(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

pearlyn, ya if e pain doesnt get stronger and faster each time, it's just practice contractions.

i dunno how to count my contractions also. it's just hardening on my entire tummy. i feel like my tummy is hard rock. ya walking is painful for me, got this pain around my V and left butt everytime i walk and so irritating.. everytime i get up to walk, barely 5 steps i need to detour to toilet to pee


9 times is normal bah. i don't bother counting anymore since they come randomly and no consistency at all. if there is no pain at all, don't have to worry.


the coconut you bought is that kind already botak (no more fibrous husk, left the hard brown shell) or like the one shown in the website? i'm thinking maybe our knife at home not big enough le 'cos last night's attempt really CMI. i was telling hubby that if we decide to sell coconuts at pasar malams, definitely nobody will wanna buy from us. 'cos need to wait 15 minutes for us to open one! whahaha~

marissa, i just note down on a piece of note when i feel my tummy hardening lo! hee..

u know how prisoners countdown to the end of their prison term? 4 vertical strokes and 1 horizontal strokes.. haha!

Jac> I managed to open myself using the big knife like in the pict.. But I don't really dare to knock2 the top, so I open a bit halfway, in the end wasting half of the coconut water..

I have a bit of phobia since my childhood to hold a big knife :$..

Last time I don't ask my hubby to help me open. hehe.. Becoz I also afraid if he hurt himself using the big knife :$.. Actually he might be able to open it easily. He used to cut a lot of things using that big kitchen knife when we have our cooking session together. - he even peel onion using that knife..

Right now got the Hari Raya bazaar at Causeway Point, so I can buy those thai coconut at $1.50.. Some more, there's a fruit stall quite near my home selling coconut at $1.40. hehee.. So I don't need to crack open the coconut myself :p


ooohh.. last night we were like sotongs lor. anyhow hack at the coconut. 'cos we forgot that there is a very hard shell at the bottom of all the white husk! lol!

re: disposable undies

i have tried out the watson's free-sized cotton ones, a pack of 5 at $3.95. thumbs up! very soft, stretchable and not problems with fitting. the edges do not cut into the skin like some types do. will go ahead and buy more for use in hospital and during confinement! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yesterday i was so freaked out watching my hubby opening the coconut. he worked at it like a mad man. hahaha!! anyway, look out for those pre-opened coconut with the jelly inside. very very delicious!! been abt a year since i last had that at my mum's place, where the wet market there used to sell it. more ex, about $2 each, but really worth every cent 'cos they are really super! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


WHat you mentioned is so true!!

The weekend bilingual at EC is a mess indeed!i put Jade there twice n i left the lesson half way!i dont like that teachers..the group was horrible!parents has no control of their children as well as teachers are confusing the children n not strict towards certain behaviours from parents n child.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]Parents are chatting away!arghhh

i feedback this to the centre several time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

the weekend class are mostly accompanied by working parents that are trying to make up their time with their kids...however the teachers failed to control the crowd with the 1 adult/per child policy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...teachers did not restrict the entry of the other guardian..therefore the class looks crowded!

We have mothers who came with husband n maid for their make up class for english playclub!The teacher explained to the mother and the husband and maid waited outside the pantry area!

Of course the mother got upset but no choice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

we saw a different between the child!A mother commented that the environment was bad in bilingual and confusing after the lesson ended!Smaller class are better and more conducive

for the kids!

And my teachers always emphasized on not talking or chatting during the lessons!eating and drinking too!

Therefore the children behaved better during lesson.

So far when i was in FOrum for playnest and english playclub EC..got no problem only problem was the bilingual class.

Just now the teacher told me to put Jade in Bilingual class since is once weekly!NO thanks!I don't think the English teacher is good enough to convince me back to her class!Unless they change the teacher![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I was told that it is compulsory for a child (from newborn to 9yrs old) to be strap on in their car seat!THat is why we never wanted to carry the baby.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And also it si very dangerous to carry the baby esp at the front seat!

Since the car seat are design for newborn and infant......it is advisable to use it at all time!

I don't carry Jade even if she cry!

It is very distracting for the driver... if the child is moving around in the car!

Safety comes first..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope you gets better ..rest well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i Learned something that contractions might not hurt for certain people..if it comes regularly,please let your gynae know about it!

My Gf had early contractions at week 33 w/o her knowing till she saw her gynae!Same thing,had tummy tightening but no pain!But when doc strap her on the machine,she indeed having real contractions tat comes every 3-4mins!Not scaring you ,but she was hospitalized after that and given a few jabs to strengtened bb's lungs![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yea,single room always better and have you own space and toilet w/o worrying to disturb your neigbour or being disturb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope you are feeling better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I had that pain too!Veyr pain till i can't get up or even move!

My doc said is because of the position of the bb and also weight does matter too!

I told Mdm SIti..pain..very pain!She said,so big of course pain la..bb very low!hahha...gotta tahan few more weeks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i think i must have missed your post bah. only recall you mentioning that you use the back sharp portion of the knife to hit at the shell.


hahahaha,we just bought a new chopper!

I usually had the coconut cut in the market!

Hb lately bought some and the chopper bended!Yea,he uses th back sharp portion to open up the coconut!

Is either his skills is super lousy or my chopper not good enough!!!wahahhahaha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d: huh... =_= sounds scary ne~ my contractions aren't as regular as ur gf's. but recently i feel its gettin more frequent altho regularity varies. *yikes* i better monitor closely.. my next visit is next thurs.. perhaps will highlight to my doc again. but previously he also never say much ne.

i'm finding my gynae bit "chop chop" kind of pattern. he hardly talks much to me abt the baby unless i ask. =s so not sure if i'm gettinmy money's worth. hee hee..


i also just gotta know this from a gf!Cos i constantly had this tightening but not frequent!So my last check up i told my gynane and he check on the contractions see if its false alarm!Thank God is false alarm but he want me to monitor closely cos we are already kinda near EDD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some gynae are like that!DOn't worry!Have faith!My gynae oso don't talk much de!Only if we ask him questions then he will answer us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But soemtimes answer like nvr answer like dat!hahhah

just like the gender..my gender has never wanna commit and tell us the gender..when we asked,he will said...nothing is certain!lets not commit!So we gave up!We then turn to out sonographer during detail scan..LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah that day I went to causeway pt pasar malam to buy the Thai coconut to drink. They will open for us so don't have to mafan buy hm n open ourselves.


Yah u miss the post that Ian taught how to open the coconut


just have to ask whenever you are uncertain about anything lor. my gynae also won't explain very much unless i ask. a lot of things i learn from this forum than from him! wait for him, i die from anxiety attack liao! he a bit siao siao (in a funny way) one. will ask me to give hubby a kiss, ask hubby to draw my blood, give hubby sweets, ask me if i got bully him etc. can get quite serious when there is really serious biz to discuss, so hubby and i are still very comfortable with him.

It seems most of the gynea here is chop chop type. hehe.. Then I'm lucky not changing gynea at all. (otherwise I'll lose money becoz each time checkup is $100++ if you don't sign up any package).

GP also usually chop chop type.. I only found one that's not chop chop type becoz he's my hubby's friend. haha..

My hubby's friend has a Master degree in Family Medicine. Can he be our pediatrician? :$..

I don't know what you guys are talking about when you said you need to find any pediatrician after delivery..

What does the pediatrician do?


pediatrician is a doctor specialized in the care of children. they are like specialists. and of course more expensive than our neighbourhood GP's.


when i had my 2nd child, i didn't bother bringing pj to the hospital, just use back the hospital gown but now i'm bringing a set b'cos it's easier for breastfeeding.


you made me paranoid about SM down below too! haha i checked everyday using my reflective shower head when showering. i am too lazy to apply any oil on my tummy. haven't got any SM so far. i think i have stretchy skin. eh just noticed you lived in woodlands too, one good thing about living there, there's always a big pasar malam besides causeway point hor.. hehehee..


i've seen that video! yeah i'm against thick makeup too. i think that we should be modest in our makeup. enough to cover flaws, blemishes etc, not to show color. if done correctly, it helps a lot. bring out your natural beauty.

bringing home baby,

my 1st child, i put her in a bassinet, not safe of course but still hasn't got any child car seat at that time. my 2nd child, i strap her to the babybjorn carrier. felt safer that way. now, not sure, since the child car seat is already there, maybe will strap like princess d did.


take care!


mine since last checkup last two weeks ago, is not engaged yet, although head is already down. usually for first timers, not so fast, after 36 weeks then can check again. now i'm feeling pain at v-area so i'm going to check with my gynae this friday. i'm still on utrogeston to relax my contractions. i think it's helping and also because since i'm on leave, i been resting a lot too.

i felt like i made the right choice clearing my annual leave and take my ML one week before "i feel like popping". feeling really heavy and the pelvic pain at times are unbearable. imagine doing my simple laundry can cause BHC so i have to sit down for a while to let it ease up before i continue. what used to be 30 mins job become a few hours liao! and having 2 other small kids oso no joke. they can really take up all of your time.


usually the clinic will ask you for a preferred pediatrician. think he will be there to perform APGAR score on baby, immunization, jaundice assessment, vital organ checks etc when baby is born and early immunization. i usually engage Dr Goh from Kinderland Clinic at Gleneagles only initially, then back to polyclinic after that. it's much cheaper in polyclinic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mum To Be,

I got 1 carton of Double Steam White Rice Wine to let go. (for confinement usage, cleansing/washing face or body n cooking).

If keen do PM or sms me at 97644620.


Once bb born, there must b a pediatrician to check on bb health n do hearing test. If u have a preferred PD u have to let ur gynea know if not just let ur gynea decide.

As for those compulsory vaccination, u can bring bb to GP or polyclinic, at least cheaper.

Hi ladies..talking abt coconuts..can we eat e flesh too?? Some say e flesh heaty or wat la..

Damn..my ankels are starting to swell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] n my armpits have pigmentation liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] looks as if I din scrub properly..somemore itz my hb dat discovered it..so embarassing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] nw my morale is like all time low man..feel so huge..ankels swelling..puffy face..thunder cellulite infested thighs..Aaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!!!


*sayang* endure bah. i also have a bit of pigmentation in the armpits. really like nv scrub properly lor. LOL!

re: coconut flesh

usually i'm too lazy to eat 'cos some coconuts not 'young' enough for me to scrap out the flesh properly. anyway, the water itself is cooling and the flesh is heaty, so if take both means neutralize lor.

Tiffy, Melissa, & Jac> So, the Pediatrician is usually from the hospital?

I've confirmed Mt Alvernia as my hospital. Any recommendation on good PD there?


lol.. i like it when u say u take leave before "i feel like popping". khkerhker,, ha-nor must follow gut feeling also. my v area and lower abdomen v painful, esp when i walk. n my next gynae visit is in 2 weeks'time. i hope i can tahan.

princess, i tink im having contractions now. my tummy feels v tight and hard. and after reading wat happened to yr gf, now im a bit scared coz i dun haf regular contractions more like wat yr gf had, tightenings on tumnmy, not painful but VERY uncomfortable. and i've been having it everyday.

shirlz, i heard the flesh is e heaty part. I din eat it also. and ya! i got pigmentation on my armpits.. disgusting! i looks like i never scrub my armpits or wat :p I hope it goes away!!

Anyone has recommendations for a part time maid? My lil baby girl is due on 5 Oct and I'm looking for a part time maid to help out with all the chores and stuff for a couple of months before we can settle down into a proper routine...

Thanks babes for all the get well messages. I just woke up from my nap!

Me n my hubby had a hard time with the coconut too. My hubby hack n hack at that nut but so difficult to crack it! In the end manage to pry open a small hole n pour out the water. My hubby wanted to hack somemore to get at the flesh but I told him forget it la. Look so dangerous.. =P

But the water was shiok! Can we drink everyday? I got to stop drinking cold drinks for a few days till my cough clears, doc's orders. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Shirlz, Jacq, me too I also have pigmentations leh. super sianz lor.. so ugly! Now i can only pray that after birth everything will go away.

Coconuts, I only drink one so far. Is it true that we can start drinking everyday once we hit 36wks?


i also have dark pigmentation at my armpit it will go off after dleivery...in the meanwhile try not to lift up ur hand...LOL...

re: dark armpits

same here! hahaha! imagine if one doesn't shave or wax.. whole area will be black black one..

teoong: one coconut everyday seems bit too much ne! i thot twice a week?

and can we drink watermelon since its liang too?

Sigh...e price we hv to pay to hv a bb..being a mum is really Wei da hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] imagine those hb who stray while e wife preggy n suffering...shld really be strike by lightning or stoned to death man..My MIL say all e pigmentation will go off after delivery..so meanwhile gotta tahan loh..booooo-hoooooo.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


you so cute! mentioning husbands who stray. so random! although i must agree, we sacrifice a lot for our babies and hubby. pregnancy is just the beginning. have more to sacrifice after our little precious are out. but we will also gain the joy and satisfaction of motherhood! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just woke up from my nap!hahahah...so sleepy!


Sister,hug hug!!Don't be!Everybody got it!last time i had it at my groin area and underarms too!Is BLACK!Then i small pimples like pigmentations allover my neck and is disgusting!!Nothing much you can do....I didn't know last time and ket scrubbing it with whitening scrub!hahha..it will fade off after birth!hahah..u didn't see ,e wearing sleeveless....that the reason lor!!


The PD take care of the BB while in hospital for the first 2 days immidiately from birth!That is the reason why gynae nee to assign a PD for your BB!If you don't have one,just let your PD assign one for you just for the 2 days from time of birth and then you can see you friend for the rest of the consultation!


You mean Dr GOng from Kinderklinic GlenE?

Jade is seeing him too!But because he don't station at MAH,WE will have his partner DR Terence Tan to take over druing our stay in the hospital[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But Dr.terence tan is well known for his LONG LONG wait!haha....i won't go to him after birth,no doubt he is popular[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Another Dr from MAH is Dr Simon NG!very quiet dr!Groovy ,you may try to ask your gynae![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

IZIT FRIDAY YET??????grrrrrr


oohhh.....hey,rest more...maybe is BHC?

If it hurts,contact your gynae....i do have it now and then but like Starry,mine doesnt coems with an episode and no consistency,should be ok.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

ah yes Dr Gong! keep forgetting his surname. he's good but he's very pricey. however for first timers in GlenE, i can recommend him. his clinic is always packed though.

starrymommy, shirlz,

that reminds me of a story when i was younger and single. there's this one guy who tried to woo me and we became friends. then one day i found out that he has a wife who's heavily pregnant. you know how i found out? she called me lei! she was crying as she talked. i didn't know how emotionally tormented she must've been. anyway, i went cold turkey and never saw him again. i don't know anything about pregnancy and birth and motherhood at that time, but i know that i should not be going out with a married man! he's such a jerk. now that i'm a mother myself, i'm glad i did what i did, b'cos pregnancy is not easy. there's just so much changes that occurs and God let me meet a man far responsible than that jerk. i hope they could fix their marriage though. i could just walk out and pretend it's a really bad nightmare but it's a beginning of a bad marriage for them. i really hope that the wife can find peace [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wow!can understand how she felt ..knowing her HB is seeing another woman,she must have been going through a rough time...tsk tsk tsk,....shame on that man!

Yes,Dr GOng's clinic is always packed!He has another night clinic at HollandV...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jade been seeing him all this while,so the 2nd child will be referred to him too!He knew about it![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah... so drama! what a jerk!! disgusted by men like that, take women as toys. they ought to be ripped apart by dogs! my ex-colleague also involved with a married man who has a 5yr old daughter. they've been having affair for 2 yrs plus i think. i also know the guy. you can NEVER tell he is that sort of man 'cos he is very soft, helpful, gentle type of family man. disgusted lor. outside 'happy' with my ex-colleague, at home 'happy' with the wife. and the poor wife just keep quiet, nv find out.

princess diamond

haha yeah lor his queue is very long and wait is very long also. most f the time wait until pek chek but yet after seeing him he always make u feel the time is well worth waiting...wahaha..i keep saying want to change pd but in the end still end up with him...haha let me discuss with hb about no. 3 signing immunisation package with him...but hor he inject very patient and babies seems well comforted in him le...

Melissa, what a jerk! Should ask someone to go bash up that idiot! Else we shd let him have a taste of being pregnant. Then he will know how much his wife is suffering!

Dark armpits.. I went to check, really like a bit darker. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Been getting this very bad buttache at the right side. Certain angle give me quite a sharp pain. Got to endure for a few more weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any PD recommendation for TMC?

Princess Dr Gong is good? I staying near HV so mabe can consider him.

Hi everyone,

this is my first time posting. Hope it's not too late to join a forum.

I'm expecting a girl on 28 Oct, delivering at MAH. Haha looking at the chart being posted up, looks like might bump into some of you at MAH.

re coconut: I was at causeway pt paser malam with my mum yesterday. wanted to get the 1.50 Thai coconut but my mum says its not this kind. Need to get the young coconut with the husk from NTUC. She said Thai coconut not effective. Its the young coconut that we need to drink to cool ourselves and cleanse our body system. Btw, cannot drink everyday la, maybe twice a week.


I heard many good reviews about him..and he should be a patience man![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was assigned to Dr Simon Ng last time but i found him ok only...so i decided to stick to Dr GOng from GlenE!hehhehe...


yerrrrr.....your story about this man is super disgusting!

one of my long long distant cousin oso involved with a married man![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Not only invovlved but had 3 kids![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She is a graduate and pleasant looking!I don't know why she can ended up like that?At first when she said she is not having her wedding dinner and just invite my parents for a family dinner,somehow my dad knew about it....all realtives was busy talking!

No sign of pregnant then la....

Then,the first CNY...he no show!!err.....of course everyone asked then she will said her HB not in town and will be back on the 3 rd day of CNY!THese has been going on for years and the first day of CNY,we don't get to see her HB but only she and her 3kids!

He got a family of 4 !and feeding another 4 on the other side!No money!no car,no house!Dunno why ?sigh....so all tese years she bring up her child herself alone with some help from her mother!

I think she is stupid!sorry but,why?no status at all....izit really that fun to be someone's mistress?????[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


So far he is ok!very patience guy!He explained carefully on administering medicine at home and so on..when he explained,he make sure u understands too!hahhah,maybe you can check him out at his clinic at HV![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Welcome and congrats!!!

hey,care to join us for a gathering this Fri noon??

Yea,that's what i heard from my friend who told me about young coconut too,.....even the Durian seller tells me the same thing!wahhahahhahha.......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for the invite princess d,

but I gotta work lei...

maybe another time, when we are on ML or after baby pops...haha


welcome nycmum,

feel free to butt in! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

wow your story is the worst. usually for that kind of person, she's either extremely insecure and needs to go for psychiatric evaluation or she must've been under a bad spell? i always believe in karma. what goes around comes around. but i don't understand how some woman can be so weak to just continue to stick to irresponsible man and become victim themselves. it's NO FUN being a mistress! how can u live another day knowing you just destroyed a perfectly legal marriage and family? haizz..

