(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

hi lim, yes, gynae will determine gender from the bottom view but the bb must cooperate and open the legs too, else also cannot see the gender.

so important the legs open and the angle bb is positioned is such that doctor can scan easily.


tinkerstars.. yap thats right hehehe... maybe all the mom can try to talk to the baby before go in for the details scan... hahah.. cos i told my baby gal to open her legs when i was 14 weeks for my gynea to check her gender and she did..hahaha

Pinkyluv: haa what brand u drinking? i use to like HL chocolate milk.. but i get all pukey now~ any recommendation? hehe


i have been drinking Daisy Low Fat Milk..yesterday no stock at the mart and i bought Magnolia Lo Fat Hi Cal

Daisy's Taste is definitely much better =) taste richer and cheaper too


u r welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking abt scans, i still remember at my 16th week visit early april , the sonographer said 16th week too early to tell gender, she said i should wait till 20th week

and while scanning for me, she kept emphasizing my bb refuses to open legs

so i asked how come u r so certain bb would open legs at 20th weeks

she said it is physics ..cos at 20th week, the bb is more developed and can see etc etc

pinkyluv-- the recipe for the wings look delicious... *drooling.. Hahaha.. thanks for sharing this blog.. shall try out one fine day..

hehe, i am having for my dinner tonight, hope my mum got it right :p using her oven


have been craving for BBQ for a long time

to the extent of wanting to rent the BBQ pit downstairs and asked the maid to help me bbq watever i wana :p

hihi pinklyluv, can update my details..

Edd is 24 Sept and expecting a baby prince. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Girls.. anyone brought some Diapers for Newborn? which one did you ladies get? some recommended Huggies.. and soem friends recommended mama poko newborn and some recommended Pet Pet...oh one more, Pampers.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] which one u ladies choosing?

thanks pinkyluv for updating! how i wish i can fill in the last column soon!

but not exactly true legs not open = baby girl right?

chrissy, so good that ur bb flipped, so co-operative! my gynae just asked me to turn towards my left to see if bb will turn.. but still.. bb refuses to budge.. just so nice bb's butt at the extreme corner of my right side, gynae says no way to scan to see.. alamak

clueless crystal: chances are hospital will provide a whole pack of newborn diapers for baby's hospital stay. You can bring home the remaining pieces after the stay. There will also be a few pieces of diff brands of diapers. For me I got pampers from the hospital. I is good but too ex. I tried Nepia and liked it for my NB. I tried dryper and fitti din like. So conclusion is, u can make decision on brand later after baby arrives.

Hey Enya,

I see.. 6th May is not that far away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] All this tests will make u a stronger woman!!! For me, my next appt is on 20th (2nd week) every month.. so hard to 'bump' into each other! Haha

BTW, my baby was also scanned from button imagine squatting position just that knees are nearer the chest. So was able to see the distinct 3 lines. She described it as 'hamburger'. It really DOES looks like a burger! haha.

Hey Adelynn:

Thanks for the link! I try not to read too much… but… I'm just too curious!! Haha!

Hey Pinkyluv,

Thanks for the update!!! hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] In regards to the Sonographer.. I personally think it depends on whether she's patient enough to 'breech' the scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just my opinion.

Hey clueless crystal,

My colleague strongly recommended pet pet. She says cheap and good. But I think Kate is right. I will also try first before deciding on a brand! ;) I was actually thinking of buying during Baby expo.

Hey rochoho,

Haha, I thought it was a normal thing to do cuz sonographer kept tapping, and BB got irritated? Maybe ur BB was sleeping comfortably so refused to turn! hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The funnels that come with the standard set is size M (if I din recall wrongly) and soft-fit. This is suppose to be the most popular size lah. The funnel for the part that you place at your breast. It looks like a funnel so called funnel lor. The milk flows from your breast through funnels > membrane (i.e the freestyle kit that part) > bottle.

Anyway, dun stress about this. Extra accessories if you want, can always buy after delivery. You wont go back to work so fast. More than enuff time de.

Morn ladies

detail scan done expecting another baby boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

hi Adelynn & Nemofish

congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will update .

Gathering Posephoned

hi ladies, so far only Leo & Pomme have smsed me. And Pomme is not well, gathering will be posphoned to a later date

How about Labour Day ? or is weekday dinner better ?

Hey adelynn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats! Although not a princess as expected, finally detailed scan is done n u can start shopping! ;)

Anyone know what brand TMC would be proving for diapers? I know Mt Avenia is good. they give a lot of things but it seems TMC don't .. but need to find out. Mt A give bath tub which TMC don't thats what i know.

as i was shopping in msia last night and brought 1 pkt of Huggies and 1 pkt of Mama Poko haha cost me RM 68 (sg 30) - wanted initially to get Pampers but it seems they don't sell it .. yeah agree won't get a lot and i think 2 pkts are more than enuff :p

Ladies, i still didn't feel my baby moving .... i am week 21 already (or week 22).... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] kinda worry but gynae say is normal....

Ohh as those who doing their detailed scan - i don't know whether it works for u but it works for me. the night before u go doc, talk to the baby, seriously.. just talk to baby say: baby mommy doing scan tomorrow please open your legs and hands up so nurse can see clearly that u are alright.. and my baby really open her leg wide wide hahaha as my baby is less active in morning it was hard each scan (like when i did my oscar) she was curling up sleeping, i had to cough to make her move and even twist and turn around to make her move so that the sonographer can measure. As i heard from others and use this method to talk to my baby the night before, the detailed scan went successfully! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

I'm from April MTB thread. I got some 10pkt free sample of Anmum Materna - Reduced fat milk powder for pregnant women (can make drink 10 times of 200ml) to give away as I have already give birth no need to drink already.

If anyone interested can email me at [email protected] and collect from my place (bukit panjang).



Hi ladies, sorry, i just need to vent!

as u see, my FIL is a useless hardcore gambler, smoker, drinker. he stopped working since he was 40 + and now he is almost 60 yrs old. recently, i think he used up all his $ hence he has been staying at hm from day to night..

else, he will be out from day to night gambling/ drinking.. so, yesterday i came to realise he borrowed $500 from hubby. i only knw, when his mum called him n asked why did he lend d $ to his dad knowing he will gamble/ drink it all? i was very angry!

i rather he donate d $500 or give it to his mum rather than his dad! its not alot of money but we r having a bb soon and im not working now.. d money might come in handy!

i was soooo angry tt i posted in FB "Its his misfortunate to have such kind of father. Im loss for words.. maybe just... Fu*k it!"

i did not say anything else when some of u / my frens asked cos i know one of his sis is in my FB friends list, so i wont post anything sensitive there.

Guess what, today, his mum called him and asked him am I not happy staying at home?? If not happy say. When i come back on sunday she will ask me face to face. Then say, why i post on internet say im not happy at hm?!

I WAS LIKE WTF???? SINCE WHEN?? So i asked hub to call his mum n ask what did i exactly say and who told her? d mum refuse to say anything, saying just someone told her.

pls la, idiot also know is his sis say one. so i asked hub to call his sis n asked her what did i exactly say in FB that she went to tell her mum?

End up, she say she saw my FB status, so she ask her mum isit quarrel with me, then is it i stay until not happy?

I WAS SO FED UP!!! First of all, i did not put/ say anybody's name on FB. 2nd, i did not even mentioned I was not happy. and lastly, that is my HOME for goodness sake! What do she mean, im not happy staying there??

I was sooooo fucking angry that i cried uncontrollably.. it seems that, whenever i get angry, i will cry.. i told hub to go back tmr ad bring all my stuffs back here. im not going back.

sorry for my long story.. jus wanna vent.. =(


Can understand your fustration. Some people just don understand that FB is a place for freedom of speech. Most important is ur hubby got to understand how u feel, then its fine.

Cheer up.

Kris, hella yes! furthermore i already restrain myself from posting too much.. I tot that statement of mine is general enough.. but argh, pissed to d max!

Yvonne: Just vent your frustration and cry out if it makes u feel better. But try to tink of your bb and don't let your mood affect you too much. I can emphatise how you feel, cos yesterday, I also felt very frustrated!

I was supposed to go for cruise yesterday. It's the first time hubby and I go for cruise, and supposed to be a babymoon. I was so looking forward to it. However, due to the heavy rain and not knowing that the last boarding time is 7 pm (we thought there shld be some allowance), we were late due to inability to get cab etc by 15 min. There was no Star Cruise person to assist us there and the Immigration said those pple doing embarkation have gone off so there's no one to clear immigration for us. We were so frustrated and disappointed. In the end, basically, we can't enter and that really makes me feel so depresssed, cos maybe I was so looking forward to that trip. And the worst thing is, seems like the agent said we cannot get any refund and the cruise is not cheap, abt $1k for 2 pax. I was really very upset and frustrated. It's such a waste of $$$. And the stupid immigration at Cruise Centre is so inefficient. Even in airport, you can enter the gates when you are late, so long as before flight departs. The cruise only departs at 8.30 pm, and we have more than 1 hr before it departs and yet we cannot enter! It is totally senseless.

Ok, sorry for my long rambling, just wanna let out my frustration. $1k - I can buy a lot of bb stuff hiaz. Will try to appeal but not sure how good is the chance.

Hi chrissy.. we might bump into each other hahahh bcos i ought to go there for every two week..

yap that was what the gynea said "hamburger" quite funny though...

Yvonne-> dont get yourself so angry cos baby will get affected when you are angry.. old ppl are usually like that so dont take it too hard.. and daughter and daughter-in-law are different status... of course she will listen to what her daughter said hence you dont take it too hard.. be cool and saty happy for your baby sake ok..

Hey Yvonne ,

I think it's really frustrating tt hubby puts his parents first when he actually have his own to prepare for. When u cool down, maybe u can talk it out with him. It's a really sensitive issue but he's the man if the family after all. Wife n kids shud come first, n moreover, watever tt makes the wife unhappy, he shud try to change, unless she's being really unreasonable. If I were u I'd b equally angry n throw a bug fuss over tt. SIL sounds pretty irritating. Think it's better for u to stay away from them n both u & hubby work on ur own issue b4 u fully cool down.. Really hope hubby will be understanding towards ur situation. My hubby tend to tell me I keep taking pregnancy as an excuse for my behaviour.. I thought so, but if he crosses the line. I give him silent treatment wait till I cool down, b4 talking to him the next day when my mind is more sorted. Cool Down babe.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey enya,

do u have facebook? I only go in the Saturday morning of 2nd week monthly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if I bump into u I can say 'hi!' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope ur pregnancy is going well ;)

hey BB,

that's really unfortunate. 1k is a lot of money... Try talking to the agency again to see if there's anything else they can do? Maybe explain this is a babymoon trip n something cropped up so u were late? No harm trying.. Feel ur disappointment .. Hope there's some good outcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all mummies, went for detailed scan this morning. Have 1 b and 1 g. So can close shop after this birth. Now very headache - can't find any confinement lady to do confinement for me as I have approached PEM confinement (they don't hv any vacancy for twin nanny) and hv went to GPLS and found out they don't hv a shop by themselves (unlike a maid agency), really don't give me security so at then end did not engage them either. For pte one, really need someone to recommend. Any mummies here can help? Tks in advance.

Had my 17th week scan today, still can't see bb's gender, only can see bb's left side. 12th week scan, bb's leg cross together, can't see. Hopefully the detailed scan 4 weeks later, we are able to see.

Very excited about the gender. Don't know what in-law will think about it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Last week I ask my mil to guess, she say must be a gal. The tone she use.. i feel that maybe she don't like gal. hb also... he prefers boy. hai...

For me, boy or gal, i am happy cos is my own child as long as bb is born healthy and brought up healthy I am happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


From my urine test, gynae told me I have UTI. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But 4weeks ago till now, I feel ok. I don't feel the urge of going to the toilet but no urine. How do I know if I have UTI? I once kanna before, but that was in great pain when I go to the toilet. Now I really don't feel any discomfort.

I always have virginal infection cos my discharge is a lot. Will this cause UTI?

Gynae prescribe me Clamovid 625, I think is a very strong antibiotic. I don't dare to eat, I am afraid that it will affect my body cos nurse says it will have side effect like mild diarrhea. If I have rashes and swollen effect, have to stop the medicine. With this kind of description, I think is normal to precaution the patient.

But when I read the notes in the box, "caution in patients with history of allergy such as asthma, eczema, hay fever or hives". I have asthma before so the consumption of the antibiotic puts me off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Tried calling the nurse and ask but she too busy to be reached...

bubu mama> i'd shared the contact of one CL before, my friend recommeneded her. but my parents already got one for me, so i can't hire her. my friend said one day with her is like a crash course on how to take care of baby! don't know if she is still available:

aunty yeo



Good noon ladies. Hope weekend is great!

Baby getting really active now kicking non stop.. Yday before detailed scan i took orange juice as per chrissy's advice and indeed during the whole scan baby super active haahhaa but luckily the gender was known [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyboy's measurement at 15.5cm+/- as he was curling a little, weight at 346g [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi badfifi, hv tried calling aunty yeo, but she not doing confinement anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bubu mama> oh no! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i didn't know, cos when i spoke to her in march, she was still open leh? hmm... or maybe it's cos she has no experience with twins?

hi ladies, im thinking now we have just started to feel baby movement, so is it really necessary to feel the movement everyday?

hi chrissy.maybe we might bump into each other if my appt fall on sat.. hahaha...

you can add me in facebook [email protected]

hope you doin well n enjoy ur pregnancy too!!

bubumama ,you meant the GPLS dont hv shop then how they operate and given the training to those CL, sound weird..

BuBu MaMa: Congrats! You have what all mummies want! 1 boy, 1 girl, all in one shot!! And you get to buy both boy and girl clothes at the same time!! What fun! Good luck on your search for a confinement nanny. All the recommendations given to me were also not available but luckily one recommended her friend who had done twins before so I quickly grabbed her but she charges $3k!! And not even through agency! All the best!

Maternity wear

Bought some block colored skirts ($24 each) over the weekend from some aunty-aunty neighbourhood shops at Hougang. They are good enough as workwear. It's those without waistband, super elastic and drapey type. Suitable even after preg. It's not cotton material. You can find dresses of that same material from Ari Thalia/Yen.

So for those who are in need of more clothes, can check out those aunty-aunty neighbourhood shops besides the usual maternity wear shops. You never know what treasures you can find!

As for tops, got a few t-shirt material tops from G2000. For this season, they have some looser tops with a band that sits on the hips. The cut is not the tight fitting type. It's also super stretchable and can accomodate expanding tummy.

Check them out if you're keen!

Hi lim (enya_lim), ya it caught me by surprise too, but after i sms the sales person, she told me that they hv 2 type of business, one is a gift shop, which they use it to sell gifts for tourists & also use it for any CC transaction for confinement whereas the other the other type of business is the confinement service lor. As me is gng to pay via instalment plan, so i went down to the gift shop and am surprise to note this too. I have tried a few freelance confinement from this website, and most of them also quote me 3k to 3.2k (not agency), but we don't hv to pay the MOM for the levy lah. At then end i still haven't managed to get any yet. I have spoke to the GPLS sales personnel and they agree to come to my place to let me ask more qns then i can decide whether to engage them.

Hey enya,

I'm Christina [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I've not logged into FB yet! Later in the afternoon ;) now replying from iPhone . Hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks, will add u !!!

hi ladies,

Im starting week 19. Baby is very active everyday...kept kicking me....

I thought that I will gain more weight for pregnancy no 2...but doesnt seem like it.....

My food intake actually drop...cuz too bz to eat!

I bought 2 pieces of maternity tops from WTS forum and they are from spring maternity. Very cheap. $5 per top and its very comfy. But my previous maternity dress that I bought from motherhood.com...haiz.....its s size and I look like im swimming in it...

Congrats to mummies who had know their baby's gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hope you feel better now.

My last CL is from GPLS, i still believe it all depends on our luck. I haven't engage a CL yet.

Countdown to my detailed scan = 11 days

