(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

good afternoon mummies and Ian!


Glad that ur wife is on route to recovery!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Not that I can walk so much... I think I have to try or I scared my labour gonna be difficult... And of cos I paid the price for it.. Hahaha aching body but so far my pelvic pains are minor cases as compared to some of you.. Maybe cos my baby still very high up...


I added you on fb Liao... Very easy to know my nick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: gaining weight

All you mummies look wonderful lah!!! Hehehe so radiant while I always ask my hb why people pregnant so radiant but I look like aunty and so haggard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] plus I thought like the boobs will grow bigger... Initially it seemed like so.. But now like shrink back or what leh!!!!! Hais

Re: Ang pao for CL

Didn't know there's such tradition woh... I better discuss with my hb and MIL.. Hehe


just came back from lunch and some shopping...

despite the morning cool, it's back to the humid weather again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just got my boy a gift from his soon-to-arrive brother. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Getting so lazy with wrapping that I only used 4 pieces of scotchtape and one big wrapper... hehehe


sorry to hear about the rash! i had rashes when i was in my first trimester. really no fun.. red, scaly and patchy all over arms, legs and very bad on face also. hope you do not have any on the face! your gynae gave you anything for the rash?? i was given a very mild steroid cream (suitable for pregnancy) to apply 2x a day. worked well for me, but still took a few weeks for everything to disappear 100%.


The black ones are from impression/eternity. can't recall. I bought from metro causeway point. Having 20% till 19th Sep. Cost $14.30 after discount. But they are not nursing bra, just soft normal bra without underwire. It's not padded and material not too thin until can see n***les.


I'm a pri sch teacher. I'll be gg on leave 11Oct, EDD 28 Oct. Thought can go earlier but...haiz. My colleague told me to ask for hospitalisation leave from gynea so I can rest earlier. I'll check with my gynea next week and see if he kind enough. Cos some gynea will ask you to stay in hospital at least 1 day before they give.

Empress, weather changing to a bit colder now, going to be autumn soon....

tomolo is 37weeks for me, reaching the Full Term Mark. So happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wa, never seen this kind of fan before.

Xin, y ur sch so not compassionate, only u preg in sch huh at that time? Or maybe very waste electric they think if for only 1 person?

At least your school have lift, my school only have stairs. And there are 5 pregnant teachers now. Me popping in Oct, 1 in Nov, 2 in Dec and 1 in Jan. Haha one after another.

good afternoon mummies and Ian,

re:nursing bra

I order 4 pcs fr Fave thru online. Think will arrive these 2 days. My frens who order b4 said that the nursing bra is nice n comfortable so i shall try it out.

Initially never thought of buying, thought of using the old one but aft washing n try it out, cannot fit lor, too tight for me.


ur EDD is v near mine leh. Today i am week 37 day 1 liao. but hope can tahan because wanted to bring my girl to 3 yrs old birthday bash this saturday. hope bb guai guai stay in my tum tum at least aft next week.kekekeke


perhap apply pickly heat powder so that u will feel much better.


glad to hear ur wife is on the way to recovery

apple, hee... put a bit of effort mah :p hurray for u! 1 more day to wk 37! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tiffy, actually i bought other stuff too.. but he seems more interested in this particular one. So decided that this would be the gift from didi. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Keep the rest for other occasions. hahahah


wow! tomorrow baby will be full term! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: bladeless fan

my hubby said he saw it in courts, still not as good as the normal fan with blade as the wind that comes out not very strong.

Talking about weight gain, I gained 12 kg already since my 8 weeks pregnancy! Now I'm in my 35 week+4 days..

But if counted since my wedding (which is 1.5 month before pregnancy), I gained 15 kg!!

My mom keep saying she only gains 10 kg each time she's pregnant. My mom keeps making me scared on gaining too much weight.. But anyway she's shorter than me, so I'm not that afraid :p. And hubby is taller than my dad, so my baby might be slightly bigger. (Even though hubby is so skinny!!)

However, my mom didn't lose much weight in all her 3 pregnancy. That's why I'm going to have a post-natal massage! Hihihi.. I saw my colleagues after pregnancy look very slim becoz they have the post-natal massage. They are back to their pre-pregnancy weight when they got back to work (which means in 16 weeks only!!)

Same like Jac, I'm now amazed I can weight 70 kg now!!! Hahaha.. Breaking a 7x+ record. Hubby is only 56 or 58 kg so he can really hide behind me (not totally becoz he's like 7 cm taller than me). I'm 163 cm tall.

But anyway, I once weight 63 kg and managed to lose all my weight until 55 kg in 1.5 years just by eating less rice, more veggie, and walk a lot.

Hopefully can do the same this time!

Aiyoh my pimples and stretch mark, I won't realize if hubby didn't point them to me.. I personally don't really care how I look before anyone pointing to me! I don't even wear makeup to office becoz my office is a manufacturing company, and I work as software engineer, only 2 girls in my whole group of 16. Hahaha.. The other girl also never wears makeup :p. I always wear T-Shirt + Pants to office!


you try asking ur gynae see if can give you hospilization leave. My gynae is quite ok with giving. Think we are entitled to 60 days, so just take lor.


not that my sch not compassionate. but think the lift got something wrong. Got 1 cleaner trapped inside for 1 hr. Then too ex to repair also. Thats y they refuse to on the lift lor.

My mom will faint if she knows the price of the post-natal massage.. ($500).

I came from a stingy family that doesn't want to buy anything unnecessary. My dad always buys cheap items! Cheap beds etc..

Even my mom and dad already saying I spend too much to buy my Serta bed! Becoz my sister buys only cheap bed for her wedding! But we consider buying the Serta bed as a good investment, becoz until now I don't have much difficulty sleeping. I wake up a few times, but managed to sleep again. The only times I can't sleep again is when I think too much about who will take care of baby, how to take care, etc..

Few days ago my hubby goes to the Serta shop to get one of the dolls that they haven't given to us becoz they don't have the number last year. Actually it's available since early this year, but we just delayed going to the shop to take the doll.. The guy in the shop still recognize hubby and said the mattress that we bought now the price increases by $200. Hehehe..

groovy: hey groovy! i oso bought a serta mattress! i consider it a fine investment and i love my mattress to bits. every nite, when i sink into the bed, i really feel happy. hahaha! and we also got 2 lambs when we bought ours! =)


$500 is ok leh.. how many sessions?? mine is $700++ for 10 sessions and my mum finds it cheap! i was considering whether to sign up or not for the longest time lor.

re: mattress

we spend so much time in bed, so definitely must invest in a good one!! i also love my bed. when hubby toss and turn next to me, i hardly feel any disturbance. we are both rather light sleepers so really perfect for us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went shopping at JL just now and bought another 3 nursing bra from eternity - $9.90 each. Now I got a total of 10 nursing bras heehee should be more than enough liao!

Now the weather is so HOT!!

Pearlyn> I love it too! Hehehe.. Actually at first we want to buy it becoz of the cute Counting Sheep dolls!! We got 4 pillows and a bench too. The pillows are so nice and fluffy too!!!

Hi mummies,

can add me in FB too? [email protected]

Or can help suggest friends who are in the Oct thread, I will add from there.



i added you yesterday cos saw ur email address.

then realised we have a common fren anne chow? how u related to her? she is my hubby's cousin leh.

Jac> $500 for 10 sessions.. Hehe.. My hubby at first quite shocked to hear the price. But then I show him the prices from other massage lady, then I told him the benefits of post natal massage, said my colleagues so slim when comes back, and I said can do at home.. So in the end he agrees and let me call the massage lady.

My hubby doesn't like me to go to any Massage/Spa/Facial etc. He said it's a waste of money, and he doesn't like me being naked in the massage parlour!!

My tummy these few days, 2-3,4 days got bigger again. Does this means baby gain a lot of weight? And hor yesterday i go and eat this fench ang mo zha bo Stare at me, so is it my tummy really v big n i am abt to givre birth?

Tiffy, u cross thé full term Mark. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pearlyn, your turn soon.

Emmie, yeah yipee.


same for my hubby, don't like me to go massage. he was reluctant to let me sign up for massage also. scared not safe, and finds it expensive. till he heard my mum saying that i should go for it and that it is beneficial then he gave the go-ahead. if wanna massage, he only does it when he is overseas. he says overseas one more shiok and a lot cheaper.


are you carrying very low already? maybe that's why the french bread keep staring.

helOO mummies,

whoa, so many happenings after 1 week of no log in...


jia you n have safe delivery..hugs.

other mummies,

jia you!!! counting down to ur happiest moment!!


so sad, cannt join.. maybe after popping, we can gather again with mummy n bb..

weight gain,

hmm.. i have lose 8kg in merely 7 days of nightmare.. haha.. now can fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes, except for my lil tummy which have yet to shrink.. trying hard!!!

7 days of breastfeeding, expresssing, sleep breaks, endurance..in addition of 2 monkeys at home!! chaotic!! tomorrow will remove stitches from gynae place, no more pain.. healing well. cheerios.. bb is well, slight jaundice when discharge all others are perfect. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no CL, except mummy, maid n 1 auntie to help up.. so far so good, take herbal shower everyday, wash hair on every alternate days.. :p


looks like you are handling everything very well so far! glad to know the c-sect wound is no longer painful for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] did you have to take painkillers everyday? looking forward to more pics of your little princess on the FB!

hee hee.. for me, its the opposite. my hubby needs massages.. he'll do it in JB or his fren's shop here in spore.. he will do it every 2-3 mths so not too bad. as for me, i hardly do it.. post-natal is for slimming so i do it! hahaha!

groovy: yup! i got the bench too.. and free pillows when i bought the mattress last year. =)


hug hug.. now all 3 monkeys ZZzz.. sneak in to chat!! lol. yup, no more pain.. i no longer on pain killer since today..

actually, c section is really not that scary!! maybe i share with u mummies some tips, if you had ur surgical binder on, pls dont bind it "too tightly" for the first 5-7 days... it will speed up recovery faster becoz it really works for me.

Cherry, tht's fast! lost 8kgs in one wk leh! Steady! Remember to upload the pics of your princess when free ya. Can't wait to see her.

Groovy, Pearlyn, me too also using Serta bed! Best investment liao! I can easily go back to sleep on that bed manz.. no more feeling of the spring.



Well done well done! Can fit into pre pregnancy clothes after 8 days! Don't think I can do it! But must try!!!

Haa... Will wait for you on our next gathering k!!

Me at marina square shopping![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nothing much, just went for a furnitures n deco exhibition !! Love the things there ! Heee.... More shoppings for me! Anything I should buy here, anyone? I'm

Walking aimlessly but dunno wat to buy? Heee... HB said wanna buy the bamboo tummy wrap for me... But again! I dunno if I ll be good to use it everyday onot????[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]!!! Think think... Having coffee break , gonna walk again soon!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac, yes yes, u will reached 37weeks soon too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, then I guess better not to use the lift. They maybe scare u get trapped.

Groovy, the serta doll got number de ar?

Serta too high for us. We got a King Size bed instead. Hb wasn't too fussy abt furniture, except for bed he keep saying must get king size, cos can sleep comfortable.

yup, will up load in FB soon.. cos now damn bz with daily adjustment. :p

ya, loss 8 kg, coz no CL mah.. so handling bb all by myself at night.. so weight loss lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I use memory foam mattress to sleep.. shiok.


the surgical binder is provided by hospital or we need to go and buy ourselves?? i am mentally prepared to have c-sect le.

princess d,

off hand also dunno what else need to buy le. sometimes just feel like doing some retail therapy hor! hee hee!! enjoy your shopping and coffee break! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whoa,, all online..!! this is so fun!!


yup, must wait for me..

whoa, so envy, shopping.. dun walk too much, rest rest rest..


jia you!!!


last time hubby and i were contemplating whether to get king size or not also. then end up bought queen size only. feel that not big enough leh. so next time definitely will buy king size!

re: full term baby

still gotta wait 2.5 weeks to be at 37 week mark. waiting patiently...

Yanling, requested to add u in fb liao. Accept my request then will invite u to our secret grp in fb, then u can add the mummies there.

Jac, dunno leh. Not very low, but very big. Starting from Weekend, Hb keep calling our Darling Girl Girl "Hey Watermelon baby" Cos my tum tum big as a water melon.

Cherry, great to hear from you. 8kg in 7days is alot. ur 8kg is before delivery and after delivery? Inclusive of your baby before deliver?

I think Me myself and my hubby plus my darling daughter maybe and hopefully, less helper means more weight lost, like 10kg in 2 weeks. I very happy liao hahah.....:p

Hi All

Greetings from TMC!

Not that I've popped bt hv to be admitted for observation due to a pain that refused to go away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my binder is from my gynae clinc, gynae will put it on immediately after your op. my gynae use the brand dale. gynae will charge into ur hospital bill, so i didnt buy.

byw, my total stay in MEH for 1 bedded for 4days 3 night stay is $2600.00 which i pay in cash. room comes with safe deposit box, fridge, study table, dressing table etc.. mah jiam like hotel..heehee

Cherry ...

Sounds like you are coping well ... good for you!!

Princess Dia ...

Just walk around aimlessly and relax lor ... at the rate you are shopping and walking ... I think you are going to pop v soon heehee

re: Bed

That is super important to us so we got a king size Sealy bed heehee no regrets!! Ever since I got kids ... the bed is always used by 3 people hahaha cant wait for the time when I can kick the kids out of my room =)


i have a total weight gain of 13kg for this pregnancy.. so now the scale shows that i have lost 8kg.. all mummies sure can do it de, we have all the chio mummies here so definitely can do it!!

Thanks Cherry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac, yes. After we gotten King Size, I then realise wat he means. Because the bed we have here now is Queen size from his mum, and hor, is squeezy....

Jac, 2.5 weeks will zoom pass by very fast de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lilbluey, take care, hope all is well for you. Jia you Jia you...ask baby guai guai, soon will be able to see mummy but wait a while more now.

Cherry, ur hospital stay sounds good. U deliver all 3 in Mt A or? Where is Mt A located huh? Thanks for the weight info.

Princess Diamond, I agreed with Seabreeze, I think with the walking and such, u might pop earlier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My Bed rotting for 2yrs at my home, dunno go back still okie, can use or not....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

