(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Hi babes, are there any photos from yesterday's gathering to share? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hopefully I can join in the next one, was so busy with my monthly newsletter yesterday which was just blasted out.

Hi PinkyLuv, I am having a baby girl. Thank you!


Hi guys have been so busy recently cos of moving house and settling into our new place and enrolling my boy in playgroup. But had been popping in and out to catch up with you all.

Weiting: I must warn you. My relationship with my MIL before our son was born was ok (not that it's very bad now lah) but once my son was born, wah lau eh, she got a lot of opinion and insists that I follow them. To me, you can give your opinion, if I want, I will follow, if not I will do it my way as I have read up a lot abt childcare, get advice from doc, etc. Before our son, usually MIL leave us alone and don't come bother us. Once her grandson born suddenly always popping by unannounced somemore! So just to warn you that after you give birth, get ready to see and hear a lot more from your MIL!!

diamantz: i don know birkenstock size.. cos i nv buy before =/. for usual charles n keith i wear 37/38, so i bought UK6 for my fitflops. fits me ok but still got abit more space infront of my toes. i tink its jus nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yupyup. tats actually wat i think also. Tats y i tell mi hb if they goin to come without asking mi than i will juz shut my doors lo and no keys will be given to them. I dun give a damn. My fil and grandma is beri nice ppl. Juz tat mil making mi miserable.

BBL: high 5! wow.. u bought $300 worth of Avent stuff at Philip Carnival? What did u get?

I should have bought the bottles teats there but i don't know which size to get...

4oz bottles come with the NB teats right... then i shud start buying No. 2 or 3 (or issit known as medium flow...)

i am really lousy with these... anyone can enlighten..


Sometimes i c my hubby also like very poor thing so I try not to answer my MIL, just turn deaf ear but sometimes I really buay tahan then will nag at him lor. My son is the only one who carries their family name hor but my MIL still feels no big deal & there was once I got so mad I told my hubby tell your mother dun agitate me further, or else I won't even let my son attend her funeral(I know I'm very wicked to say that but she really hit my limit that time). I tell u, if now my BIL got baby regardless gal or boy, sure treatment will be different but too bad, they die die also won't plan to have kids. I think my son knows grandma not very fond of him unlike my FIL & my parents, that's y he's not very close to her.

Weiting, ur mil hor.. really very suan leh. buay tahan.. agree with mag that luckily u are not staying with her, otherwise got more to tahan..

Actually my in-laws are quite nice liao cos they dun usually chap abt us but staying together sure have conflicts here and there. so jus wanna to rant a bit. jus last sun, my mil oso pissed me off. She usually bo-chap abt us. Then all out of a sudden ask my hb if we have gotten our keys to our new hse. Then my hb replied yes and she said "that's gd, then bao-bei (my hb's niece) will have a place to celebrate her 2nd birthday." i was like wtf, all u care abt is your bao-bei, it is my house and I'm the one paying for the maintenance fee and all these are for my daughter's enjoyment.. while u care nothing for us but jus whether ur baobei will have a place to celebrate her 2nd birthday. I damn buay gay-yen.. Actually i have no issues helping my BIL to book the function room but i jus dun like the way my in-laws' baobei here baobei there.. :s


U can buy 2-3 >7oz size bottles to be used wif your medium & large teats. 4oz bottles will outgrow very fast so having 2-3 is more than enuff.


Hehe. Same same le. I actually say the same thing to my hb also le(the attend funeral thingy). My hb also the onli son to carry the family name lo. Oh ya, tat time when my hb told her i'm having a bb boy than u noe wat she say? "See i tell u already sure is boy de, shld have bet wif u lo"

I damn pissed again. Wats there to bet abt? Somemore i personally wanted a ger beri much. Tats y i get so pissed off when i heard wat she say.

thanks mag... u meant 9 oz for Avent bottles right?

so if i get the spare teats, i can just buy medium flow teats to change when needed right?

how often do we need to change the teats? or only when there's tear?

Just want to ask mummies here, anyone planning to use/have bought tommee tippee bottles http://www.tommeetippee.co.uk/product/closer_to_nature_260ml_bottle_twin_pack_with_slow_flow_teats/

Have bought 3 9oz bottles for $19 yesterday during the fair. Heard from many frens this is good so thot of trying out for No.2.

My boy has used Dr Brown & Pigeon previously & now using Bfree. Hubby & me felt Bfree is good but very costly even buying online so dun think can afford for No.2.

Mag, i bot tommee tippee bundle at kiddy palace for 165. it comes with steriliser, warmer, 4 bottles, pacifier and thermo bag. Not sure whether it's good or not but heard from my fren who use it, she says it's good.


I can totally understand how u feel cos my MIL also said the same thing when I was expecting my boy. Damn irritating de. This time I'm expecting gal & she commented about size lor. Never fail to have something to say. Shit!!

Actually good thing this time I'm expecting a gal cos initially she wanted my son to be "adopted" by my BIL but he dun want so I baptised my son, then my MIL said nvm, my 2nd boy she will convince my BIL so I prayed very hard for girl so she cannot have anymore ideas. I tell u how boliao she is, she wanted my BIL to adopt our son cos she scared wait my BIL die, all his $$ will go to his wife & she would rather her son's $$ to go to someone wif their family name. Super Bo liao rite?

I know y my MIL is treating me this way, I found out her MIL also like that so I never expected her to help me in any way if I should get pregnant one day, true enuff lor, she's half paralysed cos got stroke 12yrs ago so she really cannot help me wif anything but I told hubby please lor, physically cannot help never mind, at least mouth should give me a break rite?


Lol. Sometimes i really dun understand wat are they thinking de lo. We really in the same boat lo!!!

Ya lo. I always tell my hb tat as long as she dun open her mouth than everything will be gd liao. The mouth tooooo BIG la!!!!


Sorry ah, not familiar wif Avent bottle size that's y I said any bottle bigger than 7oz. Yap, 9oz.

Teats I normally change every 3-4 mths or as long as the teat turns translucent, when u buy it's totally clear but after awhile, it changes & it also depends on how often u sterilise. I only sterilise in boiling water once in the morning eversince my boy was born. Pls remember to check your teat everytime b4 u let baby use to make sure no tear.

For bottles, I throw them every 6-7mths but cos I latch very often so up to date, I've only thrown 5 bottles for my son who's turning 2 this mth. At the rate I throw my bottles, i really cannot afford to buy costly bottles, even wif BPA, I will throw by 1yr max.

HELLO LADIES!!! back from baby fair... bought the shears car seat black colour @ $99... today limited stock.. i think they have less than 10 units left... and i bought 2 playtex milk bags... 1 4oz and 1 8oz... plus 2 rompers.. I love Dad and I love Mum... signed up for cordlife too... and i'll be going back on Sunday cos..... I DIDN'T GET THE STUFF I WANNA GET FROM PIGEON AND AVENT... cos poor hubby just came home from work this morning... then tired... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

fische> i think some of them have NETS, but i paid mostly cash for everything. for big items like strollers etc though, they should have at least NETS option, if not credit card bah, cos pple usually don't carry that much cash!

thanks mag... now, at least i got a gauge. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe i shud get tommee tippee after using Avent 4oz... so cute plus it's BPA free


Should be considered quite good deal. I would have bot that if I need all the stuff. If the bundle din come wif big bottles, maybe u can consider getting from the expo fair. Good deal.


So far I only saw they accept cash or nets only. Din c if they accept CC.


I bought the bottles, breast pad, teats and dual electric breast pump..total abt 780++.. so i got the bag for free..i so stupid..i bought 3 pairs of size 1 teat (2holes) when the bottles all come with it liao..so think gonna keep them for next bb i guess...

i wanted to get size 2 or 3 initially but i look at the crowd, decide not to squeue in...

for bottles, they didn't sell the BPA free ones, so i didn't buy there. Though very cheap hor - 4 for $25. can buy

Mag, you mentioned you baptised your son, so you are a christian? In this case, is your MIL a christian as well? Mine is not and I am worried about religion conflicts that may arise next time. She's a buddhist and my hubby followed her since young. But hubby has accepted Christ recently (she doesn't know) and we intend to bring up the baby as a christian. Hopefully there wont b any more conflicts than there already is now.

any cheap deals for pigeon breastpads at the fair? wanna stock up already..


actually how many bottles do we need usually? i dun have any idea. The 4 bottles tat i got is one 150ml and three 260ml. is it enough?

Weiting, understand the part abt seeing hubby so poor thing, kenna sandwiched in bet wife and MIL.......sometimes when i hear "brainless" stuff from MIL, i oso wanna roll eyes...but over the years, i jus learn to bo chap....unpleasant to my ears, i dun hear lo...1 ear in 1 ear out...then sometimes when i cool then, i tink she oso got our interests at heart...jus dun bother, dun let it affect ur mood...


U r most welcome. This round I intend to get milk bottles which are contoured more to breast shape cos I got a feeling my gal will be more fussy than my boy so better to make the transition from breast to bottle less stressful. Initially wanted to get this http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=231495&catid=169883&trx=CRT-PLST&trxp1=17008&trxp2=231495 from Drugstore online but since I saw Tommee Tippee on offer yesterday so decided to buy that lor.

My boy very gian png, any bottle also can use, any diaper brand also can use even any formula brand he also can drink, that's y I could go for cheaper brands lor. I'm very worried I won't b so lucky wif my gal cos gals tend to be more fussy. Hehe... Hubby said he's keeping his fingers crossed very tightly.

BabyT, congrats on the good buy......less than 100 bucks for car seat is still considered a steal!

On payment mode at the fair, most accept cash/nets......quite pissed that some dun even accept nets, esp when they sell big items like 100 bucks....lucky cash enuf else i will be so turned off to go atm (also dunno where) to withdraw and pay...

adelynn, pigeon breast pads @ $13.90 for 60 piece +12 piece...i tink same price as any dept store having discount...


I think i still need sometimes to learn the skill of 1 ear in, 1 ear out~~

I think my hb already master the skill liao tats y everytime tell mi to ignore wat she say~~


Talking abt Pigeon breast pads. Must buy cos 72pcs only $13.90 nia. Worth it. I might be going to buy somemore later. Only bot 2 box yesterday cos car got no more space.


I'm Catholic but hubby's buddhist. We got married in church & MIL thot my hubby converted n we told her he din but next time our children all must be baptised. She already had this understanding b4 we got married & hubby dun interfere wif my religious upbringing of my son so obviously MIL cannot say anything also.

I think u should tell her hubby to go talk to his mum abt the religion thing first b4 she finds out fr elsewhere. Try not to b around, let your husband feedback to u instead. Do it b4 baby is born so at least u can get all these issues sorted out rather than wait till baby is out cos U will have other issues to settle then.

SugarOng: if u say so then i wont specially go down to buy that le.. not worth the effort le. hehe

weiting, keke, ya, bet ur hubby has mastered the skill cos he had also know his mom's pattern for so many years....bet he started "training" for the skill since young ;p

elle, i heard for newborn babies, just need 2-3 4 oz will do. they will use till abt 3-4 months then upgrade to bigger bottles.

i am buying 4 then next time when upgrade, can use to store breast milk or use for plain water.

sugarong - ya... i damn pissed... heng last nite i went to draw $$ first... arbo must walk so far to withdraw $$... i like the car seat.. i think it's one of the best buys... erm someone mentioned $30 play pen?? who ar?? where ar??

adelynn, ya, cos that day i also bot for 13.9 at taka...unless u got other things to grab at expo fair...

mag, so im not the only one piling up car space from bb fair loot...we had the same issue and my hubby had to walk 3-4 times to load the purchases before we could continue with the fair...unload to home oso require a few trips and since i preggy, cant be of much help in carrying ;p

babyT> i think it's a limited pcs item, like first XX pcs only...

cash vs NETS> yah, i foresaw this prob, so went to draw $$ the day before. if not, quite jialat


If u planning to breastfeed & latch baby then currently your no. of bottles should be sufficient. Unless u want to bottle feed n baby must use sterilised bottles for each feed, then u will need at least 4-6 bottles cos it's not cost effective to just throw 1 bottle into steriliser after every feed.

I used 2 bottles for my boy that time, for milk for CL to use at nite & the other when I pump cos I only latch my boy from 9am to 11pm. I only sterilise wif boiling water once in the morning & rinse wif hot water b4 any subsequent use. After confinement, it's latch all the way, only used bottle for water.


I thought the avent bottles are BPA free?

Ya the crowd was horrible that day..but i still managed to squeeze through n get wat i wan..,u hubby damn scare people might just knock on my tummy..

aiyah have to be kiasu n aggressive in order to buy what i wan..


Yesterday could have bot more if drove my hubby's van but cos need to ferry my mum & son so drove my car instead. We always buy alot whenever got offer so next time if u feel pai say, just chio me go wif u cos we used to it liao. hehe....

Breastpads: Adelynn, sorry I din know breast pads standard price outside. Thanks ah SugarOng.


Hehe... I also hoping to b able to pamper my gal abit lah cos afterall 1 gal nia. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mag> hahaha. buy bargains will feel pai seh meh? i think it's just good sense! it's just too bad i stay on the other side of the island lah, and my husband's at work. if not, i'll go today too! wanna get diapers and check out the ergo carriers too (cos yesterday we didn't have time)

Breastpads: the price tag of $13.90 got a "sale" on it....not too sure izit those kinda "forever" sale or what...but im sure they haf this pretty often...

Mag, haa, u v gungho mann! sure thing, next time can jieo u go tog...u staying in kaki bukit ah? not too sure if its u....if so, v near mi cos im at bedok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mag, i agreee with your way of having the conditions set first before any conflicts happen. I would also rather do it that way.

But my MIL is a very reactive person and hubby feels that it's better to let her know when the time comes then to pre-warn her. She can behave like a kid and throw tantrum in front of us, and I am sick of facing that now. I have told him many times to speak to his mom about it but he feels its not time.

I intend to tell her directly if she ever asks me about it, since the baby is ours and we have decided on it. hopefully she will respect our decision.



My hubby has the same mentality as u lor since I knew him, buy bargains make good sense. I only accepted this mentality after I became a SAHM. Every cent saved really makes a difference lor.

