(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Ccpet> Chrissy was the one who found Autumnz I think. I don't use milkbags but just happen to know of the BP cos got nursing bras from there

abt BPA-free, pretty much all the plastic stuff I use for baby is BPA-free, cos almost all plastic baby products on the market nowadays are BPA-free, even milkbags


Tigerlily, ny bb also dun sleep well after shifting back from PIL's to our own plc after confinement... But after few days he's ok alr.. Think all they need is time to adjust to new environment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sugarong and mummies,

My bb also not drinking well, is been a week, her daily intake is only 400 to 500 ml, but she shd be drink 600 to 750 ml base on her weight. How ah? Anyone has the same problem, how did you deal with it?


HI babe! Long time since our last chat :D HOw hv u been? Nan makes smelly poo poo?? Hahahaha so far still can tahan. I did try similac for her after 3wks of NAN ( thot fellow her kor kor to use similac) but she poo-ed like 6 times daily so after trying out the small tin we switched back to NAN. And her poo texture is not watery anymore and she poos once every 2 days. Poo is soft and alot, soaking the diaper each time.

Ur gal regurgitates alot? Sorry din follow all threads here so not sure if u mentioned it before. Hv u checked with the PD? Note the no of times of regurgitation, note if it's after feed and the time, the texture of it too. Can keep notes and c if there's a pattern. I notice if burp bb during half feed, she spits milk less. Don't put her down on bed immediately after feed so to ensure the milk is digested first. Once I fed my gal while still travelling in the car, she split milk out quite alot, Then on, I realise "MILKSHAKE" is not advisable. It can be lactose intolerance, for this u hv to check with PD. Hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gal also on milk strike, she used to drink 120ml now only down 60-80ml each time and al she wants is to slp and play [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Wats the qty of the bulk order required? in packets or cartons? I wanna take a carton but dunno whether can manage to collect them at Xmas gathering, with me, bb, stroller n diaper bag. lol..


West mummies gathering 16th Dec 2010








My ger drinking 120ml daytime n 150ml night time. Now she seem to prefer sleep and play too. So daytime only drink like 3-4 times n night 2 times.


Its in jurong. If too many mummies joining than will change to my hse instead of badfifi de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks MOms for the advice.

CCpet: Mine ger's nails oso v sharp. She keeps scratching herself and even bled abit.

HOw ar? File her nails? The rest of the moms were advising not to wear mittens liao...

Pomme: Paisei. I wont be going to twn soon. Am struggling with my assignment.M so dead. I bgt the one for 6 yr old children for my bb. Still loose but I think can sew or put safety pin.

Ebelle - Yikes, isn't that heart pain, gal some more... Regarding taking off mittens, I dunno, my mom said my bro & I wore mittens almost all the time because of the scratching problem, and I think we didnt turn out too badly... I take Daniel's mittens off only when I want him to feel stuff during "waketime".

Badfifi - i meant BPA free bottles for adults ;).


i m going back to work on 8/11/10 so baby must adjust to the daily traveling schedule soon. She is oso refusing milk now - i m feeling so upset now...haiz...

Hi Windy!

im an Oct mommy! my bb is also have reflux problem!Ive been trying to find the Enfalac AR(Anti Reflux) but to no avail. Can i know where u bought it from?Thanks dear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chewy, i used to gave my boy milkshake lor. Haha! No wonder hes drinking lesser n lesser.. I din know till d orchard gathering lor.. Now he finishes his milk and is taking about 5oz. ;)

Sab: u bf or fm? Rem no milkshake wor..

Tiger Lily: i think shes trying to adapt .. N now baby grow up le so they knw how to be afraid jus like when we carry them they will hold on to our hair or shirt for fear of falling.. New place so they r afraid.. Just try a few more days shld b fine lar.. Im shutting between my place n my mum's place every 3.5days also.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U can trim bb finer mails. I started since a week old cos nv let her wear mittens. Now on n off wearing mittens cos sometimes her hands feel cold.


oh no! HFMD! hope Xun gal is feeling better liao. awful to be sick. when you going back to work huh? I just started today... I actually feel liberated!! *bad mummy*


my hair loss for #1 occured at the 4th mth. wah the hair drops very easily, by running your hand thru the head, you can collect many strands of hair. i had 2 holes at my forehead. This time I am trying to prevent it by applying hair tonic and using hair loss shampoo. Hopefully not so scary. But the hair loss is temporary, they will grow back one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally i have time to come in after coming back from my trip. Been busy from day till night. How i missed the carefree times during the holiday. Now washing our winter clothes and still unpacking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I wanna sleep!

Sorry mummies, anyone can update me about the xmas gathering? I sort of scan thro the previous posts (din manage to read all) the colour to wear for mummies is either white, red or green right? How about baby? Everyone have to get the santa hat? For baby or mummies?


So sad... during my trip my boss called me to return to work but he have not yet gotten the approval from the big boss. If big boss agrees with it, I will have to go back to work next week. But no delay of maternity leave, they will pay me OT for the days that I have worked.

yao lan,

oh no... my christy is hooked on to yao lan. Without that she don't sleeps well, need to carry her in arms then she will sleep. Once she is on the bed, she will wake up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Had a hard time coaxing her to sleep in my uncle's place yesterday.

nail cutting,

mummies using nail cutter can use your fingers and "pull back the flesh of their tiny fingers" then cut the nails, my mum taught me this, every nail cutting session with christy I don't cut her accidentally. Best time to cut nails is when they are sleeping so they don't struggle a lot.


bb got romper if you have not collected then its with me. Mummy to come either in white, red or green. Mummies santa cap is optional if you want go get in daiso.

leo baby,

oh.. hehehe... ok ok. Oops is already tue today, I have not gotten it. Maybe let her change during the photo session. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies who were concern abt me> Sori I promise to post abt my health but super bz bz. So bz until whatever I bought at sitex (laptop and printer) still not open. Abt 2 wks plus back had a scare because I can feel a vein in my head pounding. As I had heard of a mummy who cared for her bb and got stroke so was super paranoid and immediately called for a ML to come relief my aching body. She massage me and comment that my body blood circulation is very bad. Sharp mummies would have notice my bruises in my arms at the buffet. Now I still have it. Those few days of pain in head I was like saying to myself lucky I had quite a fair bit of insurance (in case very difficult to buy more due to poor health) Aiyoh how can I as a financial planner not plan for myself. Anyway, I was telling Mango that a nearly 40 yrs engine (heart) of course more tired. Engine to pump blood maybe slower. I can only have time like now to do my own things. haiz.

missed a pump jus now so scrambling to pump at this time!

sab/chewy, my bb is also taking 400, 500ml everyday when she need 600-700ml (we also dun really dare to force milk on her cos sometimes she will merlion)....has been like this for 1 week plus....thur seeing pd so will see what he says...the last time we visit, he asks us to chart her intake and he wanna see against her growth...share with u again if pd suggest anything...

ccpet,ebelle, my gal also scratch herself if she dun wear mittens...worse, sometimes i catch her trying to grasp her face to the extend nearly kenna eye...so scared but we also wanna her to experiment with exploring her fingers..so now daytime, we let her go mitten-less and nitetime then wear mittens...

yvonne, what is "milkshake"? swirl the milk considered ma?

chrissy, u doing stand chart run? i wanna do this yr but gynae says start running oni after 3 months fr birth so LLnext yr then join....we can go tog ;p

leo_baby, do take care wor....haf u consulted dr or jus ML? maybe u shd see a dr to get peace of mind? hope the pain and brusies go away soon...


Yes, pls share with me. I did ask my pedi before, he does not see it as a concern, he said bb sometimes drink more and sometimes drink less, just like us. But when I further insisted that she has not not drinking the amount she should and if it could be due to other reason. He gave me that "look", that I told you already look.

I even told him at bb got ear infection previously and he e examined and say ok nothing. But another pedi wrote me letter to see specialist. So my this pedi is veey relax sort. We going to stick to him for one year, since he is bb doc from birth and we following his guideline for jabs, troublesome to change now.

So, I going to find the reason myself and via research. Maybe. I am paranoid myself, after all may not be really a big problem, but I just concern over her intake as I want her to growth healthy and strong as mine is a preterm bb, the more I am worried for her.

sab, totally understand where u coming from. before this pd, was also using the pd from birth but personally dun like the way she is....so we jus changed...jus saw him once and we feel he is so assuring....so am looking forward to our appt to see how my gal is progressing against her intake...what i can say is its not troublesome to change pd...jus follow ur heart...and find someone u are comfortable with so u could stick to one...initially i also haf the same concern abt the jab thingy etc but with the health booklet, pds will be able to advise what jabs to take...


Emilee is also a pre-term. Moreover her wt gain is so slow that her stay in the hosipital is extended by 1 week just to gain to 2kg so that she can discharge.

Seems that pre-term bb is more difficult to feed. Emilee has her fair share of milk strike too. Im trying to be v zen abt it. When she is not drinking enough, i will dream feed her at nite when she is gong gong...

My concern abt preterm is jabs. Jabs should be given accordingly to weight not age. Emilee supposed to take her BCG and Hep B upon discharge, we delay her Hep B till week 2 as her wt is only 1.98kg, though the PD said is ok.

Emilee has 2 docs, we are seeing the neonatalist at NUH for jab only and other matter with Dr Lim.

hi mummies, want to know how you deal with the fist sucking... should we encourage it/ put in pacifier / take out the fist? thanks


I just allow her to suck for her comfort. They r at the stage of exploration. TO baby... "a.. my fist is something new i can play with.... "

Emilee likes to play with her saliva too...


stroke is v scary indeed, esp after watching yday Dream Potter, can occur even in sleep

do take care !

Thumb suckling

taking it out whenever she does it and when i see it =)


haha, the pic u post is v hilarious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


kyra is getting skinnier, think her intake also v jialat cso when we bottle feed her the expressed milk lately, she is taking way way beyond that of a 3 months old. we are still feeding like 50ml and she may not even finish


paiseh, miss ur qn ..it is Kai ra ")


glad that ur #1 has recovered fr HFMD ! beginning of this year, both mine kenna and it was terrible..so far like once a year. last year also kenna..think unavoidable in childcare


usually i will estimate like if i will be at home, and there is an extra bottle..i will freeze..

but think now got no such prob cos my supply is dipping.

so when i go back to work, will probably supplement with FM

PS:anyone caught this very "funny" commercial abt how this gal was kidnapped, then ran over by lorry, still go back to watch her Love

gosh, actually miss this , lucky got see archive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

West mummies gathering 16th Dec 2010







7) pinkyluv


I saw it at the NTUC finest opposite parkway parade, near the multistorey carpark with Roland restaurant upstairs. Not sure if other NTUC finest carries it.


wah... 4th month than drop. Maybe I shld wait a bit longer before thinning my hair. Sculy thin already than it start to drop!


I go to different PDs for jabs and consultation. The PD for jab has a shorter queue as I see no point in queuing just for a jab.


Are you the Chris who join the PS at Windy house?

Leo baby

Take care, ya I know what you mean. Is very texting for us. My mum always said she could do all housework, hand wash queen size bed sheet when she is expecting me, and even ride bike. But I am like so "weak/lousy". I told her, that is becos she was only 24 when expecting me and I am 32 when I am expecting Charlotte!!! Cannot compare lor.

mummyprincess, seems like dr lee at the round market there is quite good in tamp? am seeing dr lim of kinderclinic (parkway east hosp) now...he also practices in mt A

pinkyluv, ur kyra oso on milk strike ah? but at least she doubled her birth weight at 2 months + right?


Last last week, I went to my cousin baby shower. We put our babies on her bed for their napping. Mine is three month old and hers is one month old. Her old relatives mistaken mine has her one month old baby. My mum said, seriously cannot tell who is one month and who is three month old! I took a long stare and analyze hard, yeah they both look the same. Sad man!

And a few occasion, mine was mistaken by people as the full month baby, sigh, these people are so funny... Haha..

