(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


ok... i very heartache, last night she woke up crying badly machiam got night mare. then keep blowing raspberries. then my hubby ask, what will bb so young be scared of? then say must be that time she fell off bed. =(


i was thinking jumperoo or exersaucer. but hor, maeve got sick of her haenim play yard in a month.... sian.. i really dunno how to entertain her lei... now she like standing inside her crib, and looking around.


Thanks Ann and starry.

Thanks princess diamond, I hope so too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks bibiran and ivy.


my hub dont allow, say bad for knees. i dunno how true. but hor, dont put her in walker i very tired lei... hows??


Buahahah!!IAn the morning paper!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry,once awhile they will have such frightening cry....

They will grow out of that...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]hugs....

marissa, princessd

haaaaa, ian should be in politics! or he is in the wrong forum! we talking makeup and bb and he feeding us with serious politics and news. not bad also la, good for us =) keep us in the loop.

haha mummies..only when GE is round the corner la~ otherwise i cant be bothered much..since it's always the same party winning.*yawns*

but i'm rather taken aback by 小李's reply lor..

gsm, i tink the exersaucer is a gd.. at least for me la. she keeps herself entertained and not crawl all over the place. she's always standing in the exersaucer, but when tired she will sit down. i want to post on fb this video of her squeeling in delight everytime she sees herself in the small mirror on the exercauser.. vainpot!

princess_d, she not 100% crawling.. like moving herself forward + rolling but she can get very far very fast. And she helps me clean the floor at the same time.. haha

GSM, me too. I dont like the thought of putting my baby on walker.. cos my see real life example of my neice now walking on her toes. Hard to change her walking habits.. Unless you have someone to monitor her walking on walker n correct baby when they tip-toed. If not it's a no no for me. I rented the exersaucer instead.. to shut my MIL up, cos she keep saying must b baby in walker so they learn walking very fast. to Me, wat's the point?! Let baby develope at her milestones lor.

Hi, I have a fisherprice rainforest jumperoo to let go only purchased in Nov10 from Kiddy Palace still in good working condition. PM me if interested.

Thanks gsm but if u look carefully can see my tummy.

Sob sob, no been posting much of Hebe photo cos she now quite have a tomboy look, a bit regretted to cut, dun look as cute. The pic I took with her in my black dress was the day before she cut her hair.

Josie also can only spin around. hehe.. And she can only flip to her left side, hasn't flip to the other side yet..

Now she sometimes sleep on her tummy too. Huhu.. Quite scary sometimes..

And she like to sleep on her side nowadays. Not sleeping on her back anymore. hehe


rent? good idea! for how much? how long? cos i think babies get sick of their toys real soon


cute la, girl lei. see herself in the mirror must scream! it is normal =)


i am shocked too.

Last night she sleep on her side, facing the cot railing and holding the railing with her right hand! so cute.. Dunno why she hold the railing tight tight..

hihi mummies... gatecrashing ur forum...

I'm a July mummy... gg back to work soon and sourcing for a good Infant care. Would really appreciate if any can recommend? PM me can?

Looking for one in the East / Thomson / Raffles Place... Tks vm in advance!


mine no need look carefully also got tummy. muahahhahaaa!! =) her hair will grow in no time, meanwhile let her sport a new hairstyle also good mah. =)

GSM, ya i rented for abt $40-55 per month from Rent-A-toy. Can search their website online and logon if you wana rent the exersacuer that you saw, they will contact you and it's COD. So no worry how to pay.

Apple, can let Hebe wear beanies?! I'm doing the same for Athena ever since i trimmed her hair too.. Sure to look good on Hebe too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ian, my jaw dropped when i read his reply.. Duh!! isn't he running the country now like a company, feel like its not really for the sake of the nation. how sad! Look at his reply on the pay structure!


Muahhahahah!!!!!!then you should wrap her witha towel...can clean the floor better!!Muahahhah!!!!!so cute!!


That's quite true what you said...let them go through each steps slowly!See this mommy here (me)..lol can walk at 7mths..dun pray pray!!ahem ahem...ahhaaah!!


i oso got abig one okay....just that i m wearing girdle till today...does help abit on that loose parts...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good luck on your maid. :p


I am one of those employers that allow handphone. I rather I allow and monitor then she have to hide here hide there - scared she do stupid things to hide the fact that she have handphone. Why handphone? Its coz calling cards hard to get through (according to my maid) and each time you try, even though it does not get through, it deducts your talktime. So you may end up paying for talktime which is not actual talking. The other reason is they like to sms lah and like to just have the handphone. Gives them a feel that they are still connected to their friends and family. For my new maid, I will still allow but tell her that I allow her to use only at night - I will be putting in CCTV so if she use in the day, I will know. Lets see whether she can keep to my rules.


Dun tie a rope to a walker. It will cause the walker to topple and fall. Anyway, I dun recommend walkers coz of the danger and the risk of kids walking on tiptoe after they are used to walkers (bad walking habit) but that is my opinion only hor.

Morning all!

Apple, they too yaya already. That's why so straightforward. Btw congrats on hebe's winning? U do look great in the black dress. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess, lucas also spinning ard on his tummy. Shd take a video one day but he will stop when he realized I'm nearby.

marrissa, teoong,

got chance next time i will post pics/vids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

i LOL-ed at the tying walker thing. hahaha!! sounds so cute! grandma napping also must hold on to rope. wah seh.. power baby huh? jadelyn no so siong yet. hopefully she won't become like that. my mum told me to buy the play yard. not to contain jadelyn, but to 'protect' her furniture and cupboards! wahahaha! 'cos at the rate she is going, when she can walk she may tear down her house. must go buy cane next time le. think this girl don't cane at least once cannot one. whole body will itch, especially her hands.


can see you are very into the whole election thing! i haven't been following at all. :p


wahhahah..the spining on the tummy i found it very hilarious sometimes!!yes yes!Each time i attempt to video it,she stop!!!!Chey!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


BUAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!i knew it that one day the furniture gonna be destroyed!That's y i kept JAde's walker after 2weeks of using it...partly oso bcos i scared like wat others said she might tip toed la...

BUY Cane!!LOLLOL!!!!Join my girls la!!Next time they will have somthing in commin to talk about ..gossip about their mommies!!LO

Yah..i visited her house..then grandma explained why with anger!!!BUahhahahah......but her house is a huge la...so no choice oso...grandma idea works anyway...LO[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi 5, Princess! Yeah let her do it slowly.. ahaha.. you are damn fast to walk at 7mths la, bet your nanny must b chasing you around like playing catching back then. keke..

oh ya, and Athena is also still spinning on her tummy too! Though at times i see her raising her butt high high in the air. Waiting for her to start crawling and tht's it! I need to eat more essence to keep me awake to chase after her by that time!

walker, I agree with FiFi that shld not tied rope or string to walker. Very hazardous! Baby might overturned shld they forcefully wana go beyond the boundaries define by the rope/string.

princess d,

hubby already said next time bring her out and choose the colour she wants for the cane. give her money and pay for it herself! then she will know it is HERS. haha! the girls can meet up and discuss cane-hiding strategies. hee hee!! BTH that girl now. sit in car or anywhere hands must be on something. her favourite? plastic bags!! hope she scared of cane like jade.

re: walker

won't refrain jadelyn from using since my mum is her main caregiver and there is no one else to watch her at home. she will scream murder if let her be on tummy whole day. so for now it's the walker. not worried about tiptoe syndrome also as all my younger cousins, my bro and i grew up on using walkers and we all walked normally after 'graduating' from walker. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah.!!Nanny gave up,mom n dad oso gave up!they can only watch in horror how i fell n destroyed household things...

rope on walker

not a sugestions..i was relating wat happened to my gf's bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


YAh rite!!Your HB said buy cane?????hahhahaha.....i think mommy will be the one buying most of the time!!

that day the pink cane.???i gave jade money n she bought!!then HB came after toilet n eyes like bulging out!!buahahhahah!!aiya,said only will cane but then inside them like lil kitten...miaow!!!boooo.....

can u imagined nx time then can talk...n they really talk about can-hiding strategies???BTH!!!Lol

mummies with maid

last night i cleaned up the maid's room, one mattress, one toyogo shelf of drawers, one fan. i bought her towels, shampoo and body foam, her own set of plate and cup. still must buy what ar?

princess d,

i told hubby abt the cane thing and he said very earnestly, yah yah! let her buy and choose color!! but when time comes to showdown, he will be the one hiding one corner and meow like kitten lah. MEN!

common cane-hiding strategies:

- throw behind fridge

- throw out kitchen window

- hide under mattress/bed

- hide under recycled newspaper (then mommy will sell to garang guni!)

- hide in wardrobe

endless possibilities!! wahahaha!!!


No accident but the train ahead defective, imagine being trapped in the middle of the tunnel for 1.5 hrs??

Train was so packed that everyone started to get irritated and impatient and started pressing the emergency call button ;p




imagine if pregnant and in the train. or imagine if tummyache!


last time my mom use belt. cos my brothers all throw the cane until she dowan to buy liao! haha

bluey>like that tonight sure report on news liao lor~ then maybe SMRT will kena fined once more..then few mths later..they will review public transport cost once again..and hike all the fares!


hide under recycled newspapers for karang guni!!wahahhaah...eh.....seriously i nvr though of that le...muahhahahah

last time i hid it behind big big wardrobe...then one day,my mom decided to changed that wardrobe n realized that there alot of cane there..not alot la..around 4-5...

waseh...she tied them up together n i an got a monogram of Z on my body sia!OUCH!!!lol


sounds like JAde,

she threw it down and the maid downstairs who was hanging up som clothings,brought it back to me,...can you see how disappointed with JAde????LOL

Lilbuey!OH MY GOD!!!

it must be scary too...thaqnk GOd everything is okay now....1.5hrs is VERY lonG!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I agreed! Can see everyone including myself were trying soo hard to get a reception!!

Wat happened if there's an emergency?! -_-""

*ouch* belt??!! tht's muz hv reali hurt!!

Argh.. saw my maid also lay down on the playmat when Josie plays there!! Even though I have told her not to!!! How? Should I scold her later?


Am not surprised that they do that?! Tht's always their excuse, make the public pay for their FINE!! and they earn more!

Talking about providing 1st class transport service *pui* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I hope the "White" will lose more seats tis round BTH!!! crap load of nonsense!!! Never like the colour white anway...

The other day I happened to take a bus then overheard this auntie asking a lady whose 2 kids are in the childcare asking her how much is their monthly fees. Then the lady said it's going up by another $70 in the coming mth, so wat's the point of the govt giving out $$$ now? All will disappear the moment we receive it and worse of all, we still need to top up! -_-""""""

Groovy, PrincessD,

Yesss...I've nv like being confined in small spaces, imagine my frustrations!


Monogram Z! wahahaha...last time when I was young oso the same lar, alot of 'kuey teow' on my legs ;p~


Be prepared to buy her some clothes and undergarments too. Some maids come lacking that. Cheap market kind is fine. Toothbrush, toothpaste. Slippers/shoes (I will buy better ones coz i dun want her to slip carrying my kids). Buy 1 laundry basket for her to seperate her clothes from yours. Then get a notebook and a pen ready for her to write down your instructions. Everything you tell her, ask her to write down and ask her to repeat. Else they cannot absorb de. My advice is on the first day, settle her needs first, dun start on her work. Give her the time to settle down will help her absorb work. Let her make 1 phone call home to report that she is in Singapore safe and sound, etc would help too - let her feel that you are a good employer so set her mind at ease and make her more willing to work for you.


good advice =) thanks. if i let her use house phone, would i get her relatives calling me every now and then? or how should i go it?

Ivy, Hebe dun like beanie.

Yar, y he win his party to win yet still so straightforward.

Hi mommies

Had a discussion w my boss on my work - abit sianz cos I asked abt the chances of promotion, she said no cos last 2 yr my grade was just 4, need high 4 n abv then can. Sian big time cos last 2 yrs are yrs that I preg, yr tt me not preg is either high 4 or 5 lor!! I told her that I felt penalised but I tell myself nevermind, prove my worth first n see wat they say at the end of the yr. If got good results yet they dun fight, will pack n go! Sick if all this HR guidelines!!


Yx loves the wet tissue wrapper lor she will turn herself 180degree on the bed just to grab the wrapper n make sound. Dun see her as excited over toys!!

re: canes

my brother and i probably tried all the tricks in the book liao! but still kena lah. last time we hated the cane sellers. wahahhaa! after that my dad also used belt. 'cos lagi angry, cannot find any cane. :p seems like most of us grew up with canes hor?

princess d,

wah.. 4-5 canes bundled into one HURTS man!


1.5hrs is horrid!!! i was trapped 20mins once along NEL and that was terrible already. 1.5hrs is really WAY TOO MUCH! which line was it you were on? yah, imagine got pregnant woman in labour or what. but highly unlikely hor? or like what gsm says, tummyache?? nightmare...


tell me about it! these babies don't wanna play with toys! they want to play with things they are not supposed to! put that girl on changing mat, she will try ways and means to grab a corner of the mat and stuff into her mouth, but don't want sophie or the silly never-dying chicken!


pack n go?how long have you been in the company?Somehow i felt that Guidelines are dead n is subject to changed ..depends on situations la...


Last time when i didn't get my promotion though im already long due and appraisals was at the higher side....Asked how come didnt get,they can't even answer...said not time!TMD..not time then what?So what kind of ppl are you looking at?bootlickers??haiz..till when the decided to promote me..i ve already longed switched off adn just go for it...don't wanna work so hard and get peanuts!!!

don't be too dsheartened la..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



no joke man!My mom's signature monogram makes me famous at school!!!=.='''


OUCH..wanna hide oso cannot!!that's y i prefer to be at my grnadma's house!Even my nanny gave up on me!Im A TYRANT even till now...muahahhahahhahahah!!!!

when my mom saw that pic on FB!!she quickly calle me and said..dun cane her..i was like..notty must punish!that's wat i learned from you le....

her reply: izit?i got dementia!!

BTH her...tmrw my parents coming over after missing in action for 1 mth of traveling!my sis told me..she will b here to throw the cane!!NOW THAT GRANDMA WANNA THROW MY CANE?????!!!

