(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

bellebeins> what is the pillow you are referring to?

pinkyluv> Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Try not to shop too much for now ok? GSS is coming soon! ;)

I buying from my mother's fren.

The small cylindal shape is for $6.00.

The small rect (normal) shape is for $8.00.

And the big fat rect shape is for $10.00.

All comes with a pillow cover.

Anybody wants to order?

Then I can go and get for you girls and post it to you???

Pinkyluv, congrats on your princess

I realized that lately i am becoming very impatient and easily work up with my #1. Presently ,my #1 is teething and gets very cranky and fussy, keep screaming and crying for frequently. I really feel so stress out that i cried. So bad of me! Not sure izzit pregnant also affect our emotion and temper. Hope it will get better soon

Beans sprouts husk pillows - for newborn babies to put on their chest so that they wont be frighten so easily.

My mil made 2 pillows for my boy but I dunno where I placed them liao.

Then I saw on bulk purchase 1 pillow normal size for $13 bucks. Then i told my mother, she said her fren makes them and sell. So thats why I can get such cheap rates.

Anybody want to place order?

BabyT : So cool..but i dun think she customise to put names la. But quite ex hor..$16.80 for 1 pillow. Anyway thats the normal size I'm talking about. My mummy's fren selling at $8.00


that is good advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must wait.must resist =p


I was checking with SGH today, no more package deal from 16th week..Nurse was frank, tell me if patient visits them more than 10 times, hospital will lugi :p

2010 Delivery Package

For Natural Birth ( Estimated 2 days' Stay)

Average Bill Size {Class A1) = $3238

Maximum Medisave Claimable = $1650

Cash Deposit = $1588

For Natural Birth ( Estimated 2 days' Stay)

Average Bill Size {Class B1) = $2873

Maximum Medisave Claimable = $1643

Cash Deposit = $1230

For Caesarean Delivery

Class A1 ( Estimated 3 days' Stay)

Doctor's Fees = $ 984

Esimated Hosp Charges = $4431

Average Bill Size {Class A1) = $5415

Maximum Medisave Claimable = $3500

Cash Deposit = $1915

Class B1 ( Estimated 3 days' Stay)

Doctor's Fees = $ 886

Esimated Hosp Charges = $3850

Average Bill Size {Class B1) = $4736

Maximum Medisave Claimable = $3500

Cash Deposit = $1236

bellebeins - wah... 1/2 price wor... i think the other 1/2 goes to the customizing part ba... $8 is cheap... how many should we get?? by right 1 enough?? or 2?? 1 for at home 1 for going out??

BabyT : You're so cute... I got 3 bean sprouts pillows for my son when he was born.

1 for each side (left & rite) then 1 small cylinder one for his chest.. kaisu rite...

this time i think i'm getting the same for my soon to be born baby girl!!! must be fair ma...



I'm interested in getting the bean sprouts pillows. but is there any pics for mi to chose or its all one colour one design?

Dear mommies...

Need some advice here...

Me n hubby planning to revamp our place as we've stayed there for 10 yrs le....izit ok to proceed wif the reno if I move out during the renovation or like wat old folks theory are pregnant cannot do any renovation even if we move out during dat period???

Initial plan is to do the house before baby is out but then my in laws asked my mom to tell me to hold it til I deliver!!!!

Feeling so sian now......

Weiting : I tell u what, i'll try to get some design and then I'll post here then maybe u girls can order then.

But wat size u interested in?

Bra Size

i just to get my 85 B..if exceed 85 dun noe how..

got 90 or not..

right now i m wearing Felancy, dun have 90 the salesgal said


Some brand do have 90 de. i gt see before. anyway, u try to use those extention 1st lo. Tats wat i'm doing rite nw.


Thanks for the help. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm from Apr 2010 thread.

I have about 10 excess packets (4 capsules/pkt) of Neogobion iron supplements from my recent purchase from gynae less than a month ago (have receipt as proof of purchase). I have given birth so not taking them now.

Would like to let go all 10 packets for $8 (bought from gynae at $10 for 7 packets, but now I'm throwing in 3 extra packets for just $8).

Pick up at Raffles Place on weekdays lunch time or via post.

PM if keen. Thanks!

Hi mummies,

Have done my detailed scan on last week (week 21) and mine is a baby girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Need some advice. I want to go on a babymoon before my baby..but the package tour i want is only available on my third trimster at 25th week.

For experienced mummies, do you think 25th week is a good time to travel? My gynae said its alright but i am just concerned if i will be fit enough to travel.

I am feeling quite good in my 2nd trimster now...


Btw, why is bean sprouts pillows important? Can pls explain? Thanks!

Hi pinkyluv, the price that you provide above not yet including the nursery room? and SGH they have only A1 and B1? wonder is ther any mmax day we have to stay in the hospital after we deliver the baby.. by the way thank you much for the info , really usefull to me!!!

Hi cool,

I personally think it is better to wait till you deliver your bb before you start the renovation work.

Few years ago, I was also planning to conceive. However, was in the midst of selling my old house and follow to start the renovation. As usual, all old folks told me not to conceive though the age gap between my boy and the baby planning to would be ideal, I still dropped the idea.

After moved into new house, I quickly stopped my prevention measures and got into pregnancy within two months. We were so happy. That baby didn't give me any problem i.e. morning sickness, bleeding etc. I could hand clothings on the poles outside my house and even could go for stroll at Sungei Buloh.

However, nightmare started in 3rd months plus, the blood test wasn't good. High risk in down syndrome. I was crying and crying non-stop, very upset...my friends consoled me and told me to wait till my amniocentesis test as it might turn out to be well.

On 5th mth, I went for amnio test and turned out that my baby girl didn't has down syndrome but another kind of syndrome. Though this kind of syndrome will not affect her appearance, but the seriousness of the syndrome wasn't known till 8th mth. However, there will be a basic medcial bill to be paid in order to keep the appearance well and also advised that medical bill could be a bomb if the condition is bad. Because of this, we have no choice but to abort the child.

We were very very very upset...I cried non-stop for months. Dared not to try to think of having another child as I have killed my own child...

Till half a year later, we decided to try again as my boy kept persuading us to give him a baby brother or sister.

After a year plus of trying, I finally conceive another one. I almost give up actually, thinking that I might not have another one.

There are pple saying that my aborted baby girl was due to that we didn't get a proper bed when I conceived, thus affected the development of the child. We do not have the answer for this argument but this time we got a bed before we start our conceiving plan.

Cool, you decide for yourself.

Hi Adelynn,

I remembered previously why my gynae might ask for to go for amniocentesis if my detailed scan wasn't good. Above is my reason. That is because of my previous record, my gynae would like to see my detailed scan result before she decide whether there is a need to.

Sorry for only replying to your query today as I was hesitated whether to say it out or not. I still feel very bad on my decision to abort my bb. I think this scar will always be on my heart...

cool> my 2 cents:

i think it all depends on what alternative arrangements you have when you renovate, either now or later. if you reno now, do you have alternative accommodations with good furniture etc for you to see your pregnancy out in peace and comfort? what abt if u do it after delivery? reno after delivery can be a hassle cos ur newborn will need lotsa care etc, but don't think that if you do reno now, it's just you to consider, cos this period is crucial to baby's development too... honestly, i'm not as hung up abt the pantang thing as i am abt how baby's development could be affected...

hey Pinkyluv,

Firstly, congrats on your lil baby girl! ;)

wow.. need to go through so much trouble for the bills! Thanks!! REALLY APPRECIATE it!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]))

So meaning, if I plan to stay Ward A, the total bill I have to fork out in cash/deposit is still $1000+ is it?? It seems like whether B1 ward, A1 ward or caesarean, all still $1k plus to fork out by cash~ Just plus minus a few hundred bucks..

U r gonna get the A1 ward again for 3rd baby? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can husband sleep in A 1 ward too?

By the way, u ask the cashier on the registration counter rite and not gynae for these break-downs right?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for helping me find out the bills! At least I know what to expect and 'put aside' ...


All MTB,

Is it cheaper to get baby stuff (stroller, walker, cot, clothes, diapers, pumps etc) from babyfair or wait for GSS??

I've never purchased any of these items before so I am wondering which is more worth when it comes to saving $$$.

From what I know baby fair is on Apr 30th, and GSS is around June..

Any advice on this?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hey Enya,

Thanks for the add!!! :D Hope I dont approach the wrong person.. lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi pinkyluv, thanks and congrats on your princess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i will be going for the detail scan next mon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pray everything goes well..

can i check with u, i understand from my siblings and friends that nearer due date, their visit is every 2 weeks, is that what sgh practice too? the way my gynae sounds like no need come so often and they will only be using doppler and we do not need to go for any ultrascan.. is that true?

Hi Autumnkumiko

big big hugs to you.. thanks for sharing with me your story. breaks my heart to see what u have posted but i finally understand what u go thru.. take good care and congrats on your girl. HUGS again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You are brave to face the past and share with us! It must be very painful for you when bb is so big. This time have a happy experience!


I'm too tired to scan through the past archives on the cranberries. Where can I get good cranberry juice without those sugar added? Meanwhile I can only eat the preserves cranberries bought from NUTC.

Morning mommies...


thanks for sharing ur story...hugzzzz, u're one brave gal.


thanks for the advice.....my mom oso told me it's not the adult who's pantang, it's the baby....hmmmm think will have a good think abt it!

My detailed scan on 6 may at TMC, any mommies same day as me??


When I was preg with my 1st in 2006, I renovated the new place and shifted house during my 8th mth of preg. Well, my boy is as normal as can be.

This round of preg, I've shifted house again. I also reno the new place and shifted during my 4th mth of preg. But because I feel pukey and tired, I just take care not to do too much unpacking.

Anyway, I do not believe in superstitions largely because of my religion. As to what another lady here said about this hearsay that not conceiving on a proper bed may lead to problems, well, some people have sex in cars and in tents on the beach, and it's not as if their babies come out with problems all the time leh....

You know superstitions can't be proven and there's no scientific basis. And what we will share with you here are also hearsay and without basis. But if you're gonna do reno, I can only say that you should not tire yourself too much with packing/cleaning. Always good to have a clean, conducive environment to rest (not dusty, not noisy).

Morning Mummies.


Bean Sprout pillows are to place on the baby's stomach to let the baby feel as if there is a hand there and hence, wont easily startle. However, do note that if the beansprout pillow is too light or small, its a hazard because there have been cases of babies kicking the pillow onto their faces (luckily they scream when the cannot breathe and hence found out).

Hi chrissy.. u r most welcome, yap you got me right in fb!! :)

Hi pinkyluv-> i the nursery rate are quite confusing for me dont really understand why so many charges, and like wat you said we cant choose the gynea to deliver for us if we were choose B2 or C, which meant we hv to force to choose A1 or B1 only... hmmm will try to check on my next visit.. we can jus enquire any query from the counter right??

Hey Enya,

From what I have last checked, if we have senior consultant, the 'lowest' ward he can deliver our baby is B1. So what you have mentioned is right. For us, we can only choose B1 and above.

My doctor friend told me this is because, for ward B2 and below, this is done by the 'lower ranked' doctors and it gives the trainee docs chance to 'learn' or something like that...

Good Morning Mummies,

I've spoken to my mother's friend on the bean sprout husk pillows.

Will only get to see her on sunday. So will only be able to post the pictures next week.

But anyone who still wants to order can go ahead and post.


The small cylindal shape is for $6.00.

The small rect (normal) shape is for $8.00.

And the big fat rect shape is for $10.00.

All comes with 1 pillow cover.

Hi optimus,

thanks for sharing....same here I do not believe in superstitions due to my religion as well.....it's my inlaws, my mom n my mom even asked my sis to talk to me....hmmmm anyway, will hv a real good think abt it.....

Hi mummies

Congrats Autumn


I had shifted home during my 4mths for #1, fortunately and blessed, my boy turned out well and happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], this is just my experience

But i do believe that some babies are pantang, like my nephew, he can't be praise at all, if you praise him infront, he will become opposite, unexplainable



thanks for sharing.....wonder izit the same for me cos it's like I will move out temporary then move back in again....my mil was telling me cannot shift or move my bed during preggie.....

