(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


True true,,bb health more impt..i also can tell u thousand of bad thing abt this boss..but i must relax..cannot get angry..no pt lo..

Dun know leh..my gynae make a comparision n said look like mine..hahahah i only manage to see my boy nose n mouth..the rest all covered by his cute little hands..so shy..only show me 2 holes..hahaha


aiyer... so jealous u know, BBL! The last time i scan the gynae only show me her abdomen! >[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I wish i could see her hands or cheek or even 1 nostril also happy liao! Always trying to do a chop chop consultation one.


huh only see abdomen ah..to measure weight only ah..i thought must measure hand n legs also..then see the head..just happen can see bb face lo..but my bb very shy..always use hand to block his cute little face,,


Ya, he measure the leg bone and the skull but was so blurry and fast and I didnt get to see anything. Somemore that day I particularly ask for a print out on top of the usual DVD recording. I thought he would give me a print out of her face, but he just pointed out to me when he was at the abdomen part and print that out for me. initially I thought cannot see the baby's face anymore because gynae said that baby was in head down position. But later I found out from Pinkluv still can see one. Next time I go I will insist he show me her face lor.

BBL, wow, ur edd is indeed a symbolic date! so sweet...u electing for c-sec also? or natural? if also 15th, then got 3 bbs from this thread sharing same bd!

luvlee, u expecting twins? so exciting! Thanks for the tips....jus summoned my hubby to dig out the heat packs from the store room....have been in there for the longest time ever...

BabyT, there is another DesertHut at Arcade, Raffles Place...Nice!

Windy, wow, nice boss! ur ex colleague so poor thing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] that bad boss will haf bad karma de..on the scan thingy, so normal gynae scan also can see face etc? or still gotta go for 3d/4d?

Baby face: i think my gynae showed us on our last last visit.. Baby has got a pear face like his daddy, fat fat n round round, aiya, also like me la! Hurhurhur. Round face!

Just bought d japanese mayo.. Gonna make ai xin breakfast for hubby... :D

hello! did anyone have prob accessing this forum this morning?

Windy: ur company's good to give u the extra 4 wks! enjoy!

Nigella: Huh?!! no more BP for the confinement bath gel? was hoping to get when i return next wk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] as for dry shampoo. i bought Klorane from eithr Guardian Pharmacy or Robinsons....but hor...i tell u i used it only a few times then gave up. still have it from my last birth. hehe. i ended up washing my hair lor. btw u're having twins? cool!8kg only! haiz. i already hit tt and i only hv ONE bb. lol.

pinkyluv: u think u can PM me ur mobile number so i can text u once i'm back abt the jul 16 dinner?

i'm v suaku and dunno where the chilli padi cafe is. sg changed so much.

yvonne: yummy! love jap mayo. i can just eat tt with bread and bah hu! yummmyyyy

babyT: ur MIL is sooo good. cook hae mee for u! hehe. i wonder what goodies i will get when i go back.

jessica: ur hubby going cambodia? at least u have helper to help jaga the kids. mb escape to ur ILs or parents' place too? hvn't thought of contraceptives. but my friends use Mirena.

adelyyn: how many wks are u now? i also am having trouble having a good sleep cos i get this strange ache in the back...think my mattress is too soft. also if i lie on left side, i get this numb sensation under my breast. so have to sleep whole nite on right...which is uncomfy too. plus i get stupid dreams.


oh yes! they are VERY useful! helped me through my plugged ducts too. kena like thrice in my 21mths of BF. no need those donut rings. just reg heat packs can liao.


btw, my frien posted something u may like to read. apparently SG has TOP average IQ out of 184 ctries!


so guess it is good our kids will grow up in SG...higher IQ! hehe


your boss so good!


me me me... i always have prob with this forum in the office.


me too! You have company! Our popping time is about the same. Don't know if we will meet in the labour ward hor, then Dr Fong will be super busy! wahahahaha....


I wanna eat prawn mee!!! My favourite mee! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ear block,

anyone has this ear block prob? I always can't talk and breathe when my ear blocks, so terrible feeling... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tour after popping,

I still pondering... should I go holiday after popping? I wanna catch the autumn season before it ends in Nov. But I still need to bf bb, so how... I am not sure leh... holiday, don't go now, when can go? Somemore no need to take leave from company. help ah!!! I can't decide. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


U know how to make the mango pomelo, must share the result. I happen to have a mango but no pomelo must ask maid go buy. I thinking of trying your recipe later. Missed the yogurt and ice cream we had at swensen, guess must make hubby go with me maybe tonight.hee...


How are u? I gave you a return email. Wonder if you had recv it. Pls do reply me. :)


I just had a prenatal massage with Mam Suria, cousin of the famous Ida masseur to test out her skill first. Apparently quite up to my standard as I love strong and firm press and she is strong enough. She also massage my breast and say that I will have breast milk as she can feel the ducts with production liao.

I met my colleague wife who delivered at 27 wks (she suppose to be 3 wks behind me) and she shared a few things that her confinement shared with her. She ask me to get old coconut (on 34 wk onward)from those market that sells grated coconut. Bring a mug to them and get them to give you the juice. She says the coconut is suppose to be better then young coconut as young coconut is chemically breed therefore a lot in the market. She is also drinking the papaya fish soup to get more milk vs eating fannel greek as she says the capsule need to take a lot as they are process type and fannel greek will cause the milk to have maple taste and if bb get use to it may not like fomula milk. Cautious is the payaya fish soup is very fishy and difficult to drink. But for her bb sake has to do it.

She also mention confinement nanny says can drink guiness stout for breast milk too. She was told that the irish women does that as its made of wheat which is good to produce milk. but must drink after pump and 4 hrs later the alcohol will be gone.

HI mummies!

Am on HL till next Monday, was admitted to TMC sunday night due to serious constipation and was swollen till blockage, have to use ice-pack to cool the swollen and sore area for the night and fortunately by the next morning, it slowly subside, else, sure must continue to hospitalize, the whole thingy was disaster and disgusting. Anyway, just a 1 night stay cost me $1k+. Sigh. Please do take note for anyone who are constipated, pls do not "gek" too hard.

Luckily, baby is ok and growing good, she is presently 1.325kg @ Wk@29, consider average bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]But my placenta is still lying low, there might be a chance of c-sect if it doesn't shift up, must really pray man :X

Another 11 weeks to go.

leobaby >can share the contact? i wana know if i have breast milk ;p you visit her place or does she visit yours?

jynnsan > take care... rest well and take lots of fluid...

jynnsan> OMG, pls take care!!! drink lot of water and eat lotsa vege... if next time still jialat ah, use enema...some brands are safe and will save you the pain also!

jynnsan: u okie? OMG! how come so serious!!!! u must have been worried. pls take care ya? ur bb is a really good weight.

leo_baby: yes i saw and read thru. dun think i will get. sorry didn't reply. slipped my mind. ur colleague's wife gave birth so prematurely! did she purchase the pru policy? tt wld have helped allay some of the exp cost ya? how's her bb now? btw, i'm not back yet. next thurs.

karen: dunno why got prob w forum hor?

pinkyluv: oh! heheh. choc buffet it is then. but i KPO...where u going for durians? i'm going for one soon.


the thread has disappeared!!!! dunno how.... i really want to buy.

Forum finally up ah?

Im down with a slight fever, sore throat n flu.. Zzz. Tahan since yest.. Now givin in, going to see GP. Must be the M&M 's n durians n mango combo.. O, not forgetting those wang wang biscuits...haha..

SarahMay; think u can buy frm jamumassage..

Mdm Suria: i booked my post natal massage with her supposingly on d 20th sept.. But doc said i will be delivering in aug so i cancelled.. End of sept edd ladies might wanna sms her n check.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


His wife gave birth just abt the same wk the plan was launch and so too late to buy. His bb is still in the incubator. BB mum is pumping milk everyday to deliver to the hospital. When bb are delivered premature, Ins company will usually not accept any ins for child for at least 2 yrs because they want to ensure child is fully develop properly. Which is why the PruFirst gift is a good plan as Mtb who gotten the plan would have secure the life ins plan for the child even before born and once born they have a Life and edu plan in place already

Mummies who don't have my FB, this is the PJ i bought from Toa Payoh Hub...


BabyT what is your FB address? Think i have not add. You bought from toa payoh right. I ent and apparently the lady say she is low on stock and a lot of design gone

BabyT, Hmm but did not see any of your FB photos on PJ. Maybe I really dont know how to use FB. I very bad with these things.

leo_baby> she still got or no more liao? sigh, if no more, i'll be so sad, cos i like the cutting, and babT says quite cooling...

badfifi - she say she is going to restock so i guess the stock should be in by now. She propose to get the cotton type as the silk one will be sticky when perspire

leo baby - ya... silk one super hot de.. i wore the silk PJ the night before my wedding.. even with air con on, i feel so uncomfy...

hi all, I'm selling Medela Swing @ S$250 (price negotiable). In super good condition. Used the Medela Swing only twice.

Bought it just last Friday cos I thought it's the breast pump that's causing my low supply.. But I think I'll stick to my old breast pump instead.

Box includes:

a SoftFit breastshield (24mm), PersonalFit Breastshield (24mm), yellow valve and white membrane, tubing, 1 bottle (BPA free) and cap, 1 bottle stand, power cord, drawstring bag and shoulder strap.

contact me at [email protected].



heard that the taste for enfa is quite similar to bm taste.


when is the last week for us to take up the plan

Hi mummies,

Just a question, does anyone of you feel baby movement(kicks) specifically on either left or right side of belly? Eg, whenever i feel movement or kicks, it is usually on my right while my bb legs are on the left...weird...

Hello ladies,

Been locked out of this forum for a while. Don't know why it is always down leh.

Leo baby

I have booked Mdm suria for 1st week of Sept. hopefully i birth on time if not i got to find another massage lady liao.


You going c-sect. How come your EDD push forward so much till end aug?


Oh poor thing. Glad that the whole thing is over. So you got to guai guai eat more fruits and drink more water. Will pray together with you that the placenta will move up.


How's your baby cot order now? My HB says they called him again to say will definitely deliver on end july. Though will be different model.

Confinement bathing,

Can't we use normal shower gel with herb water?

Baby movement

Gideon has been moving non stop the whole of yesterday and today (slight less). No matter whether i stand, sit or walk he will keep moving. Super distracting leh.

pomme: i use normal shower gel with herb water. nt going to buy special gel or wad. =x

Jus went to cheng choon, bought medela mini electric plus @ $250, disposable cotton panties, towels n bumbo seat..

Those who wanna buy, they having promo now at $49... V cheap

jynnsan, take care! hang on in there...

yvonne, u also take care! shd be heatiness set in liao...i also signs of heatiness last week....downed a lot of water...

bbl, yah, hopefully on 15th too!

pomme, my bb also super active these few days....v distracting indeed! but shiok la...cos i noe i will miss this feeling after birth...so cherish it now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

prenatal massage

when can start ah?

Jus finish seeing gynae.. Baby is 1.6kg at 31wks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gynae said he's still a boy hahahah.. Next visit in 3 weeks time!


I oso tried masseur Mdm Ida's cousin Lala skill last Saturady. Her skill is quite good. 1hr session is $40. She massage quite a bit on my legs cos' I have leg cramp quite often. The next few days even when my leg cramp is not so pain. My next session pre-natal massage with her is on the 16 July before we meet for dinner.

