(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Tiffy: ur stretchmarks seems not vy noticable, did u apply anything throughout?

i'm more kiasu.. oredi apply the palmers stretch mark cream on boobs, tummy, butt and some part of thigh once a night.. hahahaha!

heard some clarins oil thing not bad.. intend to get dat too!

Pinky: how old were you when u had #1?

starrymommy: i'm now 62kg height is 165cm.. i'm quite big boned too.. so i still feel look fat.


i dunno the gender yet..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]thks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i told you girls before i m showing much even when i was only 8weeks!hehehehe....can see my belly button sticking out hor..hahaha..so funny!

Princess Diamond, wah u go swimming so often still so fair!

I haven't been swimming these few weeks, partly coz of the rain and mainly lazy. Thk I cant fit my swimming suit anymore! :p

Anyway,can you girls imagined during my first pregnancy,i was 10x bigger than this before birth!hahahhaa..big round tummy!this one is nothing la..wahahhaahah......


yah,getting tan liao...Most of the time i will swim around 5pm...only once in a blue moon i will swim in the afternoon if the weather gets too hot![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


opt for bikini! will look like yummy mummy with all those curves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

i remember you said you started showing really early, but didn't know you'd be so big! haha! it's a cute bump though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am lazy to apply the palmers stretch mark cream.


I know!hahahha..scary rite?I oso dunno y?first one showed even bigger around this time but this is really nothing lor...very happy liao!wakakakkakakaka..........[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]did i scares you girls!now im laughing at myself![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Unbelievable rite at 4mths+ and already like going to give birth!But my butt and top aren't showing much this time tho..still can fit into my pre pregnancy top n bottom(unbutton)!


really ah..show la !hahahhah

mine is also accumulated from prev pregnancy..thats y huge lor..but since is your first one,must watch out hor...dun be like me last time...i put on almost 30k ok..!no joke!The oil i applied almost goes up to 10btls!during the 39weeks...so difficult to walk around ....go for brisk walking or swim...

just few hours and so many pics of bumps. I'm stuck to my chair liao. can't take pic now, feel like puking the moment i move out frm my chair. Pui!

Princess, you put on 30kgs on your previous pregnancy? wah! tht's a lot! my tummy now is almost like yours, i'm also at 17wks leh. First bb for me wor.. but my belly button hvnt comes out yet.

oh by the way, for those not first-time mummies, did ur boobs go back to same size after preg? was there any like "loosening"? =p

cos normally i'm oredi a C cup.. now prob C+ or small D. oso scared dat after pregnancy, my boobs wld be saggy! =s esp since i dont wear bras at home since i had boobs. hahaha!

Bikini! I very shy one leh... Somemore busty, so I scare the straps snap on me! hahaha..

I praying my bust dont get bigger anymore! And hopefully they will shrink abit smaller after I breast feed!

we need to have the Bump Contest in our 3rd trimester with the following awards, like the hong xing da jiang couple of nights ago!

Largest Bump Award

Smallest Bump Award

Sexiest Bump Award

Most Special-Looking Bump Award

heh heh!

princess d,

i am also curious how come you put on 30kg with your #1. but with this pretty belly pic, you don't look fat leh... just look big lor. you didn't lose all those weight gained from #1??


what's your bust size? some more busty will look sexy lor. not like me, so flat. i hope mine maintains after delivery and breastfeeding. scared of sagging.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 'cos already small. if small + sag sure nothing left to show!


I was big C before I had #1. After that go on to a D cup. haven't dropped the size cause pregnant shortly after I stopped BFing. Now it's growing AGAIN I wish it will stop cause very hard to big sized nursing bras in SG. Am happy with a D!

If u dun like to wear bras, u can get leisure bras to wear at home. actually after u give birth + BF very important to prevent the boobs from sagging. You can try getting push up bras for extra support to wear go out, and switch to non-wired leisure bras at home. Most important is the boobs are constantly supported else will sag!


thanks..i really put on 30 kg!

pre pregnancy weight was 50.7 n on delivery day was 78.2kg..u do the calculations la...WAHAHHAHAHHA!


Thank you..hope it stay this way!(^^)


Im curious too?hahah..i lost all the fats but just that felt more heavier than usual...Dunno which part of me still fat?myabe my butt but defintely not my boobies!


I was B cup and went up to C+ but when during my bfg days and till when i weaned my girl after 22mths...no sign of sagging!Must ask hb practice palmistry![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I went to buy those tankini for preggers..ended up i didnt wear it cos i felt so tight wearing it!So i dun care now..just jump in with my bikini!

I am a D. Now bra abit spilling! Arrghhh... this is one of my worries of getting pregnant.

Smaller size better leh.. The bra designs all so sweet and pretty. Bigger size bras all look so auntie!

Empress, u Noé how to cook ginger chicken? That is My fav. Long Time No had it liao.

princess diamond,

WOW your bump is go big!! bigger than mine!! hahaha.. ok ok i go and take now.. finally able to lift my big butt to the loo..

Hello Mango, I am Apple we are one big fruity family. I got another nick-Apple(banana) too hahaha.

babydes, i agree. small boobs easier to find bras. also, i read baby easier to latch/feed coz baby's mouth not big like julia roberts mah.

Hi and thanks, princess d and Apple. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple, ya lor we're one big family of fruits. Keke. You're fruits lover too?


no wonder you are hoping for smaller breasts... if get bigger than really tough to buy bras. hmm...


we are waiting to see your bump! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess, can't be la. your skin is fair. really nice! If i go under the sun less than 1hr, i will be very tan. Last time pple use to mistaken me as Malay and speak Malayu to me.. i can't even understand.

princess d, your tummy is really quite big. But no visible stretchmarks! What is the brand of the stretchmark cream you used?

Durians! I haven't have that for so long. But hubby don't like durians. Sad..

Does anyone here have eczema with pregnancy? I'm like itching all over my arms, belly, back, and even boobs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

princess, you are making me drool.. :p

slurp slurp.. hmm.. this wkend i shall find time to eat durains as well! my goal for this wkend! heehee..

why not my nick become pear? since i'm pearlyn.. then i can be part of fruit family too. =)

but i dont wanna be pear-shaped lah!

just 1 mid-day snack only! (bear in mind i had mee rebus for lunch) i had a sardine puff with cup of milo at 4.. but somehow i was not feeling satisfied cos not sure if can last till i haf my dinner at 730. cos off work at 6.. takes abt an hr to reach home then haf to da bao.

just awhile ago, my colleague gave me a cup of tea so i'm having biscuits with tea. so its my 2nd snack. hee hee..


one of my very first pregnancy symptoms was eczema.. i had dry, rough, patchy spots on my face, arm and legs. thank God everything has cleared up! now my belly have tiny red spots which itch once in a while. i have no idea what those are.

ok here comes.. sorry a bit shy to show off my ugly naked bump, my maternity pants is so tight it left a mark across my bump hahaa.. hopefully this is just as good.

i am 18 weeks 1 day today.



Really!I don't have nice skin since young and im HAIRY!how to be smooth?hahahha..camera trick la!Im tan just that now slightly better than before i got pregnant!When i was at the Maldives people thinks that im one of them and when i m in Phuket...i got pick up!wahahhaahah serious!

Eat more durian la...wahhaahaha


I have been using Clarins SM cream and Huile Tonic oil! since first pregnancy till now..havent stop actually!Got addicted with the oil scent!I really adore the HUILE TONIC OIL!Works wonders...

Some preggers gets preggers rash!Could it be that you are experiencing or it could be your skin is expanding everywhere and not enough moisture!Don't shower with hot water!It will make it worst!We had this conversation somewhere in our early weeks where some of us got it too!Maybe you can let you gynae know and get some cream suitable for preggers[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WOW.... nice bumps! and I am so surprised leh...

Although I am only 14W tomolo, I HAVE NO BUMPS YET!!! so sad leh... I can only see my spare tire and nothing protuding... not normal leh..

But then again, I am huge in size so must have a lot of space inside my body to hide the baby... maybe thats why no bumps yet... haha... consoling myself...

Ok, me not going to take pix hor.. coz no nice bumps like you all... only spare tire 1 rim nia...

But you all keep the pix coming!!!

BB: 14W tomolo

Me: So damn tired after talking to students parents that I decided to go home now! No brain juice liao!!

mango, i have eczema too! hands and legs, sometimes back also. I have these symptoms even before pregnancy. What i scare most, is those full blown type and cannot take medicine. I have a history of eczema not subsiding for 4-5days even after taking strongest medicine. so now i'm really careful with what i eat though i'm not allergy to any food. just dunno what triggers it. Even went to chinese sinseh, they say have to take care of health lor since not food triggers.



eczema was one of my very first pregnancy symptoms too. I had red patches of rough, flaking skin all over my limbs and neck. They also cleared up after sometime. Just that I'm starting to notice a relapse recently, affecting different areas. Skin also starting to flake. I didn't dare to apply the QV cream that my gynae recommended on boobs but had been applying the cream on limbs, tummy etc.

