(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

healthy times brown rice single grain cereal

i hv a question - for healthy times cereal, the texture of the cereal with FM is it more watery? prior to this, we fed Nat on Neslac but i read some mommies recommended healty times so decided to give it a try. however i put 2 scoop (using those FM spoon) into 30ml of FM, its still quite watery wor. any mummies facing the same?

Princess Dia

Wow ur hb damn funny haha well these are things that make life more interesting isnt it? Punish him by wearing your armour thick thick haha ultimate torture!!

I will touch up using compact powder but some ppl make up so smooth n like never make up type, how to achieve those effect? Maybe should check on Internet heehee

Can sense that I v free or not haha relaxing before my boss see me n assign work!


My dept dun have cos its a conscious effort not to have. Last time we have a colleague oso like that but is local prata, talk like cooking curry ... smell nice but smell only ... work oso other ppl do. So now we v careful of such 'food'


Yes, it's v fine so much put ALOT to make it into a paste like texture


heard about healthy times cereal tend to be very watery....maybe you just need to add more cereal...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nat 6 mths already?can changed cereal to another brand so that she can try a different texture now?


hahah..funny fell huh!irritating me all the time and i turn away just to laugh!buahahha


can achieve it ....bb cream is not wonder cream afterall...you want to have a long lasting look then u must have make up base...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]those can help keep make up/foundation last longer without need to touch up..depend on brands too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]smooth looking skin...heheheh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princessD, Nat not yet 6 mths. but wanna change her to healthy times and see see :D

u mummies are very hardworking.. already try out different receipes for your darling. Nat is still on cereal & FM only. will let her try out porridge after finish up the healthy times. cos it states gonna finish up within 3o days.. Pengz. Also, wanna do it slow in letting her getting adapt on new food :D

Afternoon mummies n ian.


Yest i saw butternut squash near pumpkin so i bought n let him try. It is sweet n nice! I like it too!


I like brush from the bodyshop.

Princess, back then think we were just going to get married. So can't say too much about how he use his money. ;). But the car he changed I didn't like...so far the ones I like, he sold. Hahahah

My hubby also into those model airplanes/helicopters/cars. Every time crash once, there goes the money. His hobbies too expensive liao!

Teoong, I also dun like it that he flies on weekends, especially when I have to be the Ahmad to send my elder boy for class while lugging the younger one. And he still wants to sign him up for more. With one kid, I still dun mind him traveling as much. But with 2, especially with the fussy babe, I also cannot close two eyes.

Rising prices, thought electricity costs rising this month? Or is it something else?

Ian, shd be 'happy' that they decide to give u fitness corner cos of GE. Imagine without GE, you really got to just wait. All the campaign carrots which only they can give...

Ann, butternut squash yummy hor? Saw it on offer at cold storage yesterday... But cannot buy cos I just bought potato, sweet potato, apples and pear. Dun want to do that much purees at one shot

Peace on earth. Bby is finally sleeping after so long.


Yes it is so nice! My first time trying too. My boy keeps laughing while eating! Eat then smile smile..

So cute haha..


Wahahahha so funny kid stool. Perhaps they dont think of thia problem when making the name


Depends on what u wanna buy there. If u wanna buy lots of things i guess its worth it. If u wanna just gk there n see see, depends on whether u hv the time or not. N its quite crowded..

Share a cab with nearby friends? I want to go to, but still thinking. I just love to go to sales/expo. Hahaha..

Princess d..

Wahaha.. ur hubby is so funny.

Wear thick armour like what seabreeze said.

Cols storage kids run

I think for the stroller one is more for the parents' fun? :p

I dont think babies at this age will understand but i think they will b having fun, having a windy ride.. lol

Maybe nearer rhe date we can let each other know who is joining n cn hv meet up n let the bby take pic together hehe wil b so fun..


sign up for ur daughter! Wahah. Let her run alone!!

Hope nothing serious with the cough n he get well soon.

no no

i bought it from Gain city at Marina Square...Hope it is still there and maybe can try those shops like harvey norman???????


yah ..thats his punishment!!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe your hb n my hb knew each other..we oso dunno???lol

The model airplane is a KILLER man!!!Absolutely wast of time n money!!


yup,the butternut squash is smoother in texture and sweet..my girls love it too!!

Niko so cute!Smile n smile!He really loves it!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy baby=happy mommy!!


yes!!i like i buy i sign!!Make me fed up somemore la!!Heck him!


i think is a different products..

the one i had at home can cook 2 dishes at one time!Cos it came with 2 small pots n 1 big ones..

what i usually did is i dbl boiled the soup on one pot n the other is their porridge!

But of course if you don't have the intention to do double cooking,a single cooker is good enough![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Personal preference[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seabreeze, i like your statements "talk like cooking curry. Totally agreed! Give them on coconut tree, they can dance there the whole day! HAHAHA...

Ian, yes everything also can prata!

Princess, i remember you mentioned about cooking pearl barleys.. is it those kind that we boiled and drink? me Sua Ku la, dunno how if this is the type that you mentioned. heehee..

Princes I quite gian the appliance u hv... 2 small pots...but hubby will probably veto cos. Already hv a small slow cooker at hm...

Yes maybe they know each other! Mine bought a model tank before... Play a few times n it's now in storage. The most memorable thing abt it was the video of how frightened my elder boy was by the loud sound it makes when it 'chase' after him. Lol


Yes! I bought those organic pearl barley ! Same for cooking barley water type [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Jaren having fever. Clinic closed tonight and afternoon slot all full. although fed him med already but supply running low. sponge him just now and now he asleep.

hope he will recover soon .. recover in time for your flyer 'trip' tmw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yep, meds n sponging should bring his temp down! Hopefully he recover soon!! Feed barley water??[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haa... I ve got a slow cooker n a steamer at home too! But found that this cooker very good use for small portion!even for soup or birdnest !! 1 pot each ! 1 pot is about for 1 person !! Besides my rice cooker, this is the next appliance that I always use!

Why your hv go n scare him with the noise ??? A TanK??? Wow v adventurous le... I hate those noises !! V loud !!


Ok thanks.. will look for it again. Yest i only saw hn n courtz near my place but dont have..

Im also gadget fans but kitchen gadgets n it really looks good hehe. N i dont hv double boiler at home. Will use traditional way of hving two pots. now can at least got reason to buy, for bby hahahaha..


you are welcome...the only set back about this cooker,u gotta add water after awhile of long n slow cooking...other than that i found it quite alright!

when i was at IL's place,kitchen is far n i have to kept walking in out to watch the fire afraid it might get blew off...then told hb...heehee..he's the one who get me this...i like it la...till today still using it...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks princess, I will go get it soon..


am bringing my boys to pd tonight. Clinic is open from 630-830. Aglow clinic at united sq. If really Bo bian then u go n get meds.

oh yes, about the old archive coming back! muahaha.. was reading thru, and saw the chart updates on our baby birth dates and wt.. brings back good memories la.. I still remember tht time still mentioning that Vivian cut the Q all the way.. time flies really fast! now all our babies are either at or nearly hitting 6mths old liao!


no probs


hahahha...VIVIAN the CUT Q queen!!fwahahhaahah!!!!That one was shocking izit it??That time this girl ah BP so high..so worrying....

i was looking at my post..how amazing i was ...still broadcasting my situation while on the delivery room!!Buahhahah!!!

Tiffy> Hopefully Jaren will be ok soon!

Teoong> ya lor, so excited to see the old archive again.. I can't remember when did I join this forum. I remember it's in my 2nd trimester.. Hehe.. My first trimester I thought the forum is not active so I didn't join :p


Was supposed to hv dinner n shopping at orch w a friend.

But its raining n the thunder scare him off! Crying n need to pacify him.. so gonna postpone it till tmr.. im lazy to go out after 5... :$ traffic jam. N taxi is more expensive..


I rem i m one of the few ppl who joined first. Then i mia till after the bby is born..

Im inside the first archive page at feb 10 alrdy haha!


Princess, ya la you was still saying tht you wana go for a big feast before baby due that nite! Who knows the next moment you was boardcasting live from the hospital! Damn exciting lor, keeping everyone tune in on the forum! Hahaha... U mention eating some baos for dinner instead right?! Classic wor!!


hope jaren's fever quickly subside.


i saw the archive and saw was surprised u joined so early! thought u only joined us after giving birth.

so fun to read back the archives. especially when we got into the "popping" season. haha! so exciting then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies

Im reading the archive now from the top.. have mlthing better to do.. not speaking to my boy who is still playing beside me coz its near his bed time alrdy. Hahaha.

Missing preggie days. Hope to strike soon. Wahaha.

Finally got in!

Duno why got probs accessing thread earlier.


Nice names!! I particularly like jezeree!! Nice!

But I think most likely it's gonna for jonavan. *wink


Hope jaren get well soon for tml's flyer!!

Take care!


U ladies made me wanna read it again!! Lol

Hope aft reading it, no breaking news from me! Wahaha!!


Ya.. i love this website n actually join when i suspect i was pregnant.

Was in spore brides too.. n upgrade to motherhood. :p

I guess i mia during the hard time from il. Hahahaha.. sec tri onwards :p


U planning now alr??? ^^

Not so soon for me.

Plan to leave it to God from dragon year.

If nthing happens, factory will fold, close shop. Hahha

Too old alr!

Ann, wish u strike soon, momotan, wish u get what u wish for. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lol...Ann was our pioneer of the thread![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah you went missing for awhile.....Actually there were many of them too!!Glad you came back[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You too!Waited and waited! and Athena finally was here....

I just got a feeling that i wont be able to wait till OCT....LOL

Yeah ..the plucking of eyebrows,blowing of hair!!Buahahhaahh!!fed Jade with 4 baos!!Wat was i thinking man??


when i went staright in to the delivery suite!I ve already saw your name on the placard at the registration counter ...

then as i walked far in.....i saw your name n your gynae's name on the door..so thought you already in labour...fwaahahhah...didnt know you actually was asked to wait in room instead...LOL

so i was rather conscious not too scream too loud for i might disturbed you!!Muahahhahahha!!!!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is really fun!!Melissa n cherry went missing then..tadaaa...i still remember after that was Tiffy's Jaren appeared in FB!!lol......aiyo

suddenly all geared up sia!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It was really fun!!!

soon youll go through it again!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess_d> Ya lor!! I'm not supposed to go to delivery suite yet! Huhuhu.. But first time mummy of course when the nurse said am I in pain of course I said yes! I feel slight contraction pain only. The nurse seeing me can still smile smile also don't say to me to wait in the room instead. Zzzz..

I've just realized that my gynea actually mean for me to wait inside the ordinary room instead of going to the delivery room.

I was being charged double for both delivery suite and the room that I use! Sigh.. If I'm not a first time mummy, I can save like $400 or maybe $800? Delivery suite is so expensive!

Just wondering, is it in Mt A, we can't wait longer in delivery suite? Or is it delivery suite is more expensive than ordinary room? Because I'm confused why my gynea asked me to go to wait in the room instead. hm.. Because I have a friend delivers in Raffles Hospital she said all the 15 hours of labour she wait inside delivery room..

That time also to wait in the room I need to opt for deluxe room becoz otherwise hubby can't stay overnight with me. Huhu..


Haha, then the next day when I was about to deliver, I only use the delivery room maybe 2-3 hours but of course the charges is for 1 day.. Some more I was being injected with the GBS antibiotic twice!! The previous day and before my labour! I actually read in the internet, only before my labour is needed. Huhu.. Josie's monthly checkup fee is very cheap, but I kena ripped off during delivery. hahaha..

I think I need to pay cash around $2700 even though mine is natural delivery without epidural [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

