(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

LOL! jade got supporters leh! hahaha! your mom also very funny, say she got dementia. think she more heartpain over grandchild kena caned than own daughter! grandmothers are like that.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quite sweet actually. nevermind lah. let her throw. then can surprise jade with a NEW ONE! tie a nice pink RIBBON on it and give to her. wahahhaaa!!!


A man reportedly suffered from a heart attack in a train that was stalled between Tiong Bahru and Redhill station in the MRT service disruption this morning (Apr 7).

According to STOMPer Sharon Eng, the crowded train was stuck for almost an hour in the tunnel with poor ventilation.

Several STOMPers also reported massive crowds and delays because of the disruption on the East-West line.

STOMPer Sharon Eng reports:

"I was on the train and it was stuck between Redhill and Tiong Bahru for almost an hour.

"A passenger suffered a heart attack in the rear cabin.

"There was a desperate plea for doctors to attend to patient.

"They should have allowed everyone to alight at Redhill but we were told that delay was over, only to be stuck before Tiong Bahru again!

"I left at Tiong Bahru because I was feeling faint from standing over an hour...

"I didn't believe the staff when they assured us that train will resume service in 10 mins."

STOMPer C was also at the scene:

"This morning's train delay on the East-West line at around 8.50am.

"The train stopped for the longest time at Redhill station with the announcement going in the background 'the train service will be delayed for 15 minutes'.

"I couldn't get on, and waited for the next train. Crowds were building up on the platform.

"By the time I boarded the next train (which was packed to the gills), we got stuck in the tunnel between Redhill and Tiong Bahru.

"We spent more than 20 minutes in the tunnel with no connectivity.

"The ventilation was poor and passengers were stuck back-to-back.

"Someone had chest pains and medical personnel onboard were requested to assist."

STOMP is collating all the reports and will post them here as soon as possible.


Starry, same here! My dad also give up on using cane, end up use his belt! we also try to siam, but kena cornered instead. Those were the times la..

Pricess, wah! Grandma's gotta cover for Jade! keke.. your mum is cute la, can tell you dementia lor. Every grandparents dotes on their grandchild bah, i think tht's why she ask you to throw that away.

Lilbluely, really bad to get stuck in the train for 1.5hrs! I'm sure the ventilations is real bad. canot Imagine those preggers in the trains. They really should have asked passengers to alight if possible!

oh wow!! stupid SMRT! i thought they had the brains (with so many staff around!) to let ppl out at a station first instead of moving ahead without checking the situation properly. because this is not the first time trains have stalled in between stations already. they should have known better. i hope the person who had heart attack is okay.

the time i was stuck in the train for 20mins, i measly refund of $1.50. PUI!!!

hello mummies and ian!

its been a long tiem i really logged in to post. so many posts to catch up!!!! let me do it slowly.... LOL


thanks for sharing the tip to boil the broth for the porridge. i hope by the time i intro porridge, aedan will like it! hehe


i was very tired cos recently aedan doesnt sleep so well at night. he fuss a lot and in the day i hardly get time to sleep also... hahaha...


yah.. its hardwork preparing food for the child.. then again its all for the child ah! i let him try the apple puree... he likes it..but when i give him the sweet potato one.. i duno why isit he dont like or what.. his face show me like "its very awful face"!!! hahahaa


hahahhaah u all very funny leh!!! LOL

i finally hired a PT cleaner to clean up my house!!!


people wanna share nursing room cos the baby poo and u are feeding.. u ask the person isit ok if she feed inside and then u change UR baby's poo lah! so inconsiderate and still dare to get angry with u. brainless people!


ignore those brainless people lah! although i dont bf but its common sense what! whole shopping centre only got one nursing room meh?

i havent tried the squash thing.. was thinking of trying pumpkin first =) hhehee


ur hubby is so funny! NTUC plastic bag leh!!!!!


hahahaa its seems u not very pro lightning team. but maybe for me..i was brought up in a way that i am thankful for the stability in singapore. when i studied history... i seen too many cases of too many parties and too many coup and uprises and instability and corruption and so on... not that i am promoting or what... i know everyone has got their own choices... but... i think its a singaporean's character... complain complain complain. hahahaha

i am sure IF right now.. it was some other people in power... and with elections.... singaporeans will still complain. hahahahha.. but then again.. politics is always a touchy issue.. cannot make everyone happy one lah.. LOL


yah healthy times cereals is very ... err.. how to say ah.. less thicker than powder form cereals..i use up to 10 spoons to achieve the amount i want.. but its teaspoon ah.. not tablespoon...


hope jaren is ok now! is he alright?

re:teething gel

speaking of that.. it works! for aedan AS WELL AS THE DAD! my hb was having toothache and cant sleep so i pass him the teething gel. wahahahahahahahhahaahha

re:baby proof the house

i gonna get someone to do up my window rails soon.... just for aedan's sake!


last time when my mum wanna cane me.... i run around the whole house and will hide behind curtains!


u always have news to update us! hahaaha u always read while working? hehehee

i finally managed to glance thru all that posts sia!!!! super active again... which is good also.. keeps me entertained [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

recently im watching this korean drama and "drooling" over the handsome guys and laughing like mad over the brainless typical scenes. good for relaxation! hahaahhaa

hahaha.. I also grows up on cane leh!! I kena cane quite a lot of times, especially last time I used to fight with my elder sister like cats and dogs!

But hubby said his parents never cane him. Lucky him!

He won't agree if I buy cane I guess. hahaha..


hahahahaha!!!!! thats an innovative one!!!!!

speaking of trains.. i was in italy, rome and we bought train tickets to florence. we waited and waited for our train to come BUT it never came. we panicked and Q up 45mins to reach the person at the information counter (super inefficient)... only to find out that we can just board the next Florence-bound train. there was NO notice at all whatsoever that our train wasnt gonna be arriving and we should take the next possible train. and at the train station, there was a strike going on.... so now.. which was worse? hahahahhhhaah scare us cos we have never experienced missing a train or transport like that.... In singapore maybe the most spoil lah, break down lah.... the most take bus or cab lor.... LOL

starry!!!! i like that!!!! SMRT should be called "Stalling, Malfunctioning, Redundant Trains"!

i was busy reading & catching up the posts when your statement caught my eyes!


Thats a good one.

Shin, thx u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we have tried adding more cereal to thicken it :D

i was just thinking i could have been the one stuck inside 'cos i always travel via EW line to work and just nice, that timing! heng i am on leave. think quite a number of ppl collapsed on the train. and according to the stomp report, the train operator, really KUKU, said CANNOT OPEN TRAIN DOOR even when an old lady fainted. see lah! all those emergency protocols out of the window. got terrorists come sure all die inside 'cos KUKU operator say must keep doors closed mah.

i always stand at platform and watch the tv screen there showing emergency protocols, walk out the emergency exit onto tracks then to nearest platform. but all these are bullshit only lah. real scenario today, see what they did?? sigh.. how WORLD CLASS we are. i say THIRD WORLD CLASS.

re: canes

i dont think i will cane Maeve hor... ??? my mom has never caned me before, the belt was for my 3 brothers! hmmm, think Maeve meat too tough, cane also not pain!


that's a good one.


which brand of teething gel ar?

Good afternoon mummies n ian

Hot topic on cane n mrt today??


1.5 hr?!?! Madness!!!


20mins got refund? Last time i was stuck for 30mins, nv hv anything? Or is it automatic??


im one of the lucky one who nv know cane, belts etc.

My parents never hit me or my brothers either.

I just remember one day my father was very very mad at me took the thing for taking water to bathe, he almost wanted to hit me but hit the wall instead. The thing broke n that was actually the most traumatising day that i remember so far untill now.

I dont think i will want to cane my children.. though my hubby said need to... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he grew up with cane...


Yes.. so dangerous!!! But really like jac said.. the more i cover it, the more he looks for it!


The train I was on turned on the aircon very strong and I alrd saw some pple shivering away... like what the stomper mentioned, practically pple hardly had any time to move at all and the strangest thing, everyone still tried to squeeze in during the stop at Tiong Bahru!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The caption on SMRT was spot on!! hopeless!!


How bad it is in singapore, i still feel so blessed to have taking the ride. What i dont like is the incosiderate ppl inside!!

If singapore's one is third world class then indonesia's one is no class at all.. whahaa..

But some r nice, esp the trains for long journey but really low maintenance so it gets broken pretty often.

I took train for 6 hrs bfore n can reach like in 12 hours. Delay + rail broken down.. etc. No refund no news (as its quite usual) no free meal.. even must b more carefyl of robbers if the train stop! :p


the refund not auto. gotta bring card to any SMRT counter, fill up a long-winded grandmother story form and then you get your $1.50 refund. :p

i can't say much for indo trains, but really, it's singapore leh... everything claim world class. what's sad is no emergency protocol at all in this case, which i think shows very very poorly on the country. sure, things happen and no one can explain why. but protocols?? these are man made. some more they keep flashing those emergency guidelines on the platform tv screens. they educate passengers but they seemed to have failed in educating their own staff.


read ur post about the train strike. must have been scary, some more in a foreign land.


Thanks for the post!!

Glad that Lilbluey is okay ......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That's quite true! No emergency plan! It's very disappointing to see what happened ??!


Haaaa! It's very common in EU for these ppl to go on strike ! They r very united ! Every now n the when they feels like go on strike .. They just do it! Even

London is one famous one ! Even the stn will put up notice n said certain lines are closed due to strikes ! Heeee.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My mom always wAnna find trouble with me ... Wahaaahaaaa !!!!!and my dad always v worried when DVD saud DVD wanna come over! We always at WAR! I be ho get ready b4 she turn up n get me sis the informant to feed me more prior to her arrivals ! Scary LiLy ... Lol

Starry, ya for that time delayed SMRT does refund for the ride only and you have to give grandmother's story just to get the refund is bullshit! What i understand is that the govt. fines the company that builds the MRT systems too when such delays occurs. Crapz!!


Yes!! Indeed madness! Tis is the first time that I'm stucked for sooooo long -_-""

Btw, do I've yr FB a/c?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thxs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just feeling irritated! haha..


You can let her use your handphone (so that you can pretend that house phone cannot call overseas) and also tell her to tell her family members not to call you. If they know its your handphone, they prob wont dare to call.


That time my daughter naughty, we take cane out to threaten her... she will listen de so no need actual beat... then my mum take the cane and beat... my husband and I see le abit heartpain. My hubs even tell me... I never even cane my daughter your mum cane...

Re: MRT Train

OMG. Heart attack... hope he's fine.


Thanks mummies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] this mornhis temp went down to 37.3deg so we went ahead to s'pore flyer. We have the whole cabin to ourselves. Hehe

Btw thank u all of u for the birthday wish[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Dia

This yr 11yrs alr n only promoted once cos our old scheme v hard to get promoted n not to mention that I kept changing bosses. Then 05 preg so that yr gone, work hard in 06 got promoted in 07. Then 08 preg n 09 give birth, then 10 preg n give birth again. How to get high 4 like that when they will 'auto round down' the rating? So she is saying that 11 & 12 need high 4 then 13 get promoted. WTH right?? Just a stupid $500 increment need to work so hard?? Dun u think I am seriously penalised?!? Anyway let the result speak for itself - wan increase work load, continue to supervise my CMI staff, if prove myself that can do but they dun fight against the so call guideline, I will be v v disappointed n find new job lor cos now I still bf n my timing v flexible, just stay first lar!

Anyway I complain for so long n still here haha just sianz only ba!!


Think you mistook my mom for a fierce granny like your mom!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She is fierce towards us( her own kids ) but nvr allowed us to beat nor punish our kids , her grandchildren! Lol

Each time she one over , she will lecture me n this time she said she want to throw the cane ( that's wat I heard from my Sis) ...is scary each time she comes!


Glad jaren's temp came dwn ! Happy birthday once again !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hugs


Cool lar! Wat to do wor?it's their guideline n doesn't seems to have much choice than to do your best or leave[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Really sad lor! I know how it feels lar.. No motivation n demoralized !

So call slogging for so long n still here... Don't worry la, maybe after months your present feeling might go away... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good to complain la... Let it out!!


Old wives' tale says that babies have to sleep to grow. But Isaac appears to be growing well. But duno why he slps so little. He has been waking up at 5+am for milk and then full of energy!


My MIL scolded my hb when he made Dd cried. Lol.

All grandparents the same de, especially those who are not the grandkids' caregiver.


Happy to know that Jaren's temp is down and you guys had a great time at the Flyer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enjoy yr special day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hope your bosses recognise the efforts and hard work you put in! Cheer Up! Stay optimistic! If they still dun get it, then it's time to fire them ;p


Oh.. Other mummies rec me the teething gel. It's dentinox. Can buy from pharmacy like guardian. Even my hb use Liao also say good!!! Hahhaha cos last resort even ice couldn't numb his pain...

Oh I was there 2008 June for honeymoon. Lol


I get what u mean. Maybe cos the real thing doesn't happen all the time so no matter how good they have thought of it!! Action wise maybe cannot execute!!!! Lol

Yup! We had a shock but not exactly that scared cos we quickly got onto the train and it left. Luckily!


Yah but I didn't know then! Cos my first trip to EU countries. Lol!!!! Somemore my honeymoon leh!!! But I seriously had a culture shock when I was in Rome. I love Florence and wasn't too impressed with Venice. Paris was ok and I love LOnDon!!!!!!!!! Shop till I drop! Wahahahaha


Don't be irritated Liao k? Maybe if I was stuck in that situation with a crowded train... I also will irritated.


Don't sians.... Those people dunno how to appreciate or the promotion scheme in ur company is like "slow" or very strict? I'm sure someone will recognize ur handwork!}

Seabreeze, breathe in breathe out! Sure there will be pple who recognise you and your work!

Shin, me too! I love London & italy = shoppings!! muahaha.. Wonder if I will get the chance to go back again..

ok mummies sorry need to digress.. How do u feed ur babies the purées ah? I know can feed on it's own or with cereals. So far I've been feeding the fruit purees with cereals.. I mix them tgt and aedan will eat...

Today I tried giving swt potato purée and he show me yucky face leh!!! I thought supposed to be sweet but he doesn't seem to like. Then no choice I put into his cereal.. Cos I was thinking like quite weird to mix swt potato with cereals... He took it slightly better... I think I try again tmr... Isit coa of the smell or what? Although I know fruit purée cfm taste better lah! Haha


No lar..not irritated le lar...hee hee look at all the cute babies' faces happy le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahaha hi-5 lah! I think if ever all of us group tgt for shopping or what. Sure havoc! Hahaha... But food wise I prefer London also cos I'm quite picky and food in Italy didn't really suit me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad got one night I just ate apples cos Im so sick of the food in Italy! I dunno how to appreciate leh! Hehe


Yup! I also love to see the baby pictures! Esp now all have grown so much as compared to newborn. Love seeing all the things they can do now! Ur girl getting cuter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] love her smiles! And sometimes she got one blur blur look also very cute!


Just saw yr request [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hv added you!


My gal devoured her sweet potatoes hahaha...think different babies will acquire different tastes. Sometimes, my mum will oso add it into her cereals/brown rice mix.

Slowly explore and introduce different foods to Aedan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Not weird to mix sweet potatoes with cereal lar hee...

My gal ah? very manja and sy-nai one lar ;p~~

Thxs for yr compliments [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Our babies hv all grown up...ytd night I was sorting some photos...and was looking at the photos then and now...reali a big difference!

Time passes reali fast!


It's known to be VERY SLOW cos many of my frens left n told me here too slow. They all worked w me before so they tell me that my progression will be faster out there. Stayed on cos I know that I wanted #3 n my preg v v tough so stay better. Now got 3 alr I am free to go haha my mum encourage me to leave too cos progression too slow n during peak work long hours

Anyway give myself 1 more year n see how. Comfort zone ...

Shin, sometimes when I'm too lazy or if the cereal is too runny I will mix In The puree together. Think of it like they are taking fried rice or porridge. Mains n sides all mixed together. So long as they eat!

阿公Iknown for slow progression. When I left, my boss was very happy for me. Told me that bec I'm not scholar my progression will be many times slower than my peers or those in engineering. I was in admin then.

Sea breeze, wish u luck in pushing yourself out of comfort zone. :p

Princess, so the dowager coming for cane checking? I rem being caned by my dad too. If run from cane, hit even harder. But my younger bro was lucky. No more cane when he was born.

Grandparents r like that. They are fierce to us when we growing up but their grandchildren r precious. Can't even speak sternly. My hb got told off by his dad when he spoke to my elder boy in a stern tone. My hb grumbled to meant it. Hehee...


Wah?? HB kana scolded??

But seriously if the kids are notty n I'm teaching them n the grandparents wanna get involved .... I ll tell them off wan! My parents not spared! Cos not tat I'm a monstress mommy but when they are wrong n need to be taught means it had to done right away!!!


Yah! Can b quite bad! Yea, Florence is a pretty city n has got lots of shopping !! I ve once bought 2 prada belts for only $75! Buahaaaa!! I csm survived with their food

My whole life!But overall Italy is my all time fav to compare to other EU countries ! Paris .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] no thanks !

London !! Tsk tsk tsk ..... LOVED it!! Sighhhhh.... When de hell can I travel far far n all by myself la???muahaaa! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]Shoppings shoppings ! Dream dream dream!!!!


Jia you! I'm sure your hard work soon be reconized !!!


Yah man!! Grrrrrr!! Lol! Told my HB tat they r coming ! My HB warned me to talk softly !! Haaa! He knows me la! My parents MIA for one month Liao !! Now give excuses said bought lots of goodies for the girls!! Jialat jialat !!! Muahaaaa! N jade is so looking fwd to c them...

They came bk from holiday on SuN then started skyping one another n showed her all the pretty dresses they bought for her la! Thus is bribery !!!

Kept saying por por come over n throw the cane away okay ??? Then that girl will pout n showed that manja face said I scold her la, punished her la!! WAlaO!!!!!!!!!


I think even if ur girl manja... Also don't bear to beat or scold her leh... She has the face that when people see... Can melt the heart and feel like so bad if wanna scold her. Sometimes when I look at all the babies photos.... I'll think "so cute now... But next time naughty how???? Hahahhaa"

Yah I duno why aedan doesn't seem to like the swt potato... Somemore I bought the jap one... Supposed to be sweeter. Don't care tmr I try again!!! Hahahahhaha


Yup! Now u can have choices u can choose to stay or leave... Anyway I also had a friend waited 6yrs to promote to 1A1. Erm that's a grading in teaching.. I dunno abt other govt jobs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in teaching also tough to promote. I also had to work my ass off but I left although I was given a chance to promote to SH (in training for that post)... I felt that if I hadn't leave... I would be unhappy and stuck forever. Right now I never regretted leaving... Other than the monetary part lah. Hais. Now wanna buy anything also must think. Jia you k!!!


Yah I lazy sometimes I also mix all! Easier to feed also! Hahahahha


Talks abt shopping gets us excited right???? Hehehe next time I can imagine u bringing jade and Meghan and 3 of u shop tgt???? Lovely! Lol

Didn't know my maid can auto lie like that..

I asked her, did she wipe the playmat every morning before Josie plays with it. Then she said, she have just opened the play mat! Really! I saw her lying down on the play mat then never open?? Didn't know she can auto lie, she doesn't even think like for 5 seconds and reply me immediately like that. Now I can't really trust her anymore..

I didn't scold her, just ask. Then of course I said try her best not to sit on top of the playmat, especially lying down is No No! only when she want to carry Josie then she can touch it! I also said if Josie pees on it, she need to wipe it immediately first.

My MIL said she's good in taking care of Josie, hubby also said that. I'm still keeping her but see in 1 month whether she's changed or not since no one is watching her at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

Hi mommies & Ian!

Wats the hot topic tdy? Hvnt had time to read thru properly.

Re: mrt

Hopeless! Even if the breakdown is inevitable,

The way their staff handled the chaos could hv been much better

Re: Europe

I love all the countries I visited during my honeymoon!

Including Austria where my Baka hb lost his wedding band!

Princess, why dun like Paris? Isn't lafeyette shopping shiok?!



Preg sure affect appraisal though my bosses all tell me no.

All lies one. I was penalized too bcos of my ML & 1wk mc due to spotting.

Haiz. What to do. Pui lor. Cheer up. Just do ur best.

Prmotion will come. If really tt bad, internal trf?

I'm waiting at clinic for my gynae appt. So disappointing, called on Tuesday to make appt then today turned up to be told that I am not on the list!! The nurse screwed up. Damn sian. Now I am not placed as priority and gotta wait. Was also told gynae nv bring my case file. On top of everything, my MS came back after 2 days' disappearance. Grrr...


Grrr...it's really been a long while since I went berserk on shopping !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's fun le


Dunno le? Dun like the French ! I prefer Milan comes to shopping ! Buahaaa!!! Now? Can only wish!!! Pui! Lol


Grab something to eat first? Sigh.. Hope this is the last time n not repeat their mistakes again ! Calm calm k!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gonna c bb soon ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

Had dinner at my mum's le. Lazy to chiong the mall with all that crowd. Just sit at sofa and doze. Feel like puking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My mum gave Jadelyn fresh ikan bills today! Its those white soft one. Not dried at all. Added into her porridge. Don't know whether her tummy can take it or not. Hope can.


I am REALLY UPSET NOW. It's not my fault that I have to wait so bloody long in the queue. And now the nurse at counter told me that I have to wait until doc served ALL his patients on the list then attend to me! Now it's 807 in the room. I am 809 and told that other patients will go first??!! TMD. Can complain?? But not nice right? I feel like I'm wasting time waiting here!! And I'm so anxious lor. This is not helping at all...

