(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Princess Diamond:

My ex colleague also put on 20kg and you know she lose almost 18kg in 2 months so don't worry so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I not very tall too only 161 hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My weight gain so far abt 11kg all on my stomach n water retention on my leg. Luckily face and arms never put on any weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



have le actually more...for me la...for my past 2 pregnancies i put on 17+ kg...and then after deliver hor left with about 8kg+ to shed off le...and even without doing anything hor..not much of bfing...the weight all gone except about 3kg form #2 left over...so which means i lost about 14kg lor..

talk about weight gain, i gain 18kg already, just realised yesterday i had water rentention...is this good news or ? Does this mean the weight will be taken off quickly after labour as well?

Princess - i agree with Jac that you look fabulous even though u mention now u have put on 20kg!

Jac - you are a stunning mummy too! cannot really see the excess meat u mention leh.....

Cyn: I did ask my gynea if water retention weight will drop faster she say depends on individual. But the water retention will usually go off 2 wks after birth.


Hahhaha..My gynae "tsk" wen he saw my weight le!!hahhahahha....i told him i very guai liao...he said...DOn't say i nvr warn you ah.........ok lorr..........WHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAH!!!


NOt worried!Nothing beats my prev pregnancy where i put on 30kg!wahahhahhaahaha....

tat's y im not afarid!hyiak hyiak hyiak!!!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I lost all before i conceived again![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


remind me to kiss the both of you next time we meet!!Thank you thank you!I look like a momma hippo!!cute eh???hahhaahaahah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

See the amount of food i ate la..to compare with you guys.....cannot fight le...after heavy lunch still go for desserts!wahhaaaa....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiyo all the mummies look so good when I meet you all at Chef Daniel for lunch lor!! I am the most tired, most un-glam mummy in the group heehee

Anyway a few more weeks we will all start unloading and till we meet next time ... all will be nice, slim and pretty heehee


you are also a beautiful mummy, all glowing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can't see my weight gain prolly 'cos all my the weight go to the bottom leh. ppl say preggers will look very sexy with the full cleavage and whatever, but i still have none!! don't know whether to be happy or sad.. anyway, every morning when i walk of the house, i will pass by a lot of our wedding photoshoot pics which we place on one part of the wall and i will just stare and automatically compare lor. my face slimmer, arms skinnier, tummy was FLAT (now FAT) and thighs.. my god, don't wanna mention the thighs! the other night i asked hubby to stand behind me. I CAN HIDE HIM!

princess d: u're my model lah! can lose 30kg.. i also hit 20kg liao. =_= but sadly, my weight gain mostly goes towards arms and thighs. my face just rounder.. sigh but at this point, i oso kinda heck it liao. hahaha!

hopefully its mostly water retention so i can shake it off fast.. the rest haf to depend on bf and exercise liao. can start exercising right after confinement mth right?

jac: sobs.. same here. when i look at my own wedding pics taken just last year, i feel depressed lah. even when i see pretty slim girls on the road, i oso feel envious... =p

passion, i'm sure hoping its true for my case that i can see the weighing scale tip drop as soon as i pop!

Princess - u surely dun look like a hippo mama to me. I think ur weight gain is evenly spread so u dun look too bi.!Plus, with that glow u had, u look good!

Jac - *blushes* thank you for the compliment. The other day i was comparing my pre pregnancy pic with now too, abit upset to see that i have flabby arms and fats all over now plus the ugly red stretch marks but heck care all this now la, as long as baby is healthy, i am happy already. Will think about how to lose all this weight and regain the figure after birth.


ya,we must work hard to be slim before we meet again!!ahahha


YES ALL 30kg with 15mths!!

I put on more on my tummy and thigh this round!O got thunder thighs!wahahahhaa...my tum tum is huge too!!if,my daughter stand in front of me,i can't see her!!LOL!!

That's why i m so determined to bf for as long as i can partly to get rids of all the fats!!!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And it WORKS!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiyo ... I dunno hide all my wedding photo to where liao hahaha

I rem that time when I went to NTUC and my #1 took my NTUC union card to the cashier for points top up.

He pointed to my photo and said:'You see, this one is my mummy, when she is young!'


princess d,

hiyo, where got hippo mama?? you are glowing!! must be the work of those birds nests. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am still pigging out everyday. everything i also wanna eat! last night was a struggle, i didn't know what i should eat, not because i didn't have appetite, but because TOO MANY CHOICES! one min want this, the next want another thing. i have this weird craving for the plain toast from coffee bean with lots of pure butter and jam and 2 soft boiled eggs. think i will have them for dinner tonight. :p final weeks of pigging before CONFINEMENT. sigh...


were you the one who said you went out with friends and they said you look better pre-preg? anyway, didn't think you look unglam when we met that afternoon! we will all be back to our pre-pregnancy "glory" in another few weeks after popping! looking forward to that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


*bow* sie sie!!hahahah..thank you,thank you!!hahhahah..not easy...work damn hard!!!huhuhuh....LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you know those modelling mummies, only the tummy and breasts big, the arms, thighs and butt still very slim. wonder how they do it.. must be the genes.

princess d,

wah.. 2kg a month for 15 months is no easy feat! did you eat as per normal throughout those 15 months or you also exercise and control diet?


LOL!!! your boy very funny! such is the innocence of kids! what did the cashier say?

re: wedding photos

the album shoved into the cupboard become white elephant liao. only left those photo frames on the walls. hubby said he gonna replace all of them with baby pics soon. a bit "bu she de".


LOL!!!!!!hahahaaa..your boy very cute!!!


I ate more than usual!I must eat before and after i breastfeed!Cos the calories burnt are enormous every time you bf!

If i dun eat or drink,i will have fainting spell esp the first few months![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No exercise,Running around chasing after Jade consider?LOL

The night calls,and constant bf.helps..lack of sleep too!Buti never control my diet!i eat n eat and eat!I love eating!muahahhahhahhha!!!!

Jac ...

Hahaha tat one is I say one hahaha I feel and look terrible when I am preg lor I totally dun feel like dressing up even now my face ... I just use cleanser thats all. I miss my facial and going for hair cut, dressing up and wearing heels etc

But generally my frens feel that this round of pregnancy is the 'prettiest' of the 3 ... maybe cos its a gal or that I am 'well-trained' liao

Yar I always tell myself that this 'ugliness' is short-term one heehee

This round I must work hard to loose weight too ... my sis getting married in Feb!!

Thanks Jacq! I think I should do it too buy a few to try sizes at the store then buy the rest online!

princess, ya lor. thats why i still sign him up this term will still be bringing him probably during confinement will ask my mum to bring him. My boy will only start preschool in 2011! sigh still a long way to go, he is a January baby! Later will go JG check those drop off classes whether they have or not? Me too, they like very poor thing hor at home, nothing to do! Keep watching tv, play with my iphone, even read to them or play with them also for a little while only.

seabreeze, ya lor. i also dun mind all boys la, i like bring the "queen" of the house even my dog is boy but wa cannot imagine all 3 boys though haha!

hmmm wanted to order mcdelivery for lunch but orders closed due to overwhelming orders!!! arghh....


Which JG is he attending?I knew Forum and Evans Road have Playnursery which is independent too!

At least he can attend for this term,i can't!!

Can't depend on anyone too!!!

That's y i m hoping that she can catch some of the holiday programme or if after confinement,this term still on,maybbe will sign her up for few trial class just to occupied her time!!

princess d,

will have fainting spells? gosh! did you feel hungry all the time though? dunno whether i will one end bf but the other eat and eat, end up gain even more than i lose. that'd be the joke of the century liao..


got time till feb to lose the weight, make yourself feel good and go for some pampering! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm also kinda desperate for a haircut. the last time i had a trim was like 4-5 months ago le. *tsk tsk*..

Jac, U so cute, still ask him to stand behind u to hide.

Seabreeze, Ur boy is always so cute and funny. Such a joy to be with.

Novakido, how come overwhelming orders? Because of the rain?


can try calling them on their hotline also. that time my colleague tried ordering online but cannot due to "overwhelming lunch orders" so she called them instead.

I am very very desperate for rebonding in Feb. and I might be gaining more weight when I come back to SG. cant wait.....

In the past I feel fat, now I look at my past photo before I came here, I think I look better in the past.

Jac, my weight now is the same as my hubby. Terrible right. Oh that was erm, 2 weeks ago...latest I am heavier than him by 1kg I think......

jac- i agree! Those modelling mummy make ppl green with envy!

Apple - dun worry too much about the weight, i think ultimately after birth if we take care of baby ourselves, should be easy to slim down?

princess, the one at forum. used to be at evans then when i got pregnant the heat became unbearable for me at the playground haha! whooo i must go chk this playnursery out!!! thanks later will go ask the counter ppl! ya lor told my mum during confinement will need her to bring him there! luckily i got a fren who goes to the same class so she can come and pick up my mum and my boy then they go together. plus i change him to mandarin class hehe! my mum cant understand english!!!

apple, i thk so leh but the rain has stopped! i thk probably just now too many orders, my gf ordered breakfast and it was delayed maybe because of the heavy rain...

jacq really ah! i shld have called them then, now i just ate a yogurt to hold my tummy! thinking of waiting for my boy to wake up then we go for lunch coz he has class at 2pm... but next time i shall call them instead!


i think a whole lot of yours goes into water retention also, judging from the picture you posted of your swollen feet yesterday. believe you will lose a lot after delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac & Cyn, I hope so. Btw, I think everyone looks good from the pic posted in fb.

jac: dont worry la. I think u do look slim leh. So will be able to lose all that weight after give birth.

So far, i gained abt 8kg nia. For the past 2 weeks think nvr put on any weight leh. Everyday measure still the same leh. Well, think cos i din eat much and kept vomiting ba.


Dd in nicu for 2 weeks n nursery for 1 week to gain weight. So total 3 weeks in nuh before she came home.


Can't rem, I think about 1 month bah. This time round, I not much water retention so I think will b quite tough to lose weight. I must be a big moo moo cow!

Re: weight gain

I gain 12kg at 34 + 6 weeks. Had hope to Kip within 10kg turnout but impossible liao. Hoho.

hair rebond

apple, I'm also desperate for it, but my hairstylist says if breastfeeding better avoid all chemical treatment thou many of her customer still choose to go for it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So I'm not sure if to do it, or maybe by then i'm not bothered by it anymore. Haha!

Nursing bra

Also bought the $9.90, i guess same as what Jac had, the brand is impression/eternity. And I ordered the $15 from MIM too, same size as the $9.90 but appeared a bit too tight - as in need bra extension. But at least it's one of the cheapest that comes with wire and pad.

swollen leg/feet

I had my swollen leg/feet the 'n' times and i wonder when is the final round that's said to be sign of labour. looked worst than apple's i think coz the toes are like cocktail sausages now, feel so painful to walk like the whole feet want to burst. Can't go out the whole morning and so hungry just finished half of the chiffon cake.. waiting for hubby to pack lunch back.. Wonder want can we do about the swollen feet, have a dinner to attend this weekend and have no shoes that fit! seow liao~~

Baby Naming Service

Anyone go for this? Any recommendation can share? Thanks.

Empress, hmmm....but how long after bf can rebond? Think bf 4-5mths liao shld be able to right.....

I must have my rebond hair.....argh...U noe I tahan for 1yr plus liao, such a torture.

Empress, u on leave from work already or on "confinement" by doc?

My Legs swollen but not painful. I been wearing my hubby's old kor kor (Lao Kor Kor) shoes....

I think if u wear those shoes pple will understand? But look very super ulgy la....... Otherwise got to buy flipflops look nicer?

nycmum, will try to add u to the secret grp and you can find the Oct 2010 mums there.

empress: hahaha! cocktail sausage.. datz a cute one! on my bad water retention days, i often look at my toes in amusement cos fat fat one.. kinda cute in a way. but mine's not as bad as some of urs.

i oso gg for wedding dinner this sat.. no nice covered shoes so i'm just gonna wear thongs.. plain ones but i'm wearing a long dress so hopefully no one will pay attention. =p

Hi mummies,

can add me in FB too? [email protected]

Or same as what nycmum mentioned, can help suggest friends who are in the Oct thread, I will add from there.



I did it when I was 6/7mths preggie. Cannpt tahan the messy hay. Went to my aunt's salon to do. She said rebonding while pregnant will not last, cos of the changes to the hair or something. Although mine is not so straight now, but still neater than before.

Nursing bra

Ordered some online, 2 drop-cup and 2 tube bra. Haven receive them so dunno will fit or not.

Yesterday bought 2 black bra without underwire from Metro. Feels so comfortable~

Those beigh coloured bras I see already very turn off lei. So I think I'll look for those bra that're soft without underwire. Then when nursing, will just scoop out the breast lor.

hi apple

I also not sure when can rebond, initially i also cannot tahan coz of the frizzy hair, but now i have cut my hair short so not that irritated by it already. But my hairstylist says alotsa ppl still do it, so I think best is to ask gynae ba..

I'm clearing my leave and followed by confinement. =) Lucky no need to work so at least can lie down when tired but weather is so hot especially yesterday i showered 4 times! If at work still not so bad coz air con environment, got pro and con. How's weather in France now?

I'm wearing the big head crocs already and used to be so loose that it looks so cartoon, but now i can hardly stuff in. Trying to elevate my leg at night but leads to bad backache coz sleep lying flat. Nevermind! Less than 1.5 mth to go! And pretty soon for you! Jia You!!


Me just went to see gynae coz really cannot tahan the itchiness liao. Plus last night suddenly my big butt got lots of rash too...

Gynae say most likely is pregnancy related rash and shld go away after delivery.

Oh, and boy am i envy you all with soft stools lor... ok.. envy is too light a word... i JEALOUS! Yesterday just had bad constipation again and bleed like no one biz. So just now told gynae and she finally gave me some med to help with my piles. Hopefully it works.

Oh, talking abt weight, haha... i gained 2.5kg in total so far @ 33wk+6 and yet I am heavier than ALL OF YOU!!!


ya my hubby says they look like sausage and he likes to make fun of me whenever he massage my leg.. so bad!


ya the beige one are quite turn off indeed.. haha and talking about color, you just reminded me that i do not have a black one! May need to standby to go with some clothing. What's the brand of the black one you bought? and how much?

oh ya my friend warned me that rebonding takes a few hours and if i didn't express the breastmilk for too long the breast can turn really hard, unless can arrange to pump in between, coz everytime my rebonding is like 4 hours plus! haiz.. scary..

nycmum, have invited u to the secret grp...paisei digress and go do other things.......

hi nycmum,

I'm also a teacher. hehe.. u teaching in pri or Sec school? Me teaching in Sec school.

I'm on hospitalization leave and then continue with maternity leave.

before started leave, also had to climb 4th floor to my classes. They refused to on the lift!! Was so angry lor.

Re: rebonding

I also wanted to rebond my hair when i was abt 6mths preggy. But hubby dont allow, say wait affect baby. So in the end I cut short my hair. Now so regret!! dunno need how long to grow bk to original length. I also thinking of rebonding straight after confinement. At least more manageable.

So sad lor, my mom that day called and asked me not to cut my hair anymore. Say i look liked auntie liao. She ask me to keep my hair long again. Haiz.. Dunno will need to take how long. now not even shoulder length lor.

Hi ladies..thanx for e replies for massage..but my concern is whether itz too late if I did it 2 wks after I discharge le..will e fats be too stubborn then ??

Princess d..sista..hi 5 man.. I hit e 20 kg mark liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope I don continue to grow into an enormous whale man..:p


we have the secret group because a few mummies here don't want to announce on facebook about their pregnancy in case ppl KPO. hee hee!

re: nursing bra,

i find those soft padded (no underwire ones) with cups that form a deep V a good alternative to those drop cup ones. just have to fold down the cup and scoop out breast. i have 2 of these from Young Hearts. very very comfortable also and no need to worry about nipple showing as it is padded.

So many people getting married this Sat? my friend's brother also....Maybe is a good date to give birth too.

Adelyn,just request to add you. Do add me, so that I can add you into the secret grp.

Ncymum, secret grp cos some of us not comfortable with sharing our pregnancy as yet.



no lah... think melissa also gained only 2+kg if I am not wrong... keke...

Anyway, I still got 1 mth to go, sure put on more one. Dun forget, I started off FAT lor... haha...

