(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


yes...talking about choz...hee hee their stuff are delicious le..but the packaging not very attractive hor...

think we should try to get ready baby shower decorations la, clothings la and also infor on hand cuz if not confinement time may not have the energy to do that hor...hee hee and if hb to source or go buy they may not be meticulous and particular or cooperative...LOL


i oso wanna save money! cos if add in buffet's cost, dat will be easily another $800-$900 cos we got quite alot of relatives and frens (more of hubby's side actually)

my original intention was just to give relatives only (works as same logic as wedding cakes) and i thot frens dont need to but my hubby feels we shld le.. perhaps i will discuss with him. but again, not vy nice if ur frens ard and u start giving out to the relatives. awkward?

etelle: yar.. like wat seabreeze said. i oso just place an order first only.. when the lady asked me for delivery date for the cakes i "huh.. i haven given birth so i dunno leh!" so in the end we set mid-nov.. but will get hubby to call and confirm soon after i give birth. their worry is they can't deliver on dat day if the day's delivery is full.


Actually a good idea cos by then we return work after 4 months maternity leave, we should be slimmer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last time, i went back to office just to distribute full month cake when my 1st bb was 1 month old, many of my colleagues commented that i was still as fat like not yet gave birth... sian....ganna suan!


seabreeze..heng my side older folks not so 'traditional' one..cause even their children are also giving out cake vouchers..lol..~

oh ya.. abt the bengawan solo vouchers, my hubby's bro did get those.. but the cheapest one is $6.80.. and then, my MIL will prepare red eggs and buy ang gu kueh + glutinous rice separately. dat time, we helped to pack nicely.

i thot kinda tedious so decided on the choz set which contains a slab of marble cake, 2 eggs, 2 ang gu kueh and 2 custard tarts. and all nicely packed.. cost-wise perhaps slight difference?

Etelle ...

Guess it all depends on individual ... cos my relatives are the practical type. They will choose quality over packaging ... I actually q like the cake from melrose cos cheap n good heehee but my qty is q small as my MIL said that dun need to invite their relatives since 3rd one liao *roll eye* so most likely just order the cake from this bakery and the ang ku kueh fr a supplier that are both near my mum's place.

My CL said that she can help me to cook red egg so I guess I will just pack them for my relatives to bring home aft the bb shower lor!

I bought 2 foil balloons the last round for my #2 ... maybe will do the same stuff again.

This round I am just trying to see if I should spilt the bb shower into 2 sessions - relatives and frens seperately or everything in 1 session. Havent decide.


I oso gave out cake vouchers to friends that i dun meet up with them so regularly.

Pearlyn ...

Think they have the smaller sets that are cheaper that you can consider giving to your frens. Most frens dun expect to rec cakes one actually as they all will know its for relatives.

Otherwise you can order extra 3-5 boxes and open it for ppl to eat during the buffet lor this type of money can save then save. Or what some other frens do is that they place extra red egg, ang ku kueh and glutinous rice at the buffet line and order 1 bb shower cake to cut (like bday like that).

Tigger ...

For me its cos I dun wan to go back to office when I am on ML heehee and my hubby not so keen to help me send the cake there oso. My hubby will buy the cake card for his colleague cos he dun invite them to the bb shower while I do invite some of my closer colleagues.

i think giving out vouchers not too good for forgetful ppl. =p like me, i forgot to use the voucher my fren gave me! hahaha! felt so bad... but by then voucher expired so can't use le..

seabreeze: datz a good idea.. i think more pocket-friendly hor.. =) shall discuss with hubby...thanks!


thanks thanks! the shoot is a free session. 'cos the photographer, benjamin, was looking for models to update his portfolio. can have 10 edited pics free. those you saw are raw and unedited.

re: full month cakes

actually i also think give those cake vouchers easier. but PIL's say not very "sincere" like that. if i am the recipient, i won't mind having vouchers. 'cos those cake boxes really must eat finish on the same day otherwise the kueys and eggs will spoil and cakes will turn mushy in the fridge. but of course the cake boxes look a lot more "da fang".

last time for my wedding, we gave away cake boxes to relatives and parents' friends ONLY. the rest (some of parents' closer friends who live too far away to do deliveries) we give bengawan solo vouchers.


yeah lor u r right le...usually hose full month cake u have to consume on the same day hor....but so far only bengawan giving those full month vouchers right? no other bakeries does that le hor...


yeah lor maybe shd split up the session hor...but troublesome...LOL i prefer to everything at one go then can clean up mess at one go...LOL...

Seabreeze, same same I also lazy lor.. Dun feel like inviting colleagues as well to bb full month, just wana keep everything simple. I see most of my frds doing 2 rounds leh.. and really can easily spend up to 1k.

Full mth cake


erh... for my #1, i think i just ask my mum and MIL how many boxes they need for relatives, then order from bengawan solo i think. Then they will settle. For my colleagues, I gave cake vouchers coz more convenient and they can top up to get other things as well, also from bengawan solo.

For those frens whom I invited for buffet, I dun give at all coz got buffet liao mah...

This year thinking of getting those nice nice package one leh... still thinking...keke... but most likely will still give only relatives and colleagues bah.

Etelle & Teoong ...

For my #1 it was a single session and for my #2 was a spilt session. I actually enjoy the spilt session more cos I could then spend more time to talk to my frens and not have to rush through the whole session.

I used the same caterer for both sessions so they waived off the transport and set up charges for me.


Wah topic changed!!!!


Marrissa, apple

Will post the pic tonight when I m home!

Brought my IL to china town for shopping! Crowded !!!

Walk till backache ... Haaaaa

I thunk I will split 2 time for my party too! One time too tiring !

I have same sentiments as etelle, can spend sometime with guests![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The last time I did! Omg...... 150+ pax come n go! I dun even have a chance to step out of my room! Dunno wars happening outside???[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am breathing heavily now more than usual of my heavy breathing. Does that mean my baby move slightly up?

Babydes, bring more pad better? And I usually bring my own towels also when u go vacation or outside stay.

Drink more water, hope u are alright.

Me three on 2 sessions party!

I can still rem my #1's party...

On that party morning, kena breast mastitis, high fever and breast pain like hell...

Chiong down to see GP to get med.

Afternoon my frens' session start... busy with catering, chatting with frens, in between pump milk...

Finally late afternoon guest gone liao, very soon, my 2nd round relatives session start...

Then high fever continues up and down... took med and keep perspiring... keep changing clothes coz soaking wet...

By the time the whole party ends, I am totally shacked out! THEN!!! I realised I did not take a single photo during the party. This is one of my greatest regret lor... sigh...

re: full month party

i will do split sessions also! split days too. haha! definitely will have relatives and friends separate. very complicated if put them all together. 'cos friends are generally more rowdy and fun whereas relatives (especially hubby's side) are more "serious". i am also prepared to hear some funny comments from relatives, so don't want any friends around to hear these things also.

have 2 split sessions very tiring sia.. I think my hb cfm want one session... He say otherwise tiring.. Hahaha..

Supposed to get a chalet so bigger space to invite close friends and close relatives to have buffet... But now got some prob wif getting the chalet so if cannot get, will do it at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but my place so small... If do at home den will invite even lesser people bah... See what's the situation by then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So fast we talking abt full month party... Wahahahah

oopppsss i meant i agree with Seabreeze on the split sessions![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Smae here!Unbelievable rite?Jade and i didnt have a chance to take a single pic on tat day!And i bloody hate it !!!All my IL's fault!They and their big heads ideas of inviting so many ppl at one go!And asked me to stay in the room!#%$^&

Actually i m still mad at them for that matter till now..grrrr

This time is either small party or splits sessions!My call!

MIL said Jade will not be able to take it if i put her there while in Hospital,so she prefers to stay at my place!

I said,CAN!!!No problem only for the first 2 days!I don't need her when im back from hospital!Anyway the guest room is for the CL not Her..our friend upset sia!hahahha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What to do?i gotta stay firmed this time lor if not i suffer!!

hello mummies! Just saw all the posts from all of you to me...thank you so much for your advice and concern. I'm feeling better now, in fact i did'nt go to work today, self declare MC cos i need to go see gynae today.

I just came back home from the gynae, junior is 2.2kg at 32 weeks 5 days. Doc say 80% i will have early delivering. I shared with him how my boss still make me run errands now even though i should'nt be walking so much, he also ask me if my boss give birth before , why like that....anyway, he ask me to admit myself to hospital tomorrow, will give me hospitalization leave to cover until i start my ML.....

anyway, its good that i get to rest now cos my hubby also dislocated his shoulder on last Sunday, i got to take care of him as well.

On hospital bag, so far i pack the following things already:

1. 2 packs maternity disposable undies - i got it at $4.50 from AMK central.

2. 1 pack of Stayfree overnight pads + 1 pack sofy pads

3. 1 Pj for myself

4. 2 sets of clothes for baby

5. Some breast pads

6. 3 nursing bra which i got from BKK in may, now fit just nice, but dunno if when breast milk kicks in, will it be too small?

On full month party - i plan to have a simple gathering probably for relatives only. Am not going to invite my colleagues since i plan to leave company after my ML. Originally wanted to get the full month cakes from Pine garden but when i went to check it out last week, found it to be too expensive... so now i am sourcing around. Catering wise, will try out elsie's kitchen. Will cook red eggs myself and ask my mum to help me cook glutinuous rice. We will also buy ang ku kueh for the party...


it depends on how many ppl you are inviting then...

really,the last time i had about 150pax..it was crazy!Like a madhouse lor!MIL wear nice nice all dangle her and there..... adn me like mad woman feeding Jade and pacifying her cos i have no chance to leave my room...pacified jade and she slept,next ppl come in and kuchi kuchi....ajde woke up,cry and then when i latch her on,MIL just barged in the room withe all her sisters and all,i have to shout at them amd shooed them out!

hahahhaa.....sigh..i don't have a single pic that taken on that day lor..not even jade and HB!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

princess d,

wah.. you dare make the dowager upset! whahaha~! but yes, sometimes really need to stand firm otherwise we are at the lugi-end of the stick.


admit yourself to hospital tomorrow? then how long are you going to stay there for? what happened to your hubby? hope nothing serious with the shoulder. i dislocated elbow before, hurt like hell! so really must rest, rest, rest for it to recover 100%.


no choice la,she can go exposed her breast to anyone she likes,i don't care but i do mind others barging in and stares at my breast lor!


Why do you need to admit to hospital tmrw?

Everything ok?Hope you and your hubby are coping well![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cyn, gynae ask u to admit into hosp tmrw? I hope theres nothing wrong medically n gynae just want u to rest n get away frm yr bitchy boss, wah if like dat ur gynae v nice. Just make use of e hospitalisation leave, if he can issue u mc until ml even better!


this was how i put Jade into her infant car seat when we left the hospital


princess D

i din know infant also can be in car seat le...LOl..i keep having the mentality at least 3 months le...so i always hand carry cuz i scared the jerking and all may not do baby good??


i think maybe u admit le then ur gynae can officially give u HL then u can rest at home officially ...shd be a procedure kinda thing...u shd rest now and ignore ur boss...she dun have any empathy or compassion at all...sad to say....but dun be bothered about her...ur bb and u more impt...rest well....


this is an Infant car seat wor..meant for newborn till 7mths old actually!

i put her in the car seat while in my room!THe sister help me and sent us off.

At first i thought it's a lil crampy but it is still safer than hand carry wor!

hhahhaha..the sister said,many mothers will chose to handcarry but hb and i chose to put her in the infant car seat from birth!

Is very common le....

She outgorwn very fast, from 4months we put her in a normal car seat for toddler[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

Jade looked soooo cute in the car seat! Thanks for sharing! Hubby bought a carseat suitable for newborn up to dunno how big also. Not sure if we will put Jadelyn in when we bring her home though. Will see how.

How many months onwards will babies be able to go on flights? I've a very good Taiwanese friend getting married in January in Taipei and really really wanna be there for her wedding. By then baby only 3 months old le. Can travel?

I think the admission is just a procedure so that I can get the hospitalisation leave. Check in in the morning, evening check out...

Jac-i also dunno how my hubby dislocated his shoulder, I can only rmb hearing his scream, he is now resting at home, I got to help bath him...

princess d

oh oh oh she looked so secure in it le...yeah i have been carrying my newborn all these while in car le...haha...but urs can be like a basket style can carry this way detached form car seat and bring home de???


think no age limit for travelling babies de...new born also can travel de....and taiwan and singapore quite short journey shd be fine...just scared that the wailing and all haha....be prepared =p


yah lor..

it can be attach to my stroller too!i put her in this car seat....when arrived at destinations,just unfasten the seat belt,lift up the whole car seat and attach it to my stroller...that's it!no disturbance to the baby at all!Hehehhehe[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yea,actually no age limit!

Just get your PD advisd you more and prepare certain things to bring onboard!

My Friend brought her 1.5mths old bb back to Scotland...heheheh..no worries....should be okay!

Hi Mummies & Ian,

Re: Nicole's birthday cake.....

Ordered it from www.cherylshuen.com

Re: Full month party & cake....Haven't planned yet

Re: Hospital bag.....not packed yet

Re: Baby's chest of drawers ..... not delivered yet

Re: Baby's clothing.....not washed yet!!

Re: Baby's cord blood banking ... not decided yet!!

Anything else that I've not done yet??


Hehe u posting up the list makes me excited again... Cos some mummies gonna pop soon!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Momo, tiggy, Gsm

Previously i done everything in the hospital. A one-stop service is available at the birth registration counters at hospital, when u do your bb birth cert, there is a counter that do bb bonus also. Once u r done with your birth cert, can do the bb bonus straight away at the counter.

Marriage cert is for registration of birth cert.

The CDA can be opened at either OCBC or Stanchart. I have chosen OCBC for convenience for deposit as there are tellers everywhere.

Baby bonus scheme consists of cash gift and co-savings matching contribution in CDA:

~ cash gift of $4000 each to be given out in 4 equal instalments over 18 months by Giro into your usual saving account, they would need bank book for verification, if no bank book latest bank statement also can.

~ The other one is CDA account, this is a special savings account, u can save anytime in the CDA until your bb turns 6 years of age. The savings you contribute to your bb's CDA will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to the cap of $6,000 for the 1st and 2nd child, $12,000 for the 3rd and 4th and $18,000 for the 5th child and beyond.

U r unable to withdraw the funds, it used to pay your child for fees at approved childcare centres, medical clinic, kindergartens and special education schools registered with MOE

Thanks Snoopy

it's nice having the chart again to refresh our mind as to who will go pop first!!!! so it's cherry and melissa....cannot wait for someone to pop in this thread....sure stir up the excitement in everyone of us hor!!!


U do not need admission just to get the hospitalisation leave. Although we are seeing different gynae but they are from same clinic, u may wanna check with Dr Woody on this..perhaps he really wants u on bed rest due to your nasty boss, cos i was also given hospitalisation leave from Dr Ang till my maternity leave without the need to admit. Anyway...pls rest well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey ladie! Hope everyone's great! I am going... WHoo counting down very soon! I love all the nudges he is giving me every single hr!

Going to start washing baby clothes and fix up his crib soon. Still lots of things haven done yet too!

I just made a diapee wipee bag for the older brother, will make one for the little coming one too. If you guys are interested do check out:


In the meantime! Counting down some more! Have fun enjoying the rest of the pregnancy and exercise!

Morn All [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Agree with Irish, there is no need to be admitted in order to get the HL when I told my gynae I m runningn out of mc, he gave me HL instead to bed rest at home.

Hope u feel better nw Juz concentrate on resting well and seeing yr Bb soon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cyn ...

Yap was abt to tell you the same stuff as Irish. I had such bad MS for my 1st tri that my gynae covered me with HL. No need to go hospital oso ... he just issue the HL from his clinic ler

On leave today heehee

Morn Ian

exploring alot of photography techniques of the late ya *thumbs up* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Etelle, princess d,

Thanks for the infant traveling info. Looks like I may be able to plan for a quick trip to Taiwan in Jan!! Hopefully by then I've established a comfortable routine with Jadelyn and she is easy to care for!


Thanks for the information on Baby bonus scheme! Really helpful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

