(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


my gynae said the rashes are due to hormonal changes. Can't really do anything about it except to treat the symptoms as they come. Recently it's like spreading to boobs also. That's why I'm a bit concerned. Hubby says I'm like a monkey. Scratching here and there.

princess d,

thanks for the advice. Where can we get the Huile Tonic Oil? Should we start on stretch mark creams now?



No worries...aiyo..im into y 2nd btl now!You should start applying the oil before tummy gets big !I apply everywhere incld my butt,thigh arms and boobs!

Clarin Huile Tonic Oil can get it from Clarins counter or some of the ladies here did buy from somewhere ..maybe anyone of you can get a cheaper price for the oil..can share with Mango?


that's actually a nursing top! still can lift to breastfeed. i bought it in 2006 lei.. online haha. can't remember what brand and where. i think it's by Moms In Mind? something like that. waaa yeah lor i realized that i do have a cute bump. that's after all the bloating episodes i had. kinda shrink a bit.

Thanks, princess d. Will go shop shop around soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you're most welcome to join the fruits family. ^^

Re: rashes

i was using California Baby's calendula cream (organic) for the rashes on arms and legs and it helps a lot. used to love the smell when in 1st trimester. but now feel very turned off by it. don't know why. when smell my stomach starts churning and i will automatically wanna puke! so now 2/3 bottle still sitting around collecting dust le.


it is a nice top. looks very comfy and like can be worn during and after pregnancy.

OOohh Calendula cream....

Wonderful on kids too!mY girl use to have slight heat rash and that cream helps..soetimes when we get insect bite..that cream helps too!i agreed!

princess d,

too bad i absolutely detest the smell now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] it is such a fantastic product though! i shall just keep it till i start to love it again. maybe use on my little one when it pops.


Yea, can keep it for your lil one ! It works wonders for rash... I bring it out with me all the time but not anymore .. If you wanna keep do lookout for the expiry !

Catch you guys later ....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow!! What hv I been missing!!!

So many sexy bumps!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dun dare to take pic of my bump leh.

So hairy now, I'll look like an ape!!


u can buy clarins oil at beauty language, $60.

I think ocean at Chinatown is cheaper, if I din rem wrongly.


post lah. Won't see hair in the photos one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Snoopy pls update, girl girl for me. Gynae say is 100% confirm, Can see girl girl's lips down there........

hi mummies! wow this thread is so full of new msgs and pics~

sorry for the very late upload! finally my BT is working, managed to upload my pic.


now 18W4D!!

did went for my check up last wk, bb was facing down and legs were hiding at the very right side, gynae cant manage to scan at all.. so in the end, mystery UNSOLVED! now counting down another 2 more wks to next check up!!

Selling 2 Pigeon 200ml and 2 Avent 125ml. All 4 bottles for $15. PM if keen. Pick up at Bt Panj or somerset MRT

Wow, i can see so many sexy and cute bumps today. So exciting! Starrymommy is so slim!!! *envy*

Momotan, dun worry about the hair issue la, no one will laugh and i dun think can really see in the pic.... by the way how''s the clothes u bought from old navy? If i am not wrong , you should be very petite like starrymommy?

I have put on about 4 kg already and now into my 16 week..will post my belly pic tomorrow if i''m not so lazy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies,

Okie! i will try to ask my hubby to take photo for me tml morning!

If i i find the naked bump too exposing, i will take pic with clothes on, like Melissa. hahaha...


Me? Petite meh? Now fat liao loh....

I think the old navy clothes are too big to fit me now..

think nearing last trimester then can wear bah.

Nevertheless, thks for helping me to purchase! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats on ur Princess! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Why bad mood?? Want to share?? Cheer up ok!


Wow! 100% confirmed girl. So niceeee!! Can dress her up next time in cute French clothes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nice bump there! Can tell it is very defined at the lower abdomen. Did you schedule an earlier appt with dr lim so that can find out the gender sooner?


I don't think I am slim... You see the belly pic I posted. My thighs are going boomz! Top I can wear S, but bottom must wear M. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now very scared hips become too big.

Hey Apple!

Congrats! Girl = more shopping! Yay!


Nice bump! Cute le....look smoooooooottthhhhh!

Wah mystery still unsolved at week17?Playing hide n seek huh ?

Mine oso... Doc didn't want to commit on the gender on my last visit ! I think mine is s girl....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cynthia n momotan

we will wait for your pics ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kakakaka u girls make me excited w the bumps! Can't seem to upload mine fr iPhone. See if I can do it later.

Btw I got the huile tonic treatment oil fr ocean in Chinatown at $52.

I'm also very excited about my twins gender! Hope they will be good in my next visit and open their legs big big! n hands don't block! hahaha...

I'm seeing a lot of bump pictures and starting to worry if I'm eating enough for 2 bbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

woohoo! my eyes are popping out already to see all the sexy bellies! I think i sure kena the biggest bump award cos my belly is even bigger than princess diamond![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went for my check up today. My oscar result is good and happy to see baby kicking non-stop...and gynae has confirmed that 80% its gonna be a princess! Thank God, my wish comes true! Snoopy, pls assist to update. Thanks!

Your grandmother may tell you that if you are carrying high and around the middle, you're sure to have a baby girl. If you are carrying low and pointed out, you're sure to have a baby boy. Although Grandma is no scientist, her mode for deducing gender is fun to ponder! haha...however am gonna tell grandma that she is wrong cos Im carrying low and pointed out but am having a girl girl! Kekekeke...

Irish ,

^^ congrats on having your wish comes true!

Phewww.... Show us the pic la..

When I had my girl , I was carrying low n pointed too!everybody was guessing I'm having a boy then but like what you said... Grandma can b wrong lor!! Heeeheeee... So happy for you!

So many sexy bumps!!! hee...

I went to see my Gynae just now. Oscar result was good. And Dr Ang said can scan for gender. He told me most likely it's gonna be a princess! But he can't confirm but telling me about 70% accurate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also realised the skin around my belly button quite hairy too. I didn't know till now lor! So ugly. I also dare not post my bump pix here lo.

And my bump not so big. I'm 16W tomorrow!

Oh, next month i'm scheduled to go for a detailed scan at TMC. It's the Fetal Assessment Scan. Have all of you done that? Maybe i can go tour around TMC as well!


congrats on your princess & good oscar result too!

Detailed scan basically check your baby's organs like heart, kidney, liver, etc. Also the detailed scan will be able to tell if it's a boy or girl too!


A bit pai sei leh...everyone sees my tummy sure faint cos looks like is going to deliver soon but am only into 16weeks!!!

I will try to take and load it up tomorrow morning la but girls dun laugh at me hor...hehehe


post pic lar!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we all wanna oggle at more tummy photos.

Cynthia, momotan!

Don't be shy, just post your pretty belly pics. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


What time were u at Dr Ang's Clinic today? i was there in the morning too! my appt was 10.30am. I am also scheduled to go for detailed scan at TMC next month on 26th May. It would be nice having the same date for detailed scan!


congrats on the good results too!

Another girl in the list! Yay!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ^^


don't care la, see le...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Saw many nice baby bumps today!!

I'm having a headache now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Waiting for hubby to come home from his meeting.

Thanks all!

But i guess to be very sure, i've to wait for 1 more month to confirm the gender.

Hi Iris,

Woo..we are seeing same Gynae and our EDD was the same!!! But today after the scan, my EDD will be 1 day earlier. 14 Oct 2010 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My detailed scan is scheduled on 31 May. Not the same as you already.

I went to Dr Ang's clinic in the evening around 6pm.

Can't wait see your tummy... so i can know if my is about the same as yours! ;)

Oh and you chosen to go TMC for your delivery? I've not decided yet. Imagine if we deliver same day and I've chosen to go Mt A...Then Dr Ang need rush 2 hospitals? Haha....

Snoopy, why headache? Too hot? Cos i gotten slight headache on and off this week. The weather is freaking Hot lo!!!

BBlin, Irish,

imagine both of you pop on the same day, almost same time how? i am sure this kind of thing happened to our gynaes before. wonder how they handle. i also wonder if they even get any sleep at all! practically like fire-fighter on call 24/7, but only worse because they are one-man-show. no one to take over them when they are on leave. wonder if they ever take a break. i think if i were a gynae, i'd probably go crazy looking at tummies and women's bits all day 365 days! lol!


for me I will choose TMC cause the difference in cost is not that much. Plus u muz also ask ur gynae if she will charge more if u deliver at Mt A, cause it will require him/her to travel to Mt A when you need to deliver. So in the end, it might work out the same. For me I was very scared my gynae won't come to me in time, so I opted to deliver at TMC. Hahaha.


must be headache from going thru our posts & updating the table!


my gynae goes on leave a few times a year. I believe she will plan it to avoid most of her patients' EDD, and if clash, she will refer to her colleague or let the patient have the option of seeking another gynae. When she is on leave, we can call her colleague (also female gynae) for emergency situations. For my #1, my gynae went on leave 1 week before my EDD so I was worried that if bb decide to come out early I don't know if I can trust her "stand-by". But all went well & bb waited until she came back.

Also, depending on whether the delivery is natural or c-sect, i don't think will clash. For natural delivery, gynae will only be called to the delivery room when bb head is coming out. He/she stays there maybe for 30 min if all things go well and leaves. If there r complications like an emergency C-sect, it will take another 30-45 minutes. Sometimes when I go for my appts we have to wait for her to come back from a delivery before we can see her.

if the c sect is scheduled, I believe she will do it before her clinic opens, or after it closes. my #1 was an induced labor. she broke my waterbag at 9am in the morning (before she opens clinic) and expected me to deliver at 6pm (when her clinic closes). But bb decided to come out quickly at 2+pm.

Starry, i also wonder if Gynae not able to make it on time when a mummy really can't wait and popped lor. Hmm...

Ya i think me and Irish almost same timing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And i believe there's definitely more people almost same period as us too! Really wonder how Gynae arrange the time.

Pinky, why you will choose TMC over Mt A? I've checked with my Gynae and there's no additional charges to be at either hospital. Your Gynae is at TMC?


yep i'm seeing Dr Adelina Wong at TMC. I think 1 of the most impt factor is that I m comfortable with the hospital environment already as I go there for my routine check-ups. I think it's impt that i'm familiar with the place. Plus i get paranoid what if I go MT A and my gynae has a traffic jam, or can't reach in time and baby is already out bla bla bla. When my gynae dropped by to see me during lunchtime I was very comforted by her presence. I also found out that my gynae stays just next to TMC only, so if I go to the hospital at unexpected hours, I can be sure she will reach me in no time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the best is not to know .....lol

usually if gynae not there yet n bb is coming out, the midwives will take charged ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but surprisingly most of the time you ll c your gynae la unless special cases![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]they r superman!


what you said makes sense! it's all about proper time management bah. but if really need to rely on the 'standby', i would also wonder whether can trust or not.

Pinky, i see. That's good! Your Gynae stayed so near TMC.

Pincess, orr...i better stop thinking of all nonsense...hee...

Oh I've put on 2kgs within a month! -_-!

Way too hard for me to believe it!!!!

And i din start any exercising. Really need to find one to start with. Perhaps going for walks.


I think the "standby" can be trusted cause she/he is also a gynae. It's a matter of whether u r comfortable with this stranger delivering for u, when u have never seen him/her before. U also won't have time to ask him/her about his competency/experience also cause ur bb going to come out already! Hahaha.


weight gain is good! Helps pump up ur baby's weight. I never really exercise leh. Just bring my girl down for walks and occasionally do some housework. Hahahah.

Hi mummies..

Was busy admiring the belly pics.. Nice bumps n some are so big already. Mine still not that visible. Probably something liked starrymummy. Can't tell pregnant, probably mistaken as fat.


I'm also going tmc for my detailed scan on 26th may.. Mayb will see u there.. Wat time ur appt?

Went to see gynae yest n he say 60% boy.. So will confirm when go detailed scan.


we must jia you, let tummy get bigger and show ppl that we are pregnant and not FAT! hahaa!!


nice cute and firm bump there too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you also look slim. like pearlyn! by the way. you purposely wearing hipsters or what?

seeing that reminds me i need to get more low-rise shorts and maybe jeans also. if can fit around the hips, i think i can wear normal jeans when baby moves upwards near 5th month or so.

