(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


I have the cloth binder from Mdm Ida which I did not use at all. I bought it at $20 and would like to sell it off at $15, self collect. It's brand new as I decided not to use Mdm Ida for the massage afterall. Pls PM me if you are interested to get it.

Hi, i'm selling 2 bn boxes of pigeon pre-sterilised breastmilk storage bags, 25pcs in each. Both for $22. Will give away a hot/cold pack worthed $5 for free.

Pls text 93595306 for collection details.

Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags (50cts)

I have extra unopened milk bags.

Selling 2 for $34.80. excl postage

PM me if interested.tks



Medela Swing from USA

-Packaging seal broken but not used(STILL NEW)

i am selling this set @$170

Let me know by PM if interested.Thank u

Good morning ladies!

I've also gotten a M'sian CL. 1st time round my mum help out for the first few days cause she took leave, after that I only ordered confinement food for the rest of the month. Think this time would be nice to have some1 around in the day to help with 2 babies. After that see if we wanna get a maid or not. My CL is sponsored by my mom this time, but she's also going to take 1 week leave. Think she charging us 2k+. She is by recommendation from an aunt's CL, plus she is M'sia I very worried she has those traditional confinement thinking like cannot touch water, cannot drink water bla bla. But when I asked her about such things over the phone she is okay and seems supportive of BFing. But I think since I am not living with my parents nor ILs, should be easier to tell her how I want things done right? plus my hubby doesn't really believe in confinement such things.

oh btw the last visit I asked my gynae about tubal ligation & she said she won't recommend it to ladies before the age of 35, so for me at the age of 22 I can forget about it. We considered it because hubby & I feel that 3 children is more than enough & i told him even if we want #4 we can consider adoption. I am very very very scared if we try for #4 end up with a pair of twins again. wah i think i will faint!

ok i am going back to sleep heehee. was awake cause 1 of my twins started having hiccups while the other practising taichi inside. ytd night BOTH of them were having hiccups & i can feel it on each side of my body 1 hiccup after another. now seems to have gone to zzzz so I better quickly get some shut eye!

take care every1!

On leave yday to bring my mum for medical. Brought dd along n it was a wrong choice lor. So, so sticky. Faints.


My feet swelled like yours for no 1 too but I have no swelling tis time. I had to wear crocs to work then. E good thing is tat ur weight will drop alot when e water retention go away. Hehe.


Your blood pressure is still ok. Jia you. If I understand correctly, it is about blood restricted to placenta, so general pressure went up n so bp goes up. Baby growth may b restricted wor.


I never take any bird nest tis time. Mum too busy to make but I hate bird nest anyway. When I had no 1, I always secretly feed hb. :p

ang baos when ppl request

My personal experience is that there are ppl who will request for ang baos. At first, I'm not used to it (some will even tell me how much must be inside the ang bao). My own thinking is "ang bao is like tip", if u're good, then I will give u. Why would anyone ask specially for tip? Then why dun u build it into the price u quote me??

First time it happened was for my wedding preparation and my make-up artist told me I need to give him an ang bao. When my SO heard it, he was telling me "we find someone else" coz he also think it's odd.

But now I'm quite used to it... the other day, my MIL's some distant relative came to our place for dinner (it was my 1st time seeing her). After talking to her in Mandarin for a while, she suddenly asked me for "hong bao". I was taken aback and tot "why she want me to give her ang pao", is it becoz I'm meeting her for 1st time?

So I just anyhow put S$8 into the red packet and give her. Later that evening, she gave my younger SIL a red packet w/ abt S$30 coz it was going to be her b day soon. Turns out she was asking me for the actual red packet paper("hong bao"), not asking me to give her ang bao w/ $ inside. But the chinese words are the same... that's why I blur.

So my SIL lucked out... coz she got S$8 ('from me') and S$30 from that distant relative.

morning ladies and ian

couldn't stand the heat at night... decided to bring an extra fan into the bed room just to blow at me. :p Now bones seems to be abit achy.

re: angpao

i totally forgot that we need to give angpao at the beginning. will discuss with hubby on the amt but doubt we will give her too much. I rem for the last one, we gave her a big angpao at the end as we were happy with her service. Hopefully this round this CL will be good as well.

hello mummies, Ian. Slept well? The sky in the west looks dark! Hope it rains today and bring down the heat.

Re: nursing bras

Bought mine from moms in mind and also from John Little. All very comfortable. Just received another 3 from moms in mind in my mailbox last night. Very soft and stretchy but no padding at all so those are for home use only.


Wah you can really walk! I really want to but I know I cannot and must limit myself already otherwise gotta pay for it with painful feet and butt later. :p


The way you describe your twins is so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must be really interesting to feel hiccups on both sides of the tummy. Hee hee!!

morning everyone! seems like its gg to be a nice cool day! yipee!

jacq, you went to get the size from john little then u bought from MIM? coz i want to buy online but didnt dare too coz dunnoe the size... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I can imagine how u will faint if #4 turns out to b twins again. Hehe.

Re: weather

It was really very hot last night lor. I on aircon + fan last night but still hot. Set timer n woke up in e middle of e night bcos it was so super hot n had to switch on e aircon again. I cannot imagine doing confinement now lor. Faint.

Zuen, thankd for thé info. I really hope i Will lose weight v fast aft that.

Whim, really thot ur distant relative wanted ang bao. Luckily found out that she wanted thé red packet paper or else Will have misunderstanding.

Slept v early at 10+ just now. Dunno if i shld get up n use thé computer.

ian, cos i can't sleep in aircon room... will end up with stuffy nose and headache

can see the dark clouds moving very fast in the skies...hopefully it will cool the temps... dun mind changing my plans for the day just to enjoy cooler weather :p

Morning ladies & Ian! Woo, it's dark clouds over here in the east! Tot of going for some last min shopping but turned out it's going to rain. Looks like have to stay indoors today.


Which JL did you get your nursing bra from? Thinking of getting a few more coz i only got 2.


i bought from JL to try out the sizes then bought online.


i got them from the jurong point JL. quite cheap, $9.90 - $12.90 each. the drop-cup kinds. but expect neutral colours. no funky designs. heh heh!

thanks Snoopy. Enjoy ur visit to ur gynae later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies n Ian,

Re: nursing bra

I got mine from E2. Quite cheap n feels comfortable. Think only $29.90 for 1. Those who are interested may wan to go try out. If nt, I also got 2 from Minoshe. Think also not too bad. But can't rem the price liao.

It's raining cats n dogs at west side. So nice to sleep. Finally weather is more cooling. Going for gynae appt later at 5pm..

Hello good morning mummies

Jacqueline, I have exactly the same symptoms, soft stools and pre-menstral cramps.

How much is the nursing bras at John little.


now they are having sales, so quite cheap! the ones i bought are $9.90 - $12.90 each. after washing they were even softer and more comfy. moms in mind having sales for all their nursing bras also, only at $10 each. can go see-look. but i think very limited colour/sizes left..

Morning Mummies,

I am going for my check up later very excited to see bb again before my c sect on monday.

I am worried about my boy's weight he seems a bit small size. Wk37 he was only 2.5kg I hope he put on more this time round.

Hi morning ladies...

Great weather to start e day today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] was so freaking hot these few days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: waxing

I finally went for my waxing finale b4 delivery..shiokadoos [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] e therapist informed me dat we can only do waxing 3 mths after delivery if natural birth n 6 mths after csect.. Wah lau..so itz another 4 mths of forestation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Re: massage

when can we start our post-natal massage ah?? Tot of doing after 2 weeks so dat I can shower n all ' legally' after e oily massage..hope itz not too late for d body to get bk in shape..my mil say I can only shower after 12-14 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] aaarrrgghhh...e tot of confinement stresses me..just hope I don get post-natal blues fr all e rules n regulations [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

good morning Ladies n Ian

hey Ian,

How's your wife?HOpe she is much better...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ade,Yea,is pouring now!!!just when i got up from bed ...should have stay longer..hahhahaa[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh really????

Yea,during holidays,these kids really gets bored easily..my girl oso with them in Playnest and PlayCluB...now that im extremely heavy..can't bring her there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]SO we stop her this term adn she willbe goin to N1 with Chiltern House!THat will be independent for 3 hrs![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]In the mean time,i really dunno what can i do with her at home.hate to see her eyes glued to the telly!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Whhahahaha...better go get your TORO settled before the big day!!Otw gotta wait for months b4 you might have a chance...or maybe lesser la...

CL ang pao

Think some CL/agent asked for ang pao is because for luck and is their beliefs..of course it is not pleasant to REQUEST for one!However it is oso the parents discretion on how much to give....

Seabreeze got a point there..just asked a friend's mother who used to do Confinement!She said,it is only a gesture and its good to give even if it just a dollar.But in return,the CL will give one back to the bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]it about the luck thingy.....Better not to break the tradition...


Yea,my CL wasnt that bad too....it is just that we didnt know that when she turn up with the agent,we have to give the agent as well...So all these must discuss first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahhahah...better be safe then..yea..if the next try is another pair of twins.......you will really faint!!......


got my shower gel and ginger cream...

Sorry,i knew someone was asking about the ginger cream last nite but busy to reply.....

I like the scent!Feels like in Bali Spa!!hahha....then the ginger cream..i applied some on my back b4 i turn in.....very nice feeling..not too hot or burning....just nice..then blast the aircon!I didn't sleep well because of toilet calls..but i didn't had that much aches as those nights....is a temp reliefs...so i think is worth trying..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yea,was freaking HOT last night aircon and fan on in the hall!!!Still perspiring!!!gosh!!!!!!!Rubbed Jade with hot Telon oil and put on her bodysuit PJ's then full blast the whole house with aircon!!!!Terrible weather..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning ...

LOVE the rain ... finally the weather is more 'acceptable' but hope that it stops by lunch heehee

Princess Dia ...

My excessive salivation is really BAD!! During my 1st tri ... I had to walk around with a cup/plastic bag just so that I can spit it out and when I zzz I actually put a small towel so that I dun wet the whole pillow. V v disgusting and this happened for ALL 3 pregnancies.

So till now ... even my gynae is saying that I am v brave. Seriously dun wan to go thr it AGAIN.

Then again I know that ligation is like FOREVER so I will think think think and see how *sigh*

Novakido ...

Both my hubby and I come from family of 3 kids ... so we always feel tat 3 is an ideal number for us.

I have 2 boys heehee so when I was expecting my #3 ... people were asking if I prefer boy or gal ... frankly I dun mind another boy cos I find that they are easier to handle or rather I can be 'rougher' with them hahaha

Having a gal is something 'new' and 'different' for us this time ... which I am also looking forward to cos I can really doll her up in all the pink and sweet stuff heehee

I wont suggest ligating at 2 kids too cos still early to decide. But 3 or 4 is like q the 'maximum' a typical couple of our generation will have ba.

Yesterday I went for a meeting and this senior manager who has 1 gal was sharing that even with 1 child ... he finds it hard to cope and he cant imagine having 2 or 3. And he turned to look at me and say - At your age, v rare to have 3 oso. Usually stop at 2 =p

Pinky ...

Wow you only 22 and already going to be a mother of 3 ... NO WAY that they will ligate for you so you might really want to consider pills or IUD if you want to be really SAFE.

Snoopy ...

Enjoy your gynae visit later =)

Morning mummies & Ian!

Snoopy, thanks for updating the chart!

wah! Now I'm one of those on top of the list & counting dwn liao. Getting anxious! Oh yeah, my hubby is also grounded by me, no more flying till bb is due!

Princess, the green lemon is really sour. LOL..

only squeeze one lemon and mixed with 1litre of water still find it sour then mix with honey too. Less than a minute that I drink, the lil one inside kicks non-stop. Hahaa.. think she find it too sour. But wat to do, I also want her to be fair skin! Hiao mah! heehee..

Rubie, Jacq, I also have been having those pre-menstral cramps for few wks liao. But its not frequent only at different times of the day. checked with gynae, he said cos bb's head is moving down. I feel like dying back then, cos the cramps can last for sometime.. Can't imgaine how labour pain will be if these cramps already getting on me.. grrr..


I put on 19kg for no 1 n I already delivered at 34 + 5 lor. I cannot imagine how it will b if I was full term. N I lost 10kg shortly after birth, so I guessed it must b e water retention.


I was also worried tat I freeze dd last night, ended up I perspiring. Hb was shivering after awhile. Hoho.

Re: 34 + 6

just saw bb. Estimated 2.3kg n still got fluid. Phew, so glad tat he is growing. Still aiming for natural at 37 weeks! Gg back next week. Jia you!


hahahhaa...your lil one dun like sour stuffs huh..

i like it more w/o honey tho!

Asked my maid to squeezed the juice and put the lemon into the jug and chilled it!Shiok!!!Lat night finished one jug!BEST!!!


thanks for the table,keep us update after your gynae visit!


let us know the progress too!!^.^[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello ladies! I'm just lying around in bed as i "report" to the forum . Yesterday, experience my 1st episode of pelvic pain! Argh, terrible feeling.

Actually wanted to go get my manicure and pedicure done today but its raining cats and dogs here so i thought i better guai guai stay at home.

Ade - dr. woody take longer now to see his patient? Maybe he kena complain his consultation too fast or those couples have lots of questions for him? I sure hope i can bump into you next week and get the chance to say "Hi". Keeping my fingers crossed now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Next week will be week 38 for you right? Let's hope by then ur baby head is engage...

Pinky - what a achievement! At 22 and you're gonna be a mother of 3. Am sure it will be very easy for you to maintain your figure at this age too. And imagine when u are 40, your kids are 18 years old. So cool!

Nursing bra - i have 3 nursing bra and still thinking if i should go get more now cos when i went for the antenatal class, lilian recommended that we only get nursing bra after we delivered so that the size will be correct....

By the way, friday's gathering, any confirm venue to meet already?

princess d,

i've also ordered the shower gel and ginger cream. waiting for them to arrive later this week or early next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you lost weight very fast! 10kg is a lot le. is there possibility of such great water retention? can i know how long was your #1 in the hosp after you delivered her at 34+5?

re: weight gain

by now i think i put on at ard 14kg le. last weight check at the clinic was 64kg!! nv in my life have i felt so heavy and yet can feel so proud of myself. hee hee!


i think i have to give the gathering a miss too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] boss is coming back from his travelling next week and i have to prepare for handover by end-sept before i go on ML.

Hello Cyn

Can't meet you girls on Fri!Sorry

please take my name off the list k....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hoep you ladies enjoy yourselves

Zuen, U lose 10kg within how long?

U are getting to full term. Yippee. This time sure will full time de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jacq, can I have the link, so interested to buy the shower gel and ginger cream too! heehee..

Ian, glad to hear that your wife is better now.

Mummies going for gynae visit, do keep us posted.

Pinky, ya you are still so young 22 only leh. Your family or your hubby family has history of twins? Really not easy taking care of twins, so you gotta rest well now while you can before they pop.

Shirlz, really ah?! Can only do 3mths after ?? Faintz!! I thought that I can go and do on 2nd month onwards.. argh..

Massage : I checked with my massage lady leh.. she said normal delivery, after discharge can start the next day wor. C-sect can only start 2 wks later leh. Ask me dun shower for 12-14days?! CMI la... Hygiene leh. Die die I will shower lor, so long fast fast dry ourselves i think should be alrite.

Jac: Yr 64kg was like my pre pregnancy weight lor imagine i am 74kg now hahaha..

But I can't be bothered lah so long as bb healthy hehe. I believe we can lose the weight after delivery.

Weight Lose:

A few of my friend after deliver 1 wk later they lose almost 8-10kg. Hope we will also be like them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



c-sect can start 2 weeks later..and as for natural,can start after when you discharge[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah, so many can't make it on Friday? Then think we might as well cancel it and schedule the next one after we have all pop! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh my ML tell me one week later for natural...

weight loss

think hor after delivery sure lost about 7 kg at least for bb weight, waterbag, etc etc hee hee


1 week after you deliver.so should be around the 5th or 6th day can start liao..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


talk about weight gained!

I reached my 20kg liao!!huhuhuhuhu[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i saw on the BP thread but just now scan through like no more? anyway, i bought from rebecca chan, the lady boss of origins jamu massage, which i also booked for my post-natal massage. you can contact her and ask her about the promotion. i bought 2 btls shower gel + 1 tube ginger cream for $48 (normal post). here is her link... http://www.originsjamumassage.com/Product-Menu.html.


i am quite short, only 1.58m. so any excess "meat" on me can be seen! wahahha~!! oh, many people commented that most of the 14kg goes to bottom part of the body. face, arms, breasts etc not much changes.

princess D

you champion le....haha...ur gynae never comment ah??? haha...so bb estimate weight is???? i put on about 7.5kg now at 36w3d



got 7kg so much??

princess d,

actually you look very good pregnant. oh, and can transfer all the fats to your #2 during bfing then can have another michelin baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

