(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

I m thinking abt the famous Pork Katsu my friend mention In Japan.......Hungry hungry....


Ya Princess Diamond, I did enjoy the sushi very much! Had that at the fish market! Any fresher got to go catch the fish ourselves! hahaha...

THANKS BABYdes!!!!Your Post makes me drool....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I remember when i was at the Onsen,the only think i enjoyed most was the eggs..somehow it was sooo sweet and not filling!arrghhhhh...so heavenly!!

Princess Diamond...I am going to Tokyo in June.....Was trying to plan a trip to Hokkaido last december....but in the end couldn't go as my kakis & I cannot match our dates. Think I'll make a side trip to Hakone.....but have to give the Onsen there a pass this time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Fwahhh ...Hakone!How i missed that place....

Tokyo is full of excitement too..will you be there for long?

I actually planned to go Hokkaido..but always ended in somewhere...last trip was from tokyo-kyoto-hiroshima-iwakuni-miyajima-fukuoka...

I pigged out during that trip man...i had a friend who''s wife is a japanese that brought us around to just EAT!

huhuhuh...i m hoping this time im making it to Hokkaido!grrrrrrr....4-5days oso shiok!no need long stay!

Must stayed at their local Ryokan!


Princess Diamond....I'll be there for slightly over a week. My last trip was Tokyo & Osaka. Since this time preggy, decided to go to Tokyo which I am quite familiar with.

Thanks snoopy for the info

any ladies going?Wanna do a meet up?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babe,wow....so envy!(^^) Where will you be staying in TYO?you japanese PR ah?hehehe

I went Tokyo for 2 weeks! Also went to Hakone/ Mt Fuji area. Hakone scenery was amazing!

Went Disneyland and sea too.. even got on some of the thrill rides! hahaha... God is really taking good care of me!

Thinking to go somewhere end May to June before I get too big to move comfortably. Korea? Hubby was suggesting Hokkaido but when I think I cant eat sashimi and do onsen better to go elsewhere.


Agreed!It is so scenic!

Korea!wow..oso not too bad and idea!

But i think better stick to Hokkaido as im have been really wanting to go..missed it twice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haiyo.. you girls tempting me to go travel leh. i can't go anywhere for the next 1 year lor! at least till baby is 6 mths old bah. hubby said wanna go korea, but that is super long, long way into the future!

i don't think i will go for the baby expo unless hubby wants to. go now also a bit no point as don't know gender yet. and we have ppl saying they will hand down some baby stuff to us but until now haven't got them yet. heard there are fairs coming up in june too so may wait till then. but i am very excited about going shopping!!! haha! do you think there will be maternity wear and nursing bras on sale there too? if have i won't mind going. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


back to the steak.. you just cook it with salt and bit of oil, that's it? no need to marinade it or add herbs etc?

Princess Diamond, I will most likely stay at Hilton Tokyo Bay. Going Disneyland/sea for my little girl. She loves Disney!! I love the sashimi/sushi there, the sukiyaki......*drool* hehehe...ok...better stop here.

babydes, did you go on the tower of terror?? that one is good!! My girl's latest favourite ride is the supercrowded one, monsters inc.

I was in Seoul last March.....brrrrrrrrrr....cold!!! Great to go there if you are craving all the spicy food. I enjoyed the korean bbq, & their bean paste soup. My bil had a very authentic & very spicy kimchi pork belly dish 1 day before the end of the trip & last day he LS....hehee....luckily it was last day liao. I actually went there with my girl also....so it was a challenge finding food that was non-spicy for her as we couldn't speak korean & not all places had english menus. Sometimes english menus were pretty sketchy & majority of the pple couldn't speak english. But the funny thing is, everywhere we go, they play english pop songs.

Okay....enough trip talk...going to zzzzzz now.....have to crawl up earlier tomorrow to make sandwiches for my girl to bring to school. She has excursion tomorrow....so in case she doesn't like the lunch provided, she can still munch on sandwiches. Gd nite, everyone!!


yup for the steak no need marinate or herbs! Taste very good on its own. If you want sauce the place also sells some of those. U can go check out. But I like it plain! shiok! Maybe will do steak this sat!


Nope did not go on Tower of Terror as the queue was very long and we were freezing our heads off that day! Was raining and blowing strong winds on that cold wintery Feb day!

Snoopy I stayed at the Sheraton Tokyo Bay on my trip. They have this promo 25000yen per night which includes a pair of adult disney tickets which is quite resonable as one adult ticket already cost 5800yen.

Thanks, babydes! I shall try it out soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good night mummies... The zzz monster seems to have caught me. Yawn...

Mummies, sorry for intrusion

I have 2 Clarins pdt given to me as a gift.

But i am not using it. These pdts are quite popular among preggies. You may check out the item @ Clarins counter in leading dept store.

1) Clarins Foot Beauty Treatment Cream

Retail Price: $43

Now Selling: $20 (Free JLO Body Lotion 20ml)


2) Clarins Stretch Mark Control

Retail Price: $75++

Now Selling: $35 (Free JLo Body Lotion 20ml)


Collection Point: TPY/Bishan/AMK

If postage, pay additional $1.50 (estimated)

If interested, please PM me!

morning mummies...

anyone gg to the baby fair this weekend??


Though we do not know the gender of our bb yet, we still can shop for things that are neutral. heard from my fren, there shld be maternity wear, dats y im considering to take a look..

morning ladies!

talking about trips... sigh...doubt my hubby will agree to any trips this year other than another trip back to SG. we went to hokkaido last year... really beautiful. i also had sashimi when i was in tokyo during my 2nd trimester when i had my son. But only 2 pieces... :p better than nothing!

my ears are very prone to being blocked these days. very sian...can't jump to clear it...

Good morning Ladies...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I might be dropping by and see whats the promotions like?need to get some baby wipes anyway[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will you be there?


I m just praying hard that my plan in Jun will not be cancel again!HB schedule always changed making my travel plan changed all the time too!cross my fingers![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Yea,and also nursing bra...those that i previously worn can be discard!

Last night went to bed early!but again,woke up in the middle of the night and stay awake till around 7am then nap awhile and now....tadaaaaa Im awake!Cant sleep anymore,gotta prepare brunch for dd before school....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond

I shld be dropping by to take a look.

Yawnz...Dun seems to get enuff slp no matter how long i slp...Duno wats wrong with me...

morning ladies,

i was going to post this in Stomp but since i'm really turned off by the "graciousness" of some Stompers, i'm going to post it here instead. so that we can all curse that the same thing happens to their future wives (hopefully they're not gay though) hahahaa..

this chap here automatically goes to sleep mode when i boarded the train.. how convenient..


hee hee..read ur posts abt japan and trips..

i oso went to stay in tokyo for close to 2 weeks just a mth ago.. contemplated abt confirming my preg before gg but in the end i tested first.

so of cos there goes my onsen! but i still ate sashimi! also had it at tsukiji fish mkt.. its really good.. how to pass it up! but datz the only time i had sashimi in japan.. rest of the time i had cooked food. i oso went disney sea but me and hubby did not take any of the rides.. me cannot for obvious reasons (plus i'm timid) and the queues were too long so hubby did not want me to wait too long alone.. only went to those shows at mermaid lagoon etc..

i felt quite ok in japan save for a few times when i felt indigestion and nauseousness. vomited once near end of trip and on plane ride home. hee.. =p

but after i come back, MS worsen.. to abt 2-3 times a week till now.. the whole time before i went japan and including japan, i probably puked abt 5 times only. (0_0)

my next appt with HK Ho is next sat! can't wait to see how's bb doing.. =) one scan per mth is really too long.. =s

i think a video wld be even funnier! to see him glance at you then suddenly close eyes to pretend with the mouth slightly ajar seemingly asleep. muhahaha!


what an idiot. i really hate those who pretend to sleep just to secure their own seats! if i see any, i will also post their pics here.


still haven't confirm whether go for the fair or not. see how bah. if go don't think will buy any stuff for baby yet, unless really see some irresistible promos! hee hee!


u going to japan soon, so envy. Last few weeks ago, i told hb i want to go Japan and the answer is ok can but must wait till kids is slightly bigger and dump them at my uncle's hse while we go tour during year end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


U shld tell him to give the seat to u by telling him that this is reserve for preg woman like u. Make him malu also feel gd.hahaha

morning! talk abt the fair.. anyone can suggest what we first time mum can start to see and buy? no idea where to start from since dunno bb sex yet.

melissa, lol! he thought sleep with mouth a bit open looks real issit?

ladies, i'm sress. I'm almost 16 weeks and while my tummy is starting to show, my face is bloated and round as well. I've gained 3 kg to date. I think all went to my cheeks. And my bro is getting married this weekend. So scared to take pictures! Any fast remedy? Wondering if applying bronzer helps contour e face a bit..

Hi All,

It's been a month since i come here.

How's everyone?

I'm going on my 16 Wks and seeing my gynae and bb tonight.

Till now, i still can't feel any baby movement.

I read some of you also.

Is this normal?

And also wondering if i can check on the gender tonight haha!! I hope so!

Hi Good morning all,

Have been quite moody seen yesterday morning. Not sure why ... Just dun feel like talk to other ...

By the way, anyone can tell me where is the fair?

yeah ladies just put their pictures here. if it happens to be our brothers or relatives or friends (touch wood hopefully we have gracious members), then give them a piece of your mind.


his earphone is quite loud actually. i don't want to end up speaking to a wall.. haizz.. i think the kid beside him knows i'm taking his pictures, b'cos i took the time to aim my hp to get the best quality and to find angles where you know he's sitting at the priority seat! nowadays it's the college-going teens who're ungracious!


hey don't be afraid to take photo lah. it's not always that your brother gets married! haha. you MUST be in the picture. yes i agree engage in a professional or salon for makeup! and get tips from them where is the best angle to take your photo. you can also practice in front of the mirror. if you have long hair, it's a lot easier to conceal your puffy cheeks. just let it down. most importantly, smile and look confident. with family members, they don't care how you look! they see through you!


if this is your first baby 16 weeks is still a bit early to feel baby. earliest is 18 weeks! you're not far off. just need a little bit more patience [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies if you're sitting in the office chair, try leaning forward sometimes in a position where you're "squashing" the baby. sometimes u can feel it kicking you hehehe.. i'm sure princess diamond has done this many many times before! :p

marrissa: i think u can use hair style to cover your face partially if u're really conscious.. bronzer might not be as effective.. or u can try both togets!

envy u! only put on 3 kg so far.. i'm now entering 15th week and i oredi put on like close to 4kg! all on hips, arms, tummy.. =_=


well done gurl!How sick to see this fella sat on the priority seats....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]Go post it in Stomp..one day i must purposely take public transport just to catch this kind of idiots!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If this is your first pregnancy,it can be lil early or you to feel your bb moves...usually you will be certain by week20..Don't worry too much k..

If you are not afraid,try melissa's an my method of Squashing our lil one!ahahhaha..maybe you might feel it..good luck!


Can also go and see see look look mah...

I need to go to grab some diapers and wipes![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]maybe do a lookout if there's any nursing bra or new stufffs ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies

Melissa then the kid beside him never offer the seat also?! Aiyo...

I already put on more than 4kg! Dont care after delivery then worry abt how to lose.. =P

Now I will enjoy my steaks, korean food, mashed potato first!

Melissa: Same experience I had. Terrible ppl these days. These boys go thru NS rite? If they are trained to carry a heavy field pack, they can jolly well stand for a few stops! Hahaha Im using it back on the idiot who suggested pregnant ppl shld go army for training. :p

Anyway yest one young chap infront of me keep looking at my tummy then automatically fall asleep! But got one malay lady very nice... she was sitting about 6 seats away from where I was standing, called out for me and offered me the seat. I'm really grateful to people like her.

thanks ladies for the suggestions!

melissa, i tried squashing my baby (sounds wrong ah..), din feel anything.

pearlyn, 3kg and 4 kg not much diff.. i'll prolly catch up with u soon. At 1st I was stressed up with this weight gain, then it turns out 3-4kg by 16 weeks is not much. Even my gynae not bothered by my weight. Never even mention anything since 1st appointment. But mine goes more to tummy, face and boobs.

Yest I went to seamstress, she was measuring my chest, looked at my boobs and asked.. why so big ah?? aiyoh auntie, i pregnant la. but yah, i went from a B to C cup.. eeeps!!

babydes, yah now actually is the best time to indulge. me too been eating. but then again im quite discipline, I only eat when im hungry.. no snacking. But when i eat I always go for good food.. burgers, steaks, fries, mashed potatoes (i luv popeyes mashed potatoes!) *paiseh*

My mom told me she gained 30kg during pregnancy.. kg, not pounds! she said she ate to her hearts content. Naturally she enjoys eating and this is the only time she doesn't have to diet or feel guilty. But then after giving birth, she worked really hard to shed off excess weight

Wow! Marrissa, really must saluate to your mom! I doubt i will be able to shed off so much excess weight.. am already lazy to exercise before preggie.

How i miss indulging in food, but everytime i eat too full, the puking will automatically wait at gantry lor.. waiting to puke out anytime. I hate that! initally my comfort food is potatoes, now change to eggs. heehee..


give him a pat on his shoulder then tell him to give up his seat. see i so evil hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiyoh why mention popeyes mashed potatoes, now make me crave for that.

Just went to weigh myself, 2kg increase [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me snack on fruits, white chocolate, potatoes chip.

Teong, me too.. i can't eat too much now, esp soupy stuff. I think my stomach content shrunk or what. I can't even finish the normal bowl of noodles. I tried finishing up yest, felt so full like stomach want to burst. I couldn't take it and puked.

yaya, the best i eat is only 3/4 of the meal. anything more, that's it! only a few rare occassion that i manage to finish the whole pack of char siew rice. keke..

Re: squashing baby

i just did that. felt a tiny little kick, but that's all. maybe baby's sleepy. heh heh!! sometimes i even feel him/her tumbling around doing gymnastics inside. feel so weird and amazing at the same time. oh, sometimes i also purposely lie on my tummy to see if i can feel anything. :p

feel like having some hot and sour sze chuan veg soup! will have this for lunch later..

now in 2nd trimester, my appetite is crazy. can feel hungry every 2 hours or less. yesterday afternoon i had one large bowl of fish porridge and fruit juice at 1pm. at 3.30pm i had 2 curry puffs (medium sized ones) then at around 5pm, i had 2 slices of bread with cheese! by 7pm, i was starving!! i had my duck rice and bubble tea at 8.30pm plus a big glass of milk before i went to bed. anyone else here pigging like me? i can't help it! when hungry is really like starving kind. thinking back, i'm kinda disgusted at the way i am eating!

starrymommy: haha I was like that too in my 1st trimester. But dunno why in 2nd trimester my apptite went down the drain. everyday dunno what to eat. eat also nv eat much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


starrymommy, that's normal! some of my preggy friends are like that. 2nd tri constantly craving and hungry every 2 hrs. most of them didn't gain during 1st tri. 2nd tri is when they boomz.. heh

