(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Sarah I bought the smaller wan. Cos I do not have space for the big wan, but it's tempting. They only haf the thin wan there. I think it's gd enuff cos I even go step on e map to try. Since can take my fat weight now shld b alrite cos baby or children will b lighter.

Playtex- I feel tat it's gd for cheaper option. Juz use rubber band or those clip will do. Saw demo ystrdy frm e sales gal. Seems quite ok. But I nv noe cos I haven try out.

So I will search bp to buy n try out. No harm trying huh.

Yup forget to mention I bought e bm tray for $33.


Good morning ladies!! Yeah, it's friday but so sleepy now.

Re: Gathering

Nice meeting you ladies ytd. Hope more can join in the next round.

Re: BM Storage

Wat is the main difference between using bottle and milkbag to store BM? I mean other than the advantage of space saving.


BM Storage - Milk Bag use & throw away cant recycle. milk bottle (glass) can recycle & sterilize but take up space in freezer or fridge.

morning ladies

glad to hear the gathering was fun~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am having water retention in my ankles now.. is anyone else having this? gt feeling i will give birth early tis time round.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Was it due to the walking last nite or...


How's yr water retention getting on? Does the gel works? Ask your hb to help to massage heard from feedback think is pomme ba that is quite effective.


Can you PM me. I need you contact in case I wanna sign up CordLife. BTW, I m leaving office at 12noon. No access to internet after 12noon wor.

Shinchan & Tigerlily,

Cordlife promotion: 1 year free personal accident insurance for new parents (father+mother), first 30 to sign up daily to have $50 capitalland shopping voucher.

On top if you have a friend recommendation $50 off for both you and your friend. Your friend will get $50 capital land voucher.

If you need can quote my name and ic. PM me if you want since i already sign up


like the nursing cover a lot ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] going to see slowly later

phyphy and sugar> thanks for your offer to help! i will PM you my contact no! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thank you again!!!


No wor, was too tired to read the instructions ytd, so haven apply yet.. :p will probably do it this wkend. Foresee that i might need to activate tmr cos my errands start from morning. Going for my regular checkup in the morning, then to taka and subsequently to expo. Need to buy many things from expo leh. So i think my poor feet will definitely be tired out..


Thanks for the clarification on the cordlife thingy. Still discussing with hb whether to sign up.

A qn to ask u ladies ya - Do u think it is silly if we dun sign up the cordblood thingy?

pomme> i didn't buy stroller (that's why so blur abt what's available for strollers @ expo) for strollers, will get hand-me-down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shinchan: i never sign up for cordblood for my #1, don tink for #2 too.. financial constrains.


Actually i'm goin to expo tmr for definite. As we dun stay near, not sure if your hb can come collect from me at my place - Bt Purmei. If you want to let me know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, get the nursing cover, then u dun need to buy so many nursing tops :p no need to worry abt nursing cover being dirty, cos u are not going out everyday mah.. rem our discussion ytd? LOL

adelynn> same here. financially not viable.

photos from yummy mummies @dinner. wah!!! so nice!!! glad you girls had a great time!!

shinchan> i'll PM you my contact no. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks so much! and no worries abt collecting from bukit purmei. for us, it's the timing that is more crucial. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shinchan: mi and my hb also dun intend to take up the cordblood thingy. We decide to donate it to SCBB. Cos i read from the FAQ tat if we require the cordblood in the future we can still request for it.

In the event that the donor/child or family members need the donated cord blood for transplant can the cord blood unit be requested?

Donated cord blood is not reserved for the specific family’s usage. However, if the family requires the cord blood unit and it is still available in the bank, we will work with your Transplant Physician on the release should it be found suitable. If the cord blood unit has already been released for transplantation, we will also work with your Transplant Physician on finding a suitable unit.

Data shows that it is most unlikely that donors should ever need their own cord blood unit as most Transplant Physicians may not feel that the patient’s own cord blood unit is the best choice. This is because it may already carry the genetic abnormality that led to the blood or immune system failure or cancer in the first place.

bbl & Adelynn,

Ya lor, we are still discussing cos dunno whether shld invest anot. so thgt b4 we talk to the cordbank pple, jus wanna gather some info here..


Where are the photos? In our FB discussion thread ah?

cordblood banking> my husband also went to find out more abt cordblood banking before this. he found that research on this is not advanced enough and may not justify the costs. also, for us, the costs are too high to sustain so we decided to go with public banking

yes agree with badfifi, the pics are really nice! truly yummy mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cordblood donate? Public Banking?

Aiyo.. got so many types? I lost liao. Can advise more? Donate and public banking same? Public banking need to pay? How to opt for these? Sorry ah.. me is a lousy mtb, was so busy working earlier, only now then have a some free time to look into bb stuff.

pomme> thanks so much for the link for desitin! i found california baby stuff there too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You should heard the presentation with HB from the cordlife ppl and make decision. You should not take our words as advise if to bank or donate as the child is yours and what both of u intend to give to child should be decision that come from both of you. the presentation will explain to you in more details of what it does and help both of you understand better.

badfifi, ok, shall email u after this.....so confirm shinchan helping u buy? cos wait scarely u got 2 sets - 1 fr her, 1 fr mi...u lemmi noe...sms oso can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tinkerstars, the bundle set for the avent steriliser comes with how mani bottles bundled tog? makes mi wanna buy too!

cordblood...i tink its a preference of choice and your thinking/accpetance towards this....anyhow, its always good to weigh all pros and cons before committing cos i agree its not a small sum of money...

shinchan> i think leo_baby is right. whether to store your baby's cordblood is a rather personal decision. really gotta make your own decision. for me, i "delegated" this to my husband and i supported the decision he made. and yes, donate= public banking i think


Got yr details. Tq. I will sms you if I have decided to take up Cordlife.


If you planning for 2nd BB, my suggestion is you still got time, can sign up when you have yr 2nd BB. For my case, I probably just going to have 1 precious BB so if I don't sign up then no more chance liao.

sugar> we communicate via SMS? i'll pass you my contact no via email. then before you buy, we confirm again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm still think abt it... Thinking whether it's necessary? But at the same time... This will b my last bb.. So really ve to give it a good thot. Maybe will ask my gynae for her view later.

25 weeks checkup

later going for my checkup!!! So looking forward to it. Hb can't make it again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he missed out the previous detailed scan last mth too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still thinking shd I bring my 2 kiddos to see their mei mei bor?


haha, i think i also senile..can't believe tat i forgot that i wun be going out everyday..still ask u if dirty how

anyway, i have one fr BBR already, should be arriving soon =p

Regarding gathering

hehe, din tag cos i noe some of u wan privacy, so tag only if u r comfy with identifying urself lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so sad couldn't join u guys 'cos last min meeting... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope u guys had fun.


I've tried safetyfirst and playtex.

Safetyfirst comes with ziplock & easy to store n use. However, do knoe they dun come cheap... Cost abt 20 over dollars for 30 bags or so? (paiseh can't really rem cos quite

some times back liao).

Playtex is a much cheaper option. Comes with much much MORE liners. Downside, a bit more troublesome as u have to twist n turn (to prevent leakage) n secure it with a ikea clip. For cheapo me... Once my BM is frozen, I will switched the ikea clip to bread tag (if u buy sunshine, gardinia, etc, u will ve the tag). That way, I can save $ fr buying too much ikea clips.

For my #3, I will be using playtex again. Reason being.. They r more compact thus take up less space in freezer. N v friendly on the pocket/wallet. N I will try to tie with rubber bands this rd.

mango> the lady at the playtex booth told me that we can use rubberband to secure, the red kind. just buy 1 bunch, very cheap.


So hot so hot so hot!!!!! I'm melting already... Felt esp Gao Wey at armpits!!!! Bra's already wet!!! Urgghhhhhh!!!! I hate this weather.

Re: Weight btw No.1 & 2

Cool & Pinkyluv,

Thanks for replying to my question. I'm quite worried how my No.2 will turn out. MIL kept saying gal better dun be too big size cos very chor lor but I told her look at my size & my son's size, how can my daughter be small unless premature lah. Quite pissed off cos she always comment abt my size, say I too tall, if like her daughter will be best, petite. Wah piang, my ancestors got Dutch, French & Portuguese, all ang moh Euro size, how she expect me to be small & petite.


no worries, we will do it again in july lah

how abt 17 / 7 ? easier to remember. It is a friday, we can meet at 630pm again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] venue to be decided

who are onz? =)



Good idea to finish your masters since now so competitive.

It seems like everyone's having degree now so I dun want to lose out especially when hubby & I not highly educated, moreover now got kids, must try to secure our future more. Just switched from Colorado State Uni to Adam State College. Child Psych hubby suggested I take cos got good $$, Criminology is my interest but still not very popular, very limited employers.

Thanks for the jab name, I always cannot remember the name even when ppl have told me countless times. :p

Talking about stretch marks, my mum also dun have after 3 kids. She saw my tummy yesterday & she said, u got so many stretch marks again? I said those below my belly button were fr my son, only those above belongs to my gal & so far there's 3. Hopefully can stop there. I really wonder y our mums dun have. Something went wrong somewhere I think.

