(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Re: appetite

In my 1st trimester I hardly ate because of very very bad MS. I think it was also due to the consumption of my hormones pills to help stabilize my pregnancy. Now in my 2nd trimester my appetite is improving, but I don't find that I am eating much more than usual. Every appointment my gynae keeps reminding me that I have either lost some weight, or not gaining weight.

Really hope that my appetite will go up in the weeks to come!

Re: Squashing baby

So far I have not felt any movements from baby yet. I think I have some occasional flutter but I'm not sure if I'm just twitching in the muscles. LOL.



u really can eat leh. Till now i dare not eat too much, scare too full then feel miserable again. Everyday my breakfast at 8am, then lunch at 12pm n 3pm teabreak but come to dinner i didn't eat rice only eat the dishes and i can be v full already.


i'm sure it will get better in another couple of weeks! don't think you will stay like this throughout. sometimes i would feel sick too, due to indigestion and mild NS. but they are manageable.


i think i am boomz-ing! scared later become big fat pregger and look 10 yrs older than i really am.

ok, i am posting my tummy photo here. last time rachoho supposed to start this off but i think she forgot to take her pic. so i will start first..


taken last night..

baby: 14wk3d

me: hungry all the time!

i think for the amount of food u eat, that doesnt look big. can go eat more! no la im kidding. I wasn't showing much also at 14 weeks+. Ppl think i was just fat.

wahaha! thanks, girls. post yours for the rest of us to see. especially those 2nd/3rd timers. curious how much you experienced ones are showing already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah starrymom sexy bump!

I'm 14wk2day, but still not as obvious. Btw, Very big appetite and very interesting food you had. On some good day I can eat alot too! Let me recall what i had yesterday, I had duck porridge for breakfast, then thai sauce fish and greentea for lunch, and one packet of mamee for snack and sweet potato soup for teabreak. Had Beehoon goreng and prata at jalan kayu for dinner, reach home had some grapes and ice cream. Middle of the night hungry wake up to defrost pancake!!! LOL!! But I only put on 1 kg so far. everyone still keep telling me i'm too thin must eat more..

btw i'm cooking soya sauce ginger chicken today, some ppl tell me don't eat ginger, why har? anyone know?

Went for my appt yest. Managed to see bb but the position is super weird. From the scan, it seems like bb is lying on something n head arched backwards. For a moment I can't even tell wat I'm seeing. Hehe..

Feeling so sad that next appt is 4 weeks from now which is the detailed scan. Muz wait soooooo long.. Wanted appt 2 weeks later but they don't wan to give me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yesterday asked gynae to try to see gender. He say 60% boy boy.. Dunno how true. Will only be able to confirm at detailed scan.


ur MS gone already? Me still feeling a bit nausea at times. But I wld say slightly better I hope. Wa.. U really can eat..

Re: weight gain

I've not put on any weight as yet leh. Gynae also nvr say anything. Mayb cos my appetite still nt that good..


nice bump..mine looks out of proportion with fats here and there and my tummy. LOL


think weight gain little or no for the first 3 months is alright . Some people first 3 months lose weight due to MS somemore. My neighbour lost 5 kg due to real bad MS.


cuz hor scared bb will have jaundice lor...so that's why advsie against ginger...wah do ue at like that everyday? if yes and no weight gain then good le!! haha...

starrymommy, very nice sexy bump!

Here's mine. 13 weeks + 5 days.

Can see my old stretchmarks.


starrymommy: i'm oso abt same stage as you.. 14 weeks 2 days.. except can't feel bb yet. =( my tummy looks abt same as urs.. waist is thicker then got slight bump. maybe tonight i'll go take my pic too. haha!

i get hungry fast but can't eat too much else will puke lo.. think its common for those in 2nd tri le.. i eat abt every 2-3 hrs too.. depending on my prev meal..

my ytd meal

breakfast - half bowl of pork congee at 730am.. go office i had 1 sardine puff, 1 mr bean's cheese thingy with soya bean drink at 930am

lunch at 12pm - malay rice consisting of 1 egg, lontong veg and 1 fishcake.. did not finish the rice..left abt 1/3.

mid-day snack at 3pm - 1 muffin

2nd mid-day snack at 4pm - 1 sardine puff

3rd mid-day snack at 530pm - 1 banana

dinner at 730pm - braised duck rice 1/3 rice left

after dinner ard 9pm - birds nest

then quickly went to bed at 10pm in case stomach call again! hahaha! do i eat more? =p

i just had mee rebus for lunch.. finished all! super full! having milk tea now.

I'm 18wk, but still not obvious and never gain any weight yet. feeling a bit nausea and puke sometimes. i stick to 3times per meal only and already very full liao.

starrymommy, you've got a nice bump!

Wow! Pearlyn, you can really got a good appetite. i dun really snack, maybe i'm a choosy eater now. Pre-pregnancy, i eat everything n anything. Now not so leh, taste bud change i guess, can only managed to eat a few slice of rasins bread if i hungry.

weight gain : hvnt been doing that as it has been fluctating up and down due to puking. tonite i shall try to weight and see how.


oh actually my colleague also tell me her baby got jaundice because she eat too much curry and she believe is the yellow ginger in the curry that caused it, then i should reduce the intake. thx!


wah, interesting choice of food! I'm also into sardine lately. Also frequent duck porridge, lady finger, minestrone soup and mee siam lately, i'm not sure if that's craving. Interesting! Can everyone please share what you had? kekeke..

"Mood Swing"

talking about mood swing, anyone had it? Lately i become very impatient and whatever i feel can just easily come out of my mouth, getting very annoyed and fussy over things easily, yesterday just lose my cool talking to some stupid system admin people, first time ever in office, until other ppl come over to ask what happened. Also at times cannot tahan my hubby keep reminding me taking supplements! kena scolded by me. LOL!


yah lor, big appetite. but can't help it if i get hungry so easily. and i am steadily gaining weight i think, even though baby still small. i think your appetite is good leh, some more little weight gain. can eat more! i am trying to eat more quality foods instead of junk. then again, when junk calls out to me it gets hard to reject. :p


post your baby's scan pic! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my MS mostly gone le. sore boobs also. practically not much pregnancy symptoms left right now. some times after a particularly heavy meal will feel a little bit nauseous but will only last for less than 30 mins.


every tummy is different! post yours to share? mine also will have fats coming out especially when i am wearing jeans (that's why my colleague said i look fat instead of pregnant). the pic is side view so looks ok. if front view it probably looks more like fats! haha!


nice big tummy there with the twins! nvm about the stretchmarks. it is not as many as some i have seen, which are all around the tummy. scared of that. yours by the sides and bottom still alright. you 13wk already larger than mine, can't wait to see how beautiful it's going to look when you hit 3rd trimester! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


whoa! you are eating more than me!! actually i think i can manage what you are eating also. because during tea break i will be very hungry by around 3pm, but will hold it off till 3.30pm or 4pm by distracting myself with work. what is your weight now? i am 1.58m and weighing 53.3kg already.


maybe because you are nauseous and puking that's why no weight gain. anyway also good, keep weight down then after delivery easier to shed them off.

Re: Ginger

When my girl was born she had slight jaundice, and the nurse at the polyclinic actually told me to reduce my ginger intake in my confinement food as it may get to her during breastfeeding.

Re: Mood Swing

I have mood swing all the time! Little things my hubby nag I will get all teary eyed. Recently I get very affected by what other people say, but I have to keep reminding myself not to be so bothered and other people is just being negative. So trying to avoid all the negativity! I think I also become more "snappy" in my attitude especially towards people who are discouraging to me. But I feel that I doing this for the benefit of my own mental wellbeing which will affect my bbs too!


thanks! I know what you mean by look fat from the front. Even now sometimes people will stare and you can see the thought bubble floating above their heads thinking if I am fat or pregnant! Hahaha.

I think I will look like I'm ready to deliver by the end of my 2nd trimester!


sharing what we had is interesting! i will share what i had so far today..

9.30am - a packet of fried beehoon with hashbrown (left half hashbrown) last time i hardly ate breakfast at all, now simply can't do without..

12.45pm - sze chuan veg soup with rice + potatoes + veggie (finished all except the veg in the soup)

1.30pm - slowly drinking cup of hot coffee

didn't buy anything for tea break. i am very sure i cannot last till dinner time. pre-pregnancy still can. now i really think i will "die" without at least 1 filling tea break. sometimes like pearlyn need 2 or 3!


i didn't know ginger will cause jaundice! actually i don't particularly favour it now lah. but i was looking forward to all the ginger-y confinement foods lor.

Re: mood swing

i getting better le. still have the ocassional melt down at home, and hubby already sort of used to it, will try to pacify me or simply ignore me (which is best, really..).


haha! i'm sure you will look like full term by late July, maybe even earlier! then i think you have to avoid eating too much sugar stuff and durians etc. after your 2nd trimester. otherwise it will be very "xin ku" and heavy for you. did your gynae say he would want you to deliver a few weeks earlier? i think wearing tighter fitting clothes will show them that you are not fat, you are pregnant!

ok gals u got me all excited.. so i oso went to take a pic of my tummy..took it in the disabled toilet in my office! but i had a really full meal so u can discount 2% from upper tummy. =p

but as u can see.. my upper tummy and lower tummy has combined so i just look mainly fat. =p


starrymommy: I am like you also. But my meal will be small meal. I will feel hungry and full easily. I will feel hungry like every 1.5 to 2 hours but then i only eat a little bit theni feel full.

Mood swing: I having very bad mood swing also. The night before, i heard something then the next second i keep crying. Then these 2 days my mood is very bad. Feel very down ... No mood to do anything or talk to anyone at house or office, even my hubby.


your bump looks cute! please, it doesn't look fat at all lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah, you gals all so fast ....

I now in office cannot take wor ...

But just now coming in office then suddenly saw the mrrior door then saw my size ... I look like pear... So sad ...


yes although my EDD is stated 29 October, but twins will usually deliver at 37th week. So I will end up delivering in early October instead. I am praying very hard that my twins will be obedient and be in the ideal positions for a natural delivery = both head down, aka vertex positions. I just cannot tell myself that I will be going for a C-sect, but the possibility is definitely there!


you can afford to eat more don't worry!

Actually I will encourage everyone here to eat as much as they can. 1: u look more obvious faster to earn seats on public trasnport, 2: weight gain in the early part of pregnancy plays a very huge role in helping your baby be delivered with a healthy weight. If baby is of healthy weight, the chances of pre-term labor is greatly reduced!

starrymommy: my waist feels like a tree trunk now.. so thick all around. hahahaha!

perhaps after giving birth, we can arrange for exercise sessions le.. see who lose weight fastest. =p

aiyaaa.. got craving for cold soft drinks again!


I think I gained around 10kg-12kg when I had #1. When I was out of hospital, I think I was left with 2-3kg to shed. Then I got super turned off by confinement food and ate very little during confinement + breastfeeding so by the time my girl celebrated her 1st month I was back to normal.

In the second month I got better appetite cause don't need to eat confinement food anymore, but I gained 2-3kg back! Hahaha. Never really got to lose it off, but now it doesn't matter since I need to carry 2 bbs!

Actually I read in a lot of books that within 1 year you will return to size/shape, but also depends on how motivated you are. I know a girl who gave just gave birth to her baby girl and she already hit the gym before her confinement is over. Now she is back to her pre-pregnancy weight. Personally, I feel that if you intend to breastfeed, just eat healthily and do simple exercises to maintain stamina for looking after baby. If you don't overeat, eventually your body will re-adjust itself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you're right. no need to put in that much effort. BUT! it also depends on your age and metabolic rate. your metabolic rate basically slows down as you age and you basically need to work harder. breastfeeding definitely helps A LOT in shedding weight. especially exclusive breastfeeding with absolutely no FM. yeah then after we all give birth, we can just motivate each other to lose weight lor.

hey nice belly photos! i wanna show off too! but too lazy to move my butt off the office chair. the toilet is so far away! it's really 64 steps away! i counted! hahaha.. soon soon.. my belly will make an appearance.

wah so many happy bellies!

haha how do u girls take the pics? using mirror?

Maybe I try tonight. That reminds me I forgot to put up my baby's scan! ok try n rem tonight!

Hi! I'm a first time mummy-to-be, expecting my baby on 4-Oct-2010. Have been lurking around this thread for a couple of weeks.

Sharing our discomforts/ concerns here certainly helps in coping with the entire pregnancy emotionally and physically.

May everyone enjoy the journey together and give birth to healthy babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sounds like you recover very fast post delivery. hope i will be like you too, snap back into place quickly.


if you are tree trunk, i think the rest of us here can be "bah zang" (dumpling). lol!


you have a sexy bump too! somehow that little bit of stretchmarks make it look even more endearing. hee hee! if i get stretchmarks later, i will tell myself and hubby to be proud of them, as they are really testimony that i have carried our baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


funny leh, you! count the no. of steps to the toilet.

Re: post delivery exercise

i don't even know if i will have the will or energy to go exercise lor. sleep also not enough, where got time to do something else!? anyone here started swimming? i feel like getting back to my favourite hobby from secondary/poly days..


welcome to join us in our discussion! congrats too on the baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


stand in front of mirror and aim with your camera. then crop and upload.


welcome welcome! congrats on ur pregnancy!

for me i asked my hubby to take my belly photo but quite obviously he is a lousy photographer. hahaha.


don't worry, u can also burn a lot of calories using your baby as "weights", doing housework, and just sitting there to breastfeed! lol.

oh btw, all along my homeclothes have been those snug fitting t shirts and shorts. recently I've been taking home-wear clothes from my hubby's wardrobe instead!


same... homewear clothes all steal from hubby's stack of old t-shirts and shorts. my own boxer shorts now very snug and i struggle to pull them past my thighs. going to give them up very soon.. really amazed how much weight i have gained since pregnant lor. and all the fats "congregate" at lower body and few going to my twin peaks. i want C-cups like marrissa! :p lol!

this whole weeks morning sun is so hot but i like because those bb clothings that i wash dry so fast. kekeke

think i am the kiasu mummy here to wash bb clothings so early

Thanks, starry & Pinky! ^^

So many sexy bellies! I lost 3kg in first trimester. Now slowly putting back on the weight. I'm now just about 1kg above my weight before pregnancy, but my bump is quite obvious. Looking a bit weird now coz I'm quite petite yet with such a protruding tummy. But so far no one has offered me their seats. -__-"


don't worry the "TWINS" will start growing after 5-6 months onwards. I also have a lot of fats packed around my tummy area and I'm quite happy cause makes me feel like my bbs are well insulated & padded. hahahaha.

you can get the spring maternity foldover shorts. they were like 2 for $49.90 or something. very comfy!

Welcome mango n congrats !


I started swimming in my first trimester le....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies with bump post[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all look so cute n nice ! Thanks for sharing!


i hope so! as for shorts, i'm quite cheapo.. i won't buy anything that will cost me more than $10-$12 a pair. think i will make a trip to JB and see what cheap shorts i can find there.. absolutely love my foldover skirt and knee-length yoga pants from bangkok. super cheap there lor! buy in 3's only like $4-$6 each. should have bought more that time... and carter baby clothes also. super cheap there.. set of 3 rompers only $7. i bought a few sets for friends and relatives with newborns, none for myself. boo hoo...

here's mine...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3912627.jpg]



finally can upload..wahahhahahaha....!!!!HB shaking his head looking at one suaku!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

