(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

My computer at home, really gone case... I can't surf net for so many days at home... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Weight gain> is it normal that some preg women don't gain weight? I am in my 16week... but i have not been gaining much weight, still at 55.xxkg, sometime goes to 56.xxkg. Been going between 55 and 56, before my preg weight is already 55kg. Am I alright?


Congrats Jessica!~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really like tat pic v v v sweet smiles.. Cheer my monday up! :p

Karen: Erm i am not sure bout this but i know so long as baby is growing there isnt much issue.. please check with yr gynae.. i already gained 5.5kg at 19weeks.. =X


Quite worry cos still have 5 more days before I can see my gynae. Check with my colleague, she says maybe bb is growing and I am losing weight. Try to eat more now but mama's cooking I really don't feel like eating.

Blocked nose,

Anyone got serious block nose? I remember badfifi mentioning about breathe right, anyone tried before? I can't sleep and wake up with dry throat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Sweet kids you have! Then I remember your boy hugging the sister after winning the toy pram.

Breast shield,

From the previous posts, I don't quite understand the medela breast shield is it the whole thing that covers the breast? When we wash it, wouldn't it dry up fast for the next pump which is 2-3 hrs later? Is it necessary to have extra breast shield?

Good morning mummies,

Been feeling more movements from my gideon this past week. Yeh... three more days to seeing him at the DS.

Tiger lily,

I don't know what the difference between the reusable diaper you posted and bumwear. Cos i only learn about bumwear thru their website. Never seen the real deal. I remember one mummy in our forum bought bumwear.


Thanks for the feedback. Am still checking out the various brands. Prices really vary a lot. Thinking also about buying the one from BP spree. Got king size one too. Thinking of getting one for my bed just in case my waterbag burst while i am sleeping and ruining my bed.

Luvlee, am glad your twins are growing well. So no need to fret if you have any more dreams in the future.

BBL, saw your buys online. So you are almost done liao? Are the JB products very cheap?

Congrats Jessica.. Your kids smile so sweetly.

Karen: okay.. but from your last gynae visit he/she didnt highlight anything ya/ don be too optimistic ok??

i have blocked nose every morning.. not sure why also i tink it got worst after being preggy.. i have not tried breathe right bcos my #1 was given 2 samples from his PCF and he insist on using it [thou we rejected].. he slpt well but the next day when my mum tried to remove it she said its so sticky tt his skin nearly came off with it. hahaha tts y i didnt wanna try on my nose too =x

breastshield: i used medela pumps for 26mths.. i only have 1 set of it after i expressed i wash it and leave it to dry. if it cant try i will use either clean tissue/cloth to wipe it dry before using it. don see a point in spending more $$ to buy another set cos its nto cheap.. jus my personal opinion.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can you share your experience in using bumwear? You use the prefolds, petite pocket diaper or one size pocket diaper?

Can experienced mummies share if you put waterproof padding on your bed before you are due? I read that the water from the water bag can ruin the mattress.

Pomme: i used 1 size pocket diapers.. if i dont remember wrongly i only bought that when my #1 was >6mths old.. i bought their inserts too as i bought a "package" from them in a baby fair cant exactly rem how much was it.

My experience form bumwear is i personally find the inner material abit hot.. but using bum wear there is no leakage of urine.. the reason i tried bumwear is because my son already outwear those cloth diaper covers and i decided to try bumwear since they have many "buttons" for us to adjust the size.. but not sure if i am not good with using it as when my son urines and the bumwear diaper got heavy, it tends to "slide" down his buttock as its too heavy then my son will make noise. =X i would still prefer to use the traditional cloth diaper for my son as its easier to dry..

the above are all my personal opnion and experience.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pomme: i tink you can go to guardian to buy those plastic sheets as used in hospitals insteading of spending on waterproof padding.. the sheets are quite cheap like after our labour they also place it on the bed incase we stain the bed. i tink it helps a little on preventing water to leak onto the bed as its plastic based..

Hi Pinkyluv,

Could you update my details pls? My age is 25 now, EDD is 3rd Sep 2010 and I'm having a little girl!!

Thanks in advance!!

breathe right nasal strips> yah, the plaster can be quite sticky at the 2 ends. what i do when i want to remove the strip is i wet it with warm water. in fact, i let it soak in the water for a bit before removal. i think that's what the instructions on the box says also. and when removing, make sure that all of one end has come off before you pull. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

disposable diapers> a lot of mothers swear by Nepia. many others also say Pampers NB is good (but ex). i think Mamy Poko is another brand mentioned.

adelynn> ouch! your poor boy! for me, i wash my face in warm water, let the water soak, then remove. it has to be very sticky, cos it has to "lift up" the nasal passage so congestion can be relieved. there is a strip of metallic spring in the strip i think, and that does the lifting up. the instructions on the box will say everything

badfifi: ohh.. we don have the box la.. the teacher only give him 2 strips.. and i dun know why he snored when he slp with tt on.. mayb we use it the wrong way. HAHA but no block nose for him tat nite.. really good. only the painful removal part. HAHAHA!

adelynn> i used it when i had the flu and my nose was all blocked. already, i had a sore throat and i couldn't face the thought of breathing through my mouth in air-con. the strip helped by letting me breathe through my nose. my throat was still a little dry in the morning but nowhere as painful as it would have been if i'd breathed through my mouth...

Congrats Jessica

My baby also participated in the Most Sporty Baby contest and he got Champion, mine is @ Yio Chu Kang CC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Next yr hopefully can get join the most photogenic siblings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luvlee: Thanks for the info on antenatal prog.

badfifi: I din have blocked nose, but I experienced nosebleed one of the days. So far, it's once-off, just hope it won't happen again. I try to drink more water n use humidifier in my air-con room before I sleep.

Karen: Think better ask your gynae abt the weight. I read from 4th month onwards, will start putting on wt gradually. Maybe try to think of foods u like to eat to improve your appetite?

hi guys,

wanna check with u guy do u guys go for prenatal yoga and massage huh ? any recommendations ?

I called rustic nirvana - they say they onli do massage for mummies preggie 5mths and abv..


how come some of our updated gender went missing.

Pommelow and mine are prince. U use an outdated file to update? heehee.

So far how is the registration for 24th gathering? Can update


I have a question. Maybe more for 2nd time mum,

I planned to get a part-timed confinment lady. She will come in at 9am and leave ard 6pm everyday.

I would like to know if nite time will be a killer for me and DH if we are to take care ourselves?

My thinking is, even if I got a full time for this 28 days, following months onwards, I am going to depend on myself too. DH has sweared and crossed his heart to help me at nite. He is self-employed so his time is very flexible.

I really need some advice to put my heart at ease. PLEASE!!!

Adelynn - that's the massage i'll be going for next week.. i haven't made appointment yet though.. but i've heard rave reviews...

Hi Lizzie,

if u intend to rest well in ur confinement and avoid any possible ailments in future, a CL is good to have. u will not know how many times ur bb gona wake up for milk.

anyway i think a CL who stays in for a mth and a part time one charges almost the same?

i had a CL on my first boy..

when she left, i had good time in the nite too cos my boy only woke up one time (most 10mins) to BF and went right into dreamland.

i am not gona have a CL on this 2nd preg cos my DH will do the job. And this time round, I am gona have better rest hopefully..

even if ur HB promises to help, u may end up doing things urself cos "mummy" alwas feel safer to handle bb themselves.


Thanks. I spoke to the CL I planned to engage and she told me alot of new mummy believe that bb has to wake up every 3 hrs for a feed.

In fact, that is wrong. Cos if nite time baby did cry for feed, it is wise to let bb slp thru it.

One feed a nite is fine for me.

Hi Lizzie,

one feed is fine for u but may not be for bb..

some bb will not settle down if they are hungry..

so will wake up crying every 2 - 3hrs..

this really depends on ur bb..

Hello mummies,

I am midway thru the pregnancy liao! Wk 20. Time flies! I still havent gotten anything or done any preps. Jialat. So lazy la this time around.

Had my checkup on Fri. Gynae said I kana some UTI infection, though I dont feel any pain when I urinate. Given inserts. They are super big!!! Almost the size of quail's egg. Sheesh. First trimester gotta insert progesterone pills. Now this. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Baby name dilemma : Since young I always wanted to name my son (if any) Isaac. But my close colleague whose boy was born last dec already given this name liao. Ask you ladies opinion... if I give the same name, will it be like kinda odd??


I agree w snow baby. My gal woke up every 2 hours for feed, coz she is such a small eater. She suckle for less than 5mins and then koonz liao. No way to wake her up to suckle more. I believe in the feed on demand theory, and not the feed on schedule theory esp for newborn. So I really hope ah boy will do better in this aspect.


Hmm din really compare the prices...i think i have lots more to shop..its never enough..

I shop at Tebrau Jusco cos the parking is cheap..


Dont worry abt weight gain..me 19weeks..gain nothing at all..doc say its fine..

starluster> incidentally, if my baby is a son, i'll be naming him Isaac. And honestly, for your case, i don't see why not. Maybe talk to your colleague, explain why you want to name your son Isaac and see how he/she feels abt it. I think it is only weird if u go ahead and name your son without mentioning anything beforehand. :p

leo baby: i tink thru the urine test can tell if u got UTI infection le..

badfifi: agree with u tt if use the same name.. i don see whats there to angry also.. english names are quite comon.. unless same english name and chinese names then def got a probb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i have alot of frens who have same eng names for their son and we are all friends [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies,

May I know if there is anyone here who gets UTI quite often?I got it like twice in a month liao....sigh...anyone noes wat causes it?how to prevent??

For UTI - can use the feminine hygiene wash for the vagina area. Checked with my gynae, he said safe to use. Also, maybe try to use panty liner n change more often?

Btw, just like to gather some feedback for my cost budgetting: how much do you think a playpen and rocking chair for baby would cost? Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

preventing UTI> drink A LOT of water, clean after sex, drink some cranberry juice every few days.

oh, to prevent other infections in that area (we'are more susceptible now cos we have more discharge), don't wear undies that are too tight, wear the same pantyliner for too long (and try to get those "breathable" ones)..

Hi Portia

during my 1st two pregnancy, got this prob cos Adelynn is rite abt more discahrge..

so i dun wear panty at home..

more airy and doesn't happen liao

PS: weight myself when i brought my kid to teh clinic, I have increased another 2 kg in 3 weeks..OOPS


You are lucky if you caught the UTI before it becomes painful. At the early stage, you may experience increase frequency of urination only. I once caught it by the time the itch comes. So scary.. think of the pain and i will shiver.


All my colleagues got the luckybaby playpens (only slightly above 100). Graco ones would be around $199 to $299. Rockers depends on what kind you like. Can range from $38 to $200 or $300 plus (high end ones can even rock your babe by battery powered movement). My friend sworn by the basic netting rocker $37 from kiddy palace(metal frame with netting covering) forts airiness and lasted till her 2nd babe. Easy to clean too.


I have experience what you had in 1st trimester. Two UTI in a mth. The doc said it means the recurrence of the first UTI(the antibiotics used in first round din really remove all the bacteria). So your doctor should give you a different medication the 2nd round.


My hubby wants to attend the part 3 of antenatal class this sat afternoon. So is the meet up dinner time?? If not, then i cannot make it leh.

Dear all mom to be

i am new here.... i am already 20weeks and used to see dr heng at east shore but getr to neo that my urine was dirty 4week ago and dr heng refer me to east shore internal medicine after few blood and urine test this doctor found out that my kidney might hv prob.... he told me i hv to choose a kidney specialist hence i choose SGH and this SGH kidney specialist advice me to see the high gynea from SGH...

Wonder is any of the MTB choose the gynea from SGH??? and what is the delivery package ?? cos i been told by the staff from SGH they dont have package unlike the private hospital.. haiz... unlucky that i hv paid 600bucks to the gynea from east shore unlikely they will refund the package money to me...

and this afternoon seen the gynea from SGH being told that i have to do an injection myself daily... really stress... my pregnancy are not like the rest of the preggy can hv their pregnancy smoothly....

lim> don't fret. it won't do any gd, only the reverse. actually, i was told last week that i'll have to have daily injections in my 3rd trimester... relax ok? 桥到船头自然直

preventing UTI> drink A LOT of water, clean after sex, drink some cranberry juice every few days.

oh, to prevent other infections in that area (we'are more susceptible now cos we have more discharge), don't wear undies that are too tight, and don't wear the same pantyliner for too long (and try to get those "breathable" ones)..


thanks so much for encouaragement but may i neo why u nd to do injection also?? i tot i am the only one got so much health prob..

how do you overcome when you gg to do the injection on your own?? i am so scare 2morrow morning when i think of gg to inject the needle onto my tummy was thinking shall i inject on my arm instead (but the nurse said is much more difficult to inject on arm)... woooooo... sweat...

Hi ladies,

Thanks for all the advices=) Appreciate it alot. I am only afraid it might be more than that(kidney stones wor). And scared this will affect baby. Will it?or just simply make the pregnancy more intolerable only? I just bought cranberry juice keke...mine is not due to sex coz has been avoiding it since I am pregnant le.


Dont wear panty at home??then u simply just wear shorts?

