(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

autumnkumiko> thanks for sharing. deeply sorry abt your loss and glad your current pregnancy is doing well. don't brood too much over it, it's not good for your baby. i know someone who had to abort after 4-5 mths. in her case, the baby would be born with a birth defect regarding his/her blood vessels. she also faced a very hard decision then. previously, my husband and i had a talk abt this issue. what if our baby is diagnosed with DS or some other problem during my pregnancy, what would we do? my own personal take is that i wouldn't want to bring the child into the world, because he/she won't be able to live well. in our society, it is the survival of the fittest and any probs from birth would make the child already lose out. but most of all, as parents, we'll be 200% willing to do all we can for the child, but we can't be around forever. what will happen to him/her after we die? who will he/she depend on? it's a hard decision you had to make but think of it this way: it wasn't a selfish decision you made. it was for the best, not just for you but for the baby also.

i guess others may say it's easy to say such things, but in my case, i really have personal experience of someone who is "disadvantaged" in society so i won't want the same for my child as far as possible


Cool >> my mom and friends believe in the renovation part. Part it really depends on what type of renovation. If it is repaint or something light then it is OK if it is inevitable. But those that got a lot of nailing and hamering better not.

Supersitious or not, it is up to invididual. If there is one Mother that disagree, then better to put it on hold (my view). If Both mothers and yourself don't believe, then Go Ahead. Like westerners, they don't have all this belief and babies still come normal right? but yet why there are still "bad things" happening, as we are chinese, sometimes we have to stick to some "beliefs" some how rather. My motto is if 1 side don't agree, then better not as u don't want in future anything happens, u get the blame where u already feel so sad already. Specialy on Baby. Not like weddings. It is somehow in the control of Husband and Wife. But pregnancy, sometimes it is really god's will.

One pantang thing, cannot cut and sew sitting on bed... some believe some dont. And for some that dont, still do it and when baby born , there was some abnormality but lucky got "cure" to it... so u say lei.. believe or not to believe... for chinese, if it is not tooo "difficult" on you then i would choose to believe

My opinion

Ladies, when is the next baby fair? I am looking for a PLAYPEN now and Breast Pump... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chrissy, which meant we have no choice for the lower grade of the room if we insist to stick with our snr consultant.. let be it then.. ;-)

i agreee with what badfifi has said but sometime we have a difficulties to make a deicison.. life are jus unpredictable..

yes, i am back after 5 days of bed rest. had gastric flu and was given drip at hospital. hai. it actually feels good to be back to work. mummies do take care, a bout of stomach flu is going around...

bbl> my baby will be super big if its true the more rest the bigger. ;p but i did hear the more naseaus, the hairier the baby.. but is pantang one lah.

autumnkumiko > don't blame yourself! i sincerely believe it has nothing to do with the reno and same as badfifi, i also made the same decision with my hubby that if something was wrong, we would choose to abort.

cool> i'm not pantang. are you? logically not good to breath in paint fumes and dust so as long as you can avoid all these, avoid the stress and be comfortable, just go along with it! but if touchwood anything happen, will you/ family be pantang and blame it on the decision to renovate? if its true, its better not to do it.

pinkyluv, i wanna join the meetup. what's your email sorry. and i would like to join facebook group too. thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal and Lim, I had just added both of you in fb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

diamantz> in the book "what to expect", there is this tiny section that says it just might be true what old midwives say abt more heartburn for mummy = more hair for baby. hee


I'm caught in almost similar situation as u. My new place is coming soon and I really wish to do my confinement at my own hse. My other alternative is to shift to my mum's place for confinement and shift in after that. But then my HB will not be able to stay with bb and myself as it will be quite cramp and it is further to hb's workplace.

As such, I have decided to take the risk to reno my place during may/jun and hopefully can shift in b4 Aug. My mum is not in favour but I promise her that I'll stay away during reno period and also will not touch anything in my current room. Hope my bb will be understanding to her parents' situation and not be pantang.*keeping fingers crossed*

Hence,i think whether to go ahead depends on how crucial is the revamp for u to take the risk. Not saying that bb will definitely be affected but it is a matter whether u wanna take the chance. Probably if the current hse is still live-able, y not wait for bb to arrive then u renovate? If I've the choice, I will not choose to renovate my hse now. Jus my two-cents worth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

to all mummies who have found out their babies' gender - CONGRATULATIONS!!!


I agree with u.. u basically summed up everything that HB and myself thgt thru' b4 we went for oscar back then. I have seen pple who are slightly "disadvantaged", not only it is tough on the parents, it is even tougher for the child him/herself.

hi, I tend to agree with crystal that if one side don't agree, better don't do. Because if something happens even and the mother start blaming it on the renovation (and therefore you), there will be conflicts in future.

For me, i am also living in a newly renovated house and although there's some flaws in it (some parts need repainting, silicon came off and some cracked tiles) , I decide to ignore them cos my parents in law don't want us to fix it even though its free...

Thanks to pinkyluv for your advice. Congrats on your little princess! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks fifi for ur explanation on the pillow. will be sure to get a good one for my little one's belly ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, any mothers starting to have cramps yet? I had a cramp last week ...very painful and frightening! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, i forgot to ask mummies...

I have a scan done during 18th week and gynae and I can see 3 little lines on my baby (should be girl girl, right)? But he insisted he cannot confirm as the umbilical cord is b/w the baby's legs.

but surely baby boys don't have 3 lines? Any opinions?

My hubby now jumping with joy its a girl...will it suddenly become a boy, hahaha?

shinchan> have you felt your baby moving yet? i really very dense lor... some time ago, i felt 3 quick flutters then since then, NOTHING! sigh...

Clueless, diamantz, shinchan,

thanks for sharing ur thots....will hv a talk wif Hubby n decide again....most likely will put on hold til I deliver since my inlaws n mom are so against it.....

Oh btw mommies,

I'm coming 19 weeks but yet to feel bb kicks.....my previous 2 kicks started like 16/17 weeks......hmmmmmm

tinkerstars - now i know why people can guess wrongly.. almost quite similar except it's more protruding... hmm... 2 more days to my detailed scan... will know by then... then i will ask sonographer about the 2 lines and 3 lines...


Yippee.. I've finally felt my gal's kicks!! I started feeling them ard my wk 20, which was 2 weeks ago. now she moves ard quite a bit, even my hb can feel her. She tends to move more at nite when I'm resting or after meal. There was once where i qiao jiao when i was lying on the bed and her moves were more intense, probably trying to find space to move.. haha..

How many weeks are u in now? Probably u will feel more and more in the coming weeks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby movements/Kicks

For my case, usually happen frequent and feel stronger during night time when i am lying and relax on my bed. I will touch my tummy and "chat" with bb haha, and follow by playing along with the movements. I really like this parts as this is the most miracle moment being pregnant mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3907735.gif]

yes. u are right Baby T.

And now that u mentioned, i watched this video from Geographic Channel called 'in your womb'

there's 1 part that mentioned about the protruding. All babys (either boy or girl) will have protruding sex organs in the initial stage. So it's not just the SIAO JI JI & Scrotum that we will see protruding... the vagina for a baby girl also appear protruding in early stage.

that's probably why from the 2 images, there's only slight difference. And the doc/sonographer will have the experience to differeniate because of their medical knowledge. (probably based on the urethra line, no of folds of the skin...etc)

all the best for your detailed scan, baby T!


I rem you were mentioning abt buying cheap baby's clothes last time rite? Fyi, I went down to the wholesale shop at kwan yin temple last sat. If u dun mind the lack of variety, it is really a gd place to buy their homewear clothes. Their clothes comes in a pkt of 6. So i bot 6 L/S top and 6 long pants for sleeping. Total damage is $24, on average it is $4 per set. Think their material is not as smooth as those tollyjoy ones but i think it is gd enuf for baby to wear at hm for sleeping. Since pple always say babies outgrown their newborn clothes very fast, so may not be worthwhile to buy too expensive ones. Saw the L/S tollyjoy ones at kaki bukit, selling at $8 per top, so one set will be $16 - quite abit of savings there.

shinchan> oh really? hmm, i think i'm abt week 19? (i lost count :p) goody! i hope can feel baby soon! and thanks for the tip abt cheap baby's clothes. where exactly is the shop? next week, i might get to go shopping for a bit so will definitely check it out! hee, depending on the quality/material of the clothes, i'm actually thinking of just washing them a number of times before baby is born, just to get the fabric softer and more comfy (cos for some clothes, the more u wash, the more comfy they get)

Evening ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

v busy today only got time to come in now.. looking forward to the baby fair on 30th April! gonna go there after work! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gynae appointment later.. looking forward to see baby!


Been busy this few days - Need to plan & organise the expo show for my customer - same timing at baby fair 30/4 to 2/5.

My DS is on 29/4 (2 more days to go). Can go shop after i find out BB's gender.

Baby Kicks - I have been getting quite a few kicks at night. Esp. after dinner when I was resting on my bed. Cool/Badfifi - try this method (Take a deep breath - place both yr hand on yr tummy. breath out. As u exhale. high chance u can feel baby movement. That's what I have been doing. May work for you)

TigerLily > tried ur method didn't seem to work.. will try again tonight ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me baby movements it is like got but like don't have. the moment i tot i felt a flutering then when i put my hands on my tummy no more haha

Hi tinkerstars,

no, i can see 3 white lines - very distinct.

It looks nothing like yours...guess i have to wait till detailed scan to find out? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But quite excited to know... haha. so i can finally buy the stuffs in the 'right' color! ^^

tiger lily - my detailed scan will be done at KKH...

tinkerstars - can't wait lor... i want to 100% confirm that Germaine is Germaine, not Jermaine.. hehe... i already placed interim order for girl clothings le leh.. haha...

good morning ladies,

ya, Baby T, although i know it's a girl, but u can't help to have that lingering doubt hor. I hope detailed scan will give me 100% confirmation too. but i will need to wait til 10 may... 2 long weeks

and know what, i already started buying girl clothings... not much - just 2 pieces and like u, i've set targets on alot of girl clothings i wanna get after may 10. interim orders. haha

tinkerstars - oh we're ordering online.. a groups of friends sharing to order... so i already shortlisted what i want le.. then my friends also giving me girly clothes liao.. haha.. tomorrow is revelation day.. can't wait... ;)

chrissy - yes yes... haha... i already pre ordered about SGD60++ worth of clothes, socks, bibs and hats... tip.. don't buy newborn k.. buy those 3-6 months and above... wear at home de get from the wholesaler at Queen St.. the one shinchan mention above...

Baby T.

How long did the shipment take? I am placing orders now... hahaha!

Btw, why dont buy newborn? wont 3-6M be too big for my BB?? Ok, I'll check out the Queenstreet place~~

Thanks!! If not for this URL, i'd have paid 4x more for bodysuits!

morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chrissy - cos NB they outgrow very fast... and if u have hand me downs, don't bother to buy BN NB clothes.. really.. ydae i went to my friend's house (Mar thread de).. she told me alot of her NB clothes all wear 1-2 times then never wear le, very wasted.. what i do is i thick skin, check with my friends what are they giving me.. like another friend (Jan thread de).. she's giving me alot of home wear clothes for NB.. so i can splurge on other sizes... etc.. this is just a guideline.. i did buy a few NB clothes, but more as an yi si.. cos i wanna buy and keep for my no. 2.. but CONTROL hor.. haha.. i know it's difficult.. BUT TRY... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't burn a hole in ur wallet ya...

shinchan> thanks so much!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will go see next Mon!

baby moving> my baby's going to be soooOOO close to daddy lah! last night, my husband saw me inhaling and exhaling and asked me what i was doing. i told him i was trying to see if i can feel baby moving. a while later, after he'd finished his things, he put his head on my tummy and said "baby, kick so daddy can feel you, ok?" AND BABY KICKED! A good strong kick too! And after that, baby was quite active for a while and we could feel movement...

Baby T,

Haha, I am like the first person to be married and have baby among my frens. LOL. But I am now being thick skinned too, asking my colleagues! haha, it does make sense... Thanks for the tip!! I almost ended up buying a lot of 0-3M baby size clothes!

Now, shopping at babymall... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] watever the case, i think the clothes there are pretty reasonable..

I will put all into my cart, and before checking out, remove those I think I bought on impulse. hahahaha. now cart so full but in the end it will not be- or at least I hope!!


Morning!!!! :D

chrissy - i'm not sure how long is the shipment going to take wor..cos my friend is doing the consolidating and ordering... i just pay money and wait for my loots.. hiak hiak hiak... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just be thick skin... ask... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and ask ur relatives to help u ask around too.. in my family i'm the first to get married and also first to have a baby in 10 years... but don't be surprised, my auntie's friend also giving me hand me downs... jia you.. don't over buy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] best way is to let ur hubby vet through.. cos my hubby controls my spending.. then set budget.. my budget was SGD100 for Gap and Babymallonline.. i only exceed by SGD10... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ChrissY!

Agree with baby T that newborn clothes if can get hand-me-downs its the best cos baby grow really fast during first few mths! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and also old ppl saying baby wear "old" clothes is better..

Adelynn - ya.. they say baby wear other baby clothes will be guai guai... but i prefer to see it as babies grow super fast, i rather save money.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway aiya 1 month stuck at home, wear so nice let who see... haha... within 1 month they will outgrow sooo many clothes le...


Hi Baby T and Adelynn,

Haha, yeah, luckily I posted online, otherwise, I'd spend $70 over dollars on size 0-3M. I think i'll cry if baby only wears them once... lol. I don't even spend that much money on my OWN clothes..

I guess I'll ask around. I also dont wanna spend too much $$ on baby's stuff. So much to plan as this BB is unplanned. But whatever the case, Im still very excited and READY! haha


