(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

jynnsan, no leh my gynae never say anything detailed scan so far, mine were just check ups. but u're going for your detailed scan soon right? good luck!

TGIF mummies~

in very good mood today cos tml is the detail scan!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Erm i was wondering if the detail scan cant see gender then have to wait till week 24??

babyfifi - thanks thanks... i must write down liao.. then when order can order this as well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then the funnels that come with the actual set is standard size?? erm.. wanna ask hor.. what is the funnel for ar?? pai seh ar.. 1st time blur mummy...

adelynn - so good... i wanna go detailed scan too.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] oh.. my hubby's colleague's wife 7th month then know gender...

BabyT: Wah.. don scare me le i am really excited to know gender! don care le.. tml if cant scan the gender i throw tantrum there till gender known. HAHAHA!

btw i used medela pumps for so long i nv bought any extra set of "accessories" at all.. 1 set lasted me for 26mths.. bcos the spare parts are never cheap.. jus personal opinion..

babyt, so late? bcos bb not co-operative? i was asking gynae about gender then he was telling me that during detailed scan may not find out also.. all depends whether bb is co-operative anot.. and wks 20 is most obvious to see the "birdie" if its a bb boy.. then he also mention that as bb grows bigger it'll more diff to scan liao cos lesser space for bb to move about.. sigh.. wonder when only bb willing to tell me if its a bb she or he.. hehe

Adelynn - u bring the same accessories to pump in office?? cos i wanna pump in office too then save the hassle of sterilising and waiting so get another set for convenience sake... oh... why dun u drink orange juice before going for the scan... it makes baby active... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rachoho - i dunno wor.. cos baby keep crossing legs, then dun wanna show... i already name my baby liao leh.. i keep imagining during detailed scan the sono suddenly tell me it's a boy, i think i will laugh until faint... i'm naming my girl Germaine.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehe, ur post makes me smile..i think i will stay in the ultrasound suite until the gender is revealed :p


i rememeber I have a bottle of Pureen in office to wash and then just wash with water followed with rinsed with boiling water ( my office got this boiling water tap)

24 April Saturday Gathering @ 5 pm

cya gals =)

do drop me an email at [email protected]


haha, cos me & rachoho stay in bt batok ?


tat's early for heartburn, poor gal..take care


i didn't leh, never take package =)


happy for u =)

Welcome May & rachoho [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will update now

pinkyluv - icic....

rachoho - mine is 90% girl.. so confirm name liao.. now i just need sonographer to point and show me "NAH.. IT'S A GIRL..."..

rachoho, adelynn, pinkyluv> talk to your baby the night before. it worked for me when i went for OSCAR and many of my friends also tell me to talk to baby.

pinkyluv> yah! both you and rachoho stay in bukit batok! so near! haha, then i can sometimes come and join in the playdate also :p

Had a fruit lunch today, maybe due to heavy breakfast hence no appetite to eat.

My detailed scan...sigh.. countdown another 14 days, so draggy

BabyT: yeap. i bring my accessories to and fro office everyday without fail.. i will wash with baby detergent and sterilise with hot water after expressing then keep them in ziplock bags. Noted on the orange juice! will have it for breakfast tomorrow morning! :p

PinkyLuv: haha really le.. i wait till neck so long for the gender.. i am anxious to tink of names! :p

Badfifi: no use le.. i talk to baby for NT scan he/she also not cooperative de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pinky> my LMP is 3 Dec 09, and staying at pasir ris. Thanks.

my next appt is on 8 May, my gynae never mention anything abt the detail scan during my past appt. will check with her again then.

in my last appt, we saw my boy birdie already. however, i asked my gynae how sure she is, (as my mother in law is with me) she gets a little stress and only say 80% confirm... but my MIL already spreading the news.. and this really stressed my out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi May,

Am staying in Pasir Ris too.. same case here.. gynae told me is a boy, yet when i ask hw sure is he.. he didnt answer me. And my Parents and Grandma is super excited which stresses me out~

rachoho and Adelynn:

My baby was facing down, my gynae then tapped lightly on my tummy, and baby flipped!! And when she tried to take measurements, the other leg could not measure, she again kept tapping and the baby moved again...

Flip as in literally face down and face up (180 degree kind!).

Maybe you can ask gynae to try tapping the tummy??

On my report they put (breech) under taking measurements or something... lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good luck!! Hope u guys can know the gender !!!

Chrissy: haha okay i will try.. yday n today baby kicking really hard. is it because i stepped into week 20? haaa..

PinkyLuv: ok i try to do a immediate post after the scan! hopefully i no need to throw tantrums... AHAHAHA


We are the SAME week.. I'm also week 20! For me, the kick's still not THAT hard. But it's still like little flutters. It's only once in awhile I can feel a hard kick. "_

Like, maybe once a day or something...

Chrissy: yea our EDD only 5days difference so we are in the same week! haha my #1's edd was 3rd sept too.. but he only came out on the 4th. haaa

there is a few hard kicks and i am like a silly woman grinning to myself each time.. hahaha


I know exactly what u mean.. the moment I feel that hard kick, I place both my palms spread all across tummy, smile, and close my eyes.

I dont care whether I'm in the train or halfway eating.. hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's a beautiful moment so of cuz we cant help but grin!

Hi, Pinkyluv.

Kindly update my status. I'll be having a princess, just had my detailed scan yest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Elle

we are seeing the same gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Congrats on having a princess~

Hi, Adelynn.

Thanks thanks. u've found out ur baby's gender?

I really have to exercice strict control on spending for gal's stuff. Too cute to resist. hahaha

Chrissy: haha i not so daring to do in public.. paiseh le :p

tis morn i weight.. gained 5.7kg already.. abit panicking.. dowan to gain so much this time round@@

Elle: Not yet.. tomorrow then is my detail scan~ hee yea i believe if its a girl for me.. really gonna spend a bomb on girly stuffs =X hee When's ur next visit to Dr adrian? i seeing him next tues evening at sk clinic..


Mine will be next month 5th at sk clinic too. Eh, u stay at Sengkang also? which area? I'm near rivervale mall.

Elle: i'm at anchorvale.. but 5th is a Wed, u see him at TMC? i go to the sk clinic.. cos lazy to travel so far hahaha


Huh? hahaha, i think mistaken the date ler. have to check my appt card. I normally go for friday evening session. I also go sk clinic cos more convenient for me after off from office. just took mrt.

Wah, u only gain 5.7kg. i give up weighing. The last 2 weeks i weigh i already gained 6.5kg. Horrible.

Elle: haha.. ya i tink urs shd be 7th May ba.. i go on tues cos friday is always sooo crowded! don compare my weight ba cos i having #2.. i gained 25kg from 1st pregnancy.. never even lost all the weight gained. hahaa

Chrissy: u eat healthy food! but i am having all the junks... haha


I used to go tuesday session and dunno since when it's changed to friday. I'm not much better than you because i started off overweight, so i try hard to control my weight when preg and i even told myself, max 10kg but now only 20weeks already 6.5kg. hahaha, wat a failure.

Jokris> i staying at blk 566, u? ya stressful right, my mum was like worried coz she has a friend who has this incident: the gynae confirm a boy even during the last scan. At the end, it is a girl when the baby is born..

Talking about weight, I gain 2kg within 2wks, my last visit at wk17. detail scan will be next Thursday - my last visit baby oso facing down. tapping lightly on tummy can cause baby to flip. I will ask Gynae to try if my baby not cooperative next Thursday.

hi chrissy, my next appt will be 6 may (8.40am) but b4 that will go lab to do the blood test 1st as per request from my kidney doctor..

elle: don worry.. if u have craving jus eat.. but rem to eat in moderate thats all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u gain weight = baby gain too. cheers!

rachoco- i did my DT scan last week,when i loo at the screen and heard that gynea explained to the rest of registra siad that they able to scan from the bottom to get to neo whether is gal or boy and not necessary the bb must open the legs wor.. i dont neo how it scan but i did notsee the gender from baby view, i saw my baby gender from the bottom (can see fr the view of buttock). maybe you can ask the doc when you do the DT scan.


So it is not necessary for baby to open the leg, my last visit my gynae said can't see cos the leg close, hmm...

jynnsan - yap that is what i thought cos my gynea able to scan the gender from the bottom view instead of front view.. anyway ur scan got 14 more days to go.. start to count down.. :)

mine also cant see.. legs crossed. haha! so shy i think its girl~~ I gained like 2.8 kg only. Is it too little? now going to 19 weeks le.


fische i think your weight are fine.. b4 i preggy my weight is 48.5 and now i am 53kg (i'm 20weeks now) so i think is fine ba. no worry.. jus have more fruits and vege.. drink more water..

