(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Ann> Wooww.. It's good Niko can sleep from 7 to 7! No need to care about your IL said about carrying him will make him used to it lah.. He'll grow out of it soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Right now I'm trying to just pat Josie to sleep instead of carrying her. It took forever, but if she's tired, she'll sleep eventually. My maid used to carry her to sleep in the afternoon. I'm letting her to do that because if Josie didn't sleep, she can't feed her..

At night I'll just lie down beside her and pat her to sleep. Tonight hubby joining me, & we use the single bed next to Josie's cot. In the end Josie can't sleep until 1.5 hours becoz the space is too small for her to turn and turn before she's tired and eventually sleep. haha. Lucky in the end hubby realize then he moved :p.

Talking about gadget, lucky hubby is not gadget Freak. He's slightly computer freak but he loves 2nd hand items. hehehe.. Last time his handphone is always the $0 or < $50 phone.. Only now upgraded into iPhone 4 becoz his boss subsidized him & he's using it to test his apps. (good thing becoz I inherit his iPod Touch, last time he use iPod Touch). :p

I'm still stuck with a <$100 phone lah. But it's my choice, I just want to use the phone to call, sms, make video & photo. Some more I don't really like touch screen phone :p



My boy, Leroy would suddenly flare up. Pd advised me to go on a diet as i'm bf. To avoid dairy, wheat, nuts, soy. Previously, there were red patches on his body, now with the diet, he seems better, but still got some rashes. It's really tough to sustain the diet but its worth it if he gets better...How's Isacc's condition?

good morning mommies n Ian

Wow! My 2 alarm clock woke up on the dot today !!!! Not even a min late or early ... ...=.='''



Lol... Have fun then ... Not sure if I wanna Join ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hopefully all goes well this thurs for you n bb![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Lol! No la, those were the days where he got nothing. Much do to n I'm not preggy yet! So he go n do up his car!!!

Now he is super wise cos of the girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but still quietly I see many new clubs in the house sometimes..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies & Ian!

Ann: it's gd Niko can slp frm 7-7 more you time! Logan woke up at 5+ to play, drink milk n wave bye bye to me wen I left for work o_0.

Princess: Meghan looks sooo cute as. Fatimah n Bo peep! But e fiercer version hehe!

Jac: so exciting waiting to find out if ur having a prince or princess! Reminds me of those preggie days hee. Hope ur not bleeding anymore!

Groovy: same same! Logan will roll n roll on the bed till he falls asleep at night. Somemore mine queen sized bed so lots of space to roll, keep having to pull him closer if not wen I pat pat him I will miss cue hehe. Mil n hb stil hv to carry him to slp though.


$8k rim!! I will peng if my hb does that. He is into watches and bicycles now. I think men all go into expensive stuff at a certain age. Mid life crisis. ;p


How to use so many laptops at home? The files will be everywhere, isnt it? Then again, men has the weirdest reasoning when they need a new "toy".

Re: Sleeping

I realised that Isaac sleeps very little, very different from his jiejie. Last night, he went to bed at 9.30pm and woke up 2x to latch. And he is up at 5.30am this morning. My mum says that he will probably have 2 or 3 nap but max 4 hours in total. That is only 12 hours in total leh. I think jiejie sleeps more than him lor.

good morning! I'm up early as usual to get to my mum's place with Jadelyn. Just popped her porridge into slow cooker and I'm back to bed for a snoozer. On princess' menu today is pork broth pumpkin porridge with SCALLOPS! Her grandma's idea. Good life hor??

Princess d, stella,

Thanks, girls. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will update again after the appt.

thanks stella[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]lol


That time he silly la!I don't think he will do tat now!!!! Got so many mouths to feed betta save his money !! Lol[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah ! Mid life crisis !absolutely agreed!!


Lol.. Very good life!!!her porridge sounds v yummy ! I shall make some for myself too!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]!!

Mr Seah Yin Hwa, 25, a fourth-year NUS engineering student who lives in Hougang SMC, asked the Prime Minister about upgrading programmes for opposition-held wards, and if not getting to benefit from the government scheme means he can pay less tax.

PM Lee: Your question is, why is the opposition ward not treated at least as good, or maybe even better than the PAP ward? And the answer is that there has to be a distinction. Because the PAP wards supported the Government and the policies which delivered these good things.

All the basics apply to everybody - your roads, your trains, your houses, your schools, your hospitals, your security and defence. But the extras - which come down to the upgrading programmes - it's a national programme. Between the people who voted and supported the programme and the Government, and the people who didn't, I think if we went and put yours before the PAP constituencies, it would be an injustice.

Mr Seah: So, having said that, can I pay less tax, and maybe take one or two years off my NS? (Audience laughs, applauds)

PM Lee: You are... (laughs, pauses, more laughter from the audience) How shall I put this? If you are on an offshore island and not part of the SAF security defence, such a thing could be imagined.

But the SAF, defence, taxes, all the facilities which have been provided, go to everybody. Priority, first and second, who comes first, who has to wait. Somebody has to wait.

Moderator: Okay... Can we have the next question?

PM Lee: (Interrupts) But you can do something about it, you know. You don't have to keep voting for people not in white-on-white. (More laughter from the audience)

Full report in ST

Morning all!

Ian, u got to admit his response was quite good. Though I dun quite agree with the underlying statement.

Last nite when I woke up to pump, I thought for a moment it was Sat. Wonder why. :p

Princess, mine can never understand why I need so much bags, clothes n shoes in the same color. Hahaha... Same my hubby will think long n hard. Once he decided he will usually just do it. But if he still can't quite justify the item, he will tell people that I'm not letting him buy. lol

I rem one time, he had the whole day free cos I was busy with classes, when he came back to pick me, he told me he sold his car n got a new one. And I didn't know he was planning to change! Men!

Morning Mummies & Ian!!

Tiffy, sorry to hear about what your cousin say to you! Words are cheap so she can blar out without first processing thru her big brains. Nvrmind about her, l always believe that what goes around comes around. There will be retributions one la. Stay cheerful hor! We are always behind you! 

Princess, your friend is really lucky tht she did not have a child wth that kind of man. Glad that she found someone that loves & dotes her even more. God is fair! She is bless wth a wonderful family now!

so does you usually cook what your hubby doesn’t really like when he upsets you? Really salute to you la, if me I don't think it will cross my mind to cook smething tht my hubby don’t like when he pisses me off! Thanks for your ideas! Muahaha.. Yday that fellow also kena an arrow from me, I was waiting for him to go into auto gear to volunteer to wake up at 5-6am to feed Athena since we manage to cut off her 11pm feed. That guy still ya-ya papaya, go to sleep late every night and in the morning always overslept and I have to nag at him to wake up after feeding. Maybe I mood swing these days also la, suddenly give him an ultimate! FED UP!!!

8K worth of rims?! GULP!! No wonder he keep quiet, keke.. I think wth that amount you can sign many nail packages and dunno how many massage sessions! Sure he kena big time from you.

Ann, me too! I also encounter the same when nursing Athena in the nursing room too! End up I fedup and keep quiet. Jus let these pple see my shadow / motions in the room. These pple are also parents and I believe most have been thru this stage but are just bloody idiot. Can’t even wait!! So end up, I give give them the quiet treatment, let them think they are talking to air!


He changed e car!!!

I m e financial controller at home. Hb has to discuss w me on major financial. Otherwise, I m so sure that we will go bankrupt! Lol.

Re: Cold Storage Kids Run

Signed my 2 boys up for the run, going to put yx in the carrier n walk haha cos already paid 2 x $28 for the boys, dun want to pay more liao

Anyway only 2 adults to 3 kids so just pay for the 2 boys.

Emmie, you must be looking forward to wkend! same la, my hubby also cannot understand why we woman likes shopping n buying bags! keke.. your hubby change the car without informing you? wah!!

Zuen, yup! I was shocked. But he knows his sums well. So long as he can afford the mortgage n never cut back on my stuff, Im quite ok. Now not as reckless cos 2 kids plus I'm no longer working. But those were the days...think he must miss it sometimes hahaha ah


Yar my MIL also got 1 laundry list. Actually it's a zero sum game for my hb, I suggested that I be his bookie haha every draw the money give me then I will pay him if strike haha of cos toto not included. Thats why in my fb I dedicated this song - 差一点 to him haha

Teoong, I'm not looking fwd to the weekend cos hubby flies off on Sunday morning for 1 week! Mine can never understand why my wardrobe consist of the same style. Hahahaha. Cars are his passion. Now can only change parts... :p

Emmie, me too not so looking forward to wkend this wk. Hubby flying off on Friday cos he kena last min arrow to cover his colleague for overseas sales congress! I was not really happy la, cos i tell him that try not to fly on wkends, as this is family bonding time. Last time no kid, I can close both eyes. Now I can't even close both eyes, buay song lor! Cos he can simply tell me that if tired then put baby to MIL. Which seriously I do not like and don't want to! Since baby is already to MIL's care during wkday, we shld let his mum rest during wkend, taking care of baby is tiring. Besides Wkend is the only time that I have wth baby!! Man simply cannot understand us in this aspect! BRRR... Smetimes I feel that he takes his mum for granted la! I was so so buay song wth him that I ignore him for 2 nights already.


Got a vainpot question to ask - how to apply foundation n powder smoothly? Cos I apply my bb cream then loose powder but the nose part always v 'patchy'

Isit cos the foundation in this case is the bb cream is creamy base n should use liquid foundation? Or?


Don't understand the neither they will ever understand us!LOL

And those things that they fancy are all REALLY expensive to compare to our bags ,shoes n clothes lor!!ggrrrr

changed car w/o u knowing???=.='''buahahha!!!!

aren't you mad?i hope he had changed a car that you like too!!muahahhaha!!!


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]yes!Very happy ..she definitely deserved better guy!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hahah..your HB very funny hor!!wahahahha!!GIVE IT TO HIM for not listening to Wife!

In da morning nowadays.....play deaf!!that's what i told HB.....stay up late either go for coffee at the coffeeshop outside or with his laptop surfing for his stuffs!

He was once so into model airplane..yeah those remote control plane that is as big as a human being !!Took months to complete the whole model and got alot of test flight on n open field!But once crash.....there goes that few K's!!Im serious!His Father gave him a good trashing on that!HE IS MAD!!!speechless..he can stay up whole day n night w/o talking and just concentrate on that plane/helicopter.....

then when i ask him to wake up at early..he'll give a smile n went back to sleep....????Whats this!!that's y i said this hb of mine always asking for trouble!!one day dun scold,whole body itchy!

hahahah..that rim of his all gonez!!lol

Now waiting for ppl to buy his brake!!don't wanna know how much he bought!BOH LIAO!


finacial controller!fwahahhahahaha!!!!so funny!

i used to be the immigration officer at home!Cos last time he has got habits going for 2-3days diving trip or even to Japan with his friend to buy his stupid hobby stuffs!!

Each time his friends suggested a trip..he will "ON la"..vey loud...!!then his friend will said...u better get visa first!!bohooo....muhahahahaha!!!

Re: politics

Though I am working for 阿公,I must say that only Workers Party is a worthy opponent. Am totally not impressed after I watch the debate on tv, correct me if I am wrong haha


Nose or the T-zone always the oily part....that's y it can be patchy....

maybe you can buy those meant for oily skin type?

the BB cream not suppose to give u patchy look le...

loose powder:i usually used brush to dabbed on cheek,forehead then slowly swipe it off all over the face[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dunno if u get what im trying to say?>[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess, haha.. probably your hubby likes to hear you scolding him everyday?! keke.. BTH hor, makes us like old wife nagging, not that we want or like to. But they made us like that. My hubby ah, smetimes can be funny n smetimes can b an ass in the butt! muahaha.. I was thinking if I should play him out one of the moring n don't wake him up. Let him overslept n be late for work!! He can sleep till noon lor if nvr wake up. must really give him a lesson one of the day! muahaha..

General Elections, i just hope that there will more perks for mothers la! Be it married or single mum, working or SAHM, all deserves something more than current. It's really not easy to look after kids in the economic like now. Everyone just keep saying give birth more.. Said is easy, when comes to upbringing of the child, its never easy!


dun be angry, u will be so immune to it.. Lol . I am so damn season that I sometime don't even ask or give a damn on what's his itinerary !!! Jus give me more allowance n shut me off!! Lol. Better to be self dependent or bring BB to moms place!

My hubby hobby is From bicycle, car to karting!! So expensive sports. He is also into timepiece... Unreasonable

expenses. Somemore can grumble about me saying I keep saying I deprive of shopping!!! I heck him, go town every week to shop n pamper myself n my children! Lol


thank u. feel much better today.

cham! Jaren started coughing. Just fed him cough med this morning. hope he get well soon. these few days weather is too hot.

Infantino will be participating in this year’s Baby Expo 2011. Details as below

baby-expo-2011-singaporeEvent: Baby Expo 2011 Singapore

Venue : Singapore Expo Hall 6A

Unit : Booth B1

Dates : 22-24 Apr 2011

Time : 11am-9pm

Cost: Public - Free Admission

Infantino represents major brands of infant products such as Evenflo, Munchkin, Kidstools, Sunshine Kids, Bonbebe & Babycraft..

ivy> with same ruling party, u think there will be more perks? now promise this & that..after winning leh? *shrugs*

Ian, after winning... electricity will go up again, public transport also go up, tertiary fees oso will increase.... conservacy, GST yadaa yadaa yadaaa... neverending :p

Princess Dia

Maybe cos I use the sponge thing to tab the loose powder on instead of using brush. Will try the brush tom. I see people make up like never come off n v smooth so I wonder WHY??

Brought the kids to CC n teachers all make fun of me. Wow!! Mummy now soooo pretty ar haha really make my day!!

ya, they give you some treats so that you will vote for them, once everything over, they starts to increase this and that citing inflations.. but our pay nvr inflats leh.. still remains that same, some more still say tht we need FT to remain competitive, isnt FT paid much higher than us the locals? Sometimes I think that those work that the FT can also be done by the local!!! esp I found those pratas getting more n more in SG leh. What happened to the PRC who I find are more hard working wherelse the pratas talking only, then nvr dive in to work. Grrr..

morning mommies & ian... few days nv logged in liao.. bz bz lei. so many entries to follow up LOL!

makeup topic.. i like!!!

i m very lazy to use brush cos i have problem storing them & keeping it clean. i also use sponge like seabreeze to dab on loose powder. i envy those ladies with flawless makeup. very swee....


Totally agree!! Doll up n make ourselves feel good. My boy will also tell me that today dress nice or not haha

Luckily I managed to loose back to pre-yx weight so I could fit in all my clothes. Must work harder to loose back to pre-#1 weight which I think will be challenging cos that few kg has been stuck w me for sooooo many yrs

Princessd,hi-5! Our hubby same always bluff abt the actual amount of money spent on cars! Then old Liao memory worsen, will accidentally slip off the tongue...

So zombiefied, bb fuss whole night with blocked nose n cough.. Classic symptoms of teething like his gor gor...only zzz 2 hrs..Think this is going to last a few more nights...


hahahha!!Must get use to it la...more to come!!LOL

Im like Cherry too!!Immune liao!!

Why not try one day!??buahahahhah!!LOL

I can't play that joke on him though cos if he ever late for work!!IT WILL BE BIG PROBLEM!!!=.='''

My curry work very well this time!Keep him shut up for a good few hours!!

Nowadays i oso dun nag le...LOL...

One day,when we were at my parents place...My bro was kinda quiet...so my hb asked..what happened?

bro said...got scolded from my wife for taking noon nap together...she kicked me out of the room!

HB: =.=''wah!!so unreasonable

bro: its okay la...must give in,she is pregnant

poor thing oso la,tummy big then bad mood...sigh

HB : its okay?????

bro:yah!Its okay la.....le ther have the room la..i can nap here..my sis not like dat meh?when she had Jade?

HB:really?pregnant is like dat?...she is like dat even on her normal days!!

TMD!!seeeeee????can you tell this fella is irritating me ???????this is call asking for trouble!wahahhaha!!!LOL


wel said!!buahahahha!!

haha.. Cherry, yes yes, we must also look good la. No more aunties in our mother's time! Really gotta pamper ourselves! hmm.. mayb one of these days i should go Far East to do the nails like you girls! I love your nails and Jacq's! still good for 3wks!! Envy leh. now I cut my nails short short le, cos i scare will scratch my girl while changing her.

Seabreeze, yaya! They really are pratas, I have many pratas in my office and one beside me know nuts about what he is doing yet always wanting to show to top management his performance by talking niah. BTH these pratas la. Another only know how to talk big and so authorative as though i report to him and must do work for him when infact i dont report to him (he is only the hosting mgr in my office since my direct report mgr is ang moh in Europe!) KNS KNS KNS.. majiam i owe him a living!! Grrr.. Now i see him, i treat him as transparent, cos last time we always greet our colleague Gd morning mah, this guy when we greet him, nvr response or look at you. DAMN RUDE! SO now i also don't give a damn about him!


=.=''' buahhaha!!i copy n paste la...didnt notice it !!..who want some ??


maybe can try?usually when u have loose powder on face,it can hold up for few hours..someties need to touch up in between so face who look patchy n oily....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Princess, your hubby is funny la! trying to test your limits! buahaha.. nvm la, go pamper urself when he makes you angry lor, i still remember vividly your slogan " I see I like I buy I sing!" Champion la!!

