(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

melissa, then i guess it's down to the individual clinic then. When i had DS in 2005, we did it in my gynae's clinic. Even this round, she asked if we can fly back to do the detailed scan with her. When's your detailed scan? Can't wait for mine...a number of decisions hanging on it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And of course I'm dying to find out how's the little bub doing...

more baby boy dust to you!!


yeah yeah i'm so full of boy baby dust now hahaa.. my detail scan is 19 May.. still two more solid weeks to go.. might not feel much because bub is kicking to tell me it's ok and alive!! yay. it's kicking now in fact. my gynae don't do detail scan so too bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] who's your gynae? sounds good.


Me opposite... blow me some GIRL GIRL baby dust leh... haa... whatever test or chart or my gut feeling, seems like I am carrying another boy... haaa... although i dun mind another boy, I do love to shop pink leh...

I just told my hb yesterday, i dun care, whether #2 is boy or girl, I want #3 too... haa..

I love kids... (even they drove us crazy everyday)


nice pix! i agreed with the ladies here... chio leh... haha...


wow, 1st time I see a twins' u/s leh... amazing!


CONGRATS on having a boy!! now can start to shop shop shop liao...

BB: 15W5D

Me: Tired, still worried coz no bump found...


ok how to blow GIRL GIRL baby dust to you if i don't even know what i'm carrying? hahaha.. u should've asked me last 2 years ago when i was carrying a girl! hahaha.. but i agree, i love children as much as you do. boy or girl, the joy is the same. that's why i can't stop at one! (or two) haha... in fact my hubby don't want me to stop at 3!! told him, u earn at least 5K then we consider ok! :p

my aunt just went though a tubal ligation, ok it's not actually the perm kind, just the clip kind. contemplating on what i should do to close factory. hmmm..

thanks everyone.. i've been getting migraine and flu very frequently.. i think i will raise it up to my gynae.. immune system very low..


ya hor... wrong person to ask for girl girl baby dust... haha... blur me...

haha... i never thot of closing factory problem yet... wait till i come to that stage bah... now just one step at a time...

Recently just getting more and more worried leh... my tummy like not exactly growing and not much movements and kicks from the little one inside... plus i have been running up and down during work and home... not much rest... dun know whether bb inside is growing well or not...

and i still got to wait till next thurs then got checkup... can't help but worrying lor.... sigh...

Hi all,

Congrats to all MTBs...

Pls add me on the chart.

This is my #2 baby.

EDD: 5 Oct 2010

Gynae: Dr L C Foong

Hospital: Glen E

I have been reading the posts since day 1 but didnt join in the chat as i was very sick from MS n pregnancy induced asthma + heart palpitations...

Regards to baby movements, dont worry... i didnt feel anything until wk 20-21 when i has my DS... dont think too much abt it..

I has retroverted uterus so its at the back ...hence the position makes it harder to feel movement.. n the BB is only 200g at this point.. so its quite hard to feel the subtle movement through our layers of tummy fats...

they say small tummy is likely to be a boy wor.. i noticed my fren when she was carrying her girl and then her boy. when she was preg with her girl, she ballooned and complexion got worse..some weird rashes appeared on neck.

when carrying the boy, she seemed to do it with a breeze..and less problems. so my frens and i concluded a baby gal will "fight" for beauty with u whereas a boy will not.

i'm feeling confused now.. hahaha.. cos before i was preg, i always preferred girls.. but since i might decide to haf one only.. i thot boy.

but girls can dress up le! i love buying stuff for my god-daughter.. which happens to be dat same fren's first-born. i seldom pamper her son.. hahaha!

now my bump seems kinda small.. it might be actually a boy.. =p dilemma! cos now i dont mind either. but when it seems to point towards one gender, i feel like having the another gender.. muahhahaha! but imptly must be healthy and guai..


yea,that's what they do best!ACT!

Mine same as yours..(the present one)When told her off sometimes,she will abstain from food!I couldn't be bothered!honestly!Why should i asked why is she not eating?throwing tantrums?To the wrong person!I won't symphatized her for that.I bought VitC for her to take daily and reminded her to take care of her own health!if simple things like this she can't follow..then be it!I buy lots of fruits,veg and meats for her to cook and i specially buy halal meat just to accommodate her!However,if these lil gesture from me she dun appreciate either..i think she can just GO!

She whacked all my Indo mEE frm Jakarta!huhuhu!

hahah..just finished y manicure sessions!had a brand new set of nails with rhinestones and glitters..hehehhee..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cannor discuss with gynae to let your hb in?

detailed scan is so interesting n im sure your hb will see HIM turning around[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I always thinks that having differents gender can be quite fun cos of handling them in a different ways!Well,it's all fated,i know but no point wishing for one diff from the first one rite?


i don realized that when my friend that is carrying a girl..they all ballooned up everywhere...like me too!and those carrying boy,they look good and weight are more on the tummy than anywhere else![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So this time my tummy is pointed and sharper than last round but i still thinks that im carrying a girl![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cos i told myself,if y 4mths scan i can't see anything?that means a girl..cos usually boy very fast can detect...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess: wah... u tai tai life ne! go for waxes and mani.. enjoy life wor.. hee hee...

i will hold on waxing till the last trimester bah.. definitely will go before giving birth.. cleaner.. =)


thanks for the compliments! hope hubby also feel that i am chio! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif] sometimes he is like dense block of wood. won't say i look nice or what unless i think-skinned enough to ask him. lol!

i think certain tube dresses look better paired with a simple white tank top. if i wear that tube dress alone, i will look fat. amazing what mix-and-match can do to outfits. i'm so sick of what i have in the wardrobe that i have to resort to this method!


heard about small tummy being baby boy too. but at this stage isn't it abit difficult to tell? my friends said i look small for someone in week 15. does it mean i am having boy?? getting me hopes up here... although really lah, i'm also happy to have a girl. i love pink!!


may nails not nice cos so short not long like with acrylic and gel!can't even do 3d effect le..but better than nothing la..wait ah..

veyr chim job to asked me to post pic..lol


not tai tai la...

waxing is a must le...forest getting out of hand!nails must take care too..hahha...anyway,my manicurist does house call and also n old friend..so makes it easier for me..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


welcome. ok i think our Oct group has lots of lurkers haha.. just join in the chat and have fun or join our HS club! hahaha.. FOC ok! no expiration date. btw, thanks for sharing about baby movements. it's true, having a retroverted uterus can make it harder to feel unless baby is big enough for you to NOT feel. mine is anteverted i think.


that's exactly what my aunts described! small tummy is boy and by all the belly photos that we have, my tummy is small compared to the others and i'm already 19 weeks. i get elephant feet with my girls too and my wedding ring can't fit. my nose was also swollen. but you really shouldn't worry what you're having if this is your first born. maybe better if it's a girl, there's just so much to shop and beautify! the fun never ends! and they help to take care of your #2 very well. my DD1 is always forever helpful. if my DD2 cried because I scolded her, my DD1 will hug her and consoled her. really melts my heart. ask other mommies with girls, they'll have stories to tell about how lovely girls are. they're yours forever to keep!

princess diamond,

the detail scan was done by hospital, not at gynae's clinic. so under different set of "government" haha. maybe i'm just too decent, just blindly follow instruction. which Strip branch did u go for waxing? i used to go to HV branch. now long time never go. too lazy to drive up there.

here's my nails..not that nice tho but nothing much can do la..short nails limited choices.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3932629.jpg]


I'm hoping this time i could do my detail scan in my gynae's clinic with his new machine la..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I goes to the one in Paragon![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess nice nails!

hmm.. i feel so long bb is healthy, doesnt matter if boy or girl though intially i wished for a boy. keke..

I ever went to GEH gynae and he told me that mine is retroverted uterus and hard to conceive, but wat the hack. see i'm preggie now! now only want bb to be health.

melissa: yup i know girls can be real endearing.. i look at how my god-daughter treats the bro i know le.. they can be vy sweet.

aiya.. now i'm swaying towards gals again. hahaha!

thank you ladies..

but i doubt im going to keep this design for long..

a lil to girlie for me...

it can last for 2.5weeks ...but because its on bare nail..but if its on my acrylic nails.it can last longer..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i don't quite like it this time!Just make appt with her for next week!wahahhaha..i dont like this design..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i ve had a same incidents ! A year before I conceived with my girl, I had to do a gastritis scoope by this stupid doc frm RAffles Hospital!

After that scoope he said I have retroverted uteres n if I have to conceived it might be difficult ! So devasted after that n HB said it's ok.. Can adopt n so on! Can't remember why i ended going to RH , then comes my yearly pap smear test! I saw my own gynae!

Then I asked him again how to get conceived with such problems n showed him the scan from that stupid doc!!

He laughed looking at the scan !

He said ... One look can tell he hold the scan upside down or something ! If he is not sure how to use the scan ... This czn be a big misunderstanding !!!

Gynae check again n said mine is in Order n Good position! He laughed n giggled all the way but demand no name of that doc cuz I think it must have been a few cases of these ...

6 mths after that I got pregnant ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I want bb girl dust too!! LOL but yeah i believe boy or girl for the family is destined. So wish for but if boy also thank God for his blessing.

princess diamond

i never do any mani cure or pedicure once i know i pregnant le...even rebonding and all also never do...LOL more kiasee type...

Princess Diamond, i Think thé nails quite Nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yea la..what a joke rite...then feel like telling him off..some more his report type so clearly on my condition n that make my gynae burst into laughter!lol

Etelle, girl girl babydusts for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond

really ah can ah? ihave OPI nail polishes at home but still dun dare do le. LOL...but it's pretty your nails yeah girly nice mah u dun like ah...

yeah that doctor is such a joke hor...maybe its a training doctor bah...

Halo mummies!

Wow starrymommy is such a young and sexy mummy!


I also scare abt maids that's why I am thinking to see if I can tahan without a maid when baby is out. One of my colleagues changed 7 maids in 6months! He was telling us he suspected one of the maids actually grab his son's head and bang on the wall.

Sometimes is not that parents do not want to take care of their kids themselves but nowadays standard of living is so high and both parents need to work long hours. When you cant find anyone to take care you really got to get a maid to help out.

Nice mani Princess Diamond! How much do you pay for the home sessions for mani?

I am dying to colour my hair!!! can see my white hair come out already! But i checked with my gynae during my last appt and he was like 'can can colour just colour the tips..dont touch the scalp.' duh....


thank you![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i ve been doing it le..last time when i do it in Snails,the lady boss did told me its safe for preggers..anyway,just gotta stay away from acrylic n gel..even my manicurist oso dun wanna do for me now if i request for acrylic n gel!lol....


why didnt your friend send his son to childcare instead?better tan to be on maid's hands esp w/o supervision![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oooh now on beauty?

I also wanna rebond my hair leh! Yest i ask gynae he laugh and say he dunno... he has not heard of such thing as cannot. LOL so means what? any mummies here done rebonding b4 in previous pregnancy?

Hi All,

On leave tdy, feels shiok! hee hee


Congrats on your healthy baby boy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can start shopping for blue!


Tht's wat my colleagues told me too, big tummy more likely gal, small tummy likely boy hahaha ;p~

I've a colleague who is preggie with her No 3 gal, her tummy is very huge and round! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nevertheless, boy/girl as long as they are healthy, tht's all it matters!


my gynae oso didnt said cannot!but my stylist dun encouraged cos chemical used are strong!Im like babydes..time to color my hair but oso dare not..white hair all appearing one by one![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Princess Diamond

He has 3 kids. Already sent his kids to childcare but he needs his maid to help send and pick them from childcare as he cant always make it back on time. Both his parents and MILs are not staying in Spore so there are nobody to help.

Oh the mani session is $85? But guess shd be ard that price as you did the nail art and is a home session.

sigh... colour hair, dont colour, colour, dont colour... >_< TAHAN!


Like you, I never put on any weight at all, in fact I lose weight leh, just now brought my boy for his booster jab and I went on the weighing scale was surprised no weight gain at all till now despite the big tum tum -_-""

Think my gynae told me not to worry at tis stage hmmm...

Mommies who are expecting girl girl sprinkle some gal gal dust on me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee hee

LilBluey: yes thank u.... i cant wait to decor my baby's room!

Princess Diamond: Hahahah im dying to. :p Hmpf! Colouring i can tahan and not do but not rebonding leh :p

i also wanna beautify myself! but so many things cannot do. makeup also cannot anyhow use. i don't even use fake eyelashes as much as last time le. the glue, makeup remover etc. use too much during pregnancy may not be good.


i read that now placenta is fully functioning, so whatever we eat, use, inhale, including cleaning chemicals, perfumes, medication, skin lotion etc. will be transferred to baby too. so better stay away from hair dyes/chemicals for now. must "ren" okay? better be safe lah.


mani...think should be around that price...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh dear,your friend must be very worry all the time at work..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sigh..the hope for a good maid is almost to Zero!im not putting hope on getting a good replacement too!

i oso wanna color le!

hahaha cute where are the mommies with confirmed GIRLS? also in high demand now!

for those who wants to just cover grey hair, why not just apply henna coloring to your hair? it's a lot natural but limited to only one color lah and it doesn't really color. it covers grey though.


u can do it without a maid if u have 1 baby only. I am a SAHM so looking after baby girl alone. We have a PT cleaner once a week to do a thorough cleaning of the house. I used to cook before I was pregnant also, but not anymore cause can't really stand the smell of raw food. =)

Anyway I believe that if u r determined not to have a maid, somehow u will find a way to manage things. But of course ur hubby cannot expect perfection in ur house like before.

ya Princess and that gynae in GEH is very reowned lor.. ask me n hubby to take fertility test and that. I even took PAP smear with him that costs me more than $250. He charges is damn high manz. In the end, i tell hubby let's leave it to god's will whether have bb or not. Let's not stress over it. To think that he even tell me hard to conceive. Choy!

Hair coloring and rebonding.. i also wana do, but that thoughts of having to seat for so long and tahan before going to the loo now. i give up. I got a frd that's a stylist, telling me that his clients when preggie goes the extreme of wearing mask to him when they trim hair. Super scare that will breath in and affect bb. so funni lor.



The exciting part is to start shopping for your baby! whoa!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

