(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

badfifi - haha... romantic huh... so far we've only been kite flying once since i got preggy... and i thought my MS over... haha.. fly halfway i puked all over the ground...hurhur.... since then, no more kite flying le...


babyT> nvm mah! must go again and create new memories without the MS! when germaine makes her entrance ah, your chances to go will be less!

badfifi, the webby sealer NB oni $5.50 cos oni 24 piece.......the one at expo is 48 piece, so expo still cheaper...i almost missed the quantity and oso wanna bang wall...wahaha

Today super busy ah this thread.

BabyT: WAIIT! Before u go buy trow, did you call Winnie from Cheong Choon to chk price? Cos she will be able to give good discount. even ccombi which doesn't give discount elsewhere, she can give about 5% cheaper when i checked. so u may want to check tt first before buying capella. CC has all brands!

Mag: which pte sch u doiong? does it have masters? wah...u are doing so many masters! won't it be better to just do one then do PhD? where did u get those lilypads? look good! i think i may try, but i'm just a little concerned abt breathability. and will it lead to plugged ducts?

also, i hear u can just use arm to apply pressure on nipple while nursing so won't leak. i nv dared try cos afraid of pluggged ducts. kena mastitis 3x before. no fun.


wah! 2nd hand at 100 bucks is cheap. how cheap is the ergo at the fair? Organic cotton is supposed to be cooler than the reg cotton. plus the designs nicer. hehe. I super love ergo.

pomme & badfifi: thanks for info on bumwear! i think i cannot buy now cos not in sg. will buy when i'm back....and mb try other brands. this second one i'm determined to cloth diaper!

badfifi: haha. u sure got a lot of wipes. can last 2 mths la. dep on how u use though. the first wk w meconium and stuff u will tend to use more. but as u get the hang of it, u will be able to cut down usage. i think my one pack of 80 ended up lasting me 3wks aand more once bb hit 6/7 mths. now i hardly use - only like the most 3 pcs a day.


badfifi: thx for clarifying! nvm la i think better not spend money cos i still have bags from before! belive it or no! my 25 bag pack, i think i only used 10. sigh.

Bjorn Air

Think the weight limit isn't v high. so after few months some hang it up cos their bbs are big. also if u think ur bbs are gonna be big, better consider the Beco or Ergo cos the weight distribution across back and shoulder is better.

Today super busy ah this thread.

BabyT: WAIIT! Before u go buy trow, did you call Winnie from Cheong Choon to chk price? Cos she will be able to give good discount. even ccombi which doesn't give discount elsewhere, she can give about 5% cheaper when i checked. so u may want to check tt first before buying capella. CC has all brands!

Mag: which pte sch u doiong? does it have masters? wah...u are doing so many masters! won't it be better to just do one then do PhD? where did u get those lilypads? look good! i think i may try, but i'm just a little concerned abt breathability. and will it lead to plugged ducts?

also, i hear u can just use arm to apply pressure on nipple while nursing so won't leak. i nv dared try cos afraid of pluggged ducts. kena mastitis 3x before. no fun.


wah! 2nd hand at 100 bucks is cheap. how cheap is the ergo at the fair? Organic cotton is supposed to be cooler than the reg cotton. plus the designs nicer. hehe. I super love ergo.

pomme & badfifi: thanks for info on bumwear! i think i cannot buy now cos not in sg. will buy when i'm back....and mb try other brands. this second one i'm determined to cloth diaper!

badfifi: haha. u sure got a lot of wipes. can last 2 mths la. dep on how u use though. the first wk w meconium and stuff u will tend to use more. but as u get the hang of it, u will be able to cut down usage. i think my one pack of 80 ended up lasting me 3wks aand more once bb hit 6/7 mths. now i hardly use - only like the most 3 pcs a day.


badfifi: thx for clarifying! nvm la i think better not spend money cos i still have bags from before! belive it or no! my 25 bag pack, i think i only used 10. sigh.

Bjorn Air

Think the weight limit isn't v high. so after few months some hang it up cos their bbs are big. also if u think ur bbs are gonna be big, better consider the Beco or Ergo cos the weight distribution across back and shoulder is better.

sugar> wah!!! thanks for clarifying!!! phew!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i just checked online for reviews etc, it seems sealer really has quite good feedback ah!!! so worth buying! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sarah may> cos everyone told me: you MUST get A LOT of baby wipes, so i just stock up lor!!! :p esp since the price is gd!!! the wipes only expire april 2012.

sarah - haven't call wor... and i think too late le leh.. cos i'm meeting my sis late morning... do u have the number just in case?

sarahmay> i intend to switch my baby to cloth diaper eventually and toilet-train before 1 yo! :p it's a tall order but i have confidence in isaac!!! (and in my own nagging skills :p i swear he'll wean himself off diapers just to shut me up :p


no worry on the stock but after i c ur post,i just bought my share n go liao. Sry,think shinchan got to help u liao.

Beco/ ergo

i think this 2 is a better choice than bjorn air as baby sit on it rather than hanging there.u can really feel the different in the weight distribution

Cheong Choon Store‎34 Upper Cross Street, Singapore 6532 3855‎

Ask for WINNIE. I believe they have capella. In fact all ur bb equipment she has. It's like a warehouse place, not showroom. So once u know what u want, get model number, call her and get price quote. She's v nice and helpful.

Badfifi: I'm considering diff brands of cloth diapers. Doing research online. Bumwear is a bit pricey when i compare to online USA ones like funzi bunz.Wet wipes - good to sstock up la. If u dun use on bb, u can use for other stuff.

sarahmay> yup. i find bumwear quite ex... haha, i'm the kinda mum ah, who'll want to just wrap nappy, use snap to secure and voila! :p

abt wet tissue, yup, my sentiments exactly, cos i go through wet tissues at a fast pace for myself also...


I'm studying my bach at Arium Consulting http://www.ariumedu.com/ No, they dun have Masters, that's y I need to do online then get Arium to proctor my exams.

I need to do 2 masters cos both though related to psychology but need 2 different set of skills so if I want to venture into both fields, then I'll need 2 masters. PhD I dare not think cos scared I cannot cope, I scared wait I Permanent Head Damage. Hehe...

I bot Lilypadz from http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=231635&catid=169868 I cannot comment on blocked ducts but my fren said if u wipe your nipples clean after every feed then shouldn't have any problems. During my last few mths of latching, I actually used finger to press on nipple to stop letdown but no blocked ducts. This round I'm going to pump & latch at the same time so won't waste all my let-down. This time I'm going to store milk. I felt I really wasted alot of milk into breast pads last time.

Ergo at the fair is selling 140+ for basic & 160+ for organic, that's y I say super good buy, somemore many designs to choose from.

hey all mummies to be... i've just went to the Motherhood Fair w my hubby & MIL. didnt get to walk much though, as my hubby is quite impatient person when comes to shopping. managed to get a baby cot bed which comes with free latex mattress & whole set of beddings accessories for $299. Need not pay full amt 1st,requires a deposit, plus free delivery when closer to ur EDD. Compared with other brands, this considered the best & cheapest we can find. As there's another brand, we are quite happy with, it costs almost twice of the price if we want latex mattress.

2nd thing we bought will be the Avent steriliser Package( recommended by other users) @ $120 which includes a BPA free water cup, teether & 2 nipple shields.However we also get 1 pack of Avent NB bottles @ $24 which is abit wasted though cus we got 3 more FREE ones on the lucky draw..lol..so sad.

So those who have not go or wanted to go, can go & have a look @ it. pretty much good bargains, need high tolerance of those flyers givers & filling up the forms, take a paper bag with u to put all the flyers in..lol..


thanks for the help yday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Motherhood Fair

really a lot of good lobang looking at all ur posts , how i wish they can do something like this in IMM, i will be the 1st to go & grab :p

oh yah, got a question to ask, anyone can take half day leave on a working friday (17 July)..we can go and have a lunch buffet or high tea buffet ?

can i check out who can talk half day leave 1st ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if not, we have to stick to a dinner gathering =)

badfifi, where u saw the good lobang for fri? alamak...

pinkyluv, cant take leave on 17 jul cos jus taken 2 weeks leave...sure mani backlogs to clear...

thanks, badfifi....but yest's offer ma jiam similiar to 3rd's ...what were u aiming at? hope no love lost ;P

today's offer still got the pampers active pack for $20? helping fren to ask....

sugar> yes. i think the pampers thing is for all 4 days...

yah, the offers for 3/4 june similar, then the offers for 5/6 june similar...

wondering anyone going to the fair today ? =)

The Shear Playpen @ $69 looks great leh. Heard collection is at Bishan. But need to place order and make payment at the fair. I can tt the funds 1st to those who can help me order [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did anyone buy the Shear Playpen ?

many thanks in advance ")

Pinkyluv, almost bot the shears playpen on the first day...was $99 then, so the $69 deal is a savings! we din buy eventually cos gotta collect at bishan there, a place which we would not go unless we have appointments...so gave it a miss....not sure if $69 comes with free mattress (when its selling at $99, mattress thrown in)...so maybe u might wanna check on this before committing...in the end, i bot the farlin one...

Sarah - yup will be "fetching" my empress dowager at 12... Hurhur... Germaine is getting her chariot soon... Yeah!!!!

Sugar - the playpen really so cheap??? Wah tempting leh... Can put in Germaine's nursery... Later shall psycho my hubby...

BabyT, check out the link by Leo_baby on the special....u can see the shears playpen pic there...$69 but for 1st 50 customers (promo start after 2pm)...not too sure if it includes mattress anot....i saw it selling at $99 on 1st day of fair, inclusive of mattress...apparently pay at the fair, collect at bishan....or do u mean the farlin one?

yupz, Sugar, saw from ur initial posting..not sure whether $69 got mattress ornot..but doesn't matter hehe

I will collect at bishan myself

any kind soul going pls sms me .Will tt the payment latest by this evening =)


I think u ask me abt KKH having Pureen brand product being sold in a single store. yes its cfm and I saw 30% sales sign thot I did not go in. Is Pureen good brand? what is good?

Shears playpen 69 without mattress. Mattress is 29. So disc of one dollar? Dun make sense.

Ergo got 3 ranges: standard, organic cotton and sports. Sports at 139, organic179/185

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt:

I have the following items available for low prices as I have become a SAHM and my baby is latching on exclusively -

1) PIGEON PERISTALTIC NIPPLE for standard neck bottles - 0-3mths+ S sized teats

Available for sale at $4 per 2pc-pack

-> 2 packs available

2) PIGEON PERISTALTIC NIPPLE for standard neck bottles - 2-3mths+ M sized teats

Available for sale at $4 per 2pc-pack

-> 2 packs available

3) PIGEON PERISTALTIC NIPPLE for standard neck bottles - 2-3mths+ Y leak-proof teats

Available for sale at $4 per 2pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

4) PHILIPS AVENT AIRFLEX NIPPLE - 3mths+ Medium flow teats

Available for sale at $6 per 2 pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

5) NUK Breast Pads with Ultra Absorbent Polymer Core

Available for sale at $5 per 24 pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

6) Tollyjoy Breast Pads with Ultra Soft Maximum Comfort

Available for sale at $6.50 per 48 pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

Self collection: Jurong East MRT, Clementi MRT or Tiong Bahru MRT

Pls PM me to arrange if interested.

Yay! Husband is collecting the bedok shepherd's pie now!! Happy tea break later!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies... Wah piang... What's the weather like man... Northeast hot like hell... West side rain... East side also hot... Yeah I bought my stroller le... Now my house really like pig sty... nope my room... Every corner is Baby's items...

i just came back from the fair. Bought the following items:

- 2 packs of NB pampers at 16

- 3 packs of S pampers at $45

- 8 packs of NB drypers at $56

- 1 pack of S Nepia at $12 (they give extra 2 free)

- 2 packs of pureen maternity pads at $12

- 1 set of bundle which contains 5 blankets at $25 9i think the colour of the blankets are very nice, and is so soft )

- 1 parklon playmat at $180


curious how many diapers per pack ? ")

how come never buy sealer


Thanks for helping me with the playpen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] appreciate it =)


thanks for the playtex bags =)


lucky gal ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


take a look at kiddy palace. Plenty of milk bags with seals but just more ex [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi pinkyluv,

- 2 packs of NB pampers at 16 (24pax)

- 3 packs of S pampers at $45 (48pax)

- 8 packs of NB drypers at $56 (28 pax)

- 1 pack of S Nepia at $12 (they give extra 2 free) (56 pax +2 free)

seems like i buy too many NB ha ...

