(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

sarahmay> yup, i cleared the design of the messenger bag with my husband. he's ok with most basic designs and colours, so long not obviously gu-niang, can liao...

he was so amused when we were dating, cos i REFUSED to let him carry any of my bags (even if they were very heavy), unless they were unisex...

durian buffet> hmm, a durian buffet or even a choc buffet in aug may not be that advisable cos it may be um, too near EDD... so may just have to save that for after our babies all arrive...

sugar> wah, your gynae's so nice! mine is also quite "can"...even her consultation room looks like a sitting room! and she makes everything sound really easy too...

eating durians> argh, i am a bit scared of seeing isaac's weight when i next visit the gynae... and of seeing his tummy!!! his tum-tum is really round as a ball liao!


hi sarahmay, the spree link u pasted on the showergel dont seems to work. can give the link again, I am keen to buy the product.

If we use herbs water to bathe ourselves, we still must use normal showergel/shampoo to cleanse our body and hair, then rinse off with herbal water, right? .


I'm here since Fri... Leaving mon afternoon.


I went check out H&M, they having sale now, so I bought clothes for my kids... Only 1 dress for me... Ke lian rite?

Difficulty in walking too long...

I realised I can't walk too long nowadays. Mei mei will b super pain.. Have to walk like Lao Ah Mmm now. I think even Lao

Ah Mmm can walk faster than me!!

Dun know it's due to food or wat, just now my tummy was super cramp (on n off pain)... Plus with the mei mei pain... Had a werid thot just now "will I give birth now?" I guess I'm scaring myself.. :p

now at hotel resting liao...

Mango - I oso cannot walk too long esp. climbing up stairs. My legs will be so weak & heart pumping super fast. Could it be my weight. At wk29 I already put on 12kg.


i think hong is v nice esp the dim sum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..my last tripto HK was so long ago in 2003..

badfifi & windy

no problem =)


sounds great ") and now i got craving for Tao..

v hungry lor...just ate 3 bananas..now thinking of microwaving some frozen dim sum or frozen sunshine pizza

PS: happy it was my mum overseas and not me & hb..cos my eldest came down with high fever..just finished medication & sponging her...lucky i already applied leave for the next 5 days as well..hb also going to take leave tmr in case need to go A & E


durian party i am going in late july..with some friends hehe

chocolate buffet i m actually v keen..but last gathering one of the mummies told me tat bb will kenna fever if i ate too much heaty food in the last few weeks..

so now must reconsider liao


I have also 3 durain to myself and there is still one more box left. Hope my skinny Travis will put on some weight.


I actually plan to go but HD work schedule can't make it so end up going batam

My gal lately have been very sticky to me also like to act pityful .thinking it mind be my tummy getting bigger n I beingtelling her abt the arrival of no2.

morn ladies..

super tired. getting harder to get to slp at nite.. slp tis position cant, that position also cant.. argh. only slept at 2am last nite.. 430am wake up to pee.. oMg.. walking zombie....

Badfifi, SugarOng,

My EDD also 15Sept..hahah but think i will opt for MT A.

Yap its Lunar 8mth 8day and last yr this date my hubby n i got married..so this day very meaningful..hopefully my bb pop out on this day..

thanks babyt! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u getting too?

btw, someone has popped in Aug thread... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

diamantz - i bought le.. for Germaine's wardrobe.. as for the winnie the pooh for wall de after her full month when we get her playpen then we will buy... sekali dun match then waste money... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

who popped?? Aug pop in July?? so fast.. oh dear....

Windy: i am still yawning now...

Yvonne: hmm if after 36weeks usually no need b in the incubator.. i go read she posted tt bb under observation duno can discharge or not.. better watch our BP if don wan to pop so early..

Hi mummies,

Just want to share with those of you who wish to breastfeed. Do invest in a reusable heat pack. This is useful when you get clogged ducts. Very irritating and painful and if you don't clear it will get worse and worse and may lead to infection like mastitis. My friend had given one to me and when I was bfing my son it was a godsend! But unfortunately it broke and I had to resort to using hot water and a cloth to massage and massage but not very effective and damn pek check when it's in the middle of the night.

This time I managed to find one selling at OTO at jurong point basement. A small reusable heat pack is selling at $18 but now got 15% discount so only costs $15 and can be used 100 times. You just click the metal piece in the heat pack and immediately it will become hot and you can use it to massage around the clogged duct. Most of the time I will use the heat pack together with breast pump to clear it effectively. The feeling is damn shiok once the clogged duct is cleared. You'll know once the breast turns soft again. And to reuse the heat pack just heat it in boiling water for 10 mins until it turns soft again. The reason why mine broke the last time was cos it was from OSIM and it could be used in the mocrowave but it burst when it was in the microwave. And OSIM no longer sells heat packs. But thankfully I found one at OTO.

When I went for scan abt a week ago at 29 wks babies were weighing 1.1kg each which means I'm carrying a total of 2.2kg worth of baby weight! I already feel like I'm full term! Dunno how much more my tummy can stretch! My total weight gain is only abt 8 kg so far. Really hope to fatten up the twin girls.

luvlee: i know what u are talking about! i got alot of mastitis during my 26 mths bfing journey with my #1.. really horrid horrid!! if i nt wron Osim also sell the heat pack.. jus nt sure how much it is selling. i shd go get one tis time round! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

I want to get dry shampoo for my confinement, anyone knows where to get?

Sarahmay, i want to get that showergel also but think no more BP? Was searching through the BP but can't find, hope the organiser starts the BP again soon.


Thanks for the tip! When i had problems with blocked ducts and asked hubby to massage, he will always discourage me from breastfeeding, heartpain siah...


whether or not needs to be in incubator will depends on baby's weight and development. My friend pop at around 32 weeks, baby only in incubator for a few days.


if baby is healthy & well. dun need to stay in incubator. My friend's colleague oso pop last wk at wk35 cos' water bag leaking. Her baby is ok. No need incubator.

Mummies, i will be going to cheng choon tmr .. U all need to buy anything? I can help n u all can arrange to pick up from me at either buangkok or cck... ;)

BabyT: I think Cheng Choon sell everything.. haha.. But can call n ask.. The lady boss is Winnie i think..

Nigella: yes, cheng choon is d one at peoples park..

adelynn> same! i sleep on my left, baby kicks, sleep on my right, baby kicks, sleep on my back, but not always comfortable...i woke up ard 4+ and then stayed awake until 7+ cos of blocked nose... find it very hard to get back to sleep, always exhausted at the end of the day, but sleep a bit then no more liao...sigh...

luvlee> thanks for the tip!

yvonne> wah, pick up at cck! so tempting, but i can't think of what i might need leh... cos so sian of shopping liao... just don't wanna think anymore...


Cheong Choon sells the dry shampoo powder. I got mine from there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyT> how's the quality of the PJs you bought ah? are they cool/airy and soft? plain pattern or printed pattern type?

badfifi!!! ARGH!!!! i forgot.. mwahahahaha.... later later ok... sorry ar.... hahahaha.....

windy - oh.. okok... then maybe see whether can "xia" my hubby go there and then after that go eat "yang zi gan lu"...

BabyT - wa... yang zi gan lu... bery bery shiook! I think Cheong Choon close at 8pm, so remember to buy your barang first then go pig out if u manage to 'xia' ur hubby there!

babyT> no worries lah!!! can describe verbally oso can. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

badfifi - the PJs are "cartoon" kind.. got winnie the pooh, rabbit and one more i forgot le.. the material IMO is soft and rather airy.. very light...

windy - the yang zi gan lu from The Dessert House is shiok-a-licious... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] see whether manage to psycho him not... i knock off at 4pm.. so will have plenty of time...

diamantz - the puppy one is for her sliding door wardrobe... i think i should receive by Thursday... then see if my hubs is free during the weekends, will stick it on... hopefully it'll be nice... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


babyT> are the cartoon the small small prints that cover everywhere kind or the big graphics kind? what's yang zi gan lu?! u got me gian again!

