(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


actually for 1st time mummy, even with contractions i think still have some time for last min makan n wash hair.. thats provided waterbag never burst n not in pain lah hahahhaah

I had contractions every night for weeks before i told my gynae to induce me at 40 wks....buay tahan... so the day b4 induce i can go for nice dinner n wash my hair nicely that morning b4 i check into hospital at 730am... think i went for mac breakfast too...

relax relax n bb out at night...


princess d: i thot $88 alot liao! considering dat i dunno how good she is yet.. wah.. u gave damn big ang bao! i shall reserve the bigger ang bao for after the confinement period. =p but perhaps some ppl's mentality is give bigger ang bao, then the CL will be nicer to baby? *shrugs*

jadefeet: hee hee.. appetite big is good! baby wants to grow mah! my appetite has shrunk back to almost normal.. but initially my appeitite oso like urs! but since we're in the 3rd tri oredi, i think heck it.. as long as baby is healthy and growing. so enjoy ur food!

Princess Dia ...

I know that must give 1 before they start and 1 before they go back - cos my mum oso asked for the ang bao hahaha they believe that doing confinement is 'dirty' so they need the ang bao for luck.

My elder aunt didnt get any ang bao from my cousin aft she did confinement for her DIL and man ... she LOST MJ ALL THE WAY lor!! After that she cant tahan and went to 'ask' for an ang bao and her luck turned around after that hahaha

Gsm ...

Cos my mum makes the soya bean milk for me ... everytime she pass me like 2.4l and since its home-made and cant keep for long ... I will drink it for breakfast lor otherwise I take fresh milk on days without soya bean milk.

I actually prefer fresh milk heehee


I ve got no clue how much to give lor...

all this..hear say hear say from friends lor!!!!I dint know until when Hb told few days back!!wahahhahhahahahhaaha........

But i think we just stick to one ang pao when she comes in!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Don't wanna spoil market..muahahha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i received the sms confirmation all the way back in early April! why do you wanna change hospital?

re: loose stools

isn't it a bit early? i'll only be 35 weeks this weekend le. but really leh, these few days, stomach keep having the LS feeling and stools are getting looser. but i am happier lah! no constipation. heh heh~

Irish coffee, thanks so much for e info. My DH follows he dad's gene.. very tanned. He was telling me e other night to drink more birdnest so tat bb will not inherit from him.. I say he siao!!! Shall go lookout for thai lemon tmr!! thanks thanks!


my next appointment is actually this weekend, just nice 35 weeks. looking forward to it 'cos gynae will do a scan to see how baby is. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] got a feeling she will remain sitting on the lotus flower. haha!

re: baby fair or tanned

i'm more like my dad's side, tanned and have more of his features than my mum's. my bro, fair and looks more like my mum (got some girly looks). ppl always say that we are opposite - i should have been a boy and my bro should have been a girl!

Ann: I chose GA cause alot of my friends went thru with epidural say can feel them cutting n pulling the bb out although not pain. But I don't think I can take that so I chose GA but gynae got say epidural more fun cause hubby can be there.


Your bb wanna be like you la!!nex ttime she can say....im just like my Mommy!!cool rite...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The having birdnest everyday is aint not gonna help with bb's complexion...to the mother,YEs!Not for the BB!

Proven wrong!Cos i had birdnest everyday!Fresh birdnest!NOt those pre btls type!And bb kin not fantastic!But i was glowing la..hahhahhaha

now still take but it's for my own ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Try the lemon drink irish reccoommended...we all wish to have fair fair bb skin!

Next time when you popped...post your bb pic her too la..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess D/ Pearlyn

My friend was telling me she gave $50 and it's considered alot le...haha but she wants to make the CL happy so she can start work happy also..

haha guess the amount varies form individual hor...haha

Jac ...

Cos seriously considering ligating if I go for c-section mar hahaha since going to cut open liao then might as well just do it! Mt A cant do ligation one so need to go to GEH.

I oso think that she is still breech for now cos most of the movement are still down there lor


I felt that i kana con big time lor!hahhaahha...i dun like the idea when my 2nd CL came togetjer with her agent then both asking for ang pao just before they start everything..

And befoer that they will ask if this is our forst child and then of it is ..they will start their tactics le...soem i heard from friends..they even tell them how much to give hor!That's too much lo![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


really ah?

then jsut give one before they leave la..hahhahhah can onot?


dont panic... mine start contractions early early but refuse to come out in the end...

doc say my contractions inefficient = not strong enough to get dilation going so either i wait till 41 weeks or i induce... so i choose to induce cos really buay tahan the suspense n stress or worry cos the BB movements drastic reduced after whole night of contraxtions.. so got to go CTG to monitor then all the mummies next to me progress to labour ward while i kana send home to wait...

Baby skin fair or not i think its in the gene.. nothing to do with bird nest hahahha... my boy fair fair though i only has a little bird nest.. duno how is this one going to be...

princess d

yeah i also dislike those who INSIST and ASK for it one...i feel for the angpow both come and go one is form the heart one mah....unless before that they tell you about it...if not dun give also can mah right? aiyeah....how can dictate how much we give de....this time smarter lor...dun need so big ang pow la...like what pearlyn said if she is good at the end of it give her a bigger one lor =)


My Friends wife too.....her first 2 kids was at MtA but her third one can't cos she wanted to opt for ligation..so she chose TMC..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes,Cant do ligation in MAH!

may i aksed why do you wanna do?I heard from her...that her vagina is very dry and sometimes painful when ML wor......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Re: baby movements

I am also feeling more and stronger movements from baby nowadys. Think they are getting bigger and also not much space left.

I took some videos of baby creating waves and really so amazing to watch. hehe..

The movements can be quite painful and uncomfortable at times and especially when bb stretches and push all the way. my goodness, so painful at the V-area and ribs lor.

Going for my gynae visit tmr, wonder if bb shifted down already anot.


Aiya,my HB always asked his friends la....we all dunno and can forget about asking his parents too..cos all dunno as well!

So this time i told him to give $50 la..if good....follow pearlyn style lor..give more!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac ...

You know that they always say if the #1 has boy feature as a bb then #2 will be boy and vice versa

Dunno how true but my #1 is SUPER boy boy look while my #2 can sometimes pass off as gal

Princess Dia ...

I will just give $28 when she comes and depending on her 'performance' will give her another one when she leaves lor

princess d, u know i've been reading sep, oct & nov thread.. at least i know wat are u mummies facing.. maybe i also too free and kpo liao.. hehe

I'm taking bird best twice a mth and cordyceps once a mth. avocado milkshake and soya bean at least once a week. now gonna start lemon drink! woohoo...

Haiz, i've high risk of pre-eclampsia and now on high blood pill too.. hope everything goes smootly for me..

Princess Dia ...

I am considering cos already got 3 kids liao and I am seriously NOT keen to have a 4th kid. Even pills and IUD are not 100% safe + I do not want to be on pills on long term. IUD oso ler ... I dun like the idea of having a foreign object in my body lor

Even if I dun do it now ... I am likely to do it few years down the road (which was my option if I can go for natural birth this round).

Dunno ler ... still thinking thinking ...

Does anyone know of a good pediatrician in the east? I figured better start doing homework on this now.. later BB needs to go for jabs right?

My CL called me today to ask if I pop liao.. very kan cheong..

tell me to sms her my address and to prepare the meat n fish so that she can cook for me.. abit too early right?

i tot of only calling her when i deliver, she still got 2 days to buy tickets to come to singapore...

she mentioned give her some money for taxi... what taxi? from train station to my house?

BTW, CL supposed to work 28 days or 30??

do u all allow your CL to watch TV?? during the time she is free from bb n cooking, what does she do? take nap or what?


cordyceps musty stop when you reach 3rd trimester as it can make bb bigger!!save it for your confinement use...

You have to take care since you have high risk of pre-eclampsia.....jsut eat healthily and rest more!You should be ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yea,i know it's hard to decide..as for my friend,her third one wa an accident cos it happen when her 2 nd child is 4.5mths old and she was bfg still!Then ,she tot ...no menses n it is safe lor..sekali....jeng jeng!!hahhahabut is a blessing cos her first 2 kids is boy and her third one is a princess..like you!

At first they decided to abort simply because my friend is the only one working...and he has got another child to pay from his prev marriage!So.....kinda tough for him!His wife gotta stay at home to take cae of the kids....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

That's yhis wife decided to go for ligation!But she oso funny,everytime we talk about HS topic,she will blast out!kept sying down there dry!!wahahha....

But since you have the thought for that...maybe jsut have to seriously consider together with HB lor.....you still young..who knows after few years..,itchy backside and want one more girl to amke it even????????hahhahahah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Dia ...

My #3 is sort of unplanned too ... we wanted #3 just that she came sooner than expected. In fact of my 3 kids ... only #2 is planned hahaha so we sort of know that we q 'accident prone'

My hubby agrees to stop at 3 too and my preg is v v tough ... 1st tri is constant vomitting and excessive salivation. SUPER tough ...


ahahhaa....wat does your prev CL do during her free time?

Mine read newspaper!

She only watch telly when we watch..if the telly is off,don't think she is daring enough to ask to watch gua???????IF those experienced Cl,will asked for Nap in the afternoon cos at night,they need to answer all the nght calls...that is ok!

Wah..take taxi?Take MRT la!

All CL does that!THe most take till the nearest mrt then we go and pick her up ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Hey talking about excessive salivation...i got it big time lately!

I can jsut drool as i talk and i accidentally showered some onto HB's face when i got a lil excited talking to him!

Most embarrassing moment was,last SUn we went to had Japanese food!

As HB was ordering all the sashimi,i heard toro!!!!!

i drool!!!!!yes,i wet my pink top lor!!!THen HB make fun of me and said to the waiter,..ya,gimme 2 portion...that pregnant lady is drooling!!!!hahhahhahahha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no la iris, she never say anything bad about you. haha not that i remember! keke... i haven kept in touch too much since we left sss le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sad sad. but i know she is doing well and everything happy for her! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how many months difference are your two kids gg to be? oooh ok ok now i know! rough and smooth surfaces see if ican go get some tmr or something!

seabreeze, my #1 got ppl say look like girl leh how haha... actually i love boys la and i dun mind all boys but hor suddenly nearer to date cannot imagine all my kids are boys. I actually like big families and am planning for 4 kids! but in today's society i thk 3 shld be sufficient. else very hard later school fees and all... so i thk i will most probably stop at 3 too. but like you i wont know what type of prevention... like princess d said still young wor.

wow whim, yup the guardian at holland village also cheapest is $35 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] maybe depends on which guardian you go to, the bigger ones maybe more stock?i will still continue the hunt hehe. otherwise i will just consider the $35.95 guardian house brand one. anyway when i ask the pharmacist, she recommended said to deliver then see the size of tummy then get the hubby to go buy instead of buying now, since wont know how big we will be after delivery...

my stools not loose but softer, easier to come out very happy haha. used to have harder ones in the previous trimester.

gsm maybe you have mild contractions but cannot feel it de leh. i remember when i had my boy, the machine said i had mild contractions but i felt nothing lo.

Princess d,

this is my 1st time getting a CL, last time is MIL who help me. this time she cant help cos my boy is a challenge now n I dun wan to tire her out for night duty...

Wow toro!!! think i will go for sashimi this weekend with hubby... just before pop... must eat if not cant eat for a long long time..

n i need my mee sua from seng kee.. hubby got entertainment tonight.. so xian


this is also my first time getting confinement lady. Previous 2 births, my mum did confinement for me. So hor i also dun know what to ask of the CL and all...hee hee but take a step at a time lor. For me as long as baby is taken care properly and got cook food and take care of me can le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun really ask for alot de...

I jus tried the green lemon add water n honey, but hor still super sour leh. Minutes after drinking, wah! Bb kick non stop lor. Think too sour for her liao.. Heehee

I guess I'm lucky I got my CL via referral so if she does anything funny I can check w my fren.. I'm not too particular abt her watching tv as long as she's mostly helpful.. According to my fren she's vy good.. But I'll need to find out how good myself!

Jadefeet: my CL is m'sian so she'll make her way to woodlands checkpoint..& take cab to my place if my hubby can't go to pick her up. I don't mind cos I stay jurong point here. Muhahaha! But best no surcharge lah.

hey ladies,

wanna chk, i m trying to find those kind of 3 hrs to 4hrs kind of drop off playgroup for my 20months old-once or twice a week type. anyone has any idea which are the schools that offer such options?

Princess d, thanks. Noted on cordycep.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone tried e origin ginger cream? I just received mine today.. Thinking of applying on my lower right back..


My hubby rather pay then to go fetch her.. he says his petrol n time cost is more than taxi fare n he doesnt even know her face then how to pick her...

Mine also msian but duno if she is taking bus or train..

Can you ask your friend what is consider good? i am more worried abt my MIL unable to accept another lady in the kitchen....

or the way she handle her baobei grandchild..

Is it a must that the CL must prepare different soup 3x a day? or she must give me a soup everynight b4 i sleep?


Im still on pills daily for the pre-term contractions till the next appt to see gynae, so now hopefully bb guai guai tahan till the c-sect day.


Yup she is doing well and fine now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My 2 babies are 14mths apart. I gave birth last year july and got pregnant again shortly after 5mths. My boy is a IVF baby and now lil one in tummy is a blessing to conceive naturally [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We rather pay for cab too.. =) well.. Wat is good is subjective. but this fren of one quite hard to impress.. Basically she said this CL has initiative.. Besides looking after baby she cooks & even helps w housework.. Not like those can will Siam if they can.. Easy to get along as well.. Has good hygiene habits..

I think we can't expect them to cook fantastic meals or 3 soups a day.. Datz really rare! All I ask for his a loving & responsible CL who's not lazy.. Cooking wise I can close o e eye.. ^*^


I cant advise u on playgroup leh..actually im also looking for one to enrol my boy, i just asked princess d the other day on JG which she sent her daughter to. May be princess d can advise?


Yup I'm a teacher. My classroom located at 4th floor lor. Have to do alot of climbing. But I tahan and insist on not asking to change to lower floor cos hope that all the climbing and walking will make baby engage and have smooth delivery.

My pregnant colleague asked for a classroom swap today. She's due in Jan 2011. Den my other colleague says I very 'zai', can still walk with my big tummy.haha.

Today went shopping around to get nursing bra. Wah walk until my leg cramp and the V area also numb like that.

Was watching ang mo birthing videos and I showed it to my hubby. I showed him this video where the woman didn't take epidural and was in so much pain. Wanted to scare him so he'll change his mind about me taking epi. He very insistant that I should not take epi, but I'm so scared of the pain.

Then he ask me why the mother cry after she gave birth. -_-". I think I will surely cry when I see my girl for the first time cos I cried when I saw the baby being born in the video.


where got sour ?lol



For JG playgroup ,one adult must sit in due to their young age!Independent only when they are at nursery[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EVEn GUG too and Shichida if you are looking into putting him in in!

unless infant care....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I'm not gg to give a big ang bao, limit is $38. Cos I'm already paying her $2000.

Very worried that the CL will not be good. Cos there's no recommendation.

The first time we met her she looks ok la, those average auntie type. My worry is she'll be lazy. Cos over the phone when my hubby spoke to her, she said will provide 3 meals plus tea-break/snacks in between. When I ask her, she say oh depends lor.Some just eat bread with milo.

When I ask her if she know how to prepare herbs for bathing, she says nowadays people seldom bath in the herbs water. The mother she was serving at that time only bath in herbs for 1 week.

She'll wash baby's clothes but using washing machine. But my washing machine is those 9KG load type. Baby clothes so little den use machine to wash my bills will be sky high lor. Den she relented and said if very little she'll hand wash.

Lastly, she asked for ang bao. I know need to give ang bao but asking for it seems a little thick skin to me.

Hope she'll do her job well la. Trying not to worry too mych since already paid deposit.

I'm back from gynae appt. Bb is still head down but not engaged. Had my blood test taken today. Good news is that bb put on 400gms in 2 weeks, is now 2.6kg.


I forgot to ask Dr Woody about waxing, dunno if I should just go ahead with it. My next appt will be next tues, maybe will bump into you.=) Realized Dr Woody seems to take longer with each patient now. He used to be very ‘chop chop’ kind, but for my last visit and today, he took quite long to see each patient.

Novakido, thanks! He is at the age now trying to be independent and wanna try everything. He doesn’t like to wear anything on his head, but just wanna be vain and try out the beanie when he saw me taking them out to wash, after that keep looking at the mirror and ask me nice a not. Then start bugging me to take my camera out to take pixs. Wow, you have plans to have 4 kids! Just like my hb, but I think the most I will stop at 3. Very afraid that the 3rd one will turn out to be a boy too!


Dun worry, I had loose stools 2 weeks back at 34 weeks.

Hello all! Haven't been really logging in to follow the threads and topics these few days. A very tiring but well-spent weekend for me!

Saturday - was in orchard and walked for like 2-3 hours while waiting for my hubby... I was SOOOOO tired after that! Rmb I was having insomnia the week before? Amazing thing was on Sat night, I totally conked out! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my neck - back - butt - v area - calves - ankles - toes were all sore and aching real bad!

The next day, I woke up with an headache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] had a quick lunch and took 2 panadols and knocked out again from 1230 - 6pm! really amazing!! I literally just slept throughout! Made up for all my sleepless nights [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wahahhahaahah... had a delicious steamboat dinner... I ate so much I swear all the weight gain is gonna go to me instead of my baby... Lol

Monday - Hubby was off, so we lazed around at home.. had like dvd / tv marathon and spent quality time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today - went shopping with family at Chinatown.. WALKED more again! and am really tired now too... hopefully tonight gonna knock out again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahahahha.. have been eating so much junk food and I feel so guilty... Anyway nice people were on the MRT today! They gave up their seats to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe cos my tummy probably looks too big to be standing up... hehehehe

How's all mummies doing? Ian, hope your wife is feeling better! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

seems like there are a number of new names... so... HELLO to all new mummies!! Hang in there for those about to pop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can't wait to see who is gonna pop next!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] JIA YOU EVERYONE!!

novakido, for me I bought the smallest abdominal binder (size M). The brand I bought it from (not guardian!) had detailed guidelines on which size ladies shd buy based on their weight gain before pregnancy and in their 7-8th mth of pregnancy, u have to calculate the weight difference to figure out what size.

But I have to admit to me, the tighter the maternity abdominal binder is, the more effective it might be, so I dun mind if the size is a bit too small. My own opinion...

But from what I can see from the guardian sizes, I think I shd buy a size 'S' if I really wanted to get an extra one whenever I bring my original one for washing.

Am still thinking how to pack that binder into my hospital bag... I cannot imagine my SO face when I tell him to "bring me that thing, I want to wear it even in the hospital", he'll probably go like "why u so vain?!?"


whim! thanks ya, i thk i will have to buy size S too. will check out if the pharmacy at gleneagles sell it or not if they do maybe will just get hubby to buy it from the pharmacy when i deliver! hehe... then no need to pack in the bag liao haha (i already pack 2 bags-1 for baby, 1 for me). but i m sure your hubby will be supportive la haha. most men would love to have their wifey still wanting to look good even after becoming a mum! he'll probably be secretly proud of you! haha

ade, ya lor i came from a large family, 1 sis and 2 older bro so i love big families lor. hehe my hubby's parents both also from big family so he is very used to big families too hehe but his plan also stop at 3 la. who knows after this delivery both boys will drive me so crazy i will just stop at two haha!

princess, thanks! ya lor my boy has been attending JG since he was 9 months old. now 20months old le going to be in their playclub. maybe because this week was school holiday la, so i felt like he very bored like that nothing to do at home, walk around, check this one out that one out sit down, play with my mobile phone. so was thking if i should send him to one more playschool like twice a week type where i dun need to accompany him one. like 3hrs type only just to spend his time socialising. plus i will get some free time with the new baby too...

nycmum, did u manage to get nursing bras? i m looking for some too but dun wanna buy online coz i wanna try the sizes, my old ones all grey and dirty looking le! hehe i cried too when my first boy came out. then my pics all look like rudolph haha... its rather emotional i find...

wow irish, so happy for you! yes yes all children are blessings! go through IVF must be very hard ya. well done mummy and daddy! 14mths apart is good they will play well together!

