(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Thanks Seabreeze for the info. I think it is a good idea to drink chix essences during confinement and breastfeeding......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



R u the mummy that going to induce?


Yea I think I am the next hehe, Hmm actually mentally prepared. I keep thinking how he will look like these few days hehe...

Passion....I still not sure....hope baby decided to come out naturally [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple, Yea I went to september forumn like some mummies induce then didn't dilate end up emergency c section so is best to either natural or u plan for a c section.

i'm back here after a blissful 1 hr massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pearlyn, Jac, apple and ade, i'm amazed how i can still manage to do housework at my 35 weeks! But of course i paid the price of having backaches. My hubby can't help me with housework anymore cos he dislocated his shoulder and i could'nt find any part time maid to help me today so i did it myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ade, are you going to ask woody if it is ok to go for b wax at this stage of pregnancy this evening when u go see him?

Passion88, yar lor i try not to induce if possible cos after 3 days or even less, they Will ask to csect.

Cyn, i am amazed that i Can still clean m'y house too at m'y 36 weeks.

hallo!! long time no login and 2 mummies have popped! Gratz to Melissa & Cherry! So excited and immediately have my hospital bag packed. =)

Confinement lady angpao


Can ask the experienced mummies what is the normal rate for confinement lady ang pao? I heard need to give one when they come and one when they left? I know it's up to us, but is the rate something like $20, $50, $80, $120.. which one har?

Hi Mummies

I had a good long weekend! I did my waxing at Strip (they initially didn't allow cos I didn't have a doc letter but in the end I had to sign an indemnity form!), had mani and a haircut too!! Even did a bit of shopping!! hehe Was very happy over the weekend.

But my feet is starting to look really really swollen.. and last night I had my 1st contraction!! Was starting to panick cos not sure if its the real thing and my hosp bag is half packed.. but luckily the pain went away after abt 1 hr... sigh.. does this mean there will be more false contraction???

Princess D, Vivian and Fifi

Thanks for the advice on EBM.. I hope I can rem all you said.


Thanks for the KKH postnatal homecare info too.. My mom will be my CL but I heard my MIL wants to come down from msia too.. if she does, she will most likely stay with me (and I'm temporarily living with my mom).. hiyo I think it will be STRESSFUL for me!!


Where you find the energy to do housework?? Very peifu le.. now I can only look.. almost have to will myself to do simple things like washing dishes..even washing dishes also feet pain!


It is getting so hard to sleep well isn't?! Every morning I wake up tired.. some nights have to wake up 5x to pee. I think my record was 6x!! This is on top of waking up when the BB moves.. hiyo... I'm forever tired these days.

empress7 ...

Guess it depends on her performance ba ... if you are very happy with her than more but if you find her so so ... $20 oso can.

Bravo Apple! 36 weeks and you are still doing housework. Good on ya! Dun overstretch yourself though....

Suwaiwai, i wonder where i got the energy from too! These days, i like to just lie around and do nothing. Even if i do go out, i will K.O after 2-3 hours.

Anyway the massage lady ask me stop doing housework cos my baby's head down already, dun overstrain myself. She also guess most likely i will pop by 1st week of October. Let's see if her prediction comes true!

Cyn and Apple ...

Think its the nesting instinct hahaha that day I make my hubby climb up and down to make space for my #3 clothes too.

Told him if he dun help then I just throw out HIS clothes to make space for her hahaha

Ya, I also wana check on the confinement lady angpao. Can the experience mummies that hired the CL advise how much roughly to bao?

Btw, any mummies feeling bb movement more & more? Or I should say bigger n bigger movements? I've been feeling big movements from bb these few nights as though she has grown much bigger liao.

One of my frd went for induced hor, but end up cannot dilate much for 2 days leh. In the end, she scare her bb will be in distress, thus ask for C-sec immediately on the second day. Scarly to think of that. I think we need to talk bb also la, cos I feel they sure can understand us to a certain extend. heehee.. no worries, everything will be smooth, we have already tahan for so long liao.

Cyn, peifu leh. Still doing hsechores, I already started to hire PT services to come in my hse to do hsechores liao. Ask hubby do, will be messy and got to keep nagging him. I give up man.

seabreeze, maybe you're right. I pay special attention to the nursery room. It must be spotless! I made my hubby clean the windows the other day cos that room is facing the corridor and its abit dusty.

I also wash the bedding set already, can't wait to set up his cot and wait for his arrival. I'm getting excited just thinking how soon the day will finally come....but also scared too.

Hope i can have a natural delivery and manage with Epi1

teoong, you are 37/38 weeks liao right? gotten everything ready?

I just manage to finish packing my hospital bag!


I think I am at the lying down and do nothing stage. hehe Plus my feet so swollen and painful, I dun feel like walking ard even at home. My BB already engaged so I'm afraid if I overexert myself, the BB will pop out too. Altho gynae didn't seem concerned about the BB being engaged, I figured better to be safe la. You shouldn't overstretch yourself too.


I'm also trying to get my HB to be more involved. But he also poor thing.. come back from work still need to do housework. Later I'm gg to ask him to make space for BB stuff too! hehe.. we got most of the stuff needed but everything is all over the place even on the cot! Imagine the cot is covered with ziplock bags of clothes, towels, bedlinen, pillows.. for awhile even the bathtub was on the cot!

Re: Waxing / Shaving

Natural no need to shave/wax. C-sec, if you are not shaved/waxed, the nurses will do for you. Waxing may trigger contractions hence dun do till after 37weeks if possible & make sure you do not have any signs of preterm labour problems, etc.

Re: Bird's Nest

Okay to comsume now. But dun overconsume if you have history of asthma coz it may trigger your own asthma. The time when you cannot comsume bird's nest is actually the first 4 months. Make sure its clean (free from feathers) and good quality. Dun eat anything sub-standard. I take 2 times a week. Mine is from a supplier who supplies local high class hotels and chinese restaurant. Am lazy to prepare so I take the instant version. Each time 1 bottle - 120ml kind (not the small small ones).


No worries about the EBM/BF. Anytime you are not sure, just ask again. We can always repeat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Usually Malay MLs know how to see when you are going to deliver. So do prepare. My husband's friend who is good at these stuff already warned my husband that I am going to deliver anytime. During my last visit, gynae also told me that my next appointment is 37+1 days (next week) but she kinda hint that I may deliver anytime before that too. She also gave me instructions to stop medicine once 37 weeks and let baby come out.

Re: induced labour

i tink depends on your luck. My cousin was induced, stayed hosp for 6 days but end up still c-sect. My gf just induced last week but was in hosp for 2 days b4 giving birth naturally. My another fren was also induced but heng, 12 hours labour n natural birth. dats y we are advised to try self-inducing methods like walking, squatting or haf sex so cervix can dilate faster and baby can drop a little..

Omgoodness!!! Irish... yeash! hehe so interesting, no wonder i see that you resembled each other-cheekbones, face shape, nose smile!!!! whao! she was my bestie in SSS they call her my "evil twin" mua haha!!! so qiao so qiao!!! and yes she did mention you before too! btw, this green lemon are these the ones the our indian friends like to use for prayers? i remember seeing something like them at my old neighbors house... but dunnoe if they are the same?

apple, ya lor!me even worse... he was like you mean you dun know that you are holding on to my lucky rabbit's foot ah... i was like ??????

seabreeze and snoopy! yeash got you both! so great to link nicks to faces!

Ade, thanks! my boy boy super cheeky at his age. haha... dats what ppl say leh! look like me but hor i really cant see the resemblence. i thk most of the time ppl can see hor but not yourself! but i always pray that that my kids look like me coz i am adopted by my family and no one in my family looks like me hehe! your boy, ethan too! so cute in the profile pic! i love dat he wears the beanie! my boy will never wear anything on his head... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

suwaiwai, ya lor, yesterday i slept at 2am and woke up at 8 this morning... took a short nap just now couldnt get to sleep at all too!

hello mummies,

been busy this long weekend and i just realised melissa and cherry have popped!!! COngratulations mummies! i'm excited and nervous at the same time. Gonna take leave at 38W, now at 37W. i better be mentally prepared.... I have not washed her bedding set, and my hospital bag half packed.. =S

i'll be going Stripz tomo.


you are next! nervous?? =)


any mummies experiencing this? i'm having it for the third day in a row, read somewhere it means labour is imminent...


6X to pee? that's so tiring omg.....

thanks for the info fifi, then i guessed i better dun go for waxing first since i have pre-term contractions.

As i am typing now, my boy is creating a wave inside me. Feels good to be able to feel his kicks and punches even though it can get abit uncomfortable at times. Recently can feel that he's hicupping alot, anyone else experiencing the same?

Hi Irish coffee, i'm from dec thread and read abt yr green lemon drink? May I know when can we start taking? I'm in my 27wks now... TIA!

cyn hehe!ya they are learning how to breathe! so dats why get hiccups! and those kicks and punches becoz they have no more space le! good to know hor... so exciting!

I've started to have small2 pimples on my face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Perhaps it's becoz of the heat also.

Yesterday night I go out and today got slight pelvic pain when walking. Huhu..

I managed change my gynea appointment on my 36 weeks instead of 37 :p. So I'll see my baby next week. I still counting down to the date I dreamt when my baby born (29 Sept). haha.. Dunno whether it's true or not :p.

novakido, when they kick and punch, it means there have no more space le? I always thought that as we get more advance into the pregnancy, the baby movements will be lesser become it gets more cramp up inside...so i was wondering how come i can feel more of his karate kicks! And of course the hipcup is so cute. feel as though he is blowing bubbles inside!

gsm, a couple of my frens had diarhoea before giving birth. it's a common symptom. like the body is cleansing itself to make way for baby. I dun have diarhoea but frequent bowel movements these days. I can pass motion 3-4x a day and yet these days i dun eat a lot, loss appetite.

novakido ...

How old is your boy? V cute =)

cyn ...

Me too ... me only sorting out the kids' stuff all the time hahaha just send another big bag of 3-6mths clothes to my mum's place to wash and even sorted out 2 bags of clothes to give away.

Now just pending my fren's scan in another 4weeks time to see if she is expecting boy or gal heehee then see which bag of clothes will she take from me.

gsm ...

Yap ... soft stool is oso a sign that your body is getting ready for labour =)


I think that day I had a lot of soup to drink too.. I usually drink 1 glass of water after dinner (to get rid of the food taste in the mouth) then before I sleep, 1 glass of milk.. so I think its too much fluids in the sys. Tried to drink less at night, but I'm always thirsty.


Really so qiao leh! Yeash..i know both of u are bestie cos she always mentioned her evil twin to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaha i hope she says good things abt me! if not im going after her! heh heh...

No, lemon for prayer usually has very uneven rough surface, not those lemon for prayer. U try to find in shop n save as i always bought from them if not giant, in giant they named it as thai green lemon.

cyn i thk you will feel more "wavey" movements lor... the gynae told me should have more movements else they worry!

when i had my first baby, the gynae they dun do scans at every visit so nearer the end of the trimester they made us do fetal kick count. so choose the most active time of the day, count 10 movements not the hiccups type and will be good enough hehe.


I'm back from giAnt!! Yes yes! Irish! That's the one I bought! Just bought few more from giant ! Sometimes I make honey lemon too!

Yea, it's available in giant but not all the time! Didn't had a chZnce to go any shop n save! Thanks yea!muacks!


You were asking if bb hiccups lAst longer,

Yea... Haha... Mine still hiccuping since 5mins ago! Haaaaaaa


If you are alright I think there shouldn't be a problem but if you have been feeling uneasy n pain plus contractions lately, better to seek your docs advise !

I didn't had any problem last time n did mine 2 weeks before I deliver !

But because lately I ve had slight contractions n pSin at my left v area .. I consult my doc n asked y?

He gVe me a red card simply because he said u might encounter more psin n leads to real contraction since I ve been complaining to him about my daily ache n pain[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Shaving, the midwife will shave not entire area... Think only at the labia ... So dun worry n if you wanna diy at home, pls dun over do it or else during birth u might itch n scratch like hell hor![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my lil one also been hicupping alot too! The movement is not lesser still same but can feel more obvious now when its get more cramp up inside..thats y u can feel more of his karate kicks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi rainbow

u can start drinking as early from 2nd trimester le. Just drink as and when u feel like it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my SIL very kiasu cos she wanted to have a fair baby and she made one big jug for a day instead of a cup and drank it everyday!

Princess, so can mix the green lemon with honey lor?!keke.. jus now I also go Giant to buy the green lemon also. going to try it tonite! I like fair skin bb too!

thanks for the info novakido and irish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

irish, how are you? Hope you are resting well at home!

cyn: we only just talked abt the hiccups ytd.. and yup most of us feel it more.. as for baby movements, i oso feel its stronger cos not much liquid to cushion baby's kicks. haha!

re: CL ang bao!

i just asked my fren ( i'm gettin the same CL as her) how much she bao-ed when CL came, she said she bao-ed S$38. as for gg back, they bought her a pressie and changed some sing dollars to ringgit for her.. dunno how much.. is S$200 too much to give? =p but my fren was really happie with her service..

teoong: yar.. apparently so. even those form agencies, i saw they will encourage ang baos upon arrival and departure of the CL. =P

but cos i employ direct so i wasn't sure.. since i using the ex-CL of my fren so i asked her lo. heng ah! $38.. i thot need to give abt $88! chor~~

shall be the same as my fren and give $38.. if her services are good, then i dont mind paying more.. =)


i'm nervous! didnt take much birds nest, eat alot of half boiled egg with black sauce somemore. i better take more coconut and green lemon!!

seabreeze, marissa,

i see... cos i constipated the week before, then suddenly past three days soft stools, i very long never soft stools le.... wonder for how long.

i didnt eat much and wont feel hungry for very long..

re: wavey movements

yes! plenty strong wavey movements that make me cannot sleep!


think it is a vicious cycle, thirsty and must drink but have to keep going toilet!! maybe sip sip at night better..

hey, i just read about soft stools. me too having soft stools lately. diet didn't change, still eating the same things. and i am noticing a bit of menstrual like cramps. impending labour??

gsm: dont worry abt the eggs. i do frequent ya kun and toast box for their set breakfast. hee hee! and when i eat chicken rice, i like dark sauce too. =p

jac: hey.. now dat u mentioned it, i oso feel dat i oso have slight cramps similar to menstrual cramps. but vy slight pain only.. so i never think much.


Im back from gynea visit n walked ard in orchard too since i was alrdy there.

Bby is 37w4d but the first thing my gynea said is : hmmm still quite high hor..

I thought its alrdy coming down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

head is half engaged. She said can be lower.

Then i asked my doc : if i have pelvic pain after walking should i rest or continue walking?

She said : just continue.. U want the baby to come out so badly right??? he3

i do, i do!! Very heavy and uncomfortable now...

So i will walk more!

Mucus plug,

just told gynae too that i have lots of white discharge since last week n i have one big blob of whitish thing too. She said it cld be the mucus plug?!?!? but no show so far...

House chores,

im still doing everything myself till now..

Weekly shopping ~ will carry those aunty troley n walk home from the mal, sweep, mop at least once a week, laundry, cook, dust, clean, everything!! very bored at home.. The only thing hubby take over is cleaning bathroom coz scared very slippery...


thanks for the pic!! always see this at shop and save. Maybe will drink but not too much. Dont want my boy2 to come out too fair too... Hehehe..

re: cramps and contractions

nope, don't have any. no cramps, no BH. nothing ever since my 6 hour episode 2 months ago. but not all real contractions can be felt "pain", am i right mummies?


haaa, i love chicken rice with black sauce too! so i scared bb not fair....


I am not bringing my hospital bag along to see gynae this sat.. doubt he will send me to labour ward immediately unless BB is in distress..in any case, my bag is packed so hubby can always come back home n take..

i will try to buy some time to go makan my fave food 1st before delivery.. maybe go salon wash n blow my hair hahahha...

Gsm ...

I oso go Ah Kun v often heehee chicken rice with dark sauce is like a must for me too heehee so no worries lar! I just drink the soya bean milk to make my mum feels good only hahaha cos she put in the effort to make and she swears by it.

The only 'dark' person in my family is my younger sis and my mum said its cos she never drink soya bean milk when she was preg with my younger sis hahaha

Yap soft stool is 1 of the many signs of your body getting ready.

Jac ...

When is your next appt?? Mine is 1 Oct and I just rec a sms saying - "Delivery Booking at MAH for xxxx is confirmed. Thank you"

Wanted to ask them if I go c-section (cos bb breech) can still change hospital or not heehee

jadefeet,u really enjoy life. Let's hope u can find time to go salon wash and blow ur hair, have a nice meal before you pop! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yupz.. chicken rice with liver, with chili and dark sauce is a must for me!

i oso try to drink more soya bean and birds nest. gonna drink the green lemon next!

hello teoong,

hey,the honey lemon is shiok!But dunno if it works weel for a fairer skin bb wor?hahah

CL= those form agent will tell you to give one when they arrive and then another on before she leave!

And some agent turn up together with the CL on that day and tell you,thye oso need ang pao!!Rubbish!

I kana la last time!.....

The CL will give your bb one ang pao oso when she arrives!

Direct CL= give one when they arrive and they will give one to bb in return![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

that's all!!

Wah,pearlyn can give $88??

Last time my friend asked us to give $150 le...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So stupid le...both CL came already $400 gonez!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i drink soya bean milk but only once a week.

coconut twice a week, milk every day. but food i always like black black kind! black carrot cake, kway chap, black sauce wanton noodles, black hor fun, char kway teow. hahahaaa!! ok la, at least i was born fair, hope she'll be too!


still can go wash n blow hair and makan fav food before delivery? u dont mean when your water bag breaks right?


thats a wish.. whether can or not is another issue...

envy those of you who has no appetite, i duno y these 2 weeks i get hungry every 3 hrs.. think my weight gain is going to shoot thru the roof... had a ribeye steak n egg n entire durian moon cake at 2pm n now i whack 2 slices of banana walnut bread with a glass of milk!!! Jialut...


jadefeet, lol last min pampering of going salon and eating fav food! ya lor after dat confinement cannot already!

ann, wow 37+4 weeks! din realised yr that far along! tmrw is my checkup. if gynae says baby still too high i will cry! already in pain, if baby has to drop even lower sure lagi painful rite?

re: discharge

i've been having v discharge these days too. dun tink it's mucus plug. more like watery kind, e ones u'll get nearing to period.

