(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Mag, jus my thought...silicon material -> nipples cant breathe/air? then more prone to blocked ducts? i cant comment much cos 1st time mom...maybe other mummies can help?


huh.. mostly by cash.. luckily got u ladies to warn b4hand.. otherwise i jialat.. hate goin to the atm there, q always so long.

Anyone saw combi stroller there?

mag> yup! i've been brought up to dislike wastage, so really, i think even if i had a million bucks, i can't be one of those pple that can just say "buy lor!" and not see if the price is justified or if there's a better deal elsewhere. i don't think it's cheapo, cheapo is when you cheong only for stuff that are cheap without considering quality. if quality is good, then why pay top-end price when you have other options? to me, it's abt quality, not price.


Yap, I'm staying at Kaki Bukit. Sure u can jio me, as long as got good bargains, my hubby can even travel to JB lor. That's how cheapo we r lor. Hehe...paisay paisay...


If your hubby dun want to broach the subject, then u just pretend ask your hubby abt baby's baptism in front of MIL so that she can hear cos I feel this is better sorted out b4 baby comes. If she makes a fuss then so be it but at least give her more time to come to terms wif it rather than just drop the bomb on her. My MIL also very reactive type so that's wat I normally do if my hubby dun want to broach any subject (purposely speak in Hokkien just to make sure my MIL can hear & understand), then my MIL will ask my hubby on the spot or when I'm not around so my hubby got no choice but to explain to his mother lor. Sounds abit mean but at least the issue can be solved or discussed rather than play avoidance.

Sometimes men dun understand us so we must push abit. U will have alot of issues to settle when baby is born & hubby will probably b stressed so u really got no time to sort out this religion issue, in the end it just makes everyone more upset than it is.

shinchan> when you can pay NETS, use NETS, save your cash for places where you really have no choice but pay cash. then hopefully no need to go ATM (which is soooOOOOOOO far!)


Same here, I also want to buy for quality but also must be affordable to pocket lor. Hehe... Having kids really make me compare prices more carefully. Last time no commitment plus more income so I just buy as long as it's affordable, won't purposely go source for places selling at lower price but now so different, must always compare prices. Hubby very happy lor cos now finally I'm willing to go compare prices wif him. He's the type that will only c price but dun c quality just like my MIL, until I proved to him quality stuff also can get at affordable prices so now he's convinced. Hehe....


That was my concern initially too but my frens told me as long as u clean your nipple after every feed & check for blocked ducts then will be fine. Same goes for using disposable breast pads too.

Wow Mag, you are so experienced in handling ur MIL. Thanks for the tips! This is such a sensitive issue and the last thing I want is for her to think that I don't respect her. I'll try it out when everyone is in a good mood.

But if she asks me directly, should I tell her that "hubby and I have already discussed this issue and we have decided to bring up the child as a christian". Does it sound like we have already decided and you have no say in it? OR should I say "since I go to church every week, I feel it is better to bring the child along to learn at the sunday school. What do you think about it?" The latter will sound like I am open to her opinions, but I hope I am not opening up a can of worms...

Mag, not cheapo ok? rather, its good buys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i oso love good buys.....nobody will wanna spend more on the same item, unless they really bo bian need it then and there, loaded or lazy to source ard ;p

ya, our topics each day always change de...interesting!


Huh.. no combi. That is one of the major item on my to-get list leh. Now really regret not getting during the taka fair back then. seems like taka fair had the best deal on miracle turn liao. heard there is another one in Aug isit?


i believe bigger counters like pigeons will have nets or credit card rite? but i think still better to withdraw a bit more jus in case.


I've been facing my MIL since 1997 liao so I've tried all methods I can think of but I still thinking of new ways to tackle her cos MIL issues r never ending. Hehe.... So must have high EQ or else we'll collapse 1st b4 they do.

I think u should just tell her the 2nd option first & c what she says but if she still cannot accept then drop her the 1st option & ask your hubby to explain to her. Most importantly is dun show any disrespect for her through your tone or words, can go indirect & aim your hubby instead but never towards her otherwise your hubby sure to get big time hell from her.

Next time I will be someone's MIL too & hubby told me he wonders how I'll treat my DIL next time. I told him I can only constantly remind myself of my MIL lor. Hehe...

LAdies whose gynae are Dr Lawrence Ang..

i got a query, does he only deliver babies on Tues n Thurs?? i was told about it and i don really believe it.. how to choose date to deliver unless c-sect?

shinchan - actually it doesn't matter... cos both tai sing and taka don't offer discount, just give free gifts nia.... anyway i'm getting Capella from Baby Kingdom tomorrow... tried Combi and Capella, still prefer Capella....


MIL topics r never ending but it's a good way for us to pour our grievances. Feel free to contribute lah so we will c all the different types of MILs all of us r facing. Haha...Evil rite??

This topic, every mummy also can share regardless of 1st time mummy or experienced mummy. Really one big common topic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Did u go to the Taime sale last wk? They got discounts for Capella leh cos they r distributor I think. Maybe u want to call & ask their prices to compare wif Baby Kingdom.

Can call Cheong Choon & check if they carry Capella too cos if price alright for u, can ask them to deliver then u no need to purposely make the trip there.

Someone mentioned NTUC got offer for Capella rite?

Mag - i didn't go Taime sales leh... it's so difficult to get me out of the house on weekends... i went Baby Kingdom last Tuesday... the red Capella going at $295.20... NTUC sell capella??

Me me me! Ntuc xtra.. $295 for s705 model. More spacious. Original price $365 or something. I bought from baby kingdom with 20% discount as introduced by clueless crystal months back. After discount still cost $295.20 i think. Ntuc even cheaper! Lol..


from wat i rem Combi Miracle Turn TJT-450 is going at $529 during the taka fair. But i saw $598 at kaki bukit.

How come u choose capella? thgt u wanted combi oso?

Ok ladies, going to pick my son now then going Expo liao since hubby is home already. Talk to u again.

Everyone, have a great & enjoyable wkend!!

yvonne - oh is it.. same la.. chey... aiya $0.20 difference... plus AMK hub parking leh.. haha... cheapo mummy hor.. parking also must save... anyway my sis buying for me.. so still ok la... i still got to go Clementi fetch her lor... she got own car, dunno how to drive.. "purposely" make me go down with my "chariot" to "fetch" her...kns.....

shinchan - cos i wanted combi urban walker, but it's not 4 wheel drive.. and i tried the urban walker.. wah piang... i accident dunno how many times.. bang here bang there... hubby see liao say NO... and miracle turn is 4 wheels, but expensive... and sis say not worth it, cos we got car, so the stroller will only use if i go out often ALONE without transport... so we decided on capella... cheap and also 4 wheel "drive"...


actually i wont really go out much w/o hb oso lar. Jus that i need to factor in my mum. she will be the caregiver mah. Although my parents drive, but their place is not the lift landing level, so i prefer to get something not too heavy for her to handle. Plus, miracleturn comes with the sling strap oso. But this capella model sounds not bad, worth taking a look too.

shinchan - oh... icic... actually capella is slightly heavier than combi ba... no harm having a look.. cos it's almost 1/2 the price of miracle turn... also one hand open and close plus reversible handle... u go down and try ba... cos with the amt of money saved, i can get my sis to buy me more stuff.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *evil me...*

I rem capella is about 8kg? Luckily at first i nv buy miracle turn leh when it was $629.. I saw at spring maternity $529 lo.. Heng ahhhh..

N yes tt capella is really worth it.. Got d functions like miracle turn but half d price.. Jus tt its heavier, but pram will always b in d car so we r ok with d weight.. Hehe

capella> only the bigger NTUCs carry strollers. must be the NTUC Xtras I think...

shinchan> you never know abt the cash/nets/credit card issue, cos at such exhibitions ah, they gotta pay more for such things i think, plus CC also charges merchants for transactions. NETS also i think

yvonne - ya i agree... slightly heavier nia.. i think about 2kg?? miracle turn is 6.2kg ar?? can't remember le... and i prefer capella's cushion to combi cushion... but hor... wanna ask u... ur car got install ICE?? cos my boot although is big for a hatch back, but still... i got 1 box of stuff (car wash, bottled water etc...) then my kite, and ICE... i still thinking how to put inside the car leh.... and the shears car seat... the front seat passenger can kiss the windscreen liao.. haha... if put recline then the front seat must push quite in front... have u tried??

phyphy> when are you going to the fair? i don't know if shinchan is definitely going and she can help me buy? can you sms me when you're there? i PMed you my contact no. so sorry and pai seh abt the trouble ah!

phyphy> hmm, ok. maybe i "take a risk" and hope shinchan can help me buy tomorrow, cos her place is closer to mine bah? what are you hoping to see? maybe i can tell you where to watch out for! hee

phyphy> diapers as in the Sealer diapers? same booth as the EQ wet wipes. extreme right aisle from entrace. pureen wipes are also available, 1 aisle left from there... can you help me see if the diapers are running low on stock? if so maybe should ask you to help me buy! :p but i can only pick up from tampines on weekends, don't know if it's convenient for you....

BabyT: u knw swift sport is famous for their tiny boot, can put in. Jus nice, cannot put anything liao. Cos my hub using bride seat, so car seat put Behind him still got space..

yvonne - but my ICE is not hidden in the "tyre repair" compartment wor... if "teh tio" then spoil... my head sure roll... mine is Honda FAT.. i mean Fit... hehe... i think i will have to remove that box of barang barang le.. and my huge kite... regret regret... regret not buying a bigger car... grrrr.....


I'll definitely be going unless something really urgent crop up. wanna make use of this fair to get as much as i need. however, if phyphy is getting for you instead, let me know. will PM you my number.

forgot to give the website for the diapers. they have other stuff too...


shinchan> can i trouble you to just call or sms me before you buy? then can cfm with you on the spot. yes, this fair seems like a gd place to stock up. But remember to bring lotsa cash...tomorrow, the ATM Q will sure be very very very long!!!

badfifi - aiyo... not that kind of kite la... my kite = layang.... those family outing kite flying activity...haha... if i preggy still can kite surf i sure kena from everybody... mwahahaha.....

babyT> uh, that is probably what one of my friends did. wind/kitesurfers are all a bit "siao siao" one...already, for their son, i think they got him his very own sail and board for windsurfing (he's below 4 years old)!

