(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Hi everyone.

Erm, abt intimacy with hubby, last night I also jokingly asked hubby, whether he'll fool around outside coz I'm now pregnant? We just got married last December. No. of times we do it, use 10 fingers to count still got leftover. So actually this Xiao Lao Hu came along a little sooner than expected. Feels a little insecure as I've not been fulfilling my wifely duties enough in that department. He said I'm so silly. Still got such a long way to go to "compensate". But I still can't help but feel a bit worried.


could it be because this time round you're carrying twins? That's why you get drained easily?

mummies, you all having replacement leave on monday? tomorrow is labour day PH but my co doesn't operate on saturdays so think should have replacement leave right? boss haven't announce leh..



so fast...no honeymoon ah?

DOn't worry,you guys still can have your own private time now in a different ways....siao lao hu is a blessing..eveyrthing comes with a reason!

You will have a lifetime to fulfill your wish as a lovely wife n mother ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've asked a friend who had twins and she said it's normal but I'm not so sure. It's my 2nd trimester shouldn't I have some form of breezer? I went to Metro Expo sale ytd with hubby. Although it wasn't very crowded I felt very giddy and unwell but thankfully I had my hubby with me.


think Monday should be PH for you right?


yeah lor u r right...pregnant or not the hb still need so being HS helps hor if not if hb want u no mood then sad...LOL ur hb be one happy man. LOL

Btw Pinky, I'm not taking any iron supplements yet. Think the gynae prescribed extras for you early because you're carrying twins.

princess d,

we planned to go at the end of this year initially due to my work commitments. Only went for a getaway at Phuket in Jan. We're blessed to have this baby though. Some of our close friends have difficulties conceiving. As long as baby is healthy, safe and sound throughout the pregnancy till term, that's all we ask for.

heello ladies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone just added me in FB?can indicate from forum..if not i will ignore request one..hahaha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thank you thank you!


do take extra caution if you're out alone. Sounds logical that all these that you're experiencing is coz of the 1 more baby that you're carrying. Carrying 1 is already so tough. You have 2 babies absorbing nutrients, energy etc concurrently!


I'm having PH-in-lieu on coming Monday. Announcement should be made real soon at your side. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


right now I only have multi-vits by my gynae and I was worried that I have anemia during this pregnancy as I seem to have the signs. But the signs are also very common of pregnancy. I took my blood test about a week ago together with my NT test but clinic has not called me so I assume my blood test is okay. Think I should call them up to confirm & see if I can visit my gynae earlier. Next scheduled appointment is another 2weeks+, 18 May.

Muahaha...i wanna laugh at myself lor.

I really thot i've given the doc wrong date, wrong EDD haha. Thanks for enlighting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eh i'm trying to post my tum tum pix but having error [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


you have to scale down your photo then can upload. actually i find this forum a bit mah fan.. hee hee! :p

i'll be going for the expo baby fair on sunday after all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hubby said he wanna go check out the cord life booth. hopefully i can find some nice and not-too-ex maternity clothes there also. anyone else going??


talking abt ML, my hb is like a super HS monster lo, he will want everyday coz he says he find me more & more sexy since i'm preggy wor... i was like: wat an excuse???

oh ya before i forget...


kindly update i wish for a princess.

appt on 10 may, hope can get to know the gender by then..



ya it'll be good to go to the gynae earlier if you have discomforts before the next scheduled appointment. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I vaguely remembered someone posted about cheaper deals for the Huile Tonic Oil at Chinatown. Thanks for the info! One more question - where's the shop located at? Thanks in advance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

i was not really in the mood during my 1st tri but now it seems like i'm laughing in my heart & feels really great hearing wat he says though it might really be just an excuse...

the only prob is my precious step-son slps with us as he likes to slp with me so cant really enjoy to the max otherwise my precious will wake up & watch live show...

Thanks for e warm welcome! This thread is so fast!

A little bit more abt myself- working mum; expectg no2; no1 is a 4yr old boy.

I noticed from e mummies list tat no one is with dr Han how chuan of Kkh? Any one?

Coping with pregnancy

this one is tougher than e last one. Still having ms occasionally but better as compared with 1st tri. Suffering from insomia. Always tired- when am I getting my energy back? Sian...

Coffee drinking

any mummies? I am always so drowsy tat I have to have 1 cup. Limit myself to 1 a day.

Princess diamond

Im a FTWM. Am always work and work, already in this entertainment company for almost 11 years. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thats why sometime u might not be able to see me here often..its depending on luck im unable to log in forum due to company server firewall but somedays its still can lor...so just have to try everyday.


We will not have a replacement leave on monday but it will credited into our annual leave entittlement.

starrymommy, yes, usually in the evening, night time and morning when i goes to work. Do you feel your bb movement as well?

supplement : so far my gynae only given me DHA and obimin to take wor.. dunno if this is sufficement.


i drink coffee everyday..

at first i thought i can kick the habit during my first trimeste..

so difficult ..now once evry morning!heheheh..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kopi! slurp.. I used to drink every morning, but since pregnant, when i drink kopi will headache so now stop drinking le. My saliva will still drool whenever i smell nice nice kopi from far..

Whoa! Finally managed to scan thru all the postings, was soo pissed off and upset at work yesterday.....

Princess D,

Sorry to hear about your ordeal last night...hope you can find a solution soon..

Trust yr fren to have the cheeks to make such a comment...If I were you, probably stop inviting her over for such gatherings since she doesn't even know how to discipline her own child and put the blame on yr gal when the incident happen *tsk tsk* shame on her!

Mummies who posted their bump pictures, they look so nice! I'm even more convinced now that my is OOS! -_-""


If my No 2 is going to be a gal, I think everyone in both families would be over the moon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dun let anyone brain-wash you ok, it's your child, regardless of the gender, they are still our own flesh and blood. Ignore those so called social stigma of having a Tiger Gal and blah blah blah...if any of my brainless relatives is going to comment on that they are definitely going to get it from me!! hahaha...

Nevertheless, regardless of the gender as long as the child is healthy, tht's of utmost importance. Most importantly, is the upbringing of the child in future as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


your hubby very sweet! i give the HS award to him. muahahah!! yeah, i read on some magazine before that some men find it very arousing to ML to their pregnant wife. good lah, make the best of this. i'm very worried that i will find it painful or uncomfortable after delivery...

Re: coffee

don't really like coffee very much now. hubby drinks every morning. the hazelnut flavour one. hate it! then he will kiss me with that awful hazelnut coffee smell in his mouth. urgh.. but on certain afternoons when i get soooo drowsy, i will find myself craving for a cup. but no more than 3-4 cups a week though.

Ex-coffee drinker reporting in! Used to need my daily dose of caffeine every morning, else I'll have splitting headache. But quitted the drink since pregnancy.


I share the same sentiments! Scared I might be hooked to it again after giving birth, so have to conscientiously tell myself not to give in to temptations. Haha.

Me! me! im also a coffee lover! its also my daily dose every morning. Now im still drinking but limit to just one a day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i felt baby gave me a kick this morning when i sat up in bed. maybe i was squashing the little fella. past couple of days didn't feel it very much. but usually will feel it on and off throughout the whole day. and it comes and goes very fast, like in a split second.

ohhhh!! i wanna rant about something!! sooooooo mad this morning on the train! i was boarding the train and entered just when train door started closing. then suddenly i was pushed VERY hard from behind and hit the pole in front of me! this stupid man was running into the train when the doors were closing and just nice i was blocking his way. so he pushed me in lah. idiot guy. didn't even say sorry. the whole time for the duration of 1 stop (he got out the next stop), i just glared at him. should have screamed at him AND taken his photo!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/angry.gif] my arm hurt but luckily it was my arm and sholder hitting the pole, not the face or tummy. stupid idiotic man.


hope u r okie... be more careful ya. all these ppl are really very inconsiderate, it's like me having to be sandwiched in lrt as everyone seems to be in a hurry & cant wait for the next lrt lo.

guess the time i took lrt?? it's 6.40, it's very early lo yet those ppl are like rushing for time...

Irish Coffee,

OOS = Out of Shape! ;p~

Will see if got time to take the pic and post up, was too upset last night, went straight to bed after shower...


Tell me about it manz! the other day, while on the way to work there's a sickening idiot who wanted to seat the the one I've chosen, then he was rushing alongside me and push me aside. However, when I took the seat he was looking at me and even bump into me while easing himself into the seat beside me! I was so pissed that I got up and change seat! Wat an a**hole!!!

hello good afternoon!!

i had such a busy day no time to catch up on the archives yet. you girls are so ON! never wait for me one! ahahhaaa...


hey you're not alone. my hubby can take the HS hubby award too. he's also the kind who finds pregnant woman sexy. FYI girls, i've been pregnant 10x including all my miscarriages.. hiak hiak!!! and he's proud of it. he said when i'm pregnant my body feels different. it's more shiok. don't know what he meant. maybe it's the curves or the extra flesh! haha. he's also hoping that i can attack him everyday liao! *faint*

irish coffee,

ok you win! for the BIGGEST tum tum award! are you sure it's not the combination of pregnancy + bloating?


lol!! we have 2 HS hubbies here.. you must tell your hubby he received the award this okay? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hubby says now i'm pregnant, body feels more warm to him and he finds it shiok! haha. but all along he prefers skinny girls leh. now i'm going boomz in the wrong places - thighs, hips, waist. boobs still feel small. worried other parts boomz more quickly than boobs! hope the boobs get the message and grow big quick!!! heh heh heh!! actually my hubby wanted to attack me last night. but i was too tired for him. then end up i got wet dream. how ironic! :p


i hate men who act like those old china aunties.. they are MEN, for goodness' sake!! yesterday i was wearing the foldover skirt and fitting top. tummy was showing a lot already cos no restriction from the clothes. i purposely stood in front of this malay man. but he ignored me completely! somemore pretend to sleep lor! i wish i have the courage to actually ask for a seat. but always hesitated to do it..


Oh i see...hehe nevermind la. Hope u r feeling better today. What happen at work? care to share?


wah...u machiam like the production factory pregnant for 10X..your QC was way too strict till only 3 are allowed to pass leh..your 3 lovely babies must be specially unique![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Initially i thought bloating also..but already into 4th months and my MS already subsided so doubt so..anyway when im pregnant with no.1 my tummy was also equally big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


go post his photo here or stomp lah. these pple needs to be shamed! that's what my hubby said too, preggers are warmer! somehow men like it warm! i think, looking at your belly shot last time, you're the kind who won't gain weight easily ok! in fact i think you can lose it easily. it's the age factor too.


i think some girls really bring out the good points. your son is yours till he marries but girls are yours forever! it's true! my mom lived with me now and i think she's happy that she has someone to talk to everyday. even mundane things like what's happening in the soap opera that she watches in daytime. old people really like to talk! and they love good listeners. my girls are very loving, i love dressing them up. they sing, they talked funny, they play dolls together and they compete to kiss and hug you whenever. not to say boys are less cuter lah but there's this special aura about girls! times have changed lah. don't be too hard up on making others happy at the cost of your misery. you can NEVER make others happy this way.


everybody like rushing to dig gold or what lor! except us preggers, that is... and most of them don't say sorry when they bump into us. like we owe them like that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

irish coffee,

if that's so then confirmed your stomach muscle is very flexible! haha. i think most athletics tend to have smaller tummy also, since their muscle are taut and toned. by the way what's your 1st bb's weight during delivery? yeah during the first 3 years of marriage after my first miscarriage 3 weeks after our wedding, we started production on full scale and even do overtime at times. no foreign talents needed! LOL.


haha! no need foreign talent to ML. lol!! and your description of your girls make me want a girl!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have no idea seriously...I have small flat tummy before pregnant and im very active into swimming, yoga, cycling, tennis and even roller blading. im very petite and never expect tummy to be so huge. my first pregnancy only started to show when in 5th months and its really balloon during the last trimester. This time round tummy blowing much earlier...

Oh my first born's weight is 3.28kg. Its not a big baby but guess im petite so consider big for me?


it is at wheelock place, just opposite NYDC. i think both restaurants are under the same management. big O is very well known for their desserts.

Eh starrymommy, u mention abt the big O is not restaurant rite.... Did I read wrongly again? Been reading wrongly since preg.

Princess Diamond, did u show a black face thruout yest nite?the mum Noe u unhappy or not?


hahaha! for dinner tonight is restaurant lah.. for jelly legs one is orgasm. LOL!! maybe the restaurant thought their food is soooo good that anyone eating it will experience jelly legs? hee hee!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

Abt baby movement Pinky, I aso can't really feel n I get some "fluttering" or "twitching" movement in my tummy n I m thinking aso if it is my digestive system or wat.

Lilbluey, I was trying to figure out if OOS stand for out of stock, 1 night stand or what hahaha.....

Starrymommy, for a while I thot I read wrongly hahaha....

Btw, is the forum down again so that's y so quiet? Saw no post for 1 hr fr 4.30 to 5.30.


Just now I was busy with work so didn't post. Really very quiet. Where's everybody?? All went for dinner le I guess. Today my appetite smaller. Weird..

Morning: wanton noodles

Afternoon: fish porridge + teh iced

Tea break: kong bak bao

That was it! Until now haven't had dinner but not hungry..

