(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

oic tigerlily. good news! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good to go early, show things like breastfeeding, childbirth process...

yvonne : baby move head down will get abdomen pain n backache? lovely girls names ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, there's a fox outlet store at anchorpoint, lotsa pretty girl clothes, not many for boys....

i feel so unprepared for the arrival of the baby !


wat is TPS?


Yah, cant agree with u more. time really passes so fast. a bit jittery liao as the countdown week reduces to single digit. It was like not too long ago when I was still counting my pregnancy weeks using single digit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But for experienced mums like urself and other mummies here, shld be less jittery as compared to first time mums like me, cos u all roughly know what to expect bah.


I'm one of the June thread's mummies... Wld like to recommend my confinement lady to u guys if u r interested as I'm very well taken care of by her. She is looking for Sept/Oct assignments, hence, wld like to help her since she's good. Do pm me if interested[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks.


i remember i was also very excited in 2006 as a 1st time mum when i was going into labour ward :p

i smsed my pals and one of my best pals was very worried cos i was almost 4 weeks before due date

but wat i feel was pure excitement..i.e an adventure trip ;)

do enjoy this whole experience..it is very exciting and the best part is at the end of the day, u get a bundle of joy in ur arms..really big bonus [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adelynn> wah! i think the one thing we still lack is a diaper bag... my sotong husband, when he saw the link, he said "it's not a diaper bag right? just a normal messenger bag"...

shinchan> TPS is The Private Suite at KK

countdown> i have less than 80 days to go, just confirmed that we'll schedule the c-section for 15 sept... now just to keep fingers crossed that isaac doesn't try to come out by himself...

hospital stay> the sis of my husband's colleague originally booked a 4 bedder-room at TMC, but was given a free upgrade to a 1 bedder room! so lucky hor!!!

pinkyluv> there is only one type of fish i take now...the filet-o-fish from macdonalds :p and even then ah, i must ask for no tartar sauce... i usually LURVE japanese food, but now ah, all the fish scares me...


haha, fillet o fish & fries is my all times favourite, accompanied with coke and watching some dvds is quite a shiok feeling


r u still hooked to Mr Bean..i have bec their regular customer..

but one thing that we must never order is the tuna pancake..really yucky lor..had it with my all time fac ice blended soya nilk with pearls

their icecream yummy and made me feel very not guilty, cos comes with healthy logos..

wonder whether they got sell in tubs

sashimi..i have been resisting the temptaions these 7 months..sigh* esp when my colleagues keep buying and telling me NOT to take when i said but if fresh ok wat

Diamantz, tat is a good qn..i wonder also..maybe will ask gynae when i see him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jynnsan & badfifi, thanks. wow, so there is really a diff between KKH and other private hosp hor..


as usual u are so positive and high spirit.. i dunno if i can think like you to take it as an adventure trip leh.. anyway, will definitely treasure these last few days of freedom first.. :p


the sis of your hb's colleague is really lucky leh. But i doubt i will ever have such luck. I think i shld consider myself lucky if i manage to get the 1-bedder which i have booked. Hope that they wont tell me that all 1-bedder are fully booked on my day of delivery.

sashimi..i have been resisting the temptaions these 7 months..sigh* esp when my colleagues keep buying and telling me NOT to take when i said but if fresh ok wat

Diamantz, tat is a good qn..i wonder also..maybe will ask gynae when i see him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


YES!!! Getting more addicted to it than ever. Whenever I need to go in to the office, it is the thing that comes to my mind when I drag myself out of bed cos there is one on the way! Haha... I never tried their tuna pancake before because I'm not really a tuna person. But tuna and pancake like don't match, sounds yucky as it is!! It's usually cheese or blueberry for me. There is a Mr Bean at Gleneagles too, later can get one before the antenatal class, YAY~!!!


Those getting new maid to help got. Have you ladies got your maid? I haven't got mine cos' the agency I go to got no new biodata. Need to wait another 2 wks. Worried that if baby comes got early then no helper. I will be in deep trouble lor.


I check the website, think they don't sell the ice cream in tub. if only they do hor.

Aiya, kenna influence by you, now I feel like eating the ice cream also... so shiook to eat it in cold weather.

shinchan> no worries abt that. if you have booked a 1-bedder ah, they will die die give you a 1 bedder, even if they must take out the other bed in an original 2-bedder ward to make it 1 bedder, they will! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sashimi> i don't usually take, unless i am 100% sure it's fresh and of good quality PLUS handled correctly, so those conveyor belts are definitely out...sashimi from chain restaurants are also a bit iffy in my opinion, cos trying to play very safe... i mean, if we are in japan, things are different, but we are not...

I'm in... super heavy rain... everytime go to work sure rain.. tomorrow i wanna nua at home.. can rain ping ping piang piang?? haha...

badfifi - i forgot about the nightgowns.. tonight tonight... i sure remember...

BBL - the rates for KKH i also forgot.. pai seh pai seh... i will post on Monday k.. Monday i morning shift liao...


IMO, maybe you would like to look for other agency? It is always better to get a helper in before your baby arrive for them to familiarize with their job environment as well as with both of you so the helper might be able to phase in easier. The other important factor is both of you must be comfortable with her.

babyT> no worries. can pls also tell me where you buy from (which shop/location in hdb hub)? maybe i can "task" my dad to buy for me when he goes to volunteer next tues :p

oh yah, i finally got my popeye's two days ago! :D went to the new branch in AMK...


i regret lor..i should stick to good old blueberry

u sound like my hb, he said pancake & tuna sound like a yucky combi :p yday i bot mac apple pie so was thinking to complement with something salty for teabreak

hehe, shiok to eat in any kind of weather in fact ..

PS: sigh* rain is like non stop..i m thinking of doing some shopping @ Paragon before meeting the hubby for dinner..hope to step out soon

after tat will be SAHM for more than a week while my mum goes to Taiwan

today took my wt , another kg since gynae visit last week..oops

badfifi - the nightgown is located at the stretch of stalls located near the escalator leading to Kiddy Palace... it's the last stall.. you won't miss it de.. cos the whole stall selling PJs...


I think i know which shop BabyT is talking abt. It looks like a temporary stall but not the hut type, and it is jus in front of NTUC facing HDB hub. Very obvious one.

Btw ladies, how many pjs u all bot for the confinement period huh?

babyT and shinchan> thanks thanks! ok, babyT, i will wait for your pics, if good, i will ask my dad to buy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shinchan - yes yes... that's the stall.. in front of NTUC... i bought 3 button down gowns... that's for night time.. then day time i will wear big baggy t-shirts and shorts or my pasar malam gowns...

babyT> why aren't you wearing the pasar malam gowns for night?

actually my nightshirts are all button-down, but i just wanna get a few light cotton button-down nightgowns for when i still wear maternity pads, cos if leak or anything, easier to wash or just throw...cos my nightshirts are all quite worn but i like them very much, so don't wanna "tire them out"

i see v nice bf-ing slp wear in mothercare... but its like S$80 a piece. so expensive!!

Finally can log in liao... Crazy forum.

At 28 weeks, my bb is 1.4kg. But mummy's gain is even BETTER!!! Buey tahan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] really stressful leh. (I'm stressing abt my gain more than bb gain). Weird leh.. Food intake is ad per normal mah... I din eat like there's no tmr... No durians.. But still... Haiz. I think maybe I breathe in too much air liao. :p another reason might be... I'm badly constipated. Thaz y?

badfifi - cos at night i can just unbutton and bf... rather than remove my entire gown cos i know i sure will forget to lock my room door.. then sekali MIL just strolls in to check on baby.. OMG.. i cannot imagine that scene... mwahahaha....


wear t-shirt and shorts during daytime.. hmmm.. i will love to do that but dunno if my mum will nag at me anot.. Think i better go check with her..

Just reach Hong Kong... Possibly my last overseas trip before I pop! Super hot here... Can melt leh!!! Just feel like nua-ing in the hotel room. :p


wah.. really like wat babyT said "orh diam" leh. $80 a piece, so expensive!!


eh.. daytime oso impt to lock door while bf-ing leh. cos i have heard of some MILs who have no sense of privacy and jus barge in while the DIL is bf-ing.. so rude.

mango> enjoy yourself ah!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyT> hahahaha, that is a good reason... for me, i am just thinking about when pple visit me in hospital or at home...so better standby...sigh

adelynn> wah, $80 for a nightgown?! really orh diam, like what babyT said. those are definitely not the kind that can be thrown away :p

UH OH I SUDDENLY CRAVE DURIAN AGAIN!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

shinchan - my MIL, ask me to wear LONG PANTS!!! i give her the "u wait long long" face... so till now i haven't bought a single long pants.... or long sleeve top... and she ask me wear socks.. i told her i already bought new bedroom slippers... socks dun bother cos when i sleep, it'll be off in less than 15 mins... my MIL give up.. mwahahaha....

honestly this kind of weather... long sleeve top, long pants... gosh... confinement is passed down from eons of generations ago from mainland china.. china is not a tropical country, so i can understand the "body wind" thing... but singapore so hot and humid... the only wind/ chill we can ever get is from air con and fan... as much as i tell my MIL to be more modern and realistic, she's just adamant on "forcing" her confinement rules on me... *shake head*

shinchan - daytime i sure lock cos i won't be as zombie/ stone compared to night time... i can foresee when baby cries at night, i will just stone stone wake up, carry baby, unbutton and shove my NN into her mouth.. haha... doubt will "process" my mind to lock my room door...

adelynn - $80!!!!! omg.. $80 i can online spree alot of clothes for Germaine... ORH DIAM!!


oh.. so shiok.. can go holiday. I was supposed to tag along with my hb for his biz trip to jkt last wkend but was disapproved by my dad. To him is wat for take the risk. haiz.. sian.. there goes my last trip overseas b4 i pop.


ya lor, i oso dunno if i can tahan anot. cannot bathe and still wrap like a bak zhang.. will die leh. anyway i have alrdy told my mum to buy as many pkts of da feng cao as possible. told her that i will obey the rules of bathing with the herbs but MUST let me bathe as often as possible. hee..

lol.. all this orh diam is making me laugh! :p

slpy.. now looking ard for diaper bags.. allerhand is super tempting but v v v exp.. zz


is the shower gel exactly like wat is featured on the website? I think i saw this selling outside b4. Hmmm.. din noe this can be used for confinement as well. at least i can smell xiang xiang.. hahhaha...

BabyT: yaya i saw.. u receive the bag le? cos i wondering how is the material. which design u bought?

shinchan - yup yup.. can be used during confinement... MIL even say if cannot use finish, pass to her after confinement, she use... smells ok la.. mai hiam.. as long as can bathe, i dun mind... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adelynn - i receive le.. but i haven't collect from my friend yet... i bought.... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_BRGGoOuTspA/S9Za1PIF7AI/AAAAAAAAADc/P8YetMXZwCU/s1600/IRIS_SkyBlue.jpg

material i not sure wor... erm i see whether i got time to collect from my friend this saturday not... i find that the price is reasonable and design is ok...

adelynn - look like longchamp!!! i intend to get another bigger one.. the one i bought is when i go out with Germaine alone.. bigger one is for maid to carry... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyT: yes.. replica!! =X i nearly got naraya but my sis have it but she said v painful for shoulder cos the material v lousy..

adelynn - actually i like Carter's de... saw a few during motherhood fair, tempted to buy, end up didn't buy.. wanted kate spade, but couldn't convince my ngiao self to buy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


babyT: haha i nearly got carter's one also.. online got someone sell ard S$20.. end up tell me the bag stain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

