(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

morning ladies and ian!

re : full-month celebration

think we only gave the vouchers to colleagues. Cakes/ang kukueh were only for my relatives as my MIL didn't want any. But in addition, we also prepared the boxes for our own siblings as well as their inlaws as they gave us gifts as well. For the buffet, we combined the sessions as it was only our own family, relatives from my side and our closer friends. MIL didn't want to invite her relatives. Whatever...her choice. We ordered a cake to cut at the celebration...that's when we made sure we had pictures taken! hahahah

melissa, will you be bringing your own pjs to GEH? I rem I brought it along then but I don't rem using it. :p


Jac ...

Wanted to ask ... when you order the nursing bra from MIM. How long did they take to process your order?

LilBluey ...

Yap I will. Going to bring my #1 for lunch & movie with my fren n her boys. Hope it will be fun =)

Good morning!


Jade looks so adorable! u tucked her so nicely =)


your explanation is clear and informative, thanks!

i wont have her chinese name ready at birth so probably need to make a second trip to the hospital.


i hope it's nothing serious, take care yar.

Emmie ...

My MIL oso dun wan to invite her relatives so we just leave it. She kept saying cos its #2 and #3 that type of stuff. I just keep quiet lar ...

Most impt is she dun turn the table and say that I dun allow her to invite and all the nonsense can liao heehee


I remember it took them a few days. Like 5 days later then I received them in the mail. Think that time just started having the sales and they were very overwhelmed with all those orders. But when I wrote to them to check on status, my emails were replied quickly.

good morning ladies and IAn

Hi hi!!!Woke up early today to prepare some party food to bring to school later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is Jade's last day of school[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sigh...we've been with Julia Gabriel since Jade was 14mths old....im so going to miss the teachers and fun we had!

Just kept wondering what will happen to Jade from now till next year before she starts her N1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Evry morning she want to go to school.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


You are welcome...I remember,when i travel with Jade when she was younger,i prepared a list where the nearest PD can be found near the hotel i am staying and so on....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahha.thanks....She hate to be swaddled up partly oso because the swaddling blanket was a lil small and came loose all the time..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Enjoy your leave today..have fun!

seabreeze, yours was #2 and #3. It was for my #1 then. we also didn't force the issue. It's her choice. I'm pretty sure it will be the same this round as well. :p

Morning everyone!


thks for ur reply. Hv a clearer pic now. :

full mth party:

I oso hvnt plan at all! Feeling really lazy.

Most prob just a simple affair for relatives & close frens.

Will gv cakes to relatives only. Offc just buy sm pastry to send ovr.

For frens invited to the party, maybe will give cookies.

I hv a qn abt hosp.

If we are brot to the ward 1st then delivery room,

whr do we put our valuable items like wallet, rom cert etc etc huh?

Bring to the delivery room too?

Leave in the ward like not safe hor.

Irish Coffee> Just realized we have the same gynea.. So nice you get hospitalization leave till maternity leave...

I don't think he'll give me one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Even my appointment is still 1 month since my 33 weeks pregnancy becoz I'm very healthy...

But anyway my work doesn't require much activity.. Just brain will do. haha.. Software Engineer..

My stretch mark has appeared!

I didn't realized it at all.. I always apply the cream on my upper abdomen. (from tummy up)

And actually the stretch mark is on my lower abdomen. Hix..

Hubby told me when we saw my gynea last week.. Becoz it's very obvious..

I didn't realize becoz I can't see my lower abdomen from my bathroom mirror, that's why I'm always applying on my upper abdomen instead :S..

It looks like some scratching mark that can't disappear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bluey, haha..bored @ home ma..

gonna try out the ink drops again soon.. fotos kinda blur, cause i think the background lighting not sufficient for sharp contrast..


every hospitals have safe box...My case was,i put my IC into hb's wallet....the rest he handle!

My hospital bag was with me all the while in the delivery room because of something i might need to use like camera,charger and PJ which we will changed before they wheeled us out from the delivery suite to your room[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ALternatively,you can leave your hospital bag in your room and valueables items just put it into a small bag and make hb carry it along into delivery room[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies and Ian,

My boy today no school and sabo me by waking up at 7.15am!!! aiyo... normal days get him to wake up so difficult and this morning, he calls out to his papa at 7.15am and say "Papa, I wake up liao!"...

Sadly, my boy is stuck home with me for today... since I can't go out. Sigh...


When yr boy arrives, u won't hv the time le hahahaha ;p~

So now can spend more time experimenting! hee

Princess D

Not letting Jade continue for another term of JG?

momotan ...

Usually you will be admitted to the delivery ward first if you are already dilated and experiencing regular contraction. At least for my last 2 was all straight to the delivery ward so we just bring everything there.

Just to note ... delivery ward is q cold so rem to get your hubby to bring his jacket.


U can still plan some interesting activities with your boy even at home, not necessary must go out *wink wink* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thks princess & seabreeze! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

looks like I need to reorgn my hosp bag again. Hahha!


smtimes SM is inevitable.

I applied on lower abdomen too but they still appear.

Cont to apply now loh, hopefully can control it.


don't be sad. i also have some stretch marks appearing on my lower abdomen. started off very faint, barely noticeable. now a bit more obvious, can see when i look in the mirror. hopefully they stay that way and don't get any worse! keep on putting the cream/lotion/oil that you are using. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


give him some craft work to do since you have so many scrapbooking materials at home? or just let him watch TV. :p


I can't[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]I wished i could..cos after this there's a week holiday before next term starts!THe next term starts mid Sept and ends Nov![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I can't cos by then im already about or maybe even popped!!hahah.....



yes yes!THe delivery room is damn cold!!SOmemore cannot eat + long labor.......brrrrrr!!

i brought my mini hot water bottle to warm myself..still shivers!!heee

not sure if you mummies saw this video before, but i was really amazed! hubby also when he showed me last night. he said from now onwards, he won't find those heavily made-up girls attractive. 'cos all look horrible after they remove all the 'paint'. LOL! anyway, there's really no ugly women, only lazy women.

the power of makeup....



i couldn't be bothered le...since my #1 i got one whole tummy full of it but this one no new lines though...but whether got new or not also doesn't matter le...i dun show off my tummy one...LOL cuz after delivery it's like an orange peel...LOL crumbled , wrinkled...

Monitoring bb movement

ever since last week 33 weeks gynae has given me a slip to monitor bb movment. Have to put a tick at the timing when bb has kick for the 10 times. Each kick to the other kick has to be at least 10 seconds apart....

good morning mummies and ian!


Once u have your bb chinese name ready u can also go down to ICA for birth registration, its cheaper only $18 dun have to pay admin fee to hospital...see whichever location more convenient for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dr Ang is very generous on MC and hospitalisation leave if you ask for it. Usually every gynae visit i dont take leave but get MC to cover, he will ask u how many days u need and i always asked for 2 days and he would always asked whether enough for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stretch mark are most common around the tummy area, breasts, thighs and hips. When u applying cream/oil best to cover entire tummy including the above mentioned areas. I very kiasu must make sure tons of oil cover every part of it! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wahahhaha...so funny!Teach him crochet!wahhahaaha.....


whao!!!!what a big difference eh!.....totally different person after make up!!


DOn worry girls,don't give up on your cream or oil!COnt to apply on it everyday!Hoepfeully it might help to lighten it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cold delivery room:

I think I need to bring the sweaters for myself instd of HB!

He's tt kind who wore only short sleeves when we went to Europe.

It was only 4 degrees then!


hv nt seen the vid b4 but saw a similar one on tv.

I wish I can do my mkup like them, so skillful!!


Hi5!!!heheh...me too..to date i think i ve already used up 7-8btls of clarins oil!hahhahaha..

I dam afraid of SM!Cellulites still can be laser of.SM cannot le..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

princess d,

yeah, totally different. cannot recognize at all. even better 'camouflage' than the camo cream used by the NS-men. haha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


actually i realized from my wedding photoshoot last year that all it takes is using the correct primer/base, right shade of liquid foundation and pressed powder for flawless look. the rest are just like "accessorizing" - using right shade of blusher, eyeliner/shadow, brow pencil and of course, the thick false lashes!

Princess D

u very ke ai and encouraging one le...everytime we mention about SM or what u will tell us not to give up and continue with the SM cream/ oil. Thanks!!! U r so blessed with no SM!!!

Delivery room

yeah cold...big room...i brought in my sweater to cover...hb dun have to worry cuz he can walk in and out of the room while we are strapped to it....

princess d

my boy currently 13mths am thinking of sending him to playgroup soon, wanna find out more on julia gabriel can tell me more about it eg like the fees, duration terms and your review of the school..

MOrning Mummies & Ian!

So looking forward to this friday's gathering! Heehee.. I hvnt take leave lor, going to 'geng' MC liao. Muahaha.. my EUR boss giving me tough things to do before my maternity cos he tot that I handover my things to my colleague will be eng eng. These ang moh hor.. Buay tahan him la, though he is a nice person.. But i still wana geng my MC.

GSM, sama sama leh. I have red stretch marks.. now i see my butt also having brown stretch marks leh.. faintz.. getting more n more dunno if it's bcos my skin cannot expand anymore! haha.. But but, dun care con't to wack to apply the oil and SM cream. Hopfully after birth everything will comes back normal!

princess, jade look so cute and squishy in that car seat!! ah, so she was small enough to fit within the straps..

cyn, yah forgot to mention dat, u'll prolly dun need to be hospitalised to get HL. but then again maybe yr gynae wants u to haf a gd rest.

re: SM

aiyah i gif up already, apply tons of clarins still get some [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

snoopy, ah, nice to see that the table is up! today 1st sep already. can't wait for the popping to begin!


heehee....i m very hiau type when comes to beauty!trying hard to maintained la but somehow i know nothing is perfect.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Must encourage one another....

Last time my friend said to me...ni hen ai mei le....

I told them...wo pu zhi ai mei..wo yau hen MEI!!!hahhahahhahhahahahhaa can die!


JG Playnest 6mths-18mths is 1.5hrs twice weekly SGD 850+ per term of 10 weeks

JG playclub 18mths-3yrs is 2 hrs twice weekly

SGD 970+ per term of 10 weeks

I compared the way the teachers conducted the class with GUG i personally found JG much better!

THey encouraged child to express themselves and let them tried on everything when comes to messy activities!

Every term there will be different Theme..

Child will only be taught phonics at PlayCLUB!

Teachers are energetic and loud!LOVED them!

Story and music time always caught Jade's full attention!THe teachers are well prepared and experienced to deliver stories to lil children[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You can catch one of the teacher for story telling at The BETTER TOY STORE @ Tanglin Mall every last SUN of the MONTH![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

In PlayCLub,THe teachers will pretend to be BEARS (THE PLAYCLUB BEARS)....to entertained the children and same time they learn something on that day..a small skit on each week...

You can opt to go for a trial class before you commit[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

THe children there learn everything through playing!SOmehow their gross motor skills are much better ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

THey gets dirty everytime when there's art and craft sessions!Jade dipped herself in a pail of paint all the time!hahhahhasomeday she will be green and someday she will be blue!!

In East Coast ,every term there will be a BEach outing!THere's where i loved it too!THey will have singing,dancing and picnic at the beach![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale:

1) 1 AVENT Manual Breast Pump BPA Free: $70 (Usual price about $99).

- Good condition. Used only twice as I decided to latch-on directly instead of pumping. (Newborn 1 hole teat not included.)

2) 1 AVENT Newborn Starter Set BPA Free: $20 (Usual price about $40).

- Good condition. All 2x260ml bottles (with 2-hole teats), 2x125ml bottles (without 1-hole teats), brush and pacifier are brand new.

3) 1 “My Brest Friend” nursing pillow: $50 (Usual price about $80).

- Good condition. Only used for 1 month. Comes with washable zipper cover and instruction booklet.

4) Baby clothes suitable for 0-3 months old: $20.

- Good condition. Includes 4 rompers, 5 shirts, 3 caps, 1 pants, 5 pairs of unused socks.

5) 1 unopened AVENT box of 2x260ml bottles BPA Free still in plastic wrapping: $30 (Usual price $36.90).

$170 if you buy all the above 5 items and FREE 1 bottle of unopened Obimin multi-vitamin tables (expiry July 2011).

Collection at Jurong Point.

Please PM me if keen. Thanks!



My boy is in their bilingual playclub for the wkend class @ EC becos I'm unable to enrol him in the pure English/Chinese class.

However, my personal point of view.

1) Class Size - Too Big

2) Very Messy

3) Phonics taught but not emphasize, it's more like touch and go

4) Not very hygenic as compared to the other enrichment classes I've been to

5) Overrated program in my sense and a couple of frens who are in other time slots (some at Evans Rd) oso decide to pull their child out becos they dun see them benefit from them.

The only good thing is more boy becomes more sociable and no longer has that 'stranger anxiety' haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It would be good that you can go for trial and access for yrself. Guess maybe different centres methods are oso different. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My 2 cents worth.

Hi mummies and Ian

I am on MC today. Sigh...hopefully I can recover by Friday to go for the outing. Dont want to pass u gals the virus! I kenna the virus from my colleague. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] After pregnant my immune system very low... little bit kenna virus already.

Princess Jade looks really cute in the car seat! Is it against the law to hold the baby in your arms when you are in the car? If yes I got to pack the car seat into the car booth too... Hopefully we will know how to strap baby when we bring her home from hospital. =P

Hi mommies, sorry to disturb. anyone looking for CL $1800 only. guarantee good, 100% support breastfeeding,no deposit needed. pm me if u need one. thx


get well soon! hope you will be well enough to join us on Friday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm not sure about carrying baby in the arms in the car although i have seen many people doing that before. guess should be okay?

good afternoon mummies! I'm at the hospital now, still waiting to see how things goes and if i can go home later....

i opted for 4 bedded for the stay today at TMC and got a free upgrade to 2 bedded. even 2 bedded, i find it very noisy, can barely sleep cos the mummy beside me keep on chatting on her phone and she dun know how to lower her voice....So i guess i will just opt for single room for my delivery....

hi cyn, good to know that u're resting in hosp rite now .. err, or not? anyway i wish i could see your boss face when u tell her u're on long HL! wahaha sure her blood boil one.. serves her rite!

Marissa, I really cannot imagine what's her reaction when I tell her I am gonna be on hospitalisation leave man... I bet she will still ask me to do this and that since there was never any handover of my work yet..but I guess I really need to learn to put bb as my 1st priority now, no need to be so responsible since I know my performance review is gonna be very poor anyway. Catch up with u ladies on friday!


Rest well! Yep.. Baby comes first!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cya on Friday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eh mommies whose babies are already engaged! what does it feel like? coz I'm feeling more pain when i walk these days around my lower abdomen and hips. wondering if baby's engaged? And i haf this dull ache + heavy feeling around my V area. And my left butt cheek damn pain when i sit ley.

engaged = head down? if so, me too! last checkup on fri showed baby's head is oredi downwards.. wonder if she can still change her position?

my tummy seems bit lower as while and i oso feel the weight on my v-area.. walking has become even harder especially after i get up from my chair.


heads down doesn't mean engaged. engaged is when baby has fully dropped into the pelvic area, meaning the baby's head is further down in the pelvis and closer to the vaginal canal.

pearlyn, engage= baby's head down in your pelvic and baby cannot change position already liao. he's stuck there until birth

i'm not sure if my tummy looks lower but walking is painful these days!

re: butt pain

i have it too. usually when i stand up. a few times it was so painful i had to sit back down and take a few breaths before trying again. really a pain in the butt lor!

yesterday i went to buy some coconuts from ntuc. REALLY VERY DIFFICULT TO OPEN!! took my hubby quite a while to finally crack open a small hole large enough for straw to go through. just now went to do some googling and found this to be quite helpful. http://www.rawguru.com/html/openyoungcoconut.html

wonder if we can drink everyday, since weather's sooo hot these few days? i'm getting addicted to them!


so roughly baby will fully drop into the pelvic area nearing full term right? sounds uncomfortable.. =p

walking is painful? hmm.. for me, sometimes only but mostly there is this funny feeling down dere..

and starting today, i'm counting my contractions! shld be still the false ones cos its tightening only.. so far since i woke up, i've counted 9 times! each lasting a min or so. is dat alot? but as long as not painful, shld not be any concern right? cos the body is practicing..

