(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Badfifi... this is yang zi gan lu... Mango with pomelo bits...


Badfifi... this is yang zi gan lu... Mango with pomelo bits...


badfifi - chinatown.. erm.. i think it's called smith street or some street... beside the chinatown mac....

adelynn - *pass u bucket*... hahaha...

badfifi - chinatown.. erm.. i think it's called smith street or some street... beside the chinatown mac....

adelynn - *pass u bucket*... hahaha...

hi ladies..

wat a tired monday.. achy breaky back..


U are tempting us with food again liao.. Luckily i work ard this area, so your yang zi gan lu is within my reach.. hahaha..

U shld try the mango sago at Dessert Hut. It is located at people's park centre (the one right opposite chinatown point). IMO, it is even nicer than the one next to lucky chinatown. If u manage to sia ur hb to come down, no harm trying. Their beancurd skin with barley is nice too. Nonetheless, the one u recommend is very nice as well..

shinchan - where!!!?!?!?!?!?! haha... i super like mango de... but recently heaty... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ooh.. food.. ydae my MIL cooked fried prawn mee... so shiok... saw my FB pic???

shinchan> i love beancurd skin with barley too!!! *wail* u all so evil!!! i also want!!! but chinatown is sooOOO far for me, and most probably too inconvenient too (cos old shopping buildings)...sigh


haha.. i saw the pic of your prawn noodles yesterday nite. was a bit hungry liao, so decided not to see your pic in a large picture to prevent temptation.. wahahhaha... but I know!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Desset Hut is located at People's Park Centre

#02-48/58 at Eu Tong Sen. Give u a pic to tempt u.. *evil grin*


Fyi, their version do not contain pomelo, so wont have the shap shap or bitter aftertaste de.


i have been having beancurd skin with barley and ginko instead of mango sago since pregnant cos frens told that it works as good as birdnest for baby's complexion.. And more imptly it is definitely cheaper than birdnest..

shinchan - wah seh... swee swee swee... yummy... no pomelo ar.. hmm... i love pomelo de leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh.. ydae u "siam" my pic ar??? hahaha... NO SIAM-ing here!!!!


babyT.. u are evil lar..

dun care.. i siam again.. cos my window is open small small nia.. so it is small enuf jus to accomodate the message screen.. I siam, i siam, i siam, siam, siam... wahhhahaha...

shinchan - i can shrink the pic to ur screen size.. mwahahahaha..... wah sian.. i feeling so pukey.. gagged a few times... everytime i get breathless or feel tightness in my chest i will gag... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

Long time din enter this thread as I was busy with my FY closing for the year as well as audit thingy in the same month. Totally exhausted.

Found that I have missed many days of all mummies conversation. Don't know how to catch up. :p

Would like to ask if anyone has any info or have used this Scared Tea before? Care to share?


They claimed can increase milk flow. True?

Hi Luvlee,

Thanks for your info. Am considering one for myself.

windy - my MIL is not into making desserts de... i'm the one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she's more into the real foodie foodie kind cos she used to be a hawker... her fried prawn mee.. superb.. her prawn noodles be it dry or soup.. heavenly... fan choy, fried kway teow...

yvonne - hmm... then take vapodrops ba.. since it's a soothing sweet.. or hacks?? i take both...

ok ladies.. chat tomorrow... i knock off lo... bye........


Aiyo y u so bad..sinful food...

Where is yr night gown pic???


I simply love any dessert associate with mango lo..u tempt me liao...need to find some mango dessert..

The dessert i love the most are from HK...their Shui liu Xian dessert shop...simply love it..


i did eat strepsils when i had sore throat earlier.. actually i oso forgot to check if it is ok anot.. jialat..


How come your ML starts so early?


u mean the Xu Liu Shan dessert shop that was in Spore a few year back huh? I din find that particularly nice leh, but i heard the std in HK is much better. I saw one HK-franchise dessert shop at Vivo level 1, which is constantly crowded. My fren said the desserts are gd but std still lose to HK.


Yaya..xu liu xian...hahaha dont know why i type shui.

Yap i heard that the one in spore std not gd..so its close down..the HK one are better..but this 2 yrs atd also drop abit..but still nice..go HK die die must go there to grab a dessert..

wondering if mtbs in other threads are like us, always talking abt FOOD.. wahahaha... Food seems to be favourite topic beside discussing abt baby..


i kiasi, dont dare to take any lozenges...

I drink honey..manuka honey..which is good..

Drink 1 day nia..the next day recover 50%...

Go try..


actually I intend to take on 1st Sept so I can rest, do up baby room, enjoy some time of rest and train up the new maid. But my boss is very kind and gave me one extra month of ML to rest so release me on 1st Aug. :D


does that mean your 16wks of ML will start from Aug? then it will end earlier oso? or u are still entitled to your 16wks from the birth of your baby?

badfifi/ BBL: noted.

Btw, i read b4 some of u ladies did egg mayo right? Do u keep the egg mayo in fridge then toast a bread and spread d cold egg mayo on bread? hurhur..


Extra one mth..that mean u have 5 mth?

or u take 2 mth b4 delivery n 2 mth after deliver.?

Got free one mth of cos i dont mind to take,,

Hi Shinchan,

I will be getting 20 weeks of paid ML instead though on contract it is 16 weeks. My boss checked with HR and they are fine with this special arrangement as long as my boss is OK.

Yvonne, I made chicken mayo spread last nite and taste so good when its cold this morning. I just used chicken breast instead of egg, with mayo, salt & pepper. Yums!

ya lor, seriously... I think I am sooooo blessed. When my boss first told me that, I thought she wanted me to take one month of no pay leave, then she said no, you will be paid as per normal. Just go ahead and rest. Ultimate pleasant surprise!


Really leh..if i have such a boss i be damn glad..my boss forcing me to take unpaid leave.

He wants me to work lesser no of days per week = pay cut..

When i needed $$ the most my boss treat me that way..

Windy Teo,

Ur boss really beri gd lo.


My boss also trying beri hard to "eat" my leave. Than keep on asking mi to take AL to go for checkup. Super pissed off~~

BBL and Weiting,

In the first company I worked in (quite a famous production company), the boss made my pregnant lady colleague work til wee hours at night and when she was around 6 months, they sacked her. And the worse part is she was so upset she lost her baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So don't be too angry with ur bosses, I think some ppl just don't understand how difficult it is carrying a baby. Most important is we are happy and our baby is growing well. :D

Hi Mommies!

Had my scan today, baby weighs 1.3kg @ 28 weeks!! Can also see his facial features, looks more like me heeheeheeheehee.


Ya la..same case here..i go gynae checkup cannot take mc ah..boss ask me to take AL too..


What,then did yr col sue the company anot? To lose at baby at 6mth..very cham one leh..so bastard that company..

Yap baby's health is most impt..so i try to lun..endure...


congrats,,,last time i manage to see my bb 2 nostril hole nia..look like mine...

Excited to see the facial feature right...


She is so traumatized that she didn't do anything. It's a very terrible company that sucks the life out of their employees. I can go on forever with all the lousy things the boss had done.

Anyway, our job role is always replacable by someone else no matter how good a job we do. But only have one chance to let the baby form properly inside us. Relax k. btw, you are so cute. is your nostril shape very unique? How come can tell look like ur nostril? hehe.

