(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

mag> eh, why girl must be petite? i think it's all relative. petite girls can also be chor lor wat! it's a matter of upbringing, not size, software not hardware! don't be too affected by what your MIL says!



Don't bother abt yr MIL's comment. My MIL oso says I put on alot of weight when preggy lor. Say her daughter very slim la - my after birth 6mths le so fast slim down etc... my SIL's baby gal very petite cute la etc... I just don't care lor - 1 ear in & 1 ear out. Hear what is good 'like the class 98FM' ad on TV.

sugar, the avent steriliser don't come with milk bottles. it's a drinking botte for bb when she knows how to hold. those with 2 handle at the side...

i heard from friend, last year at Philip Carnival, they did throw in free bottles. not this time liao. sad....

geez, my colleague just told me doing both hands of acrylic nails ( dun noe how to spell properly) , did only once cost 400 bucks ?!

not a package , only once..

dumbfounded now

Cordlife - sugarong, you were at the booth very early? i din get the $50 voucher cos only for first 30 customers of the day who sign up....

i signed up for cordlife too. put my referrer as my good friend and we will share the $50 voucher. $25 each. everyone happy. haha

anyone want to sign up and want to share the $50 voucher. drop me an email.


hehe,dessert buffet only fr 3pm to 6 pm leh..so out..and sunday is recommended..

u have any place to recommend us =)

Pinkyluv, did she do those arylic that can remove and reuse one?

my friend did that for ard $300.. and she can keep reusing if she maintan well.

those i think worth it.

tinkerstars....thanks...ic...hmm, dunno wanna buy anot cos still waiting for SIL to advise if she will be handing hers down by the time i pop...so the free gift only the teether and this drinking bottle?

got lucky dip too. i was lucky to get the Avent Compact bag, which i thought will be useful.

It's a mini diaper bag with thermal compartment and space for milk bottle. Comes with a diaper changing mat inside...

but u know such lucky dip - some prizes are like mittens, pens etc... so really depend on luck.

if u got hand me down, maybe no need to get..

i will also be getting one 5 yr old sterliser from cousin... but thought just get a new one in case that one stoped workng....

i can put one in office too if i continue breastfeeding when return to work.


Sure I dun mind buying the wet wipes for u. Just let me know lor. I bot 10 packs of the large EQ wipes & 6pks of the small ones. Really cheap & Good rite? Hopefully it's suitable for your baby.


Your 2 babies very good size hor for 37wks. So for your case, 2nd bb is bigger. Thanks for your reply ah.


I also had bleeding 2 yrs back when I had 1st intercourse at 2nd tri. Went to gynae for jab & hormone pills. Doc said bleeding was at external area so baby is safe. Cos of that experience, hubby din dare have sex until my boy was 2mths. This preggy we only had sex twice nia cos scared history repeat itself. Glad that your gynae assured u r fine. Take care ah!


Read u had a fall, r u feeling better now?

Pls update for me, Princess Anastasia. Thanks.

Got buffet again? Let me know details then I can ask hubby if he wants to come along. Thanks again.

pinkyluv...wah, ur fren power sia....so ex...maybe the designs she choose is v difficult to draw de?

tinkerstars, i was not exactly early there...by the time i sign up, was like 2 plus 3 le....the cordlife gal who attended to mi was v nice and comprehensive....she din mention anything abt the 1st 30 signups for the $50 voucher so i tot its roadshow special, ie for all signups ;p wah, ur lucky dips prizes are cool! i oso wan! whaahah...


u r so lucky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i usually get the smaller items lor

Expo Baby Fair

looks like most of u got v good bargains..

any kind soul can help me get playtex ? 1 box will do hehe

Badfifi & Tiger Lily,

My hubby also agrees wif me that his mother always talk cock (excuse my language :p), lucky my EQ high or else sure kenna depression.

Sealer definitely worth buying, I already bot 6pks but still hesitating whether to buy somemore cos watever we bot yesterday can only last <2mths. Hubby & I still deciding whether to buy another 6more S size to tahan until baby is 3mths, might even buy EQ M size too. May go again later b4 picking my son. We're kiasu & lazy parents so always have 6mths stocks on hand.


yupz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks !


is my colleague's sis who is getting married tmr..i have yet to see those nails..so quite curious how they look like :p

BUMWEAR: anyone saw them having promo?

Mag: urs is online degree course? how did u decide if it's good? for mine, i was thinking of doing online but hor, for education, MOE is v particular...so i m afraid if i do overseas or online will not recog. hence i have limited choices. plus now not back in sg, and hubby intends to go US to pursue masters...hence i have to still put my masters plan on hold for a while. :-( and ya, child psych super popular and set to grow. however u know tt in order to prac as a pscyhologist, u need clinical psych right?


okie....these days a lot more awareness abt harms of pthlates and BPA in milk bottles right? Same for milkbags la....cos w these i'm not sure if any brand actually has BPA-free stuff. so while glass takes up more space ( unless u super MS, i don't think i have lor.) it is prob the safest option for those really concerned abt hormone disrupting chemicals. For me, i think i'm goign to just use my avent storage bottles (but not BPA free).

CORD blood banking: who was askign if it's silly we don't bank? so many posts i cannot recall.

like weiting mentioned, it's hihgly unlikely from current research tt the donor will need his own cos of inherent genetic abnormalities already if they shd req use. hence i didn't bother and just signed for donation w SCBB (public banking). u can choose option of cord blood NOT to be used for research purposes shd it be rejected for banking.


Thanks! Maybe if i have time i shall see if expo sells warmer. Will be seeing him on 26th.


wow! multi-national. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday's gathering,

hope you mummies have an enjoyable time chatting. Going to look at the photos now!

mag> thanks so much for the tip abt the EQ wet wipes! we felt the sample and it was good! : i'm a very kiasu MTB. buy and stock. i already bought $20 worth of the EQ wet wipes! :p i think enough for now, cos wanna make sure baby is okay wth them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope can tahan for 2 mths or so, then if really no choice then ah, gotta tompang you liao! :p so paiseh!

sarahmay> the playtex milk bags are BPA free. bumwear is at the expo. they have a starter pack but i forget details. i think they're quite ex leh, even if promo


My current degree is thru a local private school but I checked that the degree is recognized here & internationally. So far haven't had much issue yet. For Masters, I will be doing online distance learning, haven't decided on the uni yet cos need to c my results for Bach.

Ya need to get a Masters in Clinic Psych to practice so will also be doing that but after I get my Masters in Criminology 1st. Clinic Psych costs $10-15K more than Criminology so must make sure I earn enuff first. :p

Pinkyluv: Thanks for organizing the outing. It's fun meeting up with mothers whom we've been chatting on forum. But feel very tired this morning, really didn't feel like going to work. TGIF!


U'll b shocked when u c me cos I look alot like chinese, only size & name ang moh. Hehe...


U r most welcome.


U r most welcome. Have just PMed u my mobile so just text me if u need to tompang wet wipes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My fitflops are here! Something to cheer my day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


please pardon my ugly feet/toes.. and can see my swollen ankle.. haiz

weiting: not painful.. just feel tight.. don know what happen le. wad i have #1 no swelling.. haizzz

Leo baby: yeaa if its really that good.. i will get for my mum. cos on the website it states good for knee caps.. my mum is having loads of problem for her both knees..


ur ankle sure looks swollen...try to prop it up whenever u can.....place ur legs on a pillow at nite when u sleep...see gets better anot...or ask hubby to massage for u...

sugarOng: haiz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] okay mayb i sit too long hours in office these few days. busy with my mth end closing wrk..

adelynn, u oso got month end closing? doing accounts? what i did in ofc was take a box of those copier paper when the rims of papers are used up, put it underneath the table and "kiao ka"...u try ...might help a bit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u MTB is really fast... i haven finished reading, ppl are posting..

i wanted to go to the baby fair but hubby keeps saying there is not good bargain we can get.. as my MIL went there once and dun really see any good bargain.. all abt the prices outside..

but after reading all these posts, i think i shld just drop by at least..

Thanks all!

Hi ladies,

Just came back from lunch and saw so many threads liao.

Sigh... hubby say not going to expo motherhood fair. So far i haven't been to a single baby fair at the expo. Glad you ladies got a lot of good deals. Seems like this fair has the best deals among all the fairs at expo.


You are really lucky to get the compact bag from avent.


Glad i could help. I have met the spree lady in person cos i went to do self collection from her place. I also bought california baby stuff from her. The Calendula cream that fifi recommends for cradle cap or normal rashes. I bought the calendula baby wash for my Gideon to wash his hair and body.


Here's the link to Bumwear's promotion at the motherhood fair. http://www.bumwear.com/motherhood2010.html

For those pple interested in baby bjorn carrier, there is a spree for it in the bulk purchase thread, Air model at $130 only

pomme> ah for baby wash, i bought pigeon, cos good deal. this fair really has good deals, maybe you can tompang someone to help you get stuff or go there?


I've been going to Expo baby fairs for 3yrs already & every year I buy the most during the June Motherhood fair cos got the most bargains. Maybe the one your MIL went is the one in Feb cos I felt that's the worst. I think u shld really go for this one if u have the time.

Pomme Low,

Good opportunity to go if u still have things u need to get for Gideon. Try to convince your hubby, this fair shouldn't disappoint u.


No wonder i din see the photos lar, cos we din add each other on FB.. I have jus added you, so approve me, ok?

Wow, ur fren arcylic nails so ex??? I last did it during CNY, dun rem it to be so ex.


Aiyo, poor thing.. my poor feet oso like yours.


Gotta turn a deaf ear to you MIL lor, otherwise, we will always be upset. Like my FIL, alrdy mentioned a few times that my tummy much bigger than my SIL. Said that still cannot see my SIL's tummy even when she is 5mths.. Excuse me, my SIL is stick-like thin, how to compare. In my heart i damn pek chek liao, really feel like telling him "Yes, I'm fat!! Can?" urgh...

Another item worth buying is Ergo carriers, really good deal, $100+ for brand new low & high range. I bot 2nd hand organic one for $100 in Jan last yr cos at that time BP & baby fairs all very ex, almost $200 or $200+. Hubby also said yesterday Ergo so cheap for brand new.

Ergo is good for big babies cos good support. Frens who r using Baby Bjorn all commented cannot use more than 9mths cos all cannot tahan baby's weight.

shinchan: yes why we so ke lian?!?!

Mag: yea i have the ergo carrier.. used it for my #1 and lasted really long.. when he was too big to be carried infront i use it to "piggy back" him.. hee


I also got the avent bag..but its from the philips warehouse..purchase above $300 entitled u to get the bag free...so i also have it..

Seems like the fair is a die die must go thingy..will try to pop by on saturday to grab something for my bb..seems like my iternary quite pack for this week liao..


Seems like all our in laws quite brainless when they talk. Dun worry, hubby never complain can already. We can lose weight after our babies r born but top priority now is for our babies to be healthy & strong. I think I'm the only mummy here who has hit 80 on the weighing scale liao but it doesn't bother me so jia you!!!


Ergo's really good & worth price. I've recommended to many frens & my cousins & all agree best carrier they've come across altho more costly but lasts very long.

I haven't tried piggy back, always use front nia but haven't used it since Dec 09 liao. Hubby dun like so I'm always the one using. Maybe I can try piggy back my boy after I deliver but dun know if he still wants carrier. :p


Ya, it's more to the back of the fair. Should go get it if u planning to buy. Definitely worth buying, u can also ask hubby to try it on too.

Mag, Shinchan,

Totally agree. They simply tok without goin thru their brains. I'm always so pissed off when i go back to visit them and always make mi scolding my poor hb for it. Super buay ta han my mil.

We usually will onli go back once every weekend than i think we have something on or wat for the pass two weekends so we didnt actually see my mil but we actually see his father and grandma. Than last week when we saw her the first word coming out from her month is "who r u huh? i dunno u le". I'm so god damn pissed man.

Sorry for the nagging. Juz super pissed wif tis kind of mother tat tok tis way. I was telling my hb i shld reply her saying ya lo. I also dunno u. :p


U should be lucky u not staying wif them. I'm staying wif my in laws so u can imagine when my MIL starts firing me, I got no where to run except my room. I told hubby if I really buay tahan then I'm moving hor since my new place almost ready. The reason I bot my 1st flat 12yrs ago also bcos of my MIL & now if i move to my 2nd flat also will be bcos of her. Sickening!!!

Just come in here & pour your grievances anytime, I'm sure mummies here wouldn't mind as long as it makes u feel better.

weiting, oh my......they so tactless...how can jus ask "who r u huh" straight in ur face? if im u, i will be equally pissed...pissed big time somemore...u shd reply "im the one helping u guys to carry on the family line"....shd shut their mouth...;p



I confirm wun be staying wif my mil de. Even my fil mention to my hb perviously before we r married that mi and my mil cannot stay together. Tat time i still think gt so serious meh. Than nw i totally understand y my fil say tat liao.

Nw i see her once every week already make mi soooo pissed off liao. I totally cannot imaging myself facing her everyday and listen to her crap.


Ya lo. Tok without goin thru her brain rite??? Tats actually wat i told my hb. I say i nv plan to have bb de lo. Nw i have bb than better dun make mi see her so often n make mi pissed off. Than he down there not say anything like beri poor thing kanna scold by mi like tat. Somemore see him also poor thing also.

