(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Princess D,


From 12am-8am's contractions, beginning still bearable... only from 5am onwards, starting to be really painful. I only doing deep breathing lor. Contractions level quite high and thats why nurse suggested me to take epidural first before gynae burst waterbag later in the morning coz will be worse! haha...

Actually i took epi more of wanting to use it to lower down my BP. Pain is secondary at that time... damn scared endure until so long liao, end up e-csect due to high bp lor...

Rhea still need to clear some blood test by tomolo then can be cleared to go home... hopefully everything ok bah.

This girl naughty leh. Want to drink milk hor, latch liao sleep. I unlatch, she scream. Argh... bth her... coz she only 35weeks, sucking is weaker so now my bfing career a lot more difficult compared to the rest... not forgetting I got stupid inverted nipples to add on... sigh...



you damn zai la!!Steady la...think if its me..sure faint long time liao...hahahhahhaha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rhea has got a good weight at week35!!!Well done![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SHe is sleepy mah..remember the night before she was dancing in your tummy for very long??????now must rest lor...ahhahahha...slowly la,if you can do it on Rhys,im sure u can too on Rhea!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Jia YOU!!!!!

Princess D,

You can do it too lah... jia you!!!

Rhys din managed to latch at all lor. Expressed nia... So now I hope I can do it with Rhea... trying...

Oh i forgot to mention that coz my delivery is so sudden that my CL cannot come in time... she only coming in oct... looks like 1st week is going to be a super tough one coming up.... sigh...


Oops! Izit? Then wish u all da best on bfg! Your HB around to help for the first week? Sure shiong la but gotta tahan till the CL come[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone can cook confinement food for you ?


congrats to mummies who jus pop!!!!

2 more weeks to end of confinement!!! hurray.. miss all e goodies n yummy..

how's all e babes?? getting high about who's gonna pop yeah.

hey ladies!! Wow! 2 more popped? Congrats to gsm and yanling! So happy for you girls!


Rhea is adorable! Doesn't look like a 35 week old baby all. Sooo chubby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] great birth story by the way. Hope both you and Rhea can go home tomorrow!

Princess d,

I'm also logging in everyday in anticipation to see who's next! Very exciting. Better than watching drama. Hee hee!!

I went to visit my friend at TMC. Her baby also very adorable! But I thought she looked a bit 'sad' because she's facing challenges bfing and kept thinking that she has no milk for her baby.. The LC also didn't come see her (today's her 2nd day in hospital le). The nurse also like nv really encourage her to latch on and fed the baby FM from yesterday onwards. Is this the norm??


omg, today is sat n LC is on half day duty n tmr is day off!!! probably, jus ask ur gf to press e call bell n request for e ward nurse to teach her.. I suppose these nurses r also quite well trained. Hopes this helps. Hugs

Jus keep pressing e bell... Insisted for assistance, anyway, ur gf alrdy paid for the service.. It is norm for a mixture of bf n fm for a start... Unless mummy insisted on total bf, then nurses will have to bring BB to mummy every 2-3 hours n including night feed.


Rhea is so cute!!! and glad everything is ok for you and her despite being out at 35 weeks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you Jia you!!! really peifu you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Really arh? Funny hor.. I was there at like 8pm and asked her if she has met the LC she said no, will come 'later'. Hmm.. Think I should tell her? So late already.

Vivian, Rhea is adorable. And such a gd weight at wk 35 somemore.

For inverted nipples, I tot I read somewhere that mommies can buy some nipple shields so that e inverted nipples can be drawn out?

oh yah, the nurse only brought her baby in to let her bf this morning! But she gave birth yesterday late afternoon ard 4pm I think. And they straight away gave FM le. Got such thing meh?? My friend already told them she wanna bf. Now become her boy don't latch well and suckle a bit don't want or fall asleep le. Like don't want to 'work' for milk since very first feed was FM.


yup, probably u can rely e message to her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes, medela n a few brands has got it.

Jus ask ur gf to emphasize to e nurses that she is on total bf, n nurses will carry out mummy orders. dun worry. In fact they nurses will be happier, coz they got lesser work to be done!!! Whoaaa...


Did your frd say she want to TBF?? Cos the nurse will ask before she delivers. If she didn't say she want TBF, then it can be partial BF & FM supplement.

wah.. You ladies not sleeping? I'm still a bit 'hyped' up after late night supper at TCC! Final few days of good food!


Ok, think SMS her. She didn't look like my other friends who I visited after they gave birth le. They all looked happy, beaming etc. She was more quiet, a bit sad then when baby cried in the little cot, she also nv do anything but let him cry.


Not sure if she told the nurses she wanna tbf. When I asked if she let baby latch on straight away yesterday evening, she said no, only started latching today. Maybe she also didn't know what/how to instruct nurse bah..


How's your confinement so far? Final 2 weeks to go! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Did you break all the confinement rules like washing hair, bathing, drink plain water, eat/drink standing up etc??


Few months ago we were talking abt inverted nipples also. Think there's something called 'nipple puller' also.

Had a long day but I wanna say congrats to Vivian, gsm, jadefeet, yanling & passion88!


Your Rhea is so cute and pretty and doesn't look like a preemie! Glad she doesn't have to stay in NICU too! Thanks for sharing your birth story. Good luck with your BF and rest well!


Yeah it's possible that your friend didn't give specific instruction to TBF hence the confusion. Please do sms her and tell her what to do!


Wow you're half way there! Congrats! My mom said I have to do 40 days confinement! Boohoo! Broke some rules though. Had cold water at times.


Guess you are doing very well too?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Any logic behind 40 days confinement? Weather so hot, hard to imagine even a day without a bit of cold drinks. Just SMS-ed my friend. Actually I also don't want her to think why I so KPO, tell her such things machiam I know a lot or very experienced le. Scared she take it the wrong way. She nv reply me though. Prob sleeping bah.

Re: episiotomy

Heard from her it really, really hurts a lot down there after the epidural effects wore off. So painful that painkillers also don't help so last night was horrible for her.

Congrats to all mummies who have popped


Is ur fren staying at level 3 ward? Cos level 3 ward nurse no patience at all to teach new mummy how to bf. This is base on my past experience n other mummies also told me this. My gynea ask me which bedded I choose n I told her 4 bedded but I request level 6 cos my fren told me level 6 nurses is better. On my 2nd day stay that morn, my gynea came to check my wound n ask me how is the standard of the nurse in level 6 n I told her much better than level 3. There will b a nurse to come to the ward ask whether we have prob in latching bb to bf. If have prob, the nurse will teach us again

Hi mummies

Can't sleep, my ward so Near to nursery I hear babies cry and think it's mine.

The nurse tell me don't pump, just latch. She say if i pump extra supply will kick in and must store excess. If want to tbm just latch x 3... I dunno whether will engorge or not...

Will post pics of my cute darling. Meanwhile she weighs 3.22kg has a lively head of hair and looks just like hubs!!! ;D

Haha forgot to congratulate Emmie as well! Suddenly so many popped at the same time! Thanks for the birth story! Baby has a good weight that's great!


My mom listened to the ML's advice since she is oso quite clueless about confinement rules!


Agree with the nurses don't pump yet. Just latch. If you pump it might overstimulate your supply and you might get insanely engorged later. Besides latching removes milk more effectively than pump.


Aiyo, my preggers brain can't remember which floor le. Lol!! Her room no is 5xx so level 5?? Premier suites. Didn't know got difference in service levels between floors.


I also cannot sleep after going toilet. So far your baby latching on well? Looking forward to your baby pics and 3.22kg is very good weight! Must be really chubby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your 3rd baby so you must be quite seasoned when it comes to confinement already!

Gsm, forgot to congratulate u earlier!

Melissa, 40 days of confinement? Is it traditional rules all the way e.g. no showering, no shampooing etc?? But like wat starry said, this is ur 3rd already....


Premium suite thought shld b better??? Don't know leh, cos a few of my friends stay at 6th level n they told me the nurse there v gd so I tried this time n really feel service is better than 3yrs ago where I stay at level 3


Really no idea abt the service level.. Apparently the nurse just pushed the baby into their room and that was it, let my friend sort of 'figure' it out herself. How's your little one? You up so early to do bfing too?

Morning ladies,

i have delivered my bby boy yesterday. It was a long labour 10 hr. Tried to do natural with gas but i gave up at 5th hour and requested for epidural he3..


i think i know ur friend!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats to all who hv popped!

And jia you to those waiting for delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Woohoo! Congrats!! Share your birth story and baby's pic with us soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congratulations Ann! Post a pic! I think it's understandable that you asked for epi halfway. Your labor is quite long le.

Starry, whim

Because this is my last confinement I am torn between doing it right or doing it half right. You know what I mean? I bathed every day! Kekeke...but with warm water yeah. Drank herbal concoctions, cold milk, hot Milo. In the end I figured out that everyone has different reactions to pantang food. Some are actually ok to take. Some must be avoided like plague!

good morning ladies n Ian

Wow! I guess u guys must be in dreamland now since last nite so active!!!!!

Congrats Ann!

How are you doing ? Share more with us when u r ready .[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tsk tsk .. Thats terrible isn't it? She must b feeling depressed where no one to guide her ? Dont worry to much, hope her maternal instinct help her to do whatever it I'd best for her !

This war happened to gf who gave birth at TMC too! Lc forever not free even when she requested for one n she stays in a single suite!

Only upon checkg out, her HB bumped into mrs Wong boi boi n explained the situation then she gotta c her personally[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


That's terrible to hear that they do give different services at different levels of ward![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope it is just s one of thing!

Even so if it's weekend , the midwives it nurses in charged should take charged! Glad you get wat u wA t this time ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherry n Melissa

Why arevtge both of u not sleeping at that hour?? Aren't u guts supposed to skip n rest as much ??? Lol

Guess confinement is Good huh?? Take care

As far as I know, before delivery midwife will asked, if it's TBF, they will push bb in the room for us to bf!

Jade's first latch was accompanied with 2LC's !!! N forced HB to c!!

Subsequent feeding as well, however I had some problem latching at night! Jade was cranky! I called the staff nurse in n she sat in with me middle of the night n guide me throughout![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Very pleased with the services there!! Hope it will b the same this time!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]^.^

Going to MacD for my BigBreakfast!

Yanling, GSM, Ann,

Heartiest Congrats!! Take Care and Rest Well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U reali jump far far ahead of the others! Nevertheless, happy that everything went well and Bb Rhea is adorable!!

Morning All,

Waking up on Sun morning to gd news!! Would there be anymore tdy?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The F1 wkend! Too fast too furious keke ;p!



My advice would be since it's likely to be your last confinement better to do a proper one to build your body back to health!

Juz 'ren yi ren' the days pass by quicky! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Normally the nurse will check with the mum if she wanna tbf or do it half half, dun think they will decide and feed the bb with FM immediately..is there some sort of miscomm in btwn?

Hope yr fren cheer up soon, must be a happy mom! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats gsm too. That is so fast.

U already got milk?

Jac, maybe let ur friend know usually bm comes like later. For mine, I think it came only on the 4th day....

Vivian, ur dd is cute. And I also can't really latch my girl, mainly rely on express cos baby refuse to drink. Even ebm she also drink very little.

Wow, so surprise to see so many mummies have popped when I was just off e forum for 1 day. Hehe. Now wondering when is my turn. Super worried that my dd will stick to me like mad during confinement. Without no2, she's already so sticky liao.

Congrats yanling, gsm, ann.

So exciting to hear so many mummies popping already. Wonder when is my turn? Starting to get rather anxious also. Kept on thinking hw will the labour be liked? Scared of pain etc etc..

hi all, having a good Sunday morning?? Just woke up and going to get breakfast and some misc baby stuff with hubby to complete the preparations! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last night and early this morning's talk abt bfing made me dream a series of weird dreams about bfing and latching. Haha!!


What's your pantang food then? I know cold things and 'liang' stuff are definitely not in any of my confinement menu. My mum strict abt such stuff. But bathing and wash hair think she will close one eye and allow..

Princess d,

Hopefully like what you said, her maternal instincts will help her along. Wanna know, since she already delayed latch on for 1 day and only started (but failed) on day 2, will this affect her milk supply and delay when it will come in?


I told her that for some, will only come in like 4-5 days later. Somemore quoted what you went thru. Hope she feels encouraged. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that's why I really find sharing and exchanging info in this forum a tremendous help. Hope she's reading up somewhere also.

Morning mummies!

Too tired yday! Concuss the moment I hit the bed.

Congrats yanling, Ann & GSM!

Viv, ur bb is cute leh, doesn't looks any wee bit like preemie! I agree wth Princess, u jump Q la. One month early wor. Hope ur CL can come faster.

Princess d

You forgot I TBF means I'm awake at nights mah. Now feeding pattern still irregular.


Me doing combination of traditional and modern style confinement keke.. my staple food now is mainly fish and soupy spinach. Sometimes I get to eat fried rice with anchovies.


What you said is right. Should do it the right way but a bit hard when you have two other kids. They get jealous at times and refused their caregivers.


Milk supply wont come in immediately esp the first few days!What the baby is getting only Colostrum!

If she starts on the second day ...is ok and wont affect her future milk supply[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ASk her not to worry...Those colostrum we had only comes very little (to us) but sufficient for the newborn!!So do not mistook herself for not having enough milk!I start my bfg on my 2nds day too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Though they succkle for 30-30mins ..you will be surprised that the amount of colustrum that they are having..only a tiny weeny amount only!Not that they are drinking 60-80ml..LOl

I don't believe a mommy can pump out 80ml milk as per first day!So ask her not to think too much![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just cont to latch her bb as per feeding time...That should help her to prevent engorgement and block ducts in days to come[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good luck to her...^.^


Oopps...almost forgot!hahha.....sigh...my turn soon la...lol but what to do?is either you give or don't even partial Bf oso must wake up to pump!!Rest well..

Have a wonderful Sunday,guys!

I ve got another birthady party to attend!Im like forever attending birthday parties....never ending!!LOL..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Means whenever baby cries you will let him suckle? Or at least will estimate timing like every 2-3 hrs? Yesterday my friend's baby can cry and stop, cry and stop for 1 hr. But not really sure what he wants. When crying is that kind whole face turn red type, see le heartpain.


congrats to yanling, ann and vivian! =D great pic u have of Rhea, vivian! she's lovely!


i just latch, i dunno if i have milk or not, but when i squeeze got colostrum come out and if she can latch for 20-30 mins she can sleep for about 3+ hours to next feeding.


so far she is latching well =D when she sucks, i bite myself, can be quite painful at first. she has very chubby cheeks! she is heavy when i carry her in my arms, almost cannot believe i carried her in my tum for 38 weekss..well i gave up and drank warm water, too dehydrated =( and milo dont help. plus i needed to take meds...


yes i decided not to pump during my stay, so far breasts ok, will massage before baby latches and whenever it feels hard.

