(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Yah lor! I tot since show sign of labour sure go in delivery room?? Really didn't know you were pushed bk to room ???!!

Maybe your gynae practice that way?

My friend went in for labour overnight but was in delivery suite.. Doc didn't make her wait in the room cos afraid there's sudden changed of situation...both in MAH n MEH oso like dat le..bit friends oso went in hospital at night then deliver bb the following late noon ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did u asked why ? It doesn't sound fair to pay for the delivery suite n not staying in there??


speaking of the archive, i'm looking for the pigeon shit page! cannot find?? super funny, so wanna go read again. little shitty pancakes wahhaha!!


i love the name jazeree also! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think it's a unique name. hubby loves the name jonavan. for obvious reasons lah.


you planning already huh?? woohoo!! waiting for your good news!

re: dragon baby

who else trying for dragon baby apart from stella, ann and momotan? this is sooo exciting!


Haha. Really bring bk fond memories when read the archives lor. Still rem me n zuen wait until neck long long. Haiz. Time flies.

Me also hoping to try for dragon baby leh. Haha. But think quite hard la. I tried 4 years before got Kayden leh. Wonder hw long it'll take for #2 lor.

found it !!

Posted on Thursday, September 09, 2010 - 6:09 pm:       

Princess D,

I seriously duno... dun care also...

hahhahah.. if not too ridiculous then i follow lo.. but if tell me cant bathe for 30 days, i will ask the person to do the same then talk...

Last time, my FIL after listening to some relatives say cannot wash hair for confinement, he "suggested" to me to cut botak !!!

Then another time the aunties from M'sia say if dun follow the rules, kana confinement headache, the only cure is to eat pigeon shit!!!! Out of courtesy i walked away from their discussion.. after that I told my MIL straight in her face, these pple got shit in the brain!!! Pigeon shit is the most virus filled poo in the world!!

Wah Ann, we jia you together for little dragons ( hopefully dragon ladies) kk? Me gonna start trying most prob late next month or June. So hopefully a feb/ mar or apr bb!

Princess, I like ur style! Shit in e brain! Gd one!


Just red ur post this morning, jadelyns bf is so delicious! Scallops yuuuum

Thats a good idea..

N thanks for the sleeping tips..

Somhow i dont find warm milk calming i dunno why? But tea with honey works for me


Nikolas used to n like isaac.. in the day sleep only max 2 hrs n night sleep from 9-10 to 7.

bit i realised why... if my hubby went home at 6-7, he would not want to sleep! These days my hubby is busy so will come back late. And i wont entertain him from 7 onwards! :p

Mayb for ur case its because he wants to see u n sleep late?


Same for u because u left early, he wnts to play with u? Hehe..

dunno why i feel sometimes babies r very smart. Can feel ppl n wanna interact with them..



Next time if i encounter the same thing n i dont hear bby crying, i will tke my time too! Ahaha.. :p


thank u for ur wish.. btw hows hebe n the contest? Got win smth?

Pigeon shit

Dunno why the aircon box outside my room attratcs pigeons (lucky not crows)

Sometime bck they actually shit on it. Very smelly!!!! Got hubby to clean it., transfer the shit downstairs. Lol

They also love to come into my kitchen..

I feel like im in musical sometime, got birds flying in while i cook.. hahah.

If i know the medical benefit of it, i will surely catch them or the shit n give to jadefeet's aunt. Lol lol lol


jia you jia you!!




Hahhahahah!!!!!You very funny!!My tummy cramp now!!you should have know this and her aunt will be greatful!!LOL LOL LOL

the birds must have beem attrated to your lovely singing while cooking la!!!

our HB such a nice guy!Clean n transfer downstairs!!!!!LOL LOL!!!arrghhH!!!!!!!!!!I can't stop laughing!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm really chuckling at the pigeon shit posts! wah piang.. really super funny!! wahahaha! still got recipe for frying them. hee hee!


trying to imagine your 'musical' also while you cook and pigeons come flying in. hahaa!! so funny! and your neighbours never complain about the abundance of pigeon 'gold' flying down??

Evening mummies. Busy these few days so never log in. Wah some of you trying for dragon baby le ah. All the best.

I just reselected my new maid today coz the previous one I selected falls short of 23 by just 2 months and MOM refuse to allow me to apply for her. Asked me to write in to appeal, then delay 1 week to tell me rejected with no reason. By the time she arrive in SG coz of the new Phil immigration requirements, she will be 23 liaoz lor. Anyway, might be a blessing in disguise coz the new one I selected sounds quite good. Even willing to consider to take pay in lieu of off days which is quite rare for Filipino maids. Cross my fingers.

Ok time to go sleep with #1. Nights everyone.

Princess d

I was singing to scare them off! Not my singing attract them.. Hahaha.


I guess they nv complain because it's diluted, if u know what i mean..? :p

Else how to clean it? Haha. I feel so bad now..

Just had my dinner w hubby n going to sleep soon... hope can sleep well again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nites..

Princess d,

Wow u still can rem so well. Yes tataaa Jaren suddenly appear in fb b4 I officially announce here. Actually on the 18th we bring Sherry for 3rd yr old birthday bash n 1 mummy came over n ask me " will I have shocking news during midnight". I even told her better not who know really shows start in midnight.


Yah I also join this thread quite early but disappear cos always v sleep n uncomfortable so I always rest on bed n watch tv. Until at tri 2, I come in here more often[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just read the post again, really ridiculous!! Rofl!!

Wow.. Forgot Melissa popped so early!

Was kinda caught off to see her handsome boy pic in there!

Awww~ fond memories!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thks apple & princess abt dragon bb.

Who knows hor, u ladies may hv dragon babies too!! ^^

Princess d,

those are distant relatives from Eastern Malaysia whom I never met before, mil's relatives... Maybe the pigeons from kota kinabalu.


hopes your boy better..

My poor kai Kai kana suction from the nose n throat.. Traumatized.. I want to cry Liao... Next time my hubby kana sick will sent him to stay in hotel.. All thanks to his virus..

Now bb suffer n I suffer while he snoring away in peace

Huhu hubby paid everything without asking!! Sigh men, can't complain one. I only stay like 1-2 hours in the delivery suite in previous day.. Dunno why but I remembered being charged $400 or more for the room (maybe plus the equipment also kena double)..

Hubby paid already and we got a much bigger headache becoz Josie doesn't want to latch so I didn't ask hubby to ask or complain. huhu..

Dunno leh my gynea why doesn't allow us to stay in the delivery room instead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Maybe he's afraid it'll be too gloomy and I'll be afraid when hearing the screaming?? But I don't remember hearing any scream leh...

Ann> Ya lor actually I'm neighbor with princess_d. Haha.. But I didn't go to her room to visit her :$. Pai Seh hasn't taken a bath that day. She only stays 1 night I remember in the hospital and discharge the next day..

I'm still waiting for my MIL to bring me my hairdryer on the day of her discharge. hahaha.. Didn't know that I can borrow one from the hospital!


Huh suction. Alamak hope Kai Kai get well soon. Oh the virus is fr ur hb. Yup shld have tell him to sleep another room.

I just measure his temp lor, 37 deg. Hope won't shoot up cos usually midnight their temp will shoot up quite high. But Jaren can't sleep quite well due to his cough.

I deliver in the morning but didn't take a bath until the next day.. Huhu, simply becoz I have no hair dryer. hahaha :$.. Some more my MIL came quite late the next day. They went for breakfast and dunno what first lah..


your prata explanation is so funny. i fully agree. Our company is filled with prata. we used to have many prc too. somehow many have left for better pay i guess


i hope the govt won;t increase price immediately after GE ends. I plan to look for job after July. govt will surely say due to inflation, need to increase prices, then companies will also start to tighten belt..


so funny on the Pigeon Shit. These people talk without brain. must be able to eat shit before they suggest these stupid idea.

hi mummies, ian. good morning!

hope all the babies who are sick quickly get well. all these viruses going ard plus bad weather really make me feel like gonna be sick also. everyone stay well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you lucky girl, still could bathe the next day! i couldn't bathe at all lor. for 5 days! gross right? at least able to wipe down and wash down there lah. otherwise really stinky. thank goodness i have no BO. cannot imagine if have. wahahhaa!!

pigeon shit,

maybe that auntie ate before and she has been sot sot ever since. next time tell her drink horse urine can cure stomach wind. :p

just now i witnessed my girl spending 15 minutes in utter concentration on trying to grab the plastic bag which my mum left on the lower shelving in the kitchen. she has seen my mum pulling the plastic bags from that shelf before and really tried ways and means to grab it! i have NEVER seen a baby so focused in a mission like that. she would maneuver her walker and if cannot grab from this angle, she will rotate and try another angle. at some point, she had to stand on tiptoe, bend over backwards and arms outstretched to grab! wah... very headache observing her at one corner. she managed to grab the plastic bag and stuffed into her mouth (of course that's the whole purpose right?!) at the end of 15 mins. think next time she will spend 15 hours convincing her daddy and i to buy her the toy she's been eyeing then become 15 days badgering us to get her the latest iphone/ipad/iwhatever! terrible!!!

Ann, yar she won 3rd prize and consolation. She fell asleep before the competition and we Also dunno wat to do, aft everything end, she had engh rest then she smile and laugh and play. Till she quite exhausted.

good morning mommies n Ian!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That was a joke that shook up the whole thread!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]nice one!!


Maybe the birds really love your singing you know..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]*wink*


hahahhaa..jia you!!LOL..i dunno if i can join the dragon baby thread....muahhaha!!vey scared le....


how's Jaren today?


HAHAHHAHAH!!!Jadelyn is so clever!!and good luck to you.....sounds like she is oso kinda persistent type!NEVER GIVE UP!!Good girl!!

TIme to re-place the plastic bag to a higher place..its dangerous ah....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


WOW!!!Hebe got 3rd prize ???wOw!!Hip hip HOoray!!COngrats!!!Any pic??Hey,you relaly looking great in tat black dress....Pretty la.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have just uploaded the pic of my grinder cum blender in our group Pics.....I dunno what brand is that la..But hb said he get it from Isetan where a promoter promoting this grinder......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Really can grind into powder[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies,

dragon baby

to all mummies who are trying, good luck!=)


will babies wake up crying at night? will they drink more milk or less? will they have fever?

how long will this last? should i put the teething rings in freezer or just fridge? any gel to rub on sore gums? i think Maeve feeling uncomfy...

Mom's help

think my mom 'surrender' liao, 60 year old looking after my bb is no joke, everytime she tell me she wanna surrender!! haaaaaaa


gonna collect my maid later, mummies... wish me luck .....


R u worried tat niko slps too little?

Isaac woke up 2x for e past 2 nights n woke up at 5+am. -.o" I am exhausted. Isaac is growing well but we will definitely appreciate more if he slps more and give us more peace in the day.


So cute! I can imagine her stuffing e plastic bag into her mouth to realize that it is not too tasty. :p

Ann, so funny, I can image u say got birds flying around like Disney movie like that.

Momotan, I am waiting for the right moment. Hope can strike a dragon baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This is the first day my maid is alone with Josie at home.. And this morning she asked me to buy a prepaid sim card for her!!! Argghh.. What should I do??

Going to ask her the reason later first.. Any mummy here allow their maid to have handphone? What are your rules?

Or maybe just allow her to use the handphone starting when I'm home (around 7) until 9 pm only?? What about weekend? Sigh..

I already give her phone card for her to call home leh!! What's with the handphone things?

Hubby still on her side saying maybe she doesn't know how to use the phone card and want to use handphone becoz easier to dial. Sigh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But I believe that's not her reason leh!!

Giod morning

Groovy starry

I also didn bathe for 5 days. But wash below n face n brush teeth. Horrible part of delivery..

Jadelyn is so smart.. n yes, pls move the plastic n dont let he rplay with plastic..

Speaking of their fascination of weird things..

Nikolas is fascinated with cables.

and this morning i went to the toilet n found out my hubby letting him chew on a cable.. which is plugged on a power point.


When i said how if got electric shock, he told me he would buy a cable for the baby! Errrrr.. on

Haih.. n somemore he gave me innocent look like "huh? I dunno cannot play with cable? Why?!?!"


Woooww congrats!

ya u look pretty in the black dress ;)


Yes i was so worried n still am.. duno how if hubby come back earlier again at 6-7 i think he will not sleep at 7pm.

Actually acn see that during weekend he sleeps so little. But still alert..

Im worried to that the brain is not developing well if lack of aleep.. wahaha.. wories too much about a lot of stuffs. :p


wow! hebe won 2 prizes, clever girl! show us pics?

princess d,

she really didn't give up. piangz... got pros and cons lah. if she loves to study next time, good. if not hor, don't dare to think... must instill good habits in her now. otherwise her persistent attitude good also become bad! told my mum to shift her stuff already. or move it further in so that she cannot reach at all no matter how she tries.


the moment we see her grabbing the plastic bag and stuffing into her mouth, we pulled her away. she seems to have a deep love for plastic bags. more than whatever toys we give her. everyday sure aim for plastic bags! -_-!!! i think because she knows she can't have them and makes them more 'magical' bah. haha!


my experience with jadelyn over her teething period is that she was a little bit cranky and felt hot, but not feverish. give your babe something nice and cool to chew should help bah. and milk don't heat up too warm, just lukewarm as gums may hurt even more from the swelling. jadelyn's milk intake was quite normal, rejected milk on a few occasions which i can't be sure was because of teething or just the same phase a lot of babies went through a few months ago. she didn't wake up crying, but will suddenly 'AHHHH' loudly then went back to sleep, or eh eh ehh a bit plus toss and turn. hope this helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's open admission that PAP wards are favoured for HDB upgrading exercises has touched a raw nerve among netizens.

His admission came as a reply to a university student living in the Hougang Single-Member Constituency (SMC) ward who asked if he could pay less tax since the opposition-held ward does not enjoy upgrading programmes.

Since this story was first posted, reaction has been swift with over 1,500 Facebook shares and 150 comments. The majority were highly critical of PM Lee's stand.

The highest-rated comment came from Yahoo! user Chia, who posted, "Upgrading is not delivered solely based on policies. It is driven by money from the reserves. The money comes from the people and not from PAP."

He added that, "It (upgrading) is a national building programme. A nation does not belong to any party but the people."

Another Yahoo! user, Davido, said, "I can't believe the PM said that, my only respect left for him is that he is candid enough to admit not all wards are treated equally."

User VKH was also appalled at the PM's comments.

He wrote, "I thought that as PM, he was there to represent ALL the people, without favour or preference. He is not the PM of just those he voted for, but for each and every Singapore citizen, including those who did not vote for him or his party... How can the PM say that if you vote for PAP, you get nice chocolate cake and coffee, but if you vote for other party you only get water and biscuit?"

The furious reaction comes a day after fourth-year engineering student Seah Yin Hwa asked PM Lee why residents living in Hougang SMC are penalised for picking "a 'Teochew nang' (dialect for Teochew person) who doesn't wear a white uniform"

When asked by PM Lee on how he was penalised, the 25-year-old Seah said, "When it comes to upgrading, what is being told to us is that we don't have the funds to actually go ahead with lift upgrading, as well as shelters to the bus stops. When I look across the road to Aljunied GRC, they have everything, " reported The Straits Times.

Paraphrasing the question posed, PM Lee said that what Mr Seah meant is why opposition wards are not treated at least as good, or maybe even better than the PAP wards.

PM Lee's reply was, "The answer is that there has to be a distinction. Because the PAP wards supported the Government and the policies which delivered these good things."

He said that while basic goods such roads, transportation, housing, healthcare and defence apply to Singaporeans, the extras — which come down to the upgrading programmes — is a national programme.

"Between the people who voted and supported the programme and the government, and the people who didn't, I think if we went and put yours before the PAP constituencies, it would be an injustice," PM Lee told the 1,200 students who were attending a Ministerial Forum organised by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Students' Political Association. .

In response to PM Lee, Seah cheekily asked if he could pay less tax and maybe "take one or two years off my NS?", which drew laughter and applause from the audience.

But PM Lee said that this is not possible because the SAF, defence, taxes and all the facilities which have been provided, are enjoyed by every Singaporean.

Rounding off his reply, PM Lee said, "But you can do something about it, you know. You don't have to keep voting for people not in white-on-white."

PM Lee explains ministerial salaries

The contentious issue of ministerial salaries was also discussed at the forum after a Nanyang Technological University (NTU) accountancy student brought it up, comparing the salaries of leaders from Singapore and the United States.

"The US president is actually paid less than a Cabinet minister in Singapore. I'm sure we agree his job is a lot tougher than our Cabinet ministers," said the student.

In his response, PM Lee said that US President Barack Obama may be earning less than a Singaporean minister, but the American system is not without its flaws.

For example, he highlighted that the US had different ways of rewarding its presidents and that the low salary of the president had suppressed salaries down the line.

Explaining his first point, PM Lee said that former US presidents are involved in money-spinning book and lecture tours after they step down.

"Retired US presidents go on book tours, they write books, they are paid US$10 million (S$13 million) advance, they get somebody to help them write a tome and they make a lecture tour…Every lecture (by former president) Bill Clinton: US$100,000 to US$200,000 for half an hour.

"That's the system. I think that's not a good system for us. We don't want ministers to retire and go on lecture tours."

Touching on his second point, PM Lee said the low salary of US presidents adversely impacted the rest of the civil service down the line.

"Because the president's pay being set at a level which is not quite right, all the rest of the civil service and government pay in the US system has to take dressing from there and come down…and come down," he said.

PM Lee stressed that Singapore's ministerial pay structure was one that works.

But when asked if salaries should still be pegged to the private sector given the many candidates taken from the civil service and unions, he replied, "The reason I can get good people from the Government and the unions is that I have a pay system which is working properly.

"People do not enter politics to get rich but neither will they enter politics and as a result, they and their family will become poor."

He added, "It is something which is not easy to accept emotionally but is the right thing for Singapore. If you want the system to work for the long term, you must be honest about it. What do I pay for? I pay for the importance of the job and how difficult it is to do."


ann, wahahahah, yr hubby gonna buy a cable for baby is e funniest!!!!

And the pigeon shit.. Lol, nonsense la!

Jac, haha so persistent yr gal.. Nx time go video n post it in our secret fb page!

Princess_d saw yr grinded rice powder pic.. Thks for sharing, u so hardworking! maybe nx can take pics n post on fb a demo on how to prepare broth or ikan bilis porridge? Hehehe

Been reading on fb abt babies falling off beds so i pushed bed against e wall and also barricade e sides wif pillows. Imn sleeping at e open side n guess wat?! I woke up this morning wif sofea on e floor happily crawling away! No thud no noise no cry.. How she got down i still dunno. Bt i checked no injuries or anything diff abt her :s


BUZY days AHEAD for you and your family!When they are on walker..these are the things you will expect!!My friend's mom who is the caregiver to her dd...tied a rope on the rocker....Her mom very tired running after that girl...VERY CUTE!!Also like Jadelyn,will jump n grab everything!remote controls,newpapers,books,tisue paper.......

When her mom resting in the hall......she will hold on to that rope...in case that girl go beyond her boundary....grandma will pull her back......buahhahah!!!

thanks starry,

she toss and turn alot at night. doesnt seem rested too. a week liao. dunno how long more to go.


u reminded me i have yet to baby poof the house. now Maeve dont like her Haenim play yard liao =(

good morning everybody!!! ;) reminiscing the D day uh :D

apple, congrats to Hebe on her winning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning mummies & Ian!

Starry, Jadelyn's really clever! Like her attitude of nvr give up! keke.. really gotta move all the things that they can pull to higher grounds manz. Did you take pics of her pulling the plastics, must be very cute! Love looking at her pic updates! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann, biting cables. Dangerous ah! But man being man, think it's alright. My hb also the same can let my girl bite on the changing mat, i tell him NO NO, it's dirty. He said for a while only shld be Alright. Piangz!!

Apple, congrats on Hebe's competitions!

Groovy, If i have maid and she has gain my trust yet. I would set my rules wth her that she can only call when we are home. Cos the rest of time its her job to look after baby. If give her in the day, who knows she will be busy calling n chatting thus neglecting baby. Jus my 2cents thoughts la.

Princess diamond, I lazy to upload pic but my friend did tag me. I look v fat actually, the tummy showing and looks like I am pregnant again.

Gsm, good luck, wish u bliss with a great maid.

teeong, ann

i am the anything mom, on the contrary my hub will scold me. haaaaa


congrats lei, i also like u in the black dress, and once again, i like Hebe and her hair, so ruffled! so cute! Maeve's hair like a helmet..

stick to her head and face, very hot siah..


i like to read the temesek review. heh.

princess_d, my hubby suggested the same, tied a rope to walker! i told him, but if we dun buy walker, then she can't move and grab things and we do not have to tie a rope to the walker?

rite now sofea is only in her exersaucer.. so cannot move. This girl cannot keep still! if i put her in walker, she'll zooom v fast all over the place.


biting cables...hmmmmm......better take it away..


teething shouldnt cause fever,they'll feel warm but not fever...if its fever it could be something else then[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

There's teething gel you can buy from Guardian/watsons call Dentinox.

But anything foreign is not really advisable to give esp orally....you may oso used gauze to dip in cold water and rub on her Gums....

they will more or less crank a lil at night but wont crank badly ....

teething rings i usually dipped it in cold water instead of leaving the whole thing inside the fridge....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gsm, ive oso yet to baby proof house. rite now the only safe place for sofea is her exersaucer. sometimes I placed her on a big mattress on the floor, she still managed to crawl very very far away from the mattress. and she likes to flip backwards and hit her head hard on my floor. sigh soon i can't do any hse work.



you are welcome...thought can share something for mommies who are interested...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jade was on walker for 1-2 weeks after which we kept it till now...i rather she went round the house cos the walker is damaging my IL's furnitures..buahahhah!!!!and also we want her to move around more than to rely on that walker...otw taht girl very lazy...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WOW!!She can crawl already"?*clap Clap*

Meghan still on a spinning around mode on her Mat!!BUahahhahahh!!very funny!!

Im not letting meghan to be on the walker...i'll see how she gonna learn to stand n walk

