(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Adelynn - cow eyes??? O.O scary...

BBL - my areola also darken le... and yes it's hot... internal body temperature increasing... then hor.. i will get so hot until my cheeks will turn red de... no joke... do u feel like that too??


adelynn> your husband so bad! tell him, can compare with so many other much nicer things lor!!! if he really cannot, tell him, think of fresh fruits. got many sizes/colours, can find something that fits! :p FRESH hor, dun come and say machiam dried fruit...

Cow eyes..sound funny...


I dont get so hot till cheek turn red...maybe i am tan by nature so cant see the colour changed.. but if u feel hot try to cool yrself down as too high temp is not good for us..

Did u drink any Liang beverage like barely or ju hua cha...cos my mummy brew for me everyday ...

And no matter where i am..must have a high speed fan blowing at me..if not i sweat ah


i oso like to snack. I can finish a pkt of potato chips by myself.


Didn't sleep well last nite, that's why grumpy now. hahaha... After lunch, I got to go customer's place to collect goods. Very sian... Hope it will not rain today. Otherwise, I will have a hard time later.

babyT: yeaa cos he said look swollen n big. =x

badfifi: haha he was being blunt i tink.. but after all he still got to accept cos i giving his child teh best milk!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah.. i went out for visit in the morning and so many posts liao.

Boob size..

Am wearing nursing bras now too. But they are not padded (eternity 9.90 or 12.90 kind). Some more my tops are mostly fitting kinds, it kind of show in aircon environment. Like you Adelynn, i am still squeezing into my old bras with extension hooks. But i get a lot of "markings" around my boobs after one long day. My areola also darken and grown bigger in area. Getting ready for breast feeding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup, i like to go braless at home too. Body temp also climbing up. Now sleeping with fan and no blanket.


So what do you eat to get your boobs to grow?? I have only grown by one cup size. Think i got to buy nursing bras (engorgement will go up one size) nearer to birth time.

tiger lily> i switched to low-sugar cereal bars, dried fruits and nuts. healthier and more filling. then now, i occasionally have chips.

adelynn> yah! that is the most impt!

pommelow - mwahaha...u want ur boobies to grow ar?? i never eat anything special leh... my boobs started to grow bigger during early poly days... before that was A or B cup in sec sch... poly days i hit C liao... then constant until now lor...

haha, i think my baby assessed my body and said "uh oh, at this rate, i won't get enough food" so sending message to ask my brain to speed up the size increase of my boobs!

badfifi: hahaha u are funny...

pomme: i tink i also went up by 1 cup.. now my old bras also cant seem to hold my boobs anymore.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


They say women have a 2nd puberty and that's during pregnancy time. Mine is very small.. A cup only. So i want to grow to at least B (after stopping breast feeding). It is my only chance now... so what did you eat between CNY and now to upsize 2 cups??

BTW, you can order bras from victoria secrets online. They have up to DD or EE size i think. Latest designs in the market. BTW, their semi-annual sale coming up in end May.

pommelow - i won't buy those nice nice bras till after birth ba... buy now also can't wear... cos underwire bras make my ribs hurt and go breathless...

jessica - ya lor.. that's why my MIL keeps shooting me down by saying i won't have milk... which i find damn irritating... i haven't even start BF-ing, how she know my milk supply.. my friend also D cup, she pumps like a cow in litre kind... i hope i can prove her wrong... cos it's damn demoralising until i get so obsessed about bf-ing...

hi guys... i seem to be experiencing a lot of baby movements... does it seem like gas moving through the body? sometimes its a few taps like knocking on the door type... isit supposed to be like that?

no offense taken ;p i'm not sure if its movement... cos previously i had a lot of gas resulting in farts ;p but now its just like gas/ bubble movement...with no fart... so i think it is??

certain days i also feel the tummy is very tight. any reason?


Isn't it amazing, i will only feel mild movement during night time when i relax in my bed watching TV.

Am going to grab some nursing bra. You all mentioned eternity brand yah


If you looking for denim skirts, can try Cotton On. They have a series of short skirts with elastic band at the waist. 1 for $19.90. Buy 2 at $30. They also have those tee-shirt material short tight skirts. You can wear it now and even after delivery.

I did not buy any maternity wear during prev preg and don't intend to do it this time round. Prolly just make do with my tee-shirt dresses and skirts with elastic bands.

Tiger Lily & Pinkyluv: Thanks for consoling abt my nightmares. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby movements: When I was around 13 weeks I thought I could feel babies' movements but when I asked gynae he said around 19 wks then can feel. But I'm pretty sure that what I felt was them and since then they have been getting stronger and stronger and more frequent. Even hubby can feel their movements now. I hope it's a good sign that they are growing and not like what was happening in my nightmare. Yesterday one of the twins gave me a real sharp karate kick near my rib that jolted me! Think I may have squashed her and she was telling me to change position. Hope I didn't injure her!

Boobs: I have gone up one cup size and I think they may still continue to grow. Badfifi, don't worry, your boobs will grow one. I used to have mosquito bites as boobs! Can barely fill A cup! After breastfeeding for one year my boob size went back to almost its original mosquito bite size. Now that I'm pregnant again I (and hubby, woo hoo!) get to enjoy bigger boob size. So if u want to have bigger boobs continue to breastfeed for as long as you can otherwise they'll go back to original size. And some of my friends said their's shrunk. That freaked me out cos if mine were to shrink then I would probably not have any boobs left or maybe have inverted boobs!! Haha!

Tummy size: A few pple have commented that my tummy size is small. I guess they think that with twins I should look double the size of singleton tummies. I'm already huffing and puffing as I potter around the house I don't know how my body can handle growing to double the normal size?! Will check with gynae tonight but do any of you know how to check if they're growing normally?

luvlee> that's exactly what i said! if my boobs shrink after b/feeding, i'll have a concave chest! :p

abt the nightmares (sorry, missed your earlier post), i read that getting bizarre/scary dreams is common in second (and maybe third) trimester. some sources say it is to get our bodies used to the erratic sleeping pattern we'll have when babies are born. others say it is cos of hormones...

luvlee: yr desciption bout boobs is really funny.. make me giggle on my desk :D

Jessica: yea my husb did comment tt y my boobs so big now.. he seem AMAZED -_-" i tink he didnt look at me much during my last pregnancy. hahaa

Badfifi: don tink so much la! what concave chest! hahaha.. but impt note is never never take med to stop milk flow.. that one confirm will go flat chest!!

Jessica: That's because you already have mah. And moreover your hubby acknowledged that they are big! Mine's is because don't have, so when suddenly have, is like WAH!! You must tell your hubby that having boobs is not just for feeding babies. Got a lot of other uses, sense of femininity, self-confidence, makes you look better when you wear outfits, good tools to use in the bedroom, etc. You must ask him to imagine if you don't have then how would he feel? Maybe he take for granted.

Badfifi: Haha! Imagine walking around with a concave chest! Thanks, I really hope that's the case.

Optimus Prime

thanks for ur post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will go & get =)

Luvlee and badfifi

hehe, i dun mind having small boobs, cos like stefanie Sun & sammi chen , small boobs mean skinny rite ?

have never been skinny in my entire life, would feel nice to be light & wear skinny jeans

Big Boobs:

Why does my hubs DONT seem MORE interested! there must be something i could do.. hehehe..

hello everyone,

i'm a new mommy and have these to let go. thought you might be interested. pls PM me if you are or to see pics! :)

1) Unopened Pureen maternity pads (20 pcs) @ $5

2) Klorane Dry Shampoo (used once) @ $7

3) NUK sterilised oral wipes @ $5

4) BN Avent Pacifier pack of 2 for 0-3mo @ $6

5) BN Pigeon 'S' sized pigeon peristaltic silicon teats @ $4

6) Maternity dresses x 2

7) Disposable panties

8) Preloved BB bathtub @ $6 (used twice for confinement baths)

9) Mothercare Snap Lock Nappy Pins pack of 12 @ $4

10) BN Elancyl Stretch mark preventive & reducing cream 150ml @ $20

11) BN Disney/Pixar CARS cartoon fleece throw @ $8

pinkyluv> i used to be like a stick lor, but with heavy thighs n butt. now, i'm like a stick with a bump in the middle :p


My baby is a boy, pls help to update.

I still ask the doc ..r u sure its not finger..doc shoot me back and say if its finger should have 5 ma..but we only see one..hopefully its really a boy n not false alarm...

Then i can start my shopping for BB clothing...yeah!!!

By the way i am 18 weeks now..doc schedule detailed scan on 21st week which is 8 May @ TMC..


Congrats on having a boy!

Tiger lily,

I am buying bumwear instead of what you saw on the bp thread. But they are similar reusable diaper.

Any mummies got recommendations on cot mattress protector to recommend? Where to buy and how much to buy? SHould buy half size or full size.

Thanks Pomme and Tiger Lily.

Aiyo TMC detailed scan on the 7 & 8 May fully booked ah...i got the 6 May thursday 330pm slot..

Hopefully detailed scan dont change my baby gender...cos i gonna go shopping today...


Is good to get to know yr bb gender before DS. I was at gynae clinic last wk, bb face down can't see gender so can't buy anything yet. So far I only brought a infant toothbrush from kiddy palace - transparent de. I book my DS right after I get my Oscar result - DS is 29 April afternoon also. Anyway, happy shopping.

Tiger lily,

Initially i thought my doc could not do the scanning cos i still got the dressing from last week operation.. but my doc tried...

He only scan the left side of my tummy which happen to be the bb location.

My bb is in curling up position.. then doc scan here n there n say ah..its a boy...confirm confirm..then my HB n i were...huh where where..showed us..then doc search for the part again..

my bb moved here n there..finally i saw the little penis in white colour..but my hubby cant recognise wats that...

pomme> my friend recommended the ikea mattress protector. pls note, however, that it's smaller than the mattress/cot you got, coz ikea cots are smaller in size. i'm thinking though, that it can be used anyway if you centre it on the bed. the protector comes in-built in a mattress pad though, so that might be a prob. alternatively, there are sheets and stuff that can be used...

Realised got alot of bb boys here wor... Lol.. My detailed scan is on 30th april, 4.15pm slot..

Might be going for d hospital tour before hand.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Im starting week 17 today. Im hitting the 50 kg mark liao....Was at the fox sale earlier and bought 5 pieces of items for my 2 yr old son..


was it the usual warehouse sale price? Like romper abt $8?wonder if i should drop by later


seems like its full for all hospital.the time n date cant change onces it confirm if not sure miss the date .going to my detail scan on 29 april.

Fox clothings were mostly at $8 - $9. But have to buy at least 5 pieces. If u want, actually, can go to Robinson's warehouse sale. Sometimes they also have Fox's sale at the same price.

There is not much of Pumpkin Patch items though I bought a pair of kid's sandal at half price of $19.

Hi just like to obtain some feedback from experienced mums who have attended antenatal classes before. Do you find such class useful for 1st time mum?

My hubby don't havae much time to attend with me, so thinking of giving it a miss.

Just to share, my nightmares didn't come true thank goodness!! The twins are growing well, phew!!

Pinkyluv: Yeah am skinny and before pregnancy, flat too like an ironboard!

Letty: Must show more cleavage!! Woo hoo!!

phyphy: today last day of sale. Fox rompers selling at $6 and Pumpkin Patch ones at $7 each. I thought it was very worth it esp for Fox long sleeve rompers also going for $6 each. But I would have to say that there's more variety and clothes for girls than there are for boys. Yes, you must buy a minimum of 5 items.

bb: Well that depends. If you've been reading up on pregnancy stuff then I feel that a lot of the info I already knew from books/internet. Moreover I knew that I would def be on epidural so I didn't get to practise any of the breathing techniques taught. Perhaps if you want natural birth w/o epidural then the classes may be useful? The only useful thing that I learnt was that when breastfeeding you must turn your baby to face your breast, tummy to tummy rather than baby facing up and you hunching over baby as I initally thought. My classes were conducted by raffles hospital and there were no hands-on sessions. We all just sat and watched as the teacher used a model baby to demonstrate how to bathe and change diaper. I heard that some other classes give every couple a model baby to practise on so maybe that would have been more useful. If you ask me if I would take the classes again if I could start over, I would say, save your money to buy more baby stuff and don't waste you or your hubby's time!!


Wah so fast ah..DS booked b4 oscar test,,my doc very relax one leh..we just booked..i think as long as not on weekend,,should be able to get a slot..

bbl> yup. my DS was booked even before i had my OSCAR scan. it worked for us cos then my husband can plan his leave in advance.


which part of jb u went ? N wat are the things thats u bought?now no2 ,have the feeling that everything have already,so didnt really go n c c.

Last week me to go jb but having in mind to buy only my galbs sandals


congrat on the twins growing well,making me miss the one in tummy,still got 2 weeks before can c him....don knoww will change to her or not


just to chk,do u still latch ur gal on?nowadays,i latch my gal on ,it super painful but i don c anything on my nipple,previous thing was due to blisters.how abt u ?got any pain?


Morning Mummies....

Jessica - congrats... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they really look very much alike... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

