(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


hehe, i dun have the patience to wait another 20 weeks, hope bb can be born @ 38 weeks :p

2nd born took 39 weeks plus and i already very impatient ;)

1st born too early @ 36 weeks.

how long did ur 1stborn take ?=)


Adelynn - YEAH!!! u felt ur baby's kicks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so envious 2 more days to detailed scan... i still got 7 days lor... *yawnz*


i been told by the nurse on mon.. she said the fee will be adjust but nv tell me commence fr when.. no choice have to go their for them to monitor me.. it meant to be spent..


i think mine gynea dr tan are different dr tan that you mention about ... mine doctor also snr consultant so i will see how it goes for my next appt 1st or else will change to the dr tan that you had mentioned...


you are STRONG!!!!! dont denied that ok.. for me i will jus kill myself..hahahq

i seen my kidney gynea yesterday ,GOOD NEWS!! heheh my lupas shown -ve so which meant i nv have lupas so he give me prednisolone and to see is this medicine will help to lower my kidney inflammation.. then he will see me after 3 weeks time again.. hopefully everything will be alright and pray hard that cholestro will go down as well...


Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me also didn't rec your pm about the kenny rogers gathering.. can pm me 2? [email protected]

thanks ;)


It has been a pretty good stay at TMC except for the crowd.. TMC is really a hotcakes hospitals and it can get quite noisy sometimes during visiting hours, otherwise i am always looking forward to the food and soups..

I wasn't blessed with a promised lactation consultant though.. came once and never appeared again..

I stayed in the one bedded right beside the nursery.. and if you do get that room, request to change, at least thats what we did 1 day into my stay.. Didn't get much sleep because we have babies constantly mewing through the night right next door..

Not exactly a bad experience, the funishing and feel of the room is indeed quite pleasant cept for the little nitty gritties..

Hope all of you have a great lunch!

Had a filling Fish & Chip set for lunch, I have been having fast food for most of the days, oh no...

hi letty & leo_bb

sent an email to u both, hope u received [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Detailed Scan

looking forward to mine and the ikea meatball :p


I avoid crab during my preg. Cos once we were having dinner at the chinese restaurant (i am carrying my #1), my hb's 98yr old grandma tell me don't eat crab, our bb will be "duo1 shou3 duo1 jiao2" when born. So I listen to her in this aspect cos she is really that old. It all depends on you, regardless is old wives tales or health issue, can avoid better avoid. Crabs eat decompose stuffs.


ban mian?! Oh... so long I nv eat already. Tmr maybe can request my colleague to tabao for me. yummy... Everyday I tabao till I don't know what to order. hehehehe... can use the idea here for my tmr's food ordering. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Pinkyluv

Saw your hp no. Will sms you mine. See you gals at Kenny rogers.

Had my detailed scan today. Thanks to all mummies' advice on talking to baby. I got mine done after 2nd try. The didi is still there. Yeh... very obvious is a boy.

Dr Chua gave me iron tablets and calcium too, on top of the fish oil and multivits. Can i check with the mummies, which one (iron or calcium) must eat separately from the rest?? I can't remember what the nurse told me.

pinkyluv: haha my #1 was too comfy inside tummy and at due at 40weeks still no news gynae ask to induce lo.. admit into hosp on fri 1pm.. only delieverd on sun 2am... lost count of how long is it..

babyT: haaaa yea the kick was HARD! i purposely press my palm on tummy and baby kick back.. aha fun fun fun.. don envy v fast de.. i alreayd count down for 1mth liao.. at least u knw its a princess.. i am clueless! tts y i look forward..

Im curious.. usually babies are born 35 weeks onward? What's the maximum week it can go? 41 weeks?? Hmm..

Hey Enya,

Regarding gynae, I think it's a personal choice. For me, I guess I didn't feel too comfortable with my gynae in KK so when I switched to my current one, I liked him ;) Hope u find one u really like !! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


alot of feedbacks from friends they said KK not good also.. so when i get to neo that i am preggy i nv plan to go KK..hehehe... hopefully my gynea can help me wit my sickness condition... jus wanna baby to be safe..

Hi mummies, I think better dun sleep on back now. For short while (like going for facial - 1-2 hr, ok), but not throughout the night. Was advised by my gynae. I read that sleeping on back may constrict blood flow to baby so not so good.


I am very new to this tread.

Currently i am in the 17 weeks of my pregnacy..

LMP: 3 Dec 2009, #1, Dr Mary Yang, Gleneagles, age 25, boy, EDD 17 Sep 2010.

Trying to learn as this is my first time becoming a mummy..

hi pinkyluv, yup, did u take up any delivery package during the delivery?

hi lim, that's a good news.. dun give up, everything will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi, does anyone know what sort of sweets i can take to stop the itchiness on my throat and trigger the cough?

enya> very happy for you that you had good news! jiayou!!!

scarlett> oh i see! okok, i will keep in mind!!! thanks so much!!!

jynnsan> just remember to take more fruits and veggies when you can! plus lots of water! remember how i was junk food queen? suddenly now, i cannot eat stuff that is too oily or unhealthy!

Welcome May, how come you are 17 wks and EDD 17/Sep, I am in my 18+wks my EDD is 20/Sep???


I heard that Induce's pain is double up, you are tough man

jynnsan: it is painful bcos it slowly builds up.. my labour was long bcos dilation is sooooo slow~ i tink from 4cm~10 cm took me at least 6hrs or more? i raelly cant remember...

was without epidural then too.. faint

jynnsan> i think discharge is like part and parcel of the deal. yup, fast food usually makes bowel movement harder, that's why you must have lots of water, fruits and veggies if you can...


hows ur threshold of pain?? I really really wish to go w/o epi.. but confidence = 50-50. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] moreover, my threshold of pain quite bad!! Hubby keeps telling me I'll end up with Epi.. Sigh..

hey Enya,

Well... Another thing about KK waiting time was super long. SGH is fast cuz I suppose, lesser ppl. As your gynae is also senior consultant, I'm sure he is a good gynae!! When is ur next appt?? hahaha. maybe one day I might bump into u and wont even know... lol

Chrissy: i tot i couldnt make it without epidural too. but the pain is bearable and i did use the "laughing gas" to help, also grabbed husb's hand till he was shivering after my labour HAHAH!.. i wont say its not pain but if u are determined to be without epidural u can do it. i did wanted to give in to epidural at 8cm.. but too late already gynae says. Haa.. for me its bcos i dilate too slowly tts y i suffered alot. if ur dilation is fast i don see a need for epidural.. if u take epidural there will be a risk of having assisted delivery (i.e. foreceps, etc) bcos u mayb too numb to push baby out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way to other MTB from KK... no offense or anything k.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's jus my opinion with my old gynae .


I really wish I can go ahead with that! haha, thanks for sharing... I heard after 5cm cannot take epi anymore... the pain after 5cm, is it that bad? is it like menses pain??

Btw, what's laughing gas? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chrissy: u can do it.. if u really wan to u sure can de. determination :p its good to have a feel of the real labour.. :D

Laughing gas - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laughing_gas

i not sure after 5cam cant take i only know when i 8cm they tell me don take.. ahha i tink diff people have diff kind of pain.. for me the pain was on my spine.. so contractions come the spine like wanna break =X don scare yrself with all these.. enjoy the pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adelynn :

hahaha. Yeah, i think i dont ask too much le.. I try my best w/o ... and if its too late for epi, too bad. lol. Can't wait to know ur BB's gender!

2 days to detail scan..... really exciteddd cannot wait ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning ladies...

Can someone help me to update my details? I have done my detailed scan ytd and confirmed that it is a boy!

morning all. i had a first big scare since preggie. felt suffocated and indigested so went see doc. he says its gastric n heartburn. but really v. xin ku. stand/sleep/ lie down all uncomfortable + backache. in the end self induce puke and only slept at 3am. now still feeling indigested & weak. is this what heartburn is? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

DiamantZ: oh my pls tk care and rest well.. Nt sure hw heartburn is like as i nv experience beforr but it def sound scary frm wad u're going thru.. Get well soon...!

jynnsan> ya i shld be 18+ weeks. got lost count as my last appt didn't give me a good count down. My baby is so active that it is really hard for the gynae to take measurements.

i still can't feel the movement of the baby and i am so looking forward to it. Everytime i feel a pain i will make a big whoha that my baby is kicking but it always end with disappointment.

I am trying to catch up with the conversation here as you ladies really act fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Please take care

I am currently taking mylanta whenever i felt acid indigestion and i remember it also help to reduce heartburn, maybe you can double check with your gynae by phonecall. It can get off the shelf de

BABYFIFI!!! me looking for u... i lazy to back track the archive threads... i wanna ask u.. remember that time we were discussing on getting extra accessories for medela freestyle?? which one is it ar?? cos i wanna get an extra set to use in office...

dear pinkyluv can u add my details in the table?

LMP: 22-dec-09

EDD: 25-sep

Hosp: MAH

Gynae: Dr TL Lim

age: 24

Residing: Bukit Batok

went for check up yesterday, bb was facing down!! so disappointed, my previous scan at 16 wks, bb's legs were not open.. tried to see gender twice yet failed. bb really dun wanna let me know gender... lols


Wah I feel so loved... Got someone miss me!

The accessories for Freestyle are

1. Funnels - advisable not to buy extra first coz need to be correct fit. You won't know until you start pumping. - Eventually u need to get extra of this but not yet.

2. The "membranes", etc comes in a set called "Freestyle Replacement Kit" - 1 box has 1 pair. - This is the one to buy extra

3. Tubing - this one you may not need extra set cos you dun need to wash this. But if ever milk go in or it turns hazy, etc, do replace. If water go in, swing it like a lasso to get the water out (colleague taught me this - she learnt from the one of the retailers).

