(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


it's possible for you to have this surge of energy if you're very well rested. then you'll start to spring clean the whole house, before you know it, you might feel like you got hit by a truck the very next day.. kekeke.. just be careful in your activities although, being active does help to speed up labour but it'll tire you out easily.

mommies, i'm sharing your excitement waiting for the D-Day. now i'm very sian in confinement. two weeks have passed, left another two weeks more but my mom told me to do 40-days confinement and do the last post-natal massage before my independence day. listening about your coconut drink stories drives me nuts! i love coconut drink, even if i'm not pregnant! now i'm just feeling hot hot hot and eating too many heaty food. some days i just heck care, on aircon and sleep haha.. or get sips of cold milk if i cannot tahan the heat.



Hmmmm......... bring your hospital bag along??????Goodwood park very near GEH!!hhehehhee.....nah,im just kidding ah!if you ar enot feeling to good to leave your house,then better stay at home for some home cooked food or ta pau some fav local food to eat in ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Afternoon mummies,

congrats poppyseed!

so exciting to hear so many mummies popping. Wonder when isit going to be my turn? Next week will be week37 already.

Can i ask if it is normal to feel tummy tighter nowadays? especially when standing. I can feel liked whole tummy very tight feeling. liked gonna burst. It's getting so difficult to walk. But sitting down after a while will backache.


Wish that u have a smooth delivery tml. Keep us updated and enjoy ur dinner.

Yesterday night have 3 episodes of contraction + sharp intense pain that last for about 5 sec. Then this morning another 2 times of such...but it din get regular or more intense...so i presume its not...ut BHC not suppose t be painful hor...

wonder will bb come before induce or on induce date...

Coconut Juice

never a fan of cocout drink...never drink before also..LOL...this pregnancy drank 2 times le..just had another cup today...hb went to buy so have to drink ...LOL...anyway drink for what? smooth deliver or for clean baby?

Princess D,

cannot pop today... already selected an auspicious time liao.. final leg... as what u say.. stay at home n da bao...

eat after confinement... i miss sashimi!!!


i have the same tight feeling... like going to explode..its muscle stretching feeling..

Ade ...

For the drop cup, wired one ... I ordered my current size but find that the cutting is abit small on the chest. So you might want to order just 1 size bigger.

I didnt order 1 cup bigger cos I plan to use the padded with wire one only when I return to work. And for my past experience ... my cup size didnt change much. I bought the eternity and the leisure one which are more generous with the cup space to be used during confinement.

Had a working lunch meeting ... ate fish bee hoon soup ... hope I dun feel hungry later hahaah


for clean baby le. i only drank once during pregnancy surprisingly.. but how to tell if baby is clean? i think he is le. not much vernix covering.

hey it does sound like your labour is coming soon. i had 2 nights of contraction before the real mccoy. daytime dun have lei. but reach hospital for normal checkup 2 days later, already 3cm dilated. after VE lagi worse, regular contraction plus 4cm dilated and baby very low hence had to deliver on the same day.

Jadefeet.. do take care and good luck for tomor!! So exciting huh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess D, I'm already Wk 37 D3, so another 2 wks means Wk 39.. ok ok.. I shld be patient.. really got a shock yest tho! hehe.. HB immediately went home and washed all the paddings on the baby car seat and stroller! haha we have this stupid lizard roaming our home.. HB was super pissed with it cos its shitting everywhere, he said he will cling wrap the stroller and car seat after they've been washed.


Pei fu le.. can still mop the house!! I just wanna nua all the time!! hehe


ya.. i kept telling hb that it is liked the balloon going to burst liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Then can feel liked baby is being pushed forward lor. Aiyo.. poor baby.. no space for him liao.


Im just guessing la..but is good to be prepared anytime cos you already pass your week37[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hehehe..good luck and keep us inform k[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HAHA...then better stay at home and stop thinking of SASHIMI LORR!!hahhaha.....thats why i better make full use of my HB and next week b4 gynae ask me to go in on my next check up!heheheh..LOL

I ve been telling bb to be good and wait till after 30th!

I want to feast and enjoy!

I got my Plan liao..

in case on the 29th (my next check up) gynae aske me to go in,i will chum shion for another day....if ok

then i will go PAragon,to do my hair treatment and blow nice nice!

then go and eat!EAT what i dunno yet depend on that day craving!hahahha

then at night i wanna go eat BBQ food....like sambal sting ray,sotong n etc...

after tat....go home do mask and sleep!LOL

HB said i got m very imaginative ..think too far!

He said if gynae ask me to go home and wait for another week he gonna burst out laughing and make me eat white porridge!(-_-)'''!!!LOL


for cleaner bb le..will have less vernix and blood whnen bb is out![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


did the tightness go away? or its forever there when u walk? Mine is a contraction, the whole tummy will tighten n look like triangle as in the BB is pushing upwards..

then as i walk i will need to stop n breathe thru it as the contractions comes..but if u sit down n rest n no more tightness then shld be fine...

Seabreeze, I got 4 coconuts at home, I suppose to drink before delivery but in the end deliver no chance to drink. Hb open one and drink yesterday. So the rest try to drink coconut as and when can okie.

Princess D,

that was my plan 101.. now everything must DIY,

cant even go out for wax so got to shave myself..

wash my own hair... stay home n eat roti... really damn xian..

if I really really can go out. will ask DH to bring me eat the seng kee mee sua n ngoh hiang n la la then faster come home n lie down.. hahhahaha

Hopefully next week u can get to do all those u want to do...

01-10-10 very nice date for delivery... hang in there...

will eat my ben n jerry ice cream n mooncake as snacks...

how interesting...

Congrats to Vivian. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the tightness will go away after a while. Realised that tummy will hardened especially when i switch position. From sitting to standing or lying down to sitting up. Then after a while it will loosen up.

Then when i sit got to lean back slightly, if too upright, also will feel tummy a bit hard. Dunno isit cos baby no space and i squashing him leh.

Thanks princess Diamond, lilbluey and seabreeze for sharing. Will try to move a bit more.

jadefeet! how to shave urself? i can barely reach there not to mention holding the shaver with steady hand! Already can't reach my toe to cut nails for awhile already, hubby wanted to help me with the nails but freak me out! haha!


hahhaai say only la,skali like wat hb said ..doc ask me to go home..then i will gotta wait for another wek lor...yea 1st oc good day n day!Is CHILDREN's DAY!!hahahaaha

Thinking of going for another hand and foot spa next week!hmmm......


Veyr normal la...now i walk,sit,eat,sleep sometimes shit oso got the hardening feeling..sometimes my tummy looks squarish!!HAHHAHAHHAH[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Empress7 ...

Same same ... now when I step on the weighing machine ... I cant even read the measurement without slanting myself to one side cos my big tummy is blocking my view!!

Princess Dia ...

Tell your hubby that its good to plan mar as long as it keeps you happy heehee

Vivian ...

Well done!! Congrats on the arrival of Princess Rhea =)

Cant wait to see more NB photos in our forum or FB heehee

Hi mummies n Ian

Went TMC this morn. Had a false alarm hehe…

Since last night everytime I go toilet got blood when I wipe.

So called my Gynae to check with him. He asked me to go hospital. =P I tot this is d-day liao so go shower pack my stuff n bought Mac breakfast.

When I reach TMC the nurse tot the blood was show but after monitoring on CTG n cervix check. She said cervix still close n contraction on CTG very irregular so shd be braxton hicks since I can't feel the contractions.

I checked with her why got blood she said might be due to the cervix check last sat. So she talk to my Gynae n he said I can go back but to monitor n go back if got any prob.


Under house arrest ya? keke ;p~


Yr bb will come out when she's ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thxs for the scientific explaination [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nevertheless, dun push yrself too hard ya!

Princess Dia,

Yeah! Full Moon pple feel more horny eh? hahahaha ;p~


Go and hv a romantic dinner tonite before your D-Day tmr! So exciting

Wishing you a smooth delivery! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oohh..i hope u are alright now...better be on bedrest k....

if the cervix still close then there's no need to be alarm since doc think it's due to the VE ..

you''ll be fine[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hugs....rest well k..

Empress, no cl, no nothing. Me, myself and Hb.

Oh, my darling din have much blood when she came out. This is what I heard from Hb, I guess maybe the coconut helped?

Btw, y walking will speed up recovery huh?

Anyway I heard fr my sister next yr onwards children day will be on every fri of the mth, not 1 oct Liao.

babydes, good to know that u are okie. But soon soon 1 more week for u right?

Apple, it's goin to be very tough for you i believe, rest as much as u can, dun keep thinking about helping hubby with the housework. Tell him he also need to rest, a little messy is okie as long as clean. Don't stress ya!


I dunno?usually the gyane and nurses will encourage us to walk once we are ready!

My case doc expect me to walk on the 5th day,but on the 3rd day i insist of coming down from the bed and walked to the nursery to see lil Jade...the nurse was so surprised and said,that's very good!Then every 3 hrs,if im not sleeping,she will asked if i wanna go nursery to pushed Jade out back to room myself?

oh,they change children's day's date?hahha

then if bb really pop on that day,then celebrate CHINA independence day lor..hahahahha...LOL


i stand infront of the mirror loh, then use hub's shaving cream, slowly slowly do.. so scared will cut myself.. no choice leh.. cant go waxing..i also dun wan the nurse to cut me too...


walking will help cos the blood circulation but not excessive..

i walked too much the last time not good too...up n down the staircase..

when u rest u try to lie down dont sit on wound..

I can't imagine if my baby is born on those popular date (01-10-10/ 10-10-10). I want to stay in a single room!

Btw, 28 September also not bad lor (28-9-10).

Hm.. if baby born on 29-9-10 also got a chance not getting a single room..

But then my hubby hasn't prepared his clothes to be put into hospital bag yet even though I asked him lots of the time already.. Maybe it's a sign that I won't get any single room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats Vivian!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just monitor further ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivian and Popppyseed, congratulations!

Apple, hope you recover soon. I was also feeling very painful after my 1st delivery and was given solution for the sitz baths. It helps relieve pain for a while. Maybe you can check with doctor. For BF, don't stress and be too pressurized. Do they not have a lactating consultant there? only nurse to help?

Princess Diamond, wah you have it all plan out. Look like alot to be done within one day. I'm also thinking of sambal stingray.... Your tum tum big big, there pain pain, have some contraction yet you still so active want to go jalan jalan. salute you!

Starry, drink more water, rest well and hope you recover soon.

Xin2, i also feel tummy tighten more often but don't feel like contraction to me more of BH. Also sometime it is bb moving.

I'm feeling alot more discomfort today. Not contraction just pain whenever I stand up, walk or move position when lying down. To the extend I very lazy to move. For the 1st time, I took a bus (1 bus stop) from market to home to minimize walking. To make myself feel better, went for a pedicure just now. Fortunate to have a nail shop next to my block, no need to travel.


oohhhhh...i really can't sit still le....Hb also making noise but what to do?must take a chain and locked me up!House arrest like ADE is not gonna work as he tried many times but failed!!LOL

Today i drove to the market too!hahhaha..walking distance only 5mins..can you imagined?i m afraid that it will rain la.tats y i drove there..hahhahahaaa[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When will be your next check up?you are in your week38?

So Quiet suddenly, where's everyone??

Now in my office, could hear the booming sounds of the engines from those cars at F1! Too bad cannot be part of the action tis year -_-""


u delivering on the 28th sep also???

Congrats vivian!!!


then how should i prepare for it ah..schedule to visit gynae next tuesday...wondering if bb be coming earlier or not...*gulps* I cannot do it without epidural le...haha

Etelle> Nope, I'm not delivering on 28th Sep. Hehehe.. Just writing all those good dates :p.

I hope my baby will come out soon though. tomorrow I'll be in my 37th week.

Hopefully at least 1 week before my EDD (16 Oct), so the CNY holiday will not be inside my maternity leave :p


i also scared no single room le and i dun want that to happen...so next tuesday early early i be gng in to see gynae and see whether inducing me or not...and then hor if yes then i think i can get a room le..29-9-10 why cannot get room le cuz got a double 9 ah??

re: Room

Not to worry ... if no single room then they will convert a double room to single room for you. Meaning that the bed next to you will be empty and your hubby can zzz on it =)

It happened for my #2 oso ... 18 March and the hospital was FULL!!


i dun like that le..i prefer single room to be single room.....that time for my #2 on the first day also like that...dun like le...

I feel so happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pump, change diaper and feed Hebe all by myself. Ane she cooperate 2nd time consecutive finish all the milk. We had a hard time yesterday and thruout to get her to eat. Hb really tired and exhausted. And I dun feel that much pain aft a small rest today.

I am so satisfied now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as happy as a bird. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is that the case for mah? Don't think they will do that in glen right? For the last few stays, all the single room are forever full.. I really want my hubby to stay with me leh.. Easier to ask him to help me than to always call for nurse..


You mean there is blood 1 wk after your VE? I did my VE yest and the nurse mentioned that there maybe blood but don't worry about it cos it could be due to the VE. There wasn't any blood for me the whole day but I didn't think it may come over 1 wk later.


Me too. I'm feeling really uncomfortable today. Feet pain from swelling, dunno why but I'm having backache too and funny pain in the abdomen area dunno if its contraction or not?? I also thought it was stomache pain cos I had to poo 2x already but the funny pain is still there. Sigh.. all these aches and pain is making me grumpy too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The posts are really going fast n furious like the F1 cars!! I cant keep up!

Anyway congrats to Vivian!!! Hee.. almost tot today will be my girl's bday too... glad to have more time to prepare! Today like rehearsal for us!

Anyway since my hubby took leave we went jalan jalan then go Katong to eat the laksa! Yummy.. long time no eat..

Thanks thanks Princess, Lilbluey and empress for your concern... will monitor.. anyway tmr going for my gynae's appt so see how it goes!

Going for steamboat tonight to satisfy my craving first! =P

So busy trying to tie up the loose ends at work but seem quite impossible... some things still pending others decisions n decisions...hai~~

Apple good job!! Next time I will need to get tips from u when I pop! Jia you! =D


Hi ladies,

For tmc, my colleague booked a single roomn it was full. So they gave her suite leh. The next day then bk to normal single rm. So lucky.


Dont be stressed. Just take things slowly and adjust along the way. It's not easy but u sure can do it!

Re: tightening feeling

I was asking my SIL whether she felt the same. She say she did. Then I ask if early contractions hw to know. She so funny. Say dunno but if real contractions sure will be able to know. Haha.. So I think I just heck care la..

