(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

princess d,

Tsk tsk... Don't you just feel like slapping some sense into these 3rd party women?? If the man has divorced the wife and is willing to remarry, that's another story. Now it's like no status, no money, NOTHING! My ex-colleague is quite pretty, earns 2x more than the man she's involved with. He's balding some more.. Dunno what she sees in him leh.. She is definitely able to find a better man lor!! Dunno whether to pity her or wanna scold her. Now on and off when she wanna have a heart-to-heart talk I just listen. Can't give comments/advice cos she wont listen anyway.


Welcome to join us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm also delivering at MAH.


I oso got black armpits loh.

Like princess last time, I oso tried to scrub & do whitening.

No use at all. Bobian now, wear sleeves loh!!


ur cousin story, omg loh.

Wat she see in the guy? So silly of her to love him!!


if those we bot are alr wo the husk.

As in, it's beige in color, how u noe it's young or old coconuts huh?


Those ntuc ones will have labels. Realize that those small sized botak ones are Thai coconuts. Those white husks, squarish, bulky ones are labelled as young coconuts. The taste also slightly different. Young ones taste sweeter and somehow like more refreshing!

Princess, your cousin story really saddening leh.. She's educated lor, really feel not worth for her! But really some woman are BLINDED by love one, no matter how to console or advise they won't listen! haiz..

Welcome nycmum!

Coconut, talk about tht my frd tell me that worst come to worst go Seng Siong to buy those bottles coconut drink to substitute. Can meh? Anyone tried before?


there are few of them here...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yea,everybody got disgusted with her action when she announced that she is going to get married but no show of his parents during the very small dinner!Amazing isn't it?haha then every year see her,she will turn out with a huge big prengnant tummy!

crazy lor..studied so much oso no use!Now even have 3 kids with that man!tsk tsk tsk,....

i met him once only..SHe introduced him and i just look at him lor...sit down shake leg and his wife running around with the 3 kids..disgusting!

Then he will asked this asked that..i can't be bothered to talk to him!ANyway,that cousin oso not say very close...

My Mom told me she is very poor thing,cos gotta take cae of the kids herself as her mother is ill and old!I told my mom!Don't kaypoh ....she asked for it!If she think she cannot cope,at the first place don't even bother to married this guy lor!So silly!This guy give her NOTHING!Not even a shelter for her and she have to temporary put up at her BRo's place...tsk tsk tsk....

If the guy willing to leave his wife for her and ake care of her is ok..but well..he is keeping the other side and here this cousin of mine don't mind at all...sigh..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

well, what can we say "貓是不会闲鱼多的"!

I really hope that this guy got his karma lor! Jerk!

I have a friend whose father is also like that, now that we all have grown up, guess what! All the kids are supportive of the mother and none of them respect the father! Never I have heard them mention a single word about their father! I guess they must have felt very disgrace having such father!


I cant join u gals for lunch le!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I just discovered that im losing my bloody mucus plug when i went to toilet just now, so went to see Dr Ang, checked and luckily cervix still closed but was advised to admit tonight for threatened preterm for monitoring as its way too early for baby to be out..


i not only have pigment on armpit.. I have varicose veins at my calves!!! damn sad.. so at least u r not as bad!!


u better take care!!! tell bb to be guai guai.. hug hug.


your edd just a few days before mine =)

Dark armpits,

I have it before i'm pregnant. Now worse! Few days ago got a pimple pop up at my armpit, den I can't epilate. Now dun even dare to look at the armpit.

Last time tried those whitening deodorant n scrub but no use lei. Den my mum intro me to those 50cents green indian soap. It works for her and after using I think the pigmentation lightens. But I dun like the smell so didn't use it regularly.


Welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


HUH!! suddenly and so early? Pls take care and hope your baby guai guai.. stay inside first until your scheduled c-section! Rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thks for ur reply! Now I noe how to choose coconuts liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think I saw those squarish, bulky & white ones at cold storage too!

But I bot the nice looking thai ones instd. Hahahaha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiyoh! Ur cousin really poor thing.

But maybe she will be better off wo him.

I hope she dun need to give him pocket money too! Pui!!


omg babe. Pls take care!!

Guai guai rest in bed too!! Hugz...

Oh dear Irish!!!!

Hope you are ok!!Do keep us inform (if you can) on your situation!

Please rest well..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]HUGS...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Poor thing?no la,she knows his situations and yet go bang her head against it![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I dunno if she gives him money but for sure all the expenses to the children and parents allowance are from her own pocket money!SHe is working in Private Bank witha high Pose![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Teachers MTB,

when are you going on ML?

My edd is 28 Oct and I was told the earliest I can take is 28 Sep (1 mth before). But not sure if Principal will allow cos the students preparing for SA2. My colleague's edd is 10 Nov and she also wanted to take 1 mth earlier but the P only allow her to go 2 wks before edd cos she's teaching a good class and many parents have been asking qns. Now I dunno wanna stick to my original plan of taking 1 mth before or gg later. Cos I dun want the ML to eat into Dec hols but at the same time quite guilty leaving the students before they are prepared for exams...haiz.


hope things are ok for you and baby.

Hi all

so busy at work can't log in.

My mom said best to take fresh coconut - u can get at drink stalls near seaside like marine parade or changi village food centre.

Dark armpits - ya mine armpits also very dark [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so ugly. That day my hubby said lower portion of my stomach also have some dark pigmentation! urggh...

Sweat - do you gals sweat a lot. I cut my hair short and still I can sweat till my whole hair is wet (like just wash).

Irish - do take care. rest well.


Since ur P alr say u can take 1 mth before and if u think u need that rest, why not? Besides, you teaching Pri sch isit? It's better for u to hand over to the teacher who will follow up with ur class rather than nearer SA2 date.. Might disrupt the pupils' momentum in revision. Cos usually by end sept shld be starting revision for SA2 right? Also need to give ur class time to handle a new teacher. Just my 2 cents worth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] otherwise u speak to your RO lor.. See what he/she says [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry u r not alone!! I also feel hot most of the time even after bathing like 3 times a day!!!


Who's that in ur profile pic on fb?? I don't think it's jade right?? The toddler super super chubby leh!!!!

Hi ladies...finally had my 1st green colour young coconut at east coast..but boh bah one le..but e drink is shiok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking abt men who stray when poor wife preggy..my distant cousin is one of those who went w a china girl..still schooling in sin somemore..while his pretty wife preggy w their 2nd child..somemore beat up wife to threaten her not to inform his parents..in e end he choose to divorce his wife to go w e china student..IDIOT RITE??!!!


Me not starry leh.. Lol

And omg!!! That's jade?? Wahahahhaah!!! Sorry for laughing out loud cos that really don't look like her... As in I cannot believe it's her.. Really her "glorious" days leh.. So feel like pinching the cheeks...


The china student very pretty meh?? Wah Lau.. Wife alr have 2 kids for him Liao he not enough ah! Poor wife but I think she is better off without such jerks!!!

oops sorry shin

Pregnant makes me color blind too!! Lol

Is ok la... Laugh la... Haaaa

That's the consequences of BM overdosed!! My baby sumo!! Heavy !! 6-7 mths already at 11.5kg!! Heavier than a bag of rice! Tats y I m a pro car seat n stroller mommy! No carrying! Wahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Now u know y?


Walao! What kind of nonsense is this man! Stupid man!


Hope u r ok. Tell bb to stay in ur tummy as long as possible till ur c-sect date.

Princess d,

I almost can't recognize Jade at 1st then slowly realise it is Jade


Hehe no lah still very very cute!! But really could see the baby fats.. Lol.. Shows that u feed her well!! Wah.. But wonder if your #2 will be like that too?? Hehehe

tiffy n shin

Haaaaa...... HB said I anyhow feed that fella until like dat!! Wahaaaa... Seriouly we wasn't worried at all cos Bm has good fats! pD gave me a thumbs up everytime we put het on the scale! Wahlakaaaaaaaa !!!!

I'm looking back at her baby pics lately... Missing those bb fats! Hopefully i can make Lao er like her fatty bom bom jie jie!


That's alot of hardwork now I come to think of it! Sleepless for months n almost a year! Wahaaaaaa.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will try!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess d

Must be because your BM is high fat one! wahahaa..


So soon?! Did you move much? Or have you been carrying your #1 a lot? Take care hor!


Just read your post that you lost the mucous plug. That is so unexpected! Rest well okay? Tell baby to be patient and wait inside for a few more weeks! Thank God cervix is still closed. Hope it stays that way till your scheduled c-sect!

Princess d,

Did I read wrongly huh? Your cousin holding high post in private bank and yet can make such a lousy choice when it comes to finding a partner!? Sigh.. Really study so much also no point. Whole life gone like that. Maybe love is really, literally BLIND!


I feel angry when I read about your distant cousin divorcing wife to be with china girl. Some more wife pregnant leh... Wah.. Really hor! This man will get his karma! Maybe one day the china girl sick of him and leave him for a rich sugar daddy!

Good moning ladies and ian!

Thanks ladies. Yes it was so unexpected! I was shocked too...so scared and panic to see the jelly lump with blood stain! Melissa, Yes Perhaps i have been carrying my #1 alot..

I was given dexamethasoe injection last nite, its a steriod injection to mature baby lungs just incase really preterm, this buttok injection is so damn painful manz!!!! Oh no...i need to have another one later.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nifedipne oral tab was also given to slow uterine contraction as i have contraction for every 10mins, afraid regular contractions may have effaced the cervix..

Dr and nurses told me i must have total bed rest from now, no carrying of heavy things and dont walk too much!...Vivian, im gonna like u too, kena grounded again! But im still fine and eating well...just phobia of the painful steriod injection cos the needle is damn long!!

Had my check up yday at 32 + 6 week. Baby only weighs 1.5 to 1.9kg n e anmio fluid appears a little low. Doc ordered an assessment scan next week. Hmmm... Maybe I will be induced or c-section too. Haven pack my hospital bag!

And e doc reminded me to check bb's movement, made me so gan cheong e whole of yday.

Irish, I am given Adalate(Nifedipne) oral tab too. That is medicine use to try to stop preterm labour.

Jia you jia you. Another few more weeks, very fast de.

Zuen, try not to think too much. My baby today less movement then yesterday too...and I start to any how think.....

Lets all try to stay positive and cross the final pregnancy lap okie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies & Ian.

Irish coffee:

Take care ok. Yah the steriod is painful. I had mine on the thighs. Painful! Do rest more and guai guai take the medicine. On Sunday when my contractions were 1 in 5 mins and I was 1cm dilated, I was also given Nifedipine - 1 every 15 mins for 4 doses. It worked. Anyway, there are a few of us grounded already... so lets all just stick in there and take care. As my husband says, each day that we pass is 1 day safer for baby. Jiayou.


If fluid appears a bit low, do drink more water. Sometimes its due to insufficient water drank also. Take care.


Are you resting at home now? When I was discharged, I was joking with 1 of the LCs who came to see me coz she saw my name when she was going to see her patient. I said I hope I wont see them again till at least 3 weeks later and I deliver. So now guai guai lie ard the whole day.

Oh yah. Just to share abit. I sewed a beansprout pillow for my #2 and also a new case for my #1's beansprout pillow. Did this last week before I was warded. Haha. Hubs din take photo of the whole pillow but the animals I put on the 2 pillows are on his BP thread. Nice anot?



the checking of movment sometimes i totally forget about it...suppose to start at 9am every morning and then after 10 kicks then record down the timing..sometimes 10+am then remember...u relax okie.....everything be fine...yeah just realx talk to bb eat more ask bb to take in more enjoy....maybe cna eat some durians drink milk to boost up bb weight? heard its very effective.


that sounds painful....u jia you hor!!! so mucus plug is a big jelly thing?? what's the size like better guai guai and bed rest and just hug hug #1 dun carry le hor...

morning ladies and ian

princess/melissa, the paed assigned to me is also Dr Gong. I wasn't too impressed with him the last round leh. Anyway only saw him one more time after we were discharged. Then we went to our own paed at AMK SBCC. Besides, it's too far to bring the baby and the silly carpark is so tight! Now I park at Tanglin Mall and take a stroll down each gynae visit unless hubby is around.

irish, better take care. Thought you scheduling a c-sect?

Yesterday at the playground with my boy, a China grandma struck up a conversation with me. she then commented that I must be delivering soon as my tummy is very low.

re : coconut

so cannot eat the meat ah? Normally I don't cos hubby will eat it. But he's not around... i ate abit that day cos thought quite sayang to throw away. :p

Fifi, I am actually at home most of the time. I hate the hospital. Staying at my home is the same as staying in hospital leh. Just that hospital like prison, no wifi, no food to eat, no nice bed to rest.

I won be so stupid to admit myself to hospital again if nothing serious. I guess cos the hospital here is different from SG.

good morning ladiesz n Ian


Please rest n listen to doc advised! Don't mice around much! Jia you!!!


What happened to your prev encounters with dr gong?

The carpark is absolutely rubbish which I agreed .. Same goes to MEH! I will park at paragon instead if I visit my dr![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I had bad encountered with neighborhood polyclinic drs as well as GP's! So bad that jade was once given a medication that is suitable for 5yrs old n above! Then she was only 6mths...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

If I do need to visit him, I will make m appt at 2pm n turn up at 1345hrs just before the clinic open! So far, this timing has been good because not many patients![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]found him very careful n detailed![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] guess is personal choice again, just like choosing gynae..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]her

So who is your new PD this round?

Morning mummies and ian,

Went for my growth scan yesterday at 32weeks+ 6days. Baby is about 2.36kg. Everything is well and blood flow n water level is sufficient for baby.

Now i'm worried that baby will be big, cos he is now on 80th percentile. Well, predicted to be about 3.5kg if he continues this growth rate.


Please take care and really rest well and refrain from walking ard. Hang on there for a few more weeks.

Hearing so many mummies here having contractions and grounded makes me very scared also leh.


Yes! Sad rite? Ended up like dat? Her mom often called my mom n cry over it! Said,she is silly enough to have kept the first kid n now got 3? That man gave her nothing.. Only turn up once awhile n went MIA! And her life cont just like dat everyday!

She put up at her bro's place cos her 3 kids can be taken care of by her maid n SIL as a guardian! But cone on la, ppl got s life too! She is indeed weird!


My milk really very fattening!!! Haa...I went to zoo lady year n said, besides polar bear.... Mother's milk is the next highest in fats content which is why some bf babies aren't afraid of old just like my fatty bom bom girl!

The only disadvantage of having such a chubby bb is bathing time will take longer than usual babies bath time! Cos gotta open all the folds on their arms n legs n wash away the dirt trap in between....lol

Morning All [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Dia,

Agreed with you, therefore we're discontinuing the classes for the next term.

Still prefer for him to stick to his old classes.


Take care and rest rest rest! Final lap alrd...

Fifi, Apple

U gals too! Take Care! Rest ya..


My gynae has the same concern as your gynae, the amniotic fluid therefore I was arranged to go for the growth scan ytd. The sonographer was saying that my bb has a nice weight and she showed me her chubby thighs/hands hee...^_^ most imptly she reconfirm that it's going to be a girl and she's growing well wahahaha...she's currently weighing ard 2.45 kg at 32 wks 3 days..

However, my gynae still has the benefit of the doubt, he say the amniotic fluid level might not be as what is indicated -_-"" will see him back in 2 wks time..

Morning ladies & Ian,

wow... so many posts.

Me later going for checkup + growth scan too.

Hopefully everything ok and I can sneak out later for a little while since hb on leave to go comex. Definitely gotta complain again abt my pelvic pain!


oh gosh... read abt your episode... pls take care... dun walk so much...

So you went home to rest liao? or still in hospital?

You are now ard week 34 right? endure a little bit more and soon everything will be fine!! jia you..


you are 1cm dilated? wow... when I had my contractions at week 23, I was put on Nifedipine every 15mins too, until contractions faded.

Now on maximum dosage everyday together with ventolin.

Actually I am already on Nifedipine(Adalat) before that due to my high blood. This med is also used to control blood pressure.


I had that jab too at 23 wk , scary huh. But i couldn't take the side effect of Nifedipne, having difficult breathing until i thot i'm goin to die.

Just tahan a few more week, don't move around too much and baby will be safe to come out soon!

I'm starting my ML mid this month, 1 mth prior to EDD, feeling tired easily. =S


opps... just saw your email.

Sorry hor... was rushing with a few orders...

But yours shld be ready by this weekend! =)

Will email you once it is ready!

lil bluey!

WHAO!!!your baby indeed go a good weight!!hahah.

you girls must rest well....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If bb is growing well,then is ok...don't worry about the weight gained on bb!Is only estimation[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


princess, can't quite recall already... been too long. Nothing major lah. Just didn't impress us enough to continue to use him. Think the distance, carpark and the wait really spoilt it for him. :p my paed this round is still him... hehehee cos he's the one usually used by my gynae. Dun know any other paed in GEH. Since only use him after delivery and the follow-up. I also choose the 2pm appt for my gynae visits...shorter waiting time.

