(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Okie, here's a picture of my u/s at 8 weeks when we first found out we're having twins! U can only see a very blur picture of each of them in their own sacs. They were sort of hiding behind I think. But in this picture u ladies can see a very clear distinction of 2 water bags. As the space in my womb grows smaller, it will be harder to tell that it is 2 waterbags and it may look like 1.



Pinky, so nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


your suddened question asking me how long have I been trying ?sounds like asking me how long I ve been ttc? Lol

as I read thru the posts I Think I got your question n meant how long have I been trying TO COME IN HERE! LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so funny[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally can post already!! This forum needs upgrading..


congrats on having a baby boy! The scan is so clear. Thanks for sharing! When you saw baby moving, did you feel it too?


I'm hoping for sweet dreams too. Scared dreams will also affect baby.


you are 4 weeks ahead of me, so more likely bah. mine is definitely pushed up by full bladder. only experience this when bladder is full. when bladder empty, uterus sits low. like an inch or 2 below the belly button. but i like the feeling of the lump! shows that baby and i are making progress together! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks! but i think it is more fats than baby which make up the bump. 'cos can actually see that it is higher up than belly button level. anyway, how are you feeling today? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for a moment i thought hae bok is the korean name for han fung. is the food there good? what dishes did you try?

Princess Diamond: hahha nvm as long as our babies are healthy, EDD is secondary. and when the time is due... we will know wahhhaaa my gynae delivers at GEH only so i will deliver there lor.

Pinky: LOVELY!!! Such a beautiful scan. last time i always hope to hv twins.:D

Oh yah! Today when I was on the crowded train, I was offered a seat again! Heh heh! Very happy. Finally bump showing. But I realized it is always women offering up their seats. The young man at the reserved seat just pretend to sleep. *tsk tsk*...

thanks for the kind comments! Just thought I'd share with u ladies how fraternal twins will look like in an u/s! hahaha. initially it didn't occur to me they were twins, I was just wondering why my uterus got 2 "holes". In fact, it was my hubby who exclaimed, "TWINS?!" before the gynae said anything.

Starrymommy: Ya I think this forum bandwidth a bit too overloaded. it certainly needs some beefing up haha

thanks thanks and oh actually baby was sooo active during scan but i felt nothing! must be my tummy skin too much fats LOL!

I read this on my FB wall from Motherhood it says:

whatever you gives a woman, she makes it greater. Give her sperm , she gives you baby.Give her house she gives you a home.Give her groceries , she gives you meal.Give her smile , she will give you her heart. She multiplies n enlarges on whatever she is given , so if you give het crap, be prepare to get a whole lot of shit from her!!!

Hahshahaha......, that's so funny!must post it on my wall n ready to get shits replies from make friends! Lol

princess diamond,

i came across this before and was very tickled by it! Wanted to print out into a small poster and paste in front of my hubby's study desk! mwahaha


Congrats that your bb finally wanted others to know he us in there!!! At least there's kind soul.. Usually women are more caring in showing! Nice!


Yea that's a a nice scan too.. Thanks for sharing!


hee.. Yea, that's secondary n me nit looking forward to deliver on that day too! Hopefully can be earlier ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wahaha! How true! The power of a woman. That's why there is a saying that goes "hell knows no fury like a woman scorned"!

Princess Diamond, v nice quote. I am going to post it in my facebook too if you dun mind. :p

Post la... Nit my quote anyway... It's from "Motherhood"! They set up an FB acc for us to share tips n concern about childcare n mitherhood...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I ve already posted mine!First reply from HB as expected! LoL ..., he giggling in the study room n trying to reply nonsense on my post! Think he will be the first to get shit from me later!!!! Lol

Hahha Princess Diamond, for me, no body reply. Anyway it is just for fun. :p

Haha... Not yet! I knew my HB surely come in n reply! He gives me everything incldg crap the most! We loves bickering! He just came into the room n asked where s my shit for him!!! Lol... Night time is nice to bicker cos the lil one is sleeping!LOL

morning ladies

starry, love your pic! didn't realise it was a tube over a white tank. really look chio! I'm getting tired of my clothes...

pinky, you mean identical twins will look different in a u/s?

congrats lilac on getting your wish! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starrymommy, actually i din réalise is a tube over a singlet until u said so too.

good morning ladies!! it's going to be a busy day for me today better start the day with the forum!!!


wanted to post skali the forum is down. really frustrated with this forum. so old fashioned, can't put tickers and it's always down! i rather they put up this option for paid membership for some serious upgrading! i don't mind paying man! i think they're having problems with data migration. it's not easy to migrate to a new forum without running the risk of losing some data. so i think the best alternative is to create a completely new forum and leave this one behind as it is. at least we can check back whenever. but dunno why the mods doesn't seem to CARE! i suggested that a long long time ago till i'm sick of it. this forum is really early 2000 technologies! now why am i venting to you? LOL.

lilac white,

wow that's clearly a boy part!!! congrats for boy boy!!! now pls spray some boy boy dust to me. i also got lots of boy results for every possible test one can think of. and even dreamt that i will be getting a boy and my aunts told me it's going to be a boy just by looking at my tummy. wah lao i'm so STRESSED! feels like the whole world is waiting for a boy to come out of this tummy.. lol. at least now you can shop for BLUE! i'm sick of PINK!


wow nice scan of twins! too bad i can never, ever have twins.. it's really a blessing to have a pair of twin.

princess diamond,

i've seen that quote many times and i swear by it! haha. think women are soft? well think again! we're silent killers! we can hit where it hurts, from inside out!

Mélissa, but i Think this forum is still Quite easy n Nice to use leh. Quite pleasing to thé eyes comparéd to some other forum? Maybe i m so use to it liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond,

u start lei.. any HS topic? lol..


i still think it's old lor. no changes since i first joined. now typically, forums are easy to search, can add tickers, some BB Codes (without opening a new page and follow the lousy codes), attaching whatever should be easy as well. And it's customizable. i suppose this forum received accidental success and it turned into a monster it's hard to tame it.. lol.


When is your next check up?

today mark my week18!

next visit...2 more weeks!grrrr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd morning ladies!!

I survived USS yesterday!! Was there from 10.30am to 8pm!! *faint* Not sure how I did that in the heat and all!!

Starrymommy....nice pic of you in your nice top.

Lilac White & Pinky....nice u/s scans!!

My next gynae visit....12May!! 8 more days to go.


I everyday also HS!What do you want me to say?

Yest noon went for my waxing!shaped like hitler!clean and tidy!now i can wear my beige bikini!otw forever is my navy color/black bikini!LOL

HB and i had a good laughed over that Quote i post in FB!The list went on n on after i post and i got weird replied as well..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

he is so funny..


haha, u r right. I typo. Hb suay, not baby. :p


I oso jealous when my girl gets too close to maid but no choice lah. Hb n I spent long hours at work. My maid is my girl's playmate now. heng she still wants mummy. Tat is also why I super relunctant to train her to sleep on her own with the maid.


ur boi super cooperative leh, open his legs so big. How many weeks Liao?

princess_diamond> my parents said they are purposely leave 1 portion of wall to us to make scribbles on them during our childhood to promote creativity & drawing. hehe.. We did lots of drawings on the house walls at that time..

I think I'm going to do the same.. Anyway after the kids grow older, we can always re-paint the wall..

They also bought us whiteboard to make some drawings too.. :p

morning ladies.. was damn tired and sleep super early yday, i think was the spill-over effect from Sunday for sleeping late.

Wah! Lilac, nice scan! can see so clearly.

Pinky, now i know wat's the scan of twin looking like. been so curious, keep sharing wth us ya.

Princess, i like that quote as well. keke.. guess i'm going to print that in big bold letters and stick to places tht my hubby can see and reminds him. wahaha.. Talk about waxing, am really interested in trying leh. any recommendations where i can go n try? keke..

Anyone still wants to read about my maid saga?? Don't want to bore everyone here.

Princess Diamond....like you....hubby/I take care of my girl from 0-2 years old. Back then I make it very clear to the maid that she is only here to do housework. Only after my girl passed 2 years old....then I allowed the maid to play with her under my supervision. Even now, when my maid plays with my girl, I am also around. So in those times when I had to let go of the maid, my girl adjusted quite easily.....as ultimately, when she is cranky & tired, she wants nobody else but me. Until now, I still remain her main care giver.


My mom used to have rolls of Mahjong paper and stick it on the car porch for us to draw and paint but never on the wall!hahhaha and i did to my child too!she can go all dirty with paints esp..thats why when one of my friend suggested to me to buy this spray paint from the States(the paints works like white board after it dries,kids then can use markers to draw)i rejected his offer.Cos i dun wan my child to think that drawing on the wall is OK!its ok to destroy your own home but not when you visit someone else's home!Im afraid[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but anyway,my wall now been destroyed and im still very upset about it!it's not pleasant![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yay i agree with you. now i just let them scribble on the walls. luckily the paints i use in the living rooms are the high quality, washable paint. so it's easy to remove. the ones in the room is lousy kind. but that's ok we can just repaint it over once they've learnt that painting on the walls is PROHIBITED!


just rant over lah. i know how frustrating it is to deal with maids. my MIL had one and she wants to vomit blood!

princess diamond,

aiyah my hubby just got a new job and it's lots of manual labor work, so by the time he gets home, he just wants to knock off. no action lor. kekekee. but that's ok because i'm always tired too! my girls are draining my energy! my mom always make them go for longer naps (so more free time for her) but end up they will sleep late and has lots of energy at night! she said, not her problem at night! wah lao. my next check up is 19 May, still must wait nong nong. i'll be 21 weeks then. a bit late for a detail scan hor!!! haiz no choice as gynae is fully booked on other days. had i known, i would choose to go to the hospital to scan since hubby can't come with me. husbands are not allowed to go in during detail scan in Gleneagles.

- 19 weeks.


hahha...can pour your story to me!Im interested!

yes yes,till when they are aware of the surroundings and knows what is NO and YES,they maid can play with her..cooking and etc.Of course under my supervision la..

When she needs her meals,snacks,nap and slepp ...naturally she will come to me till now![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im waiting for my agent to reply and yest the boss told me there's on but 38yrs old ler....arrghh!I'm afraid after awhile she might resign after knowing im so particular!LOL


goes to STRIP!


Oh,y Hb not allowed?

Hmm..my detail scan will be in SGH as per last time.but from the last visit,my gynae didn't mentioned or arranged any appointment for me,don't know izit because he had this new 4D machine and can do detail scan..?????I will be week 20 on 18May which is my next visit!


No matter how high Quality is the paint,there will no be 100% that it can wash off those stains!(must see what you use to scribble on..black markers ?aint not gonna believe it can be wash off!!Moreover the color on the wall is specially mixed,Mine also very good quality paint!High quality paint also need professional to clean it lor...lol

hi everyone~~~ anyone got the same problem with me? i'm hitting 16 weeks soon.. but i've also been non stop sick.. and i'm not gaining weight at all.. i finally managed to get my miserable 1 kilo to stuck.. i scared baby not growing well.. *sigh*

Okay....maid saga....the continuation...

Maid #3 (Indonesian with prior experience in SG) came highly recommended from hubby's client. Initially seemed fine, but whenever I corrected her work....she would show me attitude (subtly), by abstaining from food!! Told me she was fasting but she is christian!! Initially I didn't make the connection....until later on I realized she would abstain from food whenever I corrected her work. After a while, I noticed some weird things going on. Eg. Once when I went out & went to my shoe boxes area to get a pair of seldom worn shoes, a letter of hers dropped out from the shoe boxes. As I was in a rush to go out, I did not ask her about it. But later on when I check the shoe boxes, the letter was gone. She was with me for about 4 months, but throughout that time, she never asked me to post any letter for her. Btw, she has no off day. One of those times when she abstained from food, after that she went to the bathroom which she used & stayed there for a long time. So I did a surprised check of the bathroom & found a bag with her dirty laundry inside & snacks!! When I confronted her, she told me she asked the maid from my neighbour upstairs to buy it for her. I found 3in1 coffee bags in her bedroom. I've always told the maids no food in the room as I don't want to attract ants & roaches to the rooms. But all these I let it go & just told her if she needs things to let me know & I'll get it for her. She was still with me after I gave birth to Nicole. But 1 month after Nicole was born, she said she didn't want to work for me, hence, I got my agent to speak with her regarding this (my agent only helped with the transfer since she was hubby's client's maid). When my agent came back to me, I had the shock of my life!! My agent said she bad-mouthed me & said I scolded her all the time!! Made her eat instant noodle everyday, she had a rash on her body & I didn't even bring her to see a doctor. My agent knows I roam out of the house quite often & know that it is quite impossible for me to scold her all the time. I only asked her to eat instant noodle at most 1 meal of the day & maximum is 4 days in a week. & the best part was I didn't even know she had a rash on her body as she didn't tell me. My agent told me that this maid was very deep (good actress) & told me better to let her go & not keep her. When I got home that day, I pretended that everything was fine, & my maid came to speak to me. She claimed that she didn't know why my agent called to speak with her, & she said the reason for her not working with me was because she didn't want to make me angry & that she had a rash which she is afraid may affect the baby. I sat there listening to her spin her lies & inside, I was really amazed!! She should have been an actress & not a maid!! After I sent her off, I happen to bump into my upstairs neighbour & asked if my maid had ever bothered her maid & she said no. So hubby & I concluded that she must have sneaked out herself when I was not home to post her letters & buy her things. I was glad to have gotten rid of her as I didn't know she was such a good actress until after her talk with my agent!!

Okay...I have to go get ready to pick my girl from school....so maid saga continues later!!


Is your gynae aware of your weight?Yo have to rest more and drink more fluids if solids are making you nauseas !Don't worry too much..hugs hugs!

thepinkdot, don't worry so much....the gynae will be the best judge of whether your baby is growing well or not. Do speak with your gynae about your worries.


i still puke now and then but my appetite is back so i'm sure some weight will stick. keep taking your vitamins. baby will gain weight. it will take all your body stores so the vitamins is more for yourself. my mom has MS for all 9 months when she's having me, so yours is not the worst case [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond,

i don't know why not allowed. it's just the hospital's policy i guess. it's the only time where gleneagles SUX! lol.


wah lao should send her for audition for mediacorp.. lol. acting like that sounds dangerous! it's more damaging than just being plain lazy!

melissa, is it a recent gleneagles policy? I don't rem doing any scans without hubby around. And it was all done at my gynae's clinic.

Melissa: *Blows BOY dust to you Hahaha Dont worry so much also. Boy or Gal sometimes i think its fated too. In life its quite an irony. When u yearn so much for something, it always comes the opposite way so leave it to nature! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That's why i tell myself, boy or gal nvm cos if i hv a preference and the result is opposite, I will be v upset and disappointed and i dun want that.

Emmie / Snoopy / Teoong: Thank you! =)

ZuEn: I'm 16w5d. Kekeke maybe cos me and hubby, we've been talking to lil bud the last few days b4 gynae visit. We told him to be guai guai cos we want to start buying things for him!


you are making me wanna chiong down to see my gynae straight away! lol! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm 15wk2d, actually can see already if baby is cooperative enough.. but need to have patience. *breath in, breath out*.. heh heh!

actually, i read those online week by week pregnancy trackers that by 15-16 week mark, our baby can hear our voice already! excited. i told hubby that we must start talking and singing to baby too. hopefully very soon one of these days, baby will respond to us by moving around and kicking!



it's not recent. not sure if it's hospital policy or the sonographer is just being an ass. they did that when i was having detail scan for my #2, which is around year 2007. so hubby was disappointed. this year, taking that into consideration, i opt to have a different detail scan by a gynae specialise in this. he also came recommended by my gynae and it will be done in a clinic (not his), so hubby gets to go in to see the scan. IRONICALLY though, he can't go that day, because he just started a new job, therefore not so nice to take leave or MC so early right? *sigh* such is life.


Hahaha i know i know.. boys and girls are all predestined. fated yes. nothing wrong hoping after TWO girls lei.. i wanna close shop! so hopefully with a good ending. i really wanna shop for blue now. i wanna buy those pasar malam Superman/Batman/Ben 10.. whatever you know.. the blues and greens and bold reds.. hahaha.. eh thanks for the baby dust. i caught it and blow it to my tummy already.. hiak hiak...

