(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

WEST SIDE MUMMIES' GATHERING> my place is in Bukit Panjang, but we may have to go to Weiting's place in Jurong West in the end. my sofa is the wooden, chinese (cheena) type, not very baby friendly... plus the living room is a bit cluttered with my stuff and baby stuff. the plus point is that if the 3 gym-type things i have on rental now are still ard by then, your babies can take turns to try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we confirm venue later?

sab> come! i wanna see charlotte!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hair drop,

Hair will start dropping only abt 4th month, not straight after giving birth. That happended to me... sign

Westside mummies gathering

My only chance to join gathering as on leave that day. hope to see more mummies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh, hi Chris [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dropping hair - I thinking of doing rebounding end dec before I go back to work.

Will be putting baby in infant care in 16 days time. I will miss every second we spend together at home.

Sugarong & Sab> ya lor my bb must carry then will sleep. only at nite dont need. so tiring that why whole body ache. my bb milk intake also lower now. I can store 300ml per day so he takes only abt 600 to 700ml. PD says as long ratio above 100 is ok. meaning 100*wtg=qty of milk then ok.

pinky> what is this dream potter think? scary thing like the one windy post i will not see one. ya me had to work n do a lot of things so tired easily. moreover i m the full time caregiver my helper never take care of rei at home one. As partially I don’t want she cannot multitask type leh.

Something to share> Because of my ache I revisited my chiropractor and he stress that I must not allow bb to use those sit type walker. I have been opposing this idea to hubby for the longest time with website info and all website only stress on safety issue and my hubby say safety just watch lor. so i could not convince him out of the idea but that day my chiro just say only he accepted. Chiro say that there is a main vein in the thigh and body joint which will be very much compress by the walking action and can cause serious health issue so with this note hubby guay guay listen. lucky never buy walker yet.

Tigerlily> my boy also start to recognize ppl and environment a lot now. Sunday hubby wanted to train marathon run and I want to go sitex so had to bring helper to granny's plc near sitex. the moment I left HR in helper hand and want to leave, he blew the whole house down. The moment hubby carry he quiet. I had not been giving my helper to handle HR for a long while and he also resisted her. Talking abt my helper recently also a lot of unhappy things with her. First time I see my HR cry so loud. My granny n mummy straight away wanted to give HR honey. Luckily I am still around and I had to stop them. This is the first time I let my mum n granny have close contact with HR & all the old folks practise comes in. My mum still reason with me say last time they also give lah, only abit lah sweet sweet taste lah. In the first plc both reason are wrong they not suppose to have anything sweet (other then medicine) secondly honey is not good for bb stomach before yr 1. Aiyoh, my hubby see already cannot do anything. He always feel that my family side has too many -ve things not gd for bb. I do agreed. My elders are all loud speakers so probably HR got shock and there was a dog there that bark at anything. My hubby theory is that bb got every gd sensing power so things or ppl that not good he will cry. My poor elders never got to carry him in the end. When HR sees my chiropractor he smiles a lot.

Abt My helper> I was just telling tigerlily I seldom wash car so helper doesn’t have fix schedule to go wash car type but fri I sent her down and an hr plus still not back. I had intuition something not right and hubby still side helper say my car very dirty (I always upset with hubby for always siding her). I went down and found her missing. I shifted car back from the wash bay and came back told hubby. Hubby went down to find. While hubby is still looking for her my helper came back. I look at what she does in the kitchen but never ask her yet. Hubby back then I question her. She said she go 1st flr walk walk then come up. I didn’t believe her so I ask again and I warn her that I can chk around and I will know the truth. She still insist. My intuition came in again to chk her wash pail and I pretended to chk for the first time what she use to wash my car. I actually saw the money inside a cloth but pretended didn’t see and walk off to tell my hubby. Went back to helper gave her one more chance to tell the truth and then she confess that she went to 7-11 with the new myammar helper in the unit downstair. She said that helper came and look for her at washing bay which I know its a lie as who would know you are washing unless you bump into her. Then which owner would allow their helper to go and buy pananoid for 1 hr. Actually next day I went to my neighbour and realise that they went holiday and left two helpers at home. Still not sure what my helper said if its the truth but also had a lot of small thing not happy with her and had to tell her that hey you have been here 1 yr plus not just why still... small object in her hands she can drop on floor and happen to be cotton that cleans my boy and mitten which my boy will bit. Drop never mind but wanting to use cotton clean my boy mouth n let my boy use the mitten. I was so upset had to tell her off.

Leo baby,

It really sounds scary, I send off my prev maid of two months during my last few days of confinement. It was really tough after which bt I didn't regret cos sometimes their attitude really terrible. My new maid now of 3 weeks work quite ok, bt I guess we all have to close one eye if not we will b so pissed. I have yet to catch her for such things like ur maid,bt I knw she is also the smart type, will do stuff behind me one... Anyway, my hubby also like urs, or rather most men all like that, they think we r over sensitive n suspicious, machiam like we picking on the maid, wat they dun hv is our intuition n sixth sense n good analytical skills n observation for such small details..

Chris my hair also start to drop le i tink.. this morning i comb my hair and a bunch came off.. wanna CRY la.. didnt happen to me last pergnancy... zzz


I really tempted to go for the xmas party leh, did u mention babyt going by cab?can share cab is it?I kinda worried if going alone with baby cos dunno I can handle anot, btw,how long is the whole party gonna last?where can I find the details on the party?

P.s: calling out for babyt..where r u staying? If I wanna join, can I go with u?


relax... that the things with foreigh helpers. I employed one so that i can be more in control of how i want to bring up my children. I dun want to rely on my MIL too much. I work fr home on fri. Emilee only goes over on tues and sometime wednesday as my hb work from home mostly. When brigton is still a baby, i switched to flexi time, working half day daily. Onces, he reached 18th mth, i sent him to cc. My MIL is unhappy abt it, said that brig is so pitiful to be send to school so young... etc etc..

Get your stand right fr Day 1 will make things easier in long run. For emilee, i have lesser conflict with my MIL, cos she knows my stand.

You are right, walker is bad fr baby. Baby dun need a walker to learn how to walk


Hair dropping....

My turn came liao. Today I was combing my hair after bathe... N when I was done, I swear there's at least 20-30 strands on my comb!!!!!! See Liao so heartache.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Aiyo... Y ur mama 乱乱来 one ah. First time hear pple say bb cry then feed honey. U r rite abt honey.. They r too small to be fed honey.

Thaz y I also v scare to leave my bb in the old folks' hand. My mil is the kind that dare to anyhow feed. My mama can tell me straight in the face "if I look after Mik, I dun care... I'm going to do this n that MY WAY!!!"


yupz, a month ago i was still v pleased lor :p

yday hubby and me were looking at Kyra and we start commenting she is skinnier..sad


dream potters is showing on channel 8 every mon fr 8-9pm. features those less fortunate in the society n how their dreams r fulfilled

honey is poisonous for those below one. there is a term for it, start with b


i like wat jrgal type abt men in general towards maid..guys lack the 6th sense and our women intuition =)

the elder folks

my mum is 59 n she does not follow those olden ways..thanks goodness..v grateful to her and glad

that her thinkings is modernized. alto she does not surf net, she will read the papers n share with me things relevant to bringing up the kids


never use b4 for my kids, went for polyclinic weaning class and they dun recommend it, mentioned in slides


always keep my fingers crossed when i need to get a new maid, honesty is the most impt. slow nevermind


have not weigh since 2nd month lor..last wt was 5 plus at 2nd month


def will turn up to support :p wana meet u & Jayden ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking abt Car Wash

come to think of it, over the past 5 years, no maids has washed the hubby's car yet, dun noe why always ended up in commercial car wash

Pinky> my mum read alot of newspaper one lor yet can give honey. She always laugh at me no knowledge yet her knowledge also don't know go where always in n out. Newspaper always write a lot abt scam yet she n my dad can kanna scam. So I also don't know what to say

Pinkyluv: yeaa excitrd to meet u too!! N of cos kyra.. Jayden so far hasnt made frens with bb girls yet! He met all baby boys! Lol

hair loss,

*gulp* I am sooo not looking forward to it. very gek sim one. Hopefully my hair tonic i am applying now can reduce it. *keep fingers crossed* I did my rebonding and hair colour liao. If my hair start to drop i wont dare to do rebonding. One pull of the straightener will be damn jia lat.


Pinkyluv sure put her kyra beside ur jayden to match make de lo. she already does tat to all the other bb boys in our grp~! :p


Actually my mum also mention abt giving bb drink honey but i jus tell her its too early nw than she nv say anything so i assume she understand ba.

leo baby, just check my email this morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take good care of yourself, don't tired out.

badfifi, thanks for the link!

Sab: Which one u sending r bb to? I oso sending mine but in Feb but goto let her try out in mid Jan. I am already feeling sad about it. Just went on Mon to double check on the centre. I made 2 bookings but just decided on the one near my place though I actually prefer the one near my work.

Chris: Where do u stay? Which area r u looking at?

BBs on milk strike:

My Pd oso say they got their ups and downs as well as over all gaining wt, it's ok. My bb oso on strike for a few days. Last nite woke up extra times for milk. Today much better, that's after a sudden increase in pooing, despite not drinking and alot alot of farting...maybe it's air in their tumms?? Hope she will continue to drink and not go back on strike. So sad when she cant drink...I v scared she lose wt...

Giving honey,

Based on memory, it is DANGEROUS to give honey to bbs below 1yr. It might trigger a serious allergy reaction which is life threatening. Go google it ... So pls be firm when old folks suggest giving honey.

West side gathering. me me! I missed the last one coz was sick.

Milk strike, how come so many bbs on milk strike? Mine is also not drinking alot. I give her 140 - 150 ml per feed. Most of the time left 10 - 20 ml but sometimes can finish. Just now left 50 ml! Sim tia... ... but because she only drinks 5 times a day bo bian... ... got to give more per feed.


Pls check wit babyt. Dunno how she go. Details can check wit her as well. Let me know if u gg. I bring the warmers for u.

Hi Leo baby & Sugar Ong

Regarding Stand chart run.

I'm going with a fren but she forgot to collect her race pack!! I dont wanna run alone so if she's unable to collect last min, I dont think I will run alone...

And yes, I run yearly if I have khaki, so why not?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I delivred on Aug 28th and Gynae gave me a go ahead... Anyway, I have been running after 1.5 months but now I have stopped cuz very difficult to get someone to look after my baby.. sigh..


I have bad news!! I'm being activate back to work frm thurs till wed which means I wont be able to make it on fri for the party already! Temp gal gona take one week urgent leave so no choice I have to be back at work....


If u are interested to go to the party maybe u check with Leo baby or babyt see if u can take over my place since I guess they already made the necessary arrangements

West gathering

I'm interested to go.... But can I bring my both A along?


haha, exactly wat is on my mind..i was thinking if at ur house with the love cushions , i will continue matchmaking Part 2 =P


oh no ! poor u

talking abt marathon n run

my sis joined A Dog Marathon last sun with 400 owners n dogs i heard..

at 1st i tot i heard wrongly, din noe she likes to run..our family all no stamina ones

Standard Chartered Marathon - wah! So many onz mommies! Isn't that quite a long run? I'm only aiming for JPMorgan Corp Challenge 5km in May. And for those who are breastfeeding, erm, do u all get new sports bra? 'Cos it feels weird to run these days, got extra bounce if u know what i mean... Ok maybe it's just my excuse.

Helper - I just left my newborn with my helper alone to fetch hb to work. Did that twice before and it was fine. But today, I felt like something not right when I came home today.. hmm, will monitor.

Weiting: HAHAHA!! Ok noted!! eh mayb the elder J also coming along.. cos i tink he iwll feel jealous tt i bring didi out without him =x

jessica: i wish i stay near NEX too.. big big malls i like! sian of compass pt liao. HAHA! btw i going for ding tai fung this evening.. like FINALLY! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So spoilt mood one....Can't they just wait another 3 weeks I will report back again!!!


Seems like Nex is a nice mall to spend money kekeke but too bad I stay too far away ...no chance to go there walk walk unless I go my auntie hse


adelynn and bubbleling> bring ur #1s! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


booking booking. I want the dvd, please. How much? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I can understand how you feel about returning to work. My turn coming soon. Feel like the maternity leave is being cut abruptly.


Kyra will have a lot of boyfriends to choose. hahaha...

jessica: haha i tink i call and make reservation better la! mth end closing how to knock off early! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PAGING FOR BUBBLELING - the gift exchange will go as planned since you already bought the present le... Can u liaise with the west side mummy who stays near u then u can pass her ur present... And also after that she can pass u A2's gift too...

Jrgal - I'm staying at Compassvale link... But I got to reach by 10am...

just finish my call with boss, I will start work next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Don't know how long I have to work, according to him, I only work half day (good news). Like that I don't have to throw away too much of my milk when pump out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies,

Sorry for diverging, but I still have a couple of extra new Sophie The Giraffe baby teething toy to clear, extra gifts from the baby shower. They are still in their original, sealed packaging. It's made with 100% natural rubber and food paint and squeaks when pressed. It's durable, safe and this toy has been around since 1961. My little one enjoys playing with it since 3 months old. I'm sure yours will too..

I'd like to clear them at $28 each, postage included or COD at convenient locations.

Please PM or email to [email protected]

Many thanks and good health everyone!

Jessica> yes pls get the labels.

Growth spur> base on EDD today suppose to be Rei's 3 mth. He make so much noise that I no choice push him my nn and he finish one side. His last feed was just 2 hrs ago and like what bb wise book says abt the 45 min intruder during spur. Mins after he make noise again and i gave him the other side he finish the other side too. thot he will not drink end up drink more than the usual bottle of 120ml because I know my pump of both side is more than 120ml.

Rei slept thru the nite> Last nite he slept 12 hrs without wake accept that he suck his finger at abt 6 plus this morning and since never make noise I let him continue sleeping. Yesterday, he slept thru 11 hrs also wih thumb sucking at 6 plus but not aggitation so also never pick him up. Hushlibb I pick him up previously as i know it is his new habit of hunger indication but seems like can still tahan leh no cry or fuss base on last 2 nites. so actually can sleep thru one. He had been sleeping long hrs wks ago but last 2 nites was record breaking

