(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

jessica> enjoy the romantic night out!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyT and adelynn> the diaper bag shortlisted quite nice wor! but ah, if i get that, i myself will refuse to go out with my husband if he carries that... he dun even have to say anything :p


Hello girls!

sorry haven't been v active here.

the confinement shower gel! I want to buy. Someone's selling here on the forum BP think it's cheaper at $17.


MC B/F dress

Super ex! and no point really. cos at nite hor. can just wear ur own regular clothes one. Mb at hospita want to glam up a bit more cos it's not ur own home only. :p.

Confinement PJs

I didn't get any last time round. only got those batik ones (2) as hand-me-downs. won't wear them at hospital again. feel so aunty. hehe. wore nursing tank tops and regular bottoms the rest of the time.

Btw! i perspired like a tap during confinement lor. so had to keep changing bras and tops. so must make sure u have enough clothes to last that period!


agree w u abt the confinement thingy abt long pants/sleeved tops! also for the bathing with boiled water. i believe these two were cos in old china 1. winter/cold 2. well water =cold.

windy, no choice la....i oso opt for some orange lights to get the cosy feel...but more whites for practical reasons...if u use energy savings bulb, does not make a diff whther its orange/white on the elect consumption cos the watt will be the same

jessicia, wah, perf indicator for maid??? cool mann!

shinchan, i tink my bb smaller than urs...last visit at week 25+ less than 700g...hope next visit (week 29 at 2 more mons), she will grow more cos i have been eating durians like once every 2-3 days last week til i showed signs of heatiness then stop....scarely all the BU go to mi, can bang wall...

badfifi, our little ones are most prb gonna shre the same bd! my hubby oso decided on 15 sep, but subject to clearance from master, which we haven shortlisted which to consult...but if that date ok, it will be confirmed...wow, free upgrade to 1 bedder! damn heng....oni heard of free upgrade to 2 bedder....


i am soooooo missing and craving for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope breastfeeding that time can eat

mango, u in hk?! lucky mummy....enjoy!

jessica, enjoy the romantic night...~woohoo~


Am wondering if it is too late to join the forum now? Am always slow at joining forums/ facebook :p

Here are my particulars:

Aries Mum, 35 yrs old

Follow up with Dr YOng TZe Tein, SGH

Bb gal due 4th sept 2010

Went for growth scan today, bb weighs 1.6++kg at 31 wks. sonographer said a bit light for bb gal, dr said ok..need to fatten the bb by at least 1 kg more before I deliver....sigh....

sugar> really? 15 sept too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we didn't consult master etc, just that my gynae said that week is gd, then we look at which day, and agreed on wed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee, which hospital will you be in ah?

badfifi, yes, 15 sept [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cos my hubby oso on 15th, so he quite adamnant bb to be same date as him (read: selfish cos mine is 18th, yet he din offer 18th for bb *roll eyes*)...but also agreed on 15th cos its within the range that gynae advise for c-sec, plus its lunar 8mth 8th day...sounds auspicious...keke...i will be in East Shore...u?

Aries Mum, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome Aries Mum... better late then never... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sarah - precisely... if i'm staying in North Pole, South Pole, USA, China or any country that has winter or autumn, dun bathe, still acceptable.. wah lao here so damn blardy hot.. how to tahan sia... Singapore also have 4 seasons, quite hot, hot, very hot, and sibei sibei hot... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sugar> aiyah! i will be at TMC...very far! didn't realise that's lunar 8/8... oh oh, hope won't be too crowded that day...

badfifi, we will be at different ends of the island! having said that, i better submit my booking fast...else wait also fully booked...but ESH seems like not as popular as TMC/MA....u book urs oredi?

sugar> the clinic faxed in for me on wed i think... but no deposit etc paid yet... i think the most sought-after is mt A...

babyT> hahahahahahaha you're really super farnie lah!!!

sarahmay> thanks for the BP link! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, I have been a silent reader since early pregnancy and finally would like to join this forum. Hope I am still welcome:)

Skymom, 36 yrs old, live in Punggol

Follow up with Dr Woo Bit Hwa at the clinic @ Punggol Plaza

Delivery: Thomson Hosp

3rd child (Bb gal due 4th sept 2010)


Tao is a nice place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] always dun noe wat to choose hehe


wow, hong kong disneyland ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my sil was just telling us abt her recent family trip ..bet ur kids will be super happy =)

Welcome AriesMum and Shirlynn!

jessica: how was ur hot date w hubby?

mango: I hope you will eat and shop to hearts' content in HK! Coming to macau? I can meet u! hehe. Btw, must have Maxim's Dim Sum (at city hall)! Sweet Dynasty at TST is oso great. then, of cos, u must shop! Branded bb clothes (factory overruns) are cheap cheap! If u are at stanley market, they havve a pretty decent collection there!Jap food in HK is really great too! fresh, tasty and affordable!

badfifi: u buying the confinement shampoo too? btw are u still buying the allerhand bags?

sugar: sashimi and breastfeeeding? i thot can too lor until my gynae told me RISK IS EVEN HIGHER when BFing! anw if u want to eat still can, BUT must make sure you eat super fresh like what badfifi said.

babyT: u are SUPER farnee la! u forgot ...other than HOT, also must add STICKY!

16 July Outing

Wondering if any moms here with tots are free on this day to go Children Season at Sg Art Museum? I'm going there with another mommy friend and her kids at 10am.

Oh! I'm back 15 jUly!!! When is the July gathering ah?

Hi mummies,

Anyone of u had water retention in your feet?Mine quite swollen ....sigh....any idea what can I do about it besides popping up the legs with pillows?


this trip is just me n hb niah... No kids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] buy felt super guilty n I missed them a lot!


great great..our gathering is friday 16 july at nyonya cafe opp bugis at 630pm

pls drop me ur contact at [email protected] [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


drink more water..it will helps=)


hehe, i think it is a great idea..always good to have couple time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

then i guess cannot go disneyland, cos pregnant most rides cannot take..

hb & me thinking of a short taiwan trip too in late july :p but scared i will get fired, cos i already consumed many days for my mum's taiwan trip in the 1st week of july


not enuff time to go macau. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will b leaving hk mon moon n tues will b my gynae appt liao. Oophs!!! Hope I dun b too greedy n overeat these few days. :p But then, how to resist 烧蜡, dim sum n 波罗包 (I really love it!!!)??? Cham liao, I tell u. :p

Cheap branded bb clothes... Where to find? Stanley market?


How abt those short trip where u just need to apply a day leave (or "urgent leave"), say fri... Then sat-sun. At leadt better than nothing rite? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Disneyland... If go, that will means I ve lesser chance to shop n eat to my heart content. Plus, I will feel v v guilty if I go Disneyland w/o the kids.

Scary scary scary.... Although me a 3rd time mum... Having the thot that my bb will come out in abt 2 mths time (or lesser, based on my past experiences)... Still scares me. I scare I cannot handle as now I dun ve my mum ard to help me out... Just me n "ah siao" (presumely I still haven't change her by then).

Plus the thot of having to look after a nb (after confinement nanny leaves), pumping, n ferrying the kids. Will I survive? I really dare not think that far.

Mango, I even more scared! This is my first one and I have no clue to what will happen when my confinement lady leaves. My mum stays near me but it has been a long time since she last took care of a bb. Now studying bb books..ma chiam like mugging for school exams lor...

portia: For leg cramps, you can try to do more exercise like walking? And apparently, drinking more water helps.

Do you mummies feel more tired in 3rd trimester? Feel I've not been sleeping well at night during 3rd trimester. Always wake up in the morning and still feel very tired.... Really looking forward to my maternity leave soon!

sarahmay> i haven't decided which to get for the shower gel/shampoo link. hoping to get this allerhand messenger bag, preloved, but without bottle holder or pacifier pouches...

hi ladies,

Updating time. Jus finished my routine check. Baby is weighing 1.4kg at 31 weeks. Gynae says a bit small and I can eat more. But the problem is that I put on 2kg in 1 mth but baby's weight only increased by 500g which means 1.5kg went to me! Urgh.. No choice lar, for the sake of baby I better eat. Placenta has moved a bit but is still low, have not cleared the passing mark. Baby is still in breech position. Gynae says if by wk36 still breech will need to go for c-sect liao.

shirlynn, welcome!

sarahmay, huh, sashimi lagi no-no during bfeeding....peng.....maybe before eat, let bb latch on , then eat, then wait for a few hours then express out and throw....subsequent de milk shd be fine? erm, or rather, this is wat my drinking friends who bfeed do...haa...else bb ma-bok with alcohol...alternatively, u are right, take v v v fresh one...but oso dunno how to gauge, except it shd be a strain on the wallet? keke

shincan, ur bb seems to have grown a comfortable bit! jus continue eating ba....final lap liao...

SPRING Maternity $10 Vouchers (2 pieces)

2 Vouchers of $10 to let go together at the price of 1.

1 Voucher with no expiry date, 1 voucher with expiry date of Oct'2010

Voucher condition: Minimum purchase of $20 to make use of the voucher

Additional perk: Receive free set of baby mitten and bootie with any purchase of $10 at SPRING in single voucher

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phyphy, oic...any reason why u din choose dr loke in the end? hope nothing negative abt him cos oredi entering into 3rd tri liao and so far, i find him ok....u opting for how mani bedder? any recommendation since its my 1st time ;)

thanks pinkyluv for updating!

was a naughty girl and had some of the durians that my mum bought...

a bit pek chek...the lady who's selling the preloved allerhand bag is not giving me a confirmed reply to my offer but refreshed her WTS thread a couple of times already today... i was like huh?! sigh, i just want a definite answer either way... this is the 1st time i encounter something like this from WTS thread...last 3 times all very nice and chop chop

sugar> i'm ok lah...it's not really abt the bag, i just get a bit grr when pple waffle or are not "direct"... allerhand is a diaper bag brand. i'm looking for either a messenger bag or a bag pack in a more somber colour (so cannot be pink or red etc, more blue or black) cos my husband will be the one carrying it...

when will you confirm your little one's birthday? hee, soon, the countdown no of weeks will be single digit for us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

badfifi, i noe what u mean....maybe this seller not sincere or dunno what hesitations she having...oic...i tink i come across some diaper bags (but not allerhand brand)..maybe carter or something..lemmi go find the link and u check it out? i rem it has unisex colour like dark brown or something....

i tink 15th is more or less firmed up....cos oso dunno when we consulting master and which master...haa...ya! v soon single digit week countdown for us....scary! haa

sugar> thanks so much!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i just met my friend today and she told me towards the end, she couldn't wait to give birth! cos it was getting so uncomfortable! yikes

sugar: oh! u go to dr loke! he's prices are v good hor. but too bad he's male. hehe. but do u know if he's pro natural and open to u gving birth squatting or whatever position you want? i'm still looking for gynae.

pinkyluv: hehe! 16 july! it's like the day after i get back. already tt morning i'm going for excursion to art museum! can i let u know nearer date if i think i can make it? hope i can. hehe.

badfifi: will ur hubby carry the messenger bag or not? cos mine so fussy. this and that cannot . anw give up. recently he refused to carry my heavy bag even tho i m preg! :p durians again? i want!!!

mango: I saw some nice ones at Stanley lor. But hor, with kiddoes...not sure if u really want to take long bus ride to stanley with nothiing much to do or eat there. Why don't u check out H&M for kids clothes? i love their kid ranges!!!! nice and even not on offer got some really good buys. Where u going for ur dim sum???

aries mum: dun worry. hands-on exp u will learn v fast in how to handle bb. exp friends also help give good advice! for the first 6 wks, i think the MOST impt things to get prepped on are 1. how to bathe bb, 2. how to change diaper, 3. how to soothe bb ( check out HAPPIEST BABY ON THE BLOCK online) 4. how to feed bb (either bottle or breast) 5. how to power nap!


For me I think it's worth paying more for really fresh sashimi cos I dunno why my tummy tends to be more 'sensitive'. I've eaten sashimi during preggy...like early days when I suspected was preg.hehe.


Will we ever have one? I feel like swopping our choc buffet for durian buffet instead!


don worry ,nothing neg abt dr loke just that dr heng is a more relax type of gynae whereas dr loke look for strict and cool to me.

Me opting for 2 bedder ,actually thinking of opt for 4 bedder as the 2 bedder is very popular as the price is only diff.by $50 so the 4 bedder one got no business.

I told hd that it so nice if i got the 4bedder rooom all to myself but if suan then u got roommate loh .so in the end still play safe


sarahmay, yes, dr loke prices are good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u are more comfortable with a female gynae? i opting for c-sec so dun really make a diff..and i agree that he is v open in delivery methods cos when i told a lot of friends that i opting for c-sec, they say some drs will advise u out of it etc...but dr loke was supportive and encouraging...makes mi quite assured...

phyphy, ic.....i agree dr loke look strict and cool too! like no-nonsense kind...but he is a classic eg of "looks can be deceiving" cos during visits, he is nothing like that! almost everything oso "CAN" (mi and hubby sometimes call him dr CAN)....wow, 4 bedder and 2 bedder oni $50 diff? then i shall opt for 2 bedder...lucky u told me...thanks thanks! haven joined the hospital tour (i guess u dun need to since 1st birth oso there)...but haf u signed up for classes? i haven (read: lazy) and with c-sec, i tink i jus need to sign up for those basic classes like learning to bath the baby etc....what clases u go?

