I am not even 1cm dilated after all the pain?"

He told me the most likely period of popping for most women would be in the 38-39 weeks of pregnancy but like you, I also don't have the "feeling" except that I can feel baby's head pressing against my bladder these few days. I am seeing my gynae tmr too!


just came back from gynae's appt.. no sign of labor yet. but she said anytime... today my 37w+4d...

only measure the water level. didn't even get a printout of the ultrasound... or measure her current weight... only saw her littles fingers opening and closing like waving..

well.. just leave to her to decide when to come out liao.

whoah, the thread is so exciting!!

Congrats to poppyseed and Vivian! Vivian really shocked me sia... Suddenly jumped Q so fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pearlyn and nycmum: gd to know you girls are better too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] rmb to have more bed rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac, seabreeze

Rest well and take care! To all mummies not feeling that well at the moment, pls rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess D

Thanks for asking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ytd I concussed in the afternoon, woke up and had dinner, took medicine and concussed again.. Throughout the night still experiencing tightening but not as bad as those on Tuesday so shld be ok. Doc says must must eat the ventolin pills so I don't dare joke around also.. Hopefully I can tahan till tues and see what gynae says again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Meanwhile I've to rest all I can.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You are in 39 weeks liao! I hope my come out in 37 weeks. Jia you.


Dun get too upset ya. It will pass. I rem when my DD just came back and kept waking up for pro-long night feed, I had phobia when the night came. Hohoho. But Ok after awhile. Talk to us ya. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilbluey, teoong, princess_d.. my fren was explaining in scientific terms how the planets align yesterday and cause push/pull gravity which can cause tidal waves to change and waterbags to break,. muahahaha! y the hell did i listen to her.. i actually LOOKED for the moon ley!

teoong, my hubby same also. I was THIS close to opening the coconut and he saw, and said he will do it for me. So i let him took over and he was strugling and strugling.. lol. i told its ok, i gave 1 good hack using back of the knife and 'pop', got hole on coconut.

arrghhhh..went to order more shower gel!

Damn addictive..in 12 weeks im almost done with half of the btl!!hahahahahhaha


My Hb also spoilt the chopper last round he tried opening the coconut!LOL

They look especiall silly when trying to help something which is not their forte!wahahhahhahaha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahhaha..i still can walk!!I will walk till i give birth!Hb oso worried but he knows that i can't sit still typ but no choice to follow me lor!!

There's a BP going on selling nursing bra but didn't asked much!Nice prints tho!..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You mustn't go out alone now...(AHEM LOOKS WHO"S TALKING EH>>)lol,your HB must have freak out!!!

But is best to go out with someone at least la....i dunno where shall i go tmrw..feel like going for nasi padang at Joochiat!!YUM YUM!!WIll see how's my pimple doing first!!hahah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahhaha....full moon is the best time to get conceived!!!Usually ppl said,that's the time where MEN ARE "HIGH" in MODE!!!hahahhaha.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Bb still very comfy inside..hehehe...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let's wait again la....longer they stay...more they grow![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


GOod to hear that you are better!Yes,should rest as much as you can now cos you are still early rite?Bed rest helps b to grow too!SO both mommy n bb are at advantage!Till gynae gives you a green light.....then be more cautious when move about...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow!!hahahhaa....im sure there are some facts on what your friend said but the water bag burst........................ermmmmm...............LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yanling - My gynae said its important to measure the water level as if its getting lower it could mean the cord may entangle the baby's neck which is very dangerous.

wooo... all this coconut make me feel like drinking one now but alas office nearby dont sell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] got to wait till to9

Congrats to mummies who have popped!!!


thanks for all the advice.. think i better dont fix anything now... since I will not leave the kids alone with the maids..no point going thru all the hassle.. hate all the setting up n wiring...

Tomorrow will be my D-day... praying hard my contractions will not worsen and can tahan....

Any suggestion where can I go for nice beef n sashimi??

tot of sneaking out for a quick dinner with hub...

Jadefeet: Jiayou! Are you going for c-section tmr?

Depending on whether you wish to travel, there is a nice Jap restaurant at Goldhill Plaza called Matsuo. Often packed with Japanese patrons whenever I go there for lunch.

Argghhh, chemical cleaning for e aircon in my office. It is horn stuffy now. Sob, I feel like dying liao. Cannot concentrate on work lor. Sian.

Hi Mummies...

Congrats to the mummies who popped!! So exciting to come online cos I always see mummies popping! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking abt coconut.. I had a minor accident with mine 2 days ago. My HB so sweet chopped 2 coconuts for me and kept the meat and juice in a metal container. Had my 1st helping then greedy wanted more and esp wanted to eat the meat... but the container was condensing so slippery and I dropped the container UPSIDE DOWN on the kitchen counter!! sob sob.. was so tempted to eat/ lick from the counter!!! sigh so wasted..

Oh I went for my CTG scan yest.. was having contractions 9 mins apart but I didn't really feel them le.. Gynae did VE and cervix still closed so I guess its false labour.. does this mean that BB will pop out soon??!! HB and I got a shock when we heard the news cos EDD suppose to be 13 Oct.

Btw BB has been very very active.. is this normal so late into the pregnancy??


yeah 2ml is the c section...

very excited now... wonder what will be the BB's weight... i have lost 1.5kg since last Sat... duno if BB can hit 3kg or not...

Princess D

i also like Tatsuya..

I am in dilemma if i shld go out tonight cos my contractions are hitting very hard now... same as u, last night was horrible, the chest was so so pain that i tot i am dying of heart attack, the pain spread to my backbone.. cant breathe...


Yea,go out for a walk?WHy can't they do it like after office hour or at least during Lunch time?Grrrr......


Oopppss.....ask your HB to buy more..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's actually quite normal to feel some contractions at this time as our body are preparing for the big day![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

NOt coming out soon but it might happened..since your cervix still close,guess you still have at least 2 weeks..haha..my guess la...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bb has less space to move so even with his small movement,you will fell him more![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]its normal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]|

