(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Princess Dia,

Most importantly baby is healthy, weight wise is oni secondary. So happy to see her again ytd hee hee...

A fren's fren gave birth to a baby gal weighing 4.83kg in July! Whoa! Dun look like a NB at all keke ;p~



if you think GlenE is bad,for parking...i think MEH is worst!hahahhhaha..


Yes yes!!Most importantly bb is healthy!

WHATTTTT????4.83kg???awwwww...must be very!Easy to detect at the nursery too!hahhahahha....

wow...she had a c sect rite?


My hubs brought my mobile broadband to the hospital for me so my stay wasn't that bad. Heehee. But home is of coz better.


Dun worry so much. In every thread, there will be a handful who have preterm labour signs because there are just so many of us. Just take care of yourself.


Was tip of finger dilated for some time already. That day when I was warded, the dr at the delivery suite said 2cm actually but when my gynae checked, she say 1cm only. Not 2cm. Now my Nifedipine is 2 tabs (20mg) 6 hourly. No ventolin for now. Keeping my fingers crossed that the next time I get warded will be my delivery after 37weeks. About 2.5 weeks more... But sometimes I scared I will be like my aunt like that... she had preterm contractions and was also warded. Then her baby refused to come out after that... induced at 39 weeks. haha.


Wah 4.83kg. Soooo big!

Princess Dia,

I oso dunno how but somehow she managed keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let me see if I can find the pic of the baby, so soooo chubby lolx ;p~

Irish, ouch sounds painful! pls take care and rest well!

Zuen, my gynae also asked to check baby movements. made me super kancheong these days coz indeed her movements are lesser and less painful also.

lilbluey, yr baby's of v good weight! and yr fren's baby come out at 4.83kg??! wat did she eat?

ytd i went to view house with a fren and the property agent mentioned she put on almost 40kg each time for 2 of her pregnancies.. 40kg ne!! can't believe it..

her babies come out also 4+kg.. hahaha! i dont know how she can put on almost twice her original weight..but now she's back to her slim self. *pei fu*

i'm sooo feeling the aches of carrying the tummy around lately and my weight gain is only about half of hers. =_=

lilbluey, 4.83kg and natural? wow! that's really amazing!

princess, have never been to MEH... the carpark turning also as tight?


yeah..lately i ve heard many mommies deliver chubby babies!So cute lor...honestly,is so easy to carry!hahaha

The other day i went to remove my gel,the manicurist told me her coleague oso deliver a 4kg+ baby naturally!How amazing rite?

wonder if its the work of MSW?muahahahhahahh!!!


MEH no need to turn!

1.5 level of parking space only and the rest is lift car park tat consist of the most 10 lots on each level of 10 levels only i think!IS pathetic!!far worse than GEH!!!When we were at GEH, we appreciate it more lor....but must be able to catch the good timing to be there otw gotta wait too!!Even my gynae complained about the carpark in MEH!haha..

we always parked at Paragon.Better!!!

thx Viv!! =)

huh bluey! 4.83kg!! Faint..

Marrissa, did gynae says baby movement will reduce nearer to edd? that's what i read from some website.. but mine still kicking alot, very tiring and painful at times. Sometimes i have this doubt, is the baby kicking becoz happy? or not happy becoz getting more squeezy inside? LOL

hi mummies,

re: dark armpits,

yes, i also have, and i everyday wear sleeveless! hahaha, i think dont raise pits better than ask me wear sleeves.. hot la. but do any mummies feel any lumps at your armpits?


4.83kg! omigosh! did her tummy look huge to have carried a 4.8kg bb? now i very scared, everyone says my tummy is huge...


you lost your mucous plus?? must be both excited and nervous. it's all going to be over soon! jia you!!

fifi, apple,

must take care too yar?

princess d: its definitely amazing esp those who delivered via natural. =) the wonders of the human body! i think my lil one will also be on the heavier side.. now she shld be abt 2.1kg or 2.2kg.. plus me and hubby not petite kind.. we're both tall and big-boned.. so i guess baby most likely will take after our genes. =)

empress: i'm also feeling stronger movements from my lil one.. her movements are more "rough" and i think vy likely she's finding it a squeeze inside liao. =s still got another 5-7 weeks to go, wonder if her movements will start getting painful?

empress, yup my gynae said there will be lesser movements and she made me count. For every 5 hours there must be at least some movements. or in 1 dat at least 10 movements. If not go straight to hosp. i can still feel baby move but no more jabbing pains or kungfu kicks. i tink it's already tight and cramp in there,

Anyway ladies, yest i asked abt baby's head engaged? I tink my baby just did la. Coz i can feel her kicks last night and it's lower, like she can no longer hit my ribcage. My bump looks lower too and i can breathe much better now. Only prob is I CAN"T WALK! it's so painful!!

Morning all ...

So tired! Spend 1 whole day out with my #1 and my fren's kids yesterday ... really no joke to bring two 5yr old and one 3yr old out even when ratio of adult to kid is 1:1 hahaha

Almost wanted to take leave to rest from my yesterday's leave.

We went to the vivo playground yesterday and there was a playground bully who went round hitting other children. Unfortunately, my fren's 3yr old decided to be a small KPO and hang around the 'fighting' zone and got himself boxed on the face by the bully.

My fren's helper was so mad that she hit the bully's hand and carried the 3yr old away. My fren then ran out (we were sitting in long john silver drinking water and saw the incident thr the glass)and to understand the situation.

She asked the bully where is his mum/relatives then to realise that he is a korean tourist. His sister then came over and my fren explained to the sister what happened and said that anything you ask your mum to come and look for me when she is back to the playground.

Shortly aft 5mins, I saw the boy bringing a lady to my fren's helper to confront her. My fren had to rush out again and soon I saw another bigger size lady walk over to join the discussion. Looked very heated up but I didnt walk over cos I was taking care of all the belongings in the restaurant.

My fren came back 15mins later and said that the korean lady was damn confrontational and protective of her bully son lor and even called the police to said that someone hit her son!!

It was only when the daughter went over to explaing the bully's behaviour in the playground that she finally realise that the boy was at fault!!

So drama lor ... if only we appeared at the playground 10mins later hahaha

Watched Cats and Dogs yesterday ... hmmm so so only unless you are there for the effects. Kids love it but I almost fell asleep hahaha

Irish ...

Better rest well and dun walk around anymore =)

pearlyn, empress.. yr baby kicks getting more painful ah? mine not painful but last night was the 1st time baby kicked me awake from my sleep

Groovy ...

Oh just to comment on Dr Terence Tan ... he is a v v good PD with super super long Q ... I gave up due to the Q otherwise I would have loved to stay with him. Its like you can go at 9am in the morning but only get to see him at 12pm type.

For my #1 ... my gynae indicated Dr Tan as the PD as well but turned up it was his colleagues Dr Lee who comes and see my #1 for the 1st day.

For my #2 ... same case indicated Dr Tan but Dr Lim came insetad.

Both Dr Lee and Dr Lim are nice as well =)

Me appointing Dr Oh from Kid's Clinic this time round cos her clinic is v v near to my house and my boys love her.

Good Afternoon to all!

I can interact with my baby now. if he moves, i press that area gently and he will push me back. So amazing... hee my hubby so happy when he finally make did it this morning.

Things been very active at office so sneak in to log into forum :p


Did your school allow you to break the 16 weeks maternity leave?

Abdominal Binder:

Any idea when do we need to buy the abdominal binder? Is it more advisable to buy after delivery since it is very hard to estimate the size now? Any good brands to recommend? Thanks.

Irish, coffee!

Take care! Get ur hubby to update here if u pop, wah, early man. Looks like the bb wants to celebrate hari raya and mid-autumn!

marissa: mine not painful but can get pretty uncomfortable at times cos she's probably turning in tight spaces now.

hee hee.. i haven felt my baby kick me awake yet. sometimes when i get up to pee at nite, i'll feel her moving.. or when i lie on the side, she'll "protest" with kicks or punches. i try to use a small pillow to prop my tummy when i sleep on the side but she's still not comfortable. so when i sleep on my side, i haf to sleep at abt a 45 degree angle..so dat tummy is not entirely squashed on one side.

Abdominal binder

I just placed an order for the post natal abdominal binder (USD$27.50 w/o int'l shipping, bought from the same brand that I bought my pregnancy support belt, so I believe the brand shd be ok even for post natal). Mine is from here http://40wks.posterous.com

From what I've read, if u're doing C-section, apparently the docs will have special binding for u and u can also buy a binder from ur post-natal massage lady.

So far, this dale medical abdominal binder seems to get quite good reviews online(can buy from KKH's pharmacy ard S$60, I think). But I dun like it coz can only bind/close on one side.

Guardian/Watsons also sells cheap abdominal binders which are like a 'tube', but I think those cannot really pull/tighten much since u have to slip it over ur head & boobs before it can get to ur tummy.

Just my own opinion....


I am back from check up!

Baby Rhea is 2.22kg @ 32 weeks.

All seems good. Growth scan shows that she is on normal range. And gynae mentioned that most likely she might come out early.

She haven engaged yet but head already down. Gynae mentioned usually baby wun engaged so soon.

Me complained abt my pelvic pain and gynae say coz baby getting bigger, and becoz is #2, our womb area are more "relaxed" aka seasoned... so baby is lower and pressing on pelvic.

Told me not to walk or stand too much.

Oh, I also asked the question that we have discussed few days ago on baby staying high up.

She said it is possible that baby cannot engage even with fully dilated and strong contractions. Usually is becoz baby cannot enter pelvic area, either mummy's pelvic too narrow or baby's head too big. For these cases, usually will end up in csect. Hope this helps to clarify some of the doubts.



Yup... my #1's PD during the stay in MAH is Dr Terence Tan. He is great but super long queue coz we went back to see him due to jaundice that time. After that, we dun see him liao. Hopefully this time round, will kena him too.



Good to hear that everything is ok!!!


How are you?

The abdominal binder advise to buy after birth,anyway it is too early to judge how much will you shrink after birth!

Go get your ML where to get the binder as most binder sold in Phamarcies has no slimming effect!Or you can get it from the Forum,some organizers does bring in those binders speacialized in slimming for after birth and comes in sizes!....

It is also depends on whether will you use it onot?if your ML do a great job during massage withe their own binder,i think that should be fine enough![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wha!!!call police..why so drama?Please la..first and foremost nvr find out whats the problem and just simply make a scene!Tsk tsk...Did she apologized after that?A mother should apologized on behalf of their kids bad behaviour!

I just washed my toilets!!!!CAN you believe it??

Every month buy few btls of detergent for toilets wash!Stocked up sponge and brushes and mops!However,my toilets seems to be full of dirts...

from white to yellow then to orange in color!I m just waiting see if it turns any other color!&^$%(*#^%$@$&**(!

bloody pissed off now!Judt give a good trashing to my maid!Only asked me to buy!I buy and i waited and see.....

Asking for trouble!I just asked her to keep all the dirt and put it in her room!!really damn angry!!

Vivian, good to know dat everything's alright with rhea!

Re: baby still high up

I was just discussing this wif my gf yest. She's almost 38 weeks pregnant and she's supposed to be induced coz her amnio fluid is low but her baby still not engaged. And i tink i somehow voiced out wat she's been dreading.. bcoz she's petite, i asked her if her doc has ever mentioned dat there's a possibility that her baby cant fit into her pelvic? aiyoh i should haf kept my mouth shut.. coz she's panicking now. Apparently her gynae never say anything abt c-sect, jus wanna wait n see.

Lilbluey, thanks.

Vivian, yar I goggled that nifidepine (adalate) is act use for high blood pressure.

Empress, my side effect aft taking nifidepine was headach and stomachache, loose stools.

Fifi, I dun have mobile broad band. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so feel a little handicap and waste time.

Em for nifidepine, I did a search, the medicine is cat C, which means the effect for preg use and human use is unknown or for animals there is some deform or watever shown.

Test for this medicine in rabbits and such show some deform in the baby rabbits. But they say animals and human maybe got different reaction and this medicine is commonly use.

I decided not to take the risk, and I feel fine act before eating and I really dun like the side effect, so I stop taking.

Anyway not to scare you all, just sharing what I know. Of course if ur doc prescribe it, you should use ur discretion n trust ur doc. For me, I am in oversea, alot of things un underst so I better follow my survival instinct.


You are just concerned,don't worry...your act is purely concerned...im sure she will understand...

Even when i had Jade and dilated 2 cm at week39..after induced and all....

baby still pretty high up and refused to come down!because the midwives took turn to come and see me and pushed my tummy!kept saying bb still high up!

I can't comment much about how and when the baby will engaged but to tell you is really up to that individual...what we read is just a common and normal ways of when the baby will engaged!But in actual facts,not all babies will engaged by week 38..some later...that's why some gynae would prefer to wait!

I had assisted labor when i pushed from the beginning,gynae gotta put his hand in to bring Jade down..the the 2nd pushed ..Jade came!


R u here? Your maid come already?

Just called my agent n she mentioned tat they will get her air tix to fly these 2 days. Air ticket is more exp now but duno will get stuck at immigration or not. Sick!

Apparently, phl govt still not easing up but seems to b harder to get maids to come in to sgp now. I so many things to worry about now. Diana.

princess, yr gynae put his hand in to bring jade down?! *gasp* ya her gynae wanna wait n see, i also pray she no need c-sect. but she's seeing him twice a week coz her amnio low and baby growing bigger each day. her baby 3kg+ now already.


Hee, I oso dunno wat she ate during her pregnancy, amazing!

Like you, every visit my gynae will be asking me if baby is active and hv to ensure she move/kick about thru'out the whole day.


Yesh! Veri unbelievable right! the power of a mummy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good to know that all is well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tht's why I hate Koreans so much! They are damn bloody rude & 'uncivilised', had many unpleasant experiences with them that I tell my hb I will never want to set foot in Korea anymore.

lilbluey, eh wats this ab koreans that i missed out? i dun koreans also! i worked with them b4. v male dominated and narrow minded society. and the men *tsk tsk* maybe not all korean men but the ones in my previous company damn cheekopek. my korean boss evern put his hand on my knee while talking *EEEEEEEEww* and when they go so called *meet clients* after work behind their wives back. they always end up at some sleezy pubs. then my boss can come explain to me somemore that they went out drinking.. 3 men and 12 women

Princess Dia ...

Yar lor ... the Korean woman said that in Korea ... no hitting allowed. My fren then replied to say that - in Singapore TOO!! But my helper didnt go round hitting all the children but its out of the instinct to protect the child who was boxed by your son.

I can actually imagine the reaction of the polic to answered the phone call hahaha

I wonder what they eat back in Korea ... cos the bully said that he is 5yr old but he is like 1 head taller then my #1 lor

My #1 even went up and attempt to fight with the boy after the boy hit my fren's #2 lor ... I had to quicky run out and shouted to my #1 to stay out of the incident. Ppl 1 head taller than him he still wan to act hero *faint*

After tat i told all the 3 of them to stay away when ppl are fighting ... go somewhere safe then call for help. They really think that they super hero lor ...

good afternoon ladies and ian,

just woke up from my nap, waiting for my 4yr old to come back from nursery school.

seems like most of you girls have big babies huh. mine is more on the smaller side but i'm not sure how he will weigh this friday, for 36 weeks checkup. i have weighed myself and noted at least another 1kg increase so hopefully a big portion of it should go to baby. i recalled last time at 34 weeks he's just a little over 2kg. i see the stats in here is like whoaaah.. no wonder you girls are complaining of pain.. maybe i had been running around looking after 2 other kids so my boy didn't get to be comfortably fat hehe. my gynae did mention that the more sedentary you are, the more likely that baby will grow fatter faster.

LilBluey ...

I went to Korea for a tour like 12yrs ago hahaha and my only memory was that I had to keep looking at the ground when I was at Lotte World cos they keep SPITTING!! Walk 2 step ... SPIT ... walk another 3 steps .. SPIT again *faintz*

And when we were q-ing up for rides ... they keep squeezing over.

My hubby oso said that Korean are v tough ppl cos of his past working experience with them. Imagine he was at a work site in Vitenam ... the Korean engineering team actually have a Korean chef just to cook for them cos they dun eat any other food.

But my hubby wants to go Korea cos he never been there ... I dun mind hahaha just hope that they dun spit some much anymore. I oso tell him that the ppl walking on the street are generally q ugly hahaha nothing like the stars we see on TV ... at least during the time that I was there.

Seabreeze, I went to Korea end 2006 and yes, they still spit and just step on their spit. saw it at the market they sell food. Disgusting.


My school allows me to break my maternity leave. I'm taking 2 mths (or rather 56 days)first, den break during Dec hols and start another 40 days in Jan. So can say I'm getting 5mths.

But I'm starting 1 mth before EDD. Dun know if I need to wait very long for baby to come out or not. My previous checkup at 31 weeks, gynae said there;s no sign I will deliver early. But he said usually it's around 38weeks.

Hope my girl comes out earlier than EDD(but of cos not pre-term la)so I can spend more time with her and my leave won't be wasted. I dun wanna rot at home.


What nonsense! Of course no hitting allowed in any other countries ! She stupid or wat? Then wAtabout Koreans hitting each other as acknowledgment ???? Huh? Huh? Huh?

They just love to slap your back or push you! They are rough in nature! Look at the way they sit for meal? Like wanna fight !

Not that I'm

Agaisnt Korean, they are nice ppl put there but sometimes they way they behave really rough! Yes, I'm

Talking about women here... Very jialat!


Yes, my gynae said tt too! He said usually the SAHM will get bigger bb than working moms! Haa... Since u already on leave... Just relax at home n indulge in some durians, choc , coconut n sleeps......, haaa! You might see a bug change on your next check up!


yes!He did!I remember i start pushing but still laughing and not serious about the labor..then midwives each took one side and pressed my tummy gently....kept saying my bb still high up!

Then they gave up!Doc came,i pushed again,then he see see...put his hand in and said..push!!!i push bb came!hahahhha

Melissa and Princess Diamond,

I move around alot and baby only put on 100g in 2 weeks time. From 1.6kg in 29weeks to 1.7kg in 31weeks. Then the mummy put on nearly 2kg in 2 weeks lor. My hubby say cos I eat junk food. Sianz...Please let all the weight gain go to her.

Whim and Princess D

Thanks for sharing on abdominal binder. I think I will get the binder after delivery. See if my ML can work magic[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ya and I really have no idea how much my tummy can shrink after delivery.

Have been a silent reader all these while and I only post when I have questions[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]But true indeed I have learnt alot of stuff here (regarding drinking coconut juice etc[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am so envious of you. My school did not allow me to break my leave. My edd is 20 Oct, I also intend to take earlier like 1 month before EDD then, break during holidays and continue leave in Jan. Too bad, my school just told me have to take 16 weeks as a default arrangement, any holidays within this period is considered part of ML[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

End result: This year "annual leave" is forfeited and I will be taking 3 months no pay leave as I aim to bf baby til 6 months old, and giving myself an excuse to take time off from work[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think you worry too much lah. I would caution you against not taking the medicine coz what happened to me was this.

At week 27: Had contractions but once rare occasion. Gynae prescribed 3 days HL and gave me the prescription for Nifedipine. She said if need then buy the medicine and take. I rested and had no more contractions so did not buy.

At about week 31: Contractions came back but not all that frequent. Gynae prescribe 2 weeks HL and gave me Nifedipine - 3 times a day. Take when necessary. I rested but took the Nifedipine only when I feel contractions. The contractions continued although was mild, irregular and not often.

At about week 33: Since the contractions were not totally gone, gynae gave me another 2 weeks and said to continue with the medicine, take it more regularly but can dun make my own decision if I dun feel I need it.

After seeing her on that Tues, I had no contractions for days so I stopped the medicine for on Friday and Saturday. That Saturday night, I started having painful contractions but very far apart (1-2.5hrs) and was eventually warded.

Morale of the story. I will take the medicine so that I can keep baby in till full term. The risk of him coming out early is higher than the risk of the medicine.

Generally I think its Cat C coz insufficient studies, as with a lot of the medicines we are taking.


then you should rest more!You will be amazed by how much the lil one can absorb and put on if you are in total bedrest!!!proven!!


you are welcome..it is always better to buy after delivery...some items buy now also no point!Ppl say we buy but some things we bought and never use after that!

take care...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I was reading pregnancy App on my iphone last night(insomnia plus weather super hot!). There was this part about bloodly mucus plug dislodge. It said it;s not to be confused with bloody 'show'. When bloodly mucus plug dislodge, its one big piece like blood clot. Labour may start after that or may be 1 or 2 weeks. Bloody 'show' is like a string of mucus and when it happens, labour will start soon after.

Anyway, you ladies ever heard of docs asking pregnant mums to jump when labour start to make the baby fall into position?

