(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Hi Leobaby, how often do u feed Rei?

The babywise book says to feed in 3 hr cycle even when bb sleep thru the night right? Or maybe i interpret wrongly? Tx!


CCpet> at this stage I dont need to feed at nite. only day time 3 hrly. at nite only when he wakes and cry of milk. Now he sleep thru so don't need to feed. upon wake, I bath him then feed so when wake he is actually very hungry one but still let him bath first. train patience

jessica: CRY!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Leo baby,

Hey u take care man! And you still helping to plan the Xmas party and coord the romper purchase n collection! Thanks for all the hard work!

West mummies gathering 16th Dec 2010








8) BBL (if its at weiting place)

badfifi no offense to you..cos weiting place is nearer to mine..if at yr place i cant go..cos cant handle my bb if taking mrt..

OP> its just my old problem surfacing again after taking care of bb. During pregnancy I was ok. Well am helping to ensure this xmas party will be a great one. Of course in order to make this party great we have all of your participation involved. :)

West mummies gathering 16th Dec 2010








8) BBL (if its at weiting place)


weiting, yes, now is all new blks already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

west mummies gatherings, usually the gathering is what time?

Hello mummies,

Its DEC lioa! time past soo fast! Supposed to be back to work 2wks time, but think going to take A/L to cover 1 week as the last week of Dec is forced shutdown for us. Thinking of gg back to work soo sian. But actually quite grateful that its 4mths ML, during #1 time was only 3mths.

Was feeling super upset that my house electricity tripped when I was back at my hometown. My frozen packets of milk turned into slurpee when I came back. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Think about 15packets, not many but its really all my hard work as my supply just slightly more than the demand.


I also finally employed a helper. She's a 6mths transfer case. I was always adviced against transfer cases but the agent said she not bad (hope tats true and not their usual sales pitch) and that her previous employer had 2 maids and the first one kept badmouthing this one. I find her quite okie when I talk to her. Dunno la.. since I no experience in this area. Will collect her next week. Hope she is ok coz I heard too many horror stories liao.

Parents taking care of bb

4 years ago, I asked my parents whether wanna come over to Sg to take care of #1. Looking back, sometimes I regret it. Living together is not easy (since I didnt live with them for almost 10years before that), and most jialat was clashes due to differing methods of bringing up baby. But the plus point is that no worries abt baby being 'mistreated', and we could leave baby at home with them anytime. Got pros and cons. If I could turn back time, I am not sure if I woulf have done the same thing.

Chrissy, I signed up for standard chartered too =)

Actually I signed up for 21km but stamina hit rock bottom after giving birth so exchange for a 10km bib with a fren. I started brisk walk & slow jog after 1st month but stamina & core strength is still very weak. Arrghh. Are you doing 10km too?

Leo baby,sab, Jacqueline, babyt n bubbleling,

I m sorry, dun think can go already. My Beverly n I both got the flu virus from my hubby after he taken flu vaccine, juz brought little Beverly to dr yesterday nite.. Nw she got cough n runny nose.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


got ur msg ....will pass my gift to weiting tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pai seh so last min..cos i just got the call frm my manager yday ...spoil my mood ....sianz!

u gt my number rite? we communicate thru hp lo. easier to meet up than. Oh ya, btw my mum will be goin wif mi too. :D

Leo: Can u share how u train ur bb to zz tru? Mine bb still wakes up once a nite[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

Ebelle> I would play with him after 9pm feed don't let him sleep. Last feed at 12am give a solid feed. Then let him sleep. Sometimes in the nite when they wake is habitual but not necessary they need to be fed. You have to see. sometimes they just make a bit of noise they will go back to sleep so don't go and pick them up. If your bb is on pacifer give it to him and they will suck and go back to sleep. Slowly they will tune to their new timing.

Hi mummies,

sorry to disturb..

i have Lamaze - space symphony motion gym

condition 9.5/10

to let go at $35

keen pls sms me at 90283209 Thanks

Hi Jeslyn

I have a wedding in the eveing.. still thinking shud I, or shud I not go.. I am going 10km.. but I have not trained AT ALL.... so abit nervous... I know i will end up walking... LOL!!

u going alone??


U have FB??


I live in woodlands! lol

but im not going for xmas gathering.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe will bump into u one day

Hi Jeslyn

Ive just contacted my fren, she's gonna collect tmr.... so yes! I am going for my 10km run!!! i hope i can make it... LOL after that stil have wedding dinner to attend to..

I m up for my pump. My bb rejecting bottle. Latch her twice before she goes to lala land - 6:45pm to 7:15pm & 9:15pm to 10:15pm. She refuse to take bottle at all. could it be she knows that I am going back to work next wk. Chiam ah... like that how to go back to work next wk.

Leo baby

I can bring ice box along but how big u need? I got 3 size . I will measure the size tmr then u tell me which size is ok. Is for bm right?

Block nose

When do we need to bring bb to pd to do nose suction ? I worry that the mucus will get into his lung again but I also don wan to keep going bk to do suction.


I clear bb nose once every 2 days. Her pi sai is really big lor. I use the nose sucker thing. I always do it when she is in good mood or after her feed or when she is half asleep. Maybe becos I have been doing it since her first month, she dun struggle but will let me do it. Honestly, I enjoy doing this for her then helping her cut her nails, which I find it more tough.

chrissy, jesslyn and other mummies gg for the stand chart run....maybe lets organise one for the mummies the next run....if the thread is still alive next dec...keke

chrissy, u mean u haf wedding dinner tml nite or the nite of stand chart run? i haf wedding dinner tml nite...scarely we haf common fren...haa

Phyphy> Ice box for BM can also. My intend is to chill the coke that everyone loves. Will be buying bottled coke and want to serve it chill.

Tigerlily> will gal will eventually accept bottle when she is hungry. your mum will probably struggle with the initial first few feed but will be ok so don't worry.

I finally had time to open my new lappy last nite but was multitasking so many things that left my 160ml EBM outside till this morning. Helper told me and put in fridge. Aiyo I so heartache heat up the milk to taste see if can still drink and actually it still taste ok. Asked hubby and he says throw. so sad....

leobaby, super long sleep de! my DS was waking up 1x, but last two nights 3x! think it's bcos we let him drag daytime feeds to 3.5-5 hrs? jialat, and just heard fr office that boss wants me back earlier.

if he wakes up at nite when i start work alredi, that's tiring!


10am for 16 Dec sounds good, not too hot :p


anyone taking the condo bus tmr ? Leobaby, how is the frequency like ?


Adelynn will be cuming from east side so maybe can make it abit later(ard 12noon) so she dun need to wake up so early?

ccpet> for the EQ wet wipes, cos the mummies who want to order will not be going for the Xmas gathering, i'll have them delivered to my place in bukit panjang. however, it won't be in time for the xmas party. would you want to 1) pick-up from my place 2)get 2 packs from my current stash (i got it at the same price) or 3) cancel order

Pls let me know ur decision. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

West side mummies' gathering> I also vote for ard noon timing. Btw, if no objections, and no explosion in numbers, we have it at my place?

BBL> come lah! Maybe share a cab with another mummy? My place not that accessible by MRT/LRT anyway cos after reaching LRT station still must walk.

Any place is ok for mi. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBL> Maybe u can share cab wif mi?

