(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Pearlyn, i m born in thé yr of dog too. Din Noé Tiger is compatible with dog but Heard that monkey is not. My hubby is. Anyway My mum aso a bit.... She say Tiger not gd... Anyway as long as My baby is healthy, happy n is a useful and good perso. In future i am fine with anything.


Starrymommy i thk going to the one opp beauty world. haha I am also into the hot n spicy soups and kimchi! My hubby not a kimchi person only takes the bbq stuff.

The korean restaurant at pasir panjang there also not bad. I think the building is call Yes or something like that. U can also try that.

Oh the Lou Hong Ka one is ready made?! That is just so right for me! Double boiling the bird nest takes so long.. though easy la.. but got to watch fire.. Then so hot must take out the porcelain pot..

Err.. I just had black pepper steak well done on Sunday for lunch! If you girls are worried but still want steak can cook your own steak mah. Cook till as well done as you want...

Quite easy.. just oily lor...

Yewee, yar by rite shld not take. But i thot since well done steak is well done cook liao. Hb say Dun take thé risk.... Sian.

Babydes, u cook ur own steak on sunday? Anyway been satisfying béef with double cheese. I only take thé béef n cheese, thé rest is hubby's.

starrymommy: me too! i oso wake up ard 4-ish then will toss ard till my alarm wakes me up for work. by then its just abt time i fell back asleep. =(

and i'm oredi a light sleeper so any sound will wake me up easily.. my hubby is a heavy sleeper.. so sometimes at night haf to nudge him to shut him up cos he sometimes snore or mumble. and lately he has a cough so its damn irritating.. i dont wanna be wicked and scold him but i definitely brought it up a few times oredi. grrr.

and just "nice", i oso oredi visit the loo at least twice a nite in my pre-preg days.. now freq has increased to 3 or 4 times a nite since i was preg. and i tend to dream too.. =s

so i say i wanna be tai tai lo.. hahhahaha! poor rest ne.. =p sigh.. haf to remind myself to sleep early.. and as a result, i miss out on my taiwanese variety shows. hee..

Apple: hey! my hubby is a monkey too! hahha.. so qiao.. erm haven heard its bad for monkey.. just dat the tiger is compatible with dog. dog's other fren is horse i think. =)

but u're right dat as long as bb is healthy and fine.. the others dont matter..


are you saying lo hong ka?Sorry i cant read chinese ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I love lo hong ka and hb used to buy from them long ago..till my dad told me that he had a friend who supplied good grade birdnest here..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]He is a Hong konger but travel around to gather good birdnest..he is the one that taught us how to eat/cook birdnest lor.....Very interesting when he describe which is good n bad!So my dad got special rates from him and buy abundance cos my mom n sis oso taking it![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We use to get lo hong kah with 200+/jar only, but we have since stop buying them as we can cook it ourselves with better grade birdnest..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually,to me....all the same la,,but then knowing my dialect group ah....cookingn boiling of such food are their specialties..so most of the time i just listen and learn lor...HB is the one that got lectured by my dad ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha i'm a dragon, my hubby is a rat. compatible? no wonder i have jelly legs experience.. hahahaaa..


uh ok not supposed to take half cooked meat but one bite no harm? one bite! (how big, i don't want to know!) hahahaa.. i've taken two half boiled eggs before from Toastbox without realizing i shouldn't take it! hahaa...

oohhhh horoscope comparison?


tiger gets well with horse and dog..these 3 animals gets along well..


there's many who said it is bad but hey!to me doesnt matter cos im no longer living i a world w/o civilization...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]be cool about it k,whats so bad?Even the newspaper came out with such nonsense!tsk tsk tsk....i still don't understand!

My HB is a tiger..and he is a good leader and a tame one!VEry tame and sleepy tiger..lol!most of my friend are tigers or dogs.....(i mean the year they born)lol[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all with good career and family![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dragon n rats compatible huh?So the rats are the notty ones la..hmmm.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babytiger nope on Sunday I went to eat my steak at Aston's.

Sometimes I will cook steak on some Saturdays. Will buy at this place at Boon Lay which supply fresh beef at reasonable prices. I usually get the Australian Augus Ribeye. Much cheaper to cook yourself and very satisfying. Coz my hubby likes those thick steak.

Those if you go Hog's Breath or Outback will cost you at least $30+++ for one steak! If I cook myself, for 2 persons I spend less than $20!

Hahaha those years they say bad to have kids all the more better for me.. Less competition! I die die going to avoid dragon year for my next kid!

Mélissa, hahah bo pian... Havé to listen to hubby lor for me. Maybe i Will do that in 3rd preg.

Anyone ehhh sneak sushi liao? I heard some(1 or two) fr somewhere sneak a bite or two in 2nd tri....

I already havé a list of food i wanted to eat aft giving birth in Oct this year.

Aston is on My to eat list also. I Think thé food i want to eat, thé list Will take me 2 month to finish. I appreciate SG food so much now. NeXT Time i Dun Think i Will say i dunno wat to eat cos nothing to eat.

apple i ve been eating sushi le..

tako sushi,ebi sushi ans ebiko sushi!those are cooked so is ok la...didnt touch the fish tho..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eh.... I ask quite a few qns on birdnest n cordyceps. Can any kind soul who has any or some ideas reply me? Thanks so much.

apple - cordyceps thins the blood.. so i'm not too sure if its ok to be taken.. i know some mummies do.. but i was advised not to do so.


cordyceps is cordyceps...not ginseng!

and what about birdnest?hee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]dint read your post le..


Those btl birdnest been boiled before...so if you double boiled it might boiled away the nutrients?might as well drink it like that or at least chilled it![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The pinkdot!

really?thins the blood?

but i took that for my lat pregnancy le..this round started once only...errmmm....was told is good wor!lol


sashimi sushi?Nah...better not to try la..since advised fro gynae not to eat raw and uncooked food..better stay away lor..

those sushi i ate are with cooked seafood...tho is cold![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah, few hours nvr come in alr so many posts le.

I heard my frd told me tht her MIL says we shld take done cordyceps now n then. Good for mummy wor.. But damn expensive la.

Birdnest; I like! Heehee.. I will try to take them whenever I wake up in the middle of the nite to wee wee since I can't get back to sleep so fast.

Sushi, I love. But stop eating the raw ones. After birth I sure to wack eating them. Miss eating them now..


Jia you, jia you. Things will turn out fine. There are too many cases of false positive liao.

Re: Fat tummy

I just bought this belly belt thing from kiddy palace. It works like the bra extension just that it is on my pants. Now, I feel so comfortable in my jeans/ pants without leaving imprints on my tummy or kena spot having my jeans/pants unbuttoned. Hoho.

Heehee....looks like I am the naughty one when it comes to food. I had half-boiled eggs, sashimi, sometimes up to 3 times a week, steak done medium. I had sashimi from 2nd trimester when I had bb#1 as I had diarrhea in 1st trimester. But this time no diarrhea, so have been having sashimi since 1st trimester!!


yea,me too heard so much about cordyceps good for expectant mums!I ve put few slices into soup ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Diamond, I think my hubby was saying put the bottled bird nest in a bowl of hot water to warm it, will the nutrient be lost also? If so maybe I will drink it chilled. Do you think warming the bird nest is okie?


naughty leh!! So daring! Hubby sure scold

me if I ate like you lor! I miss medium rare steaks. Definitely one if the things I'm going to eat after delivery. And beer! I love beer. So un-ladylike hor? But just love the warm malty taste in the mouth and the cool fizziness. Oh no, drooling now. :p

My colleague just jokingly said I look fat in my jeans, don't look pregnant at all, compared to yesterday when I was in foldover pants.

What's for dinner tonight? I feel like having duck rice (with the tau gua, egg and salted veg) plus a cup of pearl milk tea! Yummy... Can't wait to get home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Diamond, yar sashimi....not trying but been thinking and dreaming. Endure Endure, I count down count down then will whack. Btw, Breastfeeding can eat raw food hor? I rem reading somewhere...Breastfeeding cannot eat some food or better not eat some food...but I forgotten wat food.


cordycep is a type of fungus grown on a particular specie of moth larvae or worm, can't remember which. Pao shen is a root, bit like ginseng. Pao shen is much cheaper than cordycep.


can share how you cook the steak and where in boon lay you usually buy from? I stay near boon lay and would like to try out too as hubby and I love steaks!

Zuen, thanks. anyway we decided not to take the test, and case sort of close. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Moving on happily thinking abt other stuff.

Snoopy, really, actually at the back of my mind, I was thinking if the sushi is reputable, shld be clean, shld be can eat. Cannot eat because scare not hygiene, not properly handle. BUt think cannot risk nor take chances....

so anyway if my pregnancy for my 3rd kid, I got craving I might just eat it. For now, I will endure.

I mean cannot eat cos not hygiene, and might have bacteria like listeria.......

Starrymommy, u still at work? I just had porriage with scallop (2 diff kind, 1 is dried one with love fr MIL) & prawns for lunch.

I cant Rem I bought dong chong cao or paosheng liao....jia lat, been in my fridge for 1 and a half yr.......

Starrymommy, now u say, I think I bought the cheaper one, which is paosheng. Cos is like root root like that de....

I thot Paosheng more ex than Cordycep, now u confirm that I bought pao sheng, which is more cheaper.

Dunno my PaoSheng put in fridge still can consume or not, but I think v ex also leh PaoSheng....if dun consume v sayang.....

Yar Babydes, like Starrymommy, I also stay near Boon Lay, I also want to know where to buy and how to do the Steak. :p

Snoopy, apple,

just to share abt this sashimi thing, my girl friend ate sashimi when she was 13weeks pregnant. She ate the salmon ones when she was holidaying at one of the Club Med resorts. So far she's fine, now abt 18weeks le. So I guess if the fish is fresh should be okay.


I am back home liao lo.. Having my duck rice and bubble tea. Deeeelish! And I'm watching the funny 爆料黑玫瑰!

Apple & Starrymommy, I had sashimi when I had bb#1 & she is now 4years old now....no issue. But my criteria is eat the sashimi from places (reputable restaurants) that freshly prepare the sashimi when you order. If the sashimi is displayed like in a buffet spread....then I'll not eat it to be on the safe side.

Hihi was busy cooking my yong tau foo bee hoon soup for dinner. Just came in and saw so many posts already!

Starrymommy and Babytiger

The place where I bought the steak is from QB Food at Chin Bee Crescent. There are many types of beef that they sell. What grain fed la, wagyu, angus etc. American or Australian...

You can tell them how thick you want the steak and they will cut for you.

Cooking is quite easy. Just rub some salt onto the steak. Both sides evenly, not too much. Then pan fried with either butter or olive oil till medium rare or well done. I like mine well done! haha.. so sometimes to make sure it is really cooked well, will use fork to poke the thicker area.

Babytiger go wiki and check out the differences between the codyceps and pao sheng. Codyceps is not vegetarian! hahaha got a worm inside or is it a cocoon.

I went Japan when I was abt 7weeks pregnant, ate sashimi sushi, drink wine and also went onsen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I did not know cannot do onsen! haha..

Because I was feeling pukey most of the time in Japan. I did not enjoy most of the food. I am now still not so into jap food esp Ramen! =P Somehow still reminds me of the pukey feeling i have when i was there.

Anyway my friend also had sashimi when she was in her 2nd trimester for her 1st kid. Her kid now strong and healthy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



if im in JAPAN,I WILL EAT THEM!I DUN CARE MAN!hahahhahaaaa.......

Yea i have friends who had sashimi during their pregnancy!Actually the reasons behind is afraid that the sashimi are not fresh and afraid of contaminations!Other than tat if the food is fresh..y not?

