(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


so this sat meetup is evening rite? then i dun think i can make it.. u gals enjoy the catch up.. hope i can join u gals the next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lim> mine is due to low levels of a certain coagulant in my blood. i'm more high risk cos i don't walk ard and move regularly... actually, i don't intent to do the injections myself. i'll probably get my dad to do it for me cos i have a HUGE phobia of needles...

portia> i used to be quite prone to UTI coz i had bladder stones i think, then now, ok...

Pinkyluv-> haha...okok....feels weird without the panty though..haha

Badfifi-> Did u remove the bladder stones?Does UTI actually affect bb?

badfifi, adelynn, bb, BBL,

Thanks for the advice on the nose and weight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies,

Looks like quite a number of you did your detailed scan already!?

I just had mine yesday, and thank God all looks fine for now. I've signed on for the package $650 + 7% gst which includes the detailed scan + subsequent scheduled visits and vitamins/calcium.

Gynae has upgraded his u/s scan machine since my boy's time. As such, I got a copy of the scan recorded down on DVD. Happy to see that bb still remains very much a girl. I called my mom and told her "No birdie grew out since the last time" and she had a good laugh. :p

Have a great 2nd tri to all! :D

Hi Lim, during your first visit, you can request them to print out the estimate hosp bill size for you. as a rough gauge, normal delivery for A1 class is $3238 (avg bill size), $1650 (Max medisave claimable), $1588 (cash dep) for 2 days stay. Baby room rate per day $74.90 per day at the nursery.

hi portia, another way is to get cranberry dried seeds from ntuc/shop & save etc, as i heard that the concerntration is higher.. drink lots and lots of water

hi guys. i'm having the detailed scan later. hubby last min had some urgent work to do and can't accompany me... feel so disappointed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] should i/ can i postphone the scan? this week is 20 week.

on the other hand, i wanna see baby too.

Good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Jessica,

Accordingly to them, we will be participating in the final competing with the rest of the winner from different zones in May/Jun, but so far no news.

may i know which brands of feminine wash are suitable for preggies?

btw if like past few days i can feel bb's movements but suddenly these 2 days not much movement is this normal? tried with my doppler i can hear the hb.. bb should be fine right?

lim> sorry, i meant anti-coagulant. as in i run a risk of blood clots/deep vein thrombosis

jessica> that agency is ex cos i thk all their nannies need to go for a short course at KK and obtain a cert. i got a quotation from PEM confinement agency, got a quote for $2000 for 28 days. i think if book earlier can get a discount...i forget cos in the end, i didn't use them. they have a website, you can go search.

portia> i didn't even know i had bladder stones! i just had to drink a lot a lot of water, and if i didn't, well, i would hurt when i peed. i would also drink cranberry juice every few days. then one day, two times consecutively, i had a very bad time controlling my pee, and the stones came out on their own in my pee the 2nd time... it was quite painful and well, not exactly pleasant! for more info, here's the first website i found: http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancycomplications/utiduringpreg.html

diamantz> where are you doing the scan? there is a window for detailed scan, so you must stay within that window. if your scan is being done by TMC, it's so superpacked there, changing might not be possible. since you have an appt for it already, might be easier to go first bah


ok. sometimes a bit, but really much more when i am at work, wearing panty


very comfy leh :p

Optimus Prime

wow, on DVD , very high tech =)


poor u ! my appetite has returned to normal..i mean abnormal..since my colleague exclaimed at my huge appetite and asked y r u eating again ?!


i am under SGH, never took package leh

cos even for #1, i realise take package not that worth, esp when the visits are not that much

do take care

Badfifi, u too..must be tough to take injections cos i can't stand the tot of daily injection

PS: better watch my diet and listen to colleague, yday was eating a lot of mentos after lunch , they said will kena diabetes

diamantz> if u doing at KKH the scan date are very pack and postphone may be a problem. Having hubby beside you does means a lot as he can witness the whole detail scan of everybody part. it really a joy. But at some point my hubby got lost as to where is where. I can still follow as the sonography put the probe at different area and you will know. Enjoy.

diamantz- if postpone a few days maybe ok, but I think cannot postpone too long, cos i understand fr doctor if too late, certain things cannot see if they are developed properly. Best to chk with your gynae or the nurse if possible.

Pomme: Thks for the info on playpen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


with regards to UTI> I had UTI previously had went to KKH 24hrs previously. Just like to share a few things.

Urine test depend on what is use to test. KKH usually give the dipstick that has 3 colour chk so not sure if that does able to track the UTI. but the last time i went in for UTI the dipstick they use is a lot more colour chk and thats how they diagnosed as infection. My remainder collected urine was sent in for lab test and came out ok. That y i was curious how would one know that they have UTI without any pain feeling during urinating as I did felt painful so I admit to the 24hrs KKH.

Since then, I have been changing my underwear twice a day. Take cranberries juice twice a day.(note: the cranberries in the stores are usually very sweet. do dilute with water.) Alternative, buy the freshly squeeze type from cold storage organic dept (v.EX) the rest are made from concentrate so may not be a gd. I have a lot of water daily (2 litres min). Use feminne wash Lactacyd to wash private area. If u notice the muscus discharge is yellow or urine very yellow drink lots of water. Its an indication that body heat is up and not enough water which is the cause of UTI. Control sugar intake as bacteria likes sweet food that good into our urine. If you have taken antibiotic, take yakult the special bottle type with blue cap as less sugar and higher level of biotic to replace the good baterial. Anti-biotic will kill all the gd and bad bacterial in our body so take the pro-biotic drink to replace some.

hello ladies, was lying on bed watching scv with hubs, then suddenly baby kick me quite hard a few times, so i quickly put my palm on my tummy, then i felt d kick with my hand! my stomach sorta pop out abit ! then i quickly told hub, then he look at my tummy and bb kick again and he saw my tummy pop out abit! lol..

then he say : eh! dont bluff la! u push one right! lol..

then i was like, hellooooo... bluff u for wad.. lol..


Thanks for the update! My due date is 3rd now, not 8th! ;)

Anyways, I asked Dr Tan (we've the same gynae) about package, he discouraged it. He advised me to just ward myself in under B1, and it's so much cheaper. One of the 'cheapest' in S'pore? As he puts in...

For your first born, was it in SGH?? Which room did u choose?? And roughly how much did it cost? I'm still worried about hidden charges.

Yvonne Low :

I am So waiting for that day to come!!! My baby's kick are so mild! have to close eyes and concentrate... -_-

Anyone with belly buttons already protruding?? Does it happen to ALL pregnant ladies? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Like leo baby, i use Lactacyd too. There two kinds. One needs dilution and the other moisturing one don't need. Been using before preggie and still using now.


Yes, 5pm i can make it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have tried to pm you my hp no but you don't accept PM leh.Just to confirm, it is kenny rogers at Suntec hor?? Can pm me your hp number??

Leo baby

I have pm you my hp number. Please sms me yours too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

May i ask if you have UTI, why they say the lab test on your urine is ok?? Tot they would be able to tell you what bacteria strain is infecting you and check that the prescribed antibiotics is able to handle this bacteria??


Kenna 3 times in total within the last 6 mths. Once before preggie and twice after preggie (recurred within two weeks). As what leo baby said, they use a urine test strip to test if you have an infection. Though for treatment, i learn that they give general antibiotics. But if it recur after one week or two, then they need to do lab test on ur urine to determine the bacteria strain to prescribe to more appropriate one. That's what i was told by my doctor and colleague (also medical doctor but practicing something else).

So if you noted an abnormal increased in frequency of urinating and urine qty each time quite little (or decreasing in volume) and you feel that you are not satisifed by the toilet break, or itch in that area, do go and see doctor asap. Don't wait till the blood clot comes, cos by then it is really painful liao and medication don't give immediate relief.

Any mummies have booked post natal massage?? I tried to book the popular Mdm Ida (she is not free and i got Mdm Suria) and realised that 2nd week sept is Hari Raya leh. So those mummies keen to book better book early cos for sept we are short of one week due to the holiday for muslim massage ladies.

Chrissy: lol.. mayb my edd is earlier? lol. or my bb is more big sized? haha..

i heard from old pple, those with belly buttons protuding are those carrying boys? lol..


My tummy don't pop out when my bb kick. Though i can feel it very strongly. So HB hasn't seen been able to feel.


My belly button not protruding, though i think will be soon cos tummy getting very tight now.

I read in KKH's website that if possible, the bb will room in with the mother (most prob if she chose A1). Is that so for SGH too?? If so, don't think your bb can room in if you choose B1. Anyone birth in KKh before can share on charging of bb rooming in with mother??


So i think that answers my curiosity on whether all pregnant women will have protruding belly buttons. My female colleague due mid May, had belly button protruding when she was 20 weeks... I personally think it looks amazing? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pomme: I was initially from KK, I changed gynae to SGH cuz my Doc fren highly recommend my current gynae. I find that the Queue in KK is SOOOOO LOOONNNG. In SGH, everything is 'fast'. As for the B1 ward, it's shared with 4 other ppl... so, i doubt BB will room in with the mother.. but thanks for bringing that up, I have now 1 more thing to check with my gynae on my next visit~

My baby moving inside me very frequently..whenver he moves i can feel..sometimes he kicks me a few times...yest while watching tv..he kick non stop...even my hubby can feel it..my bb getting more n more active..even now while typing..he is moving ...


I got 2 friends both due in July. 1 of them is carrying bb boy & the other bb gal - both of the belly button not protruding too.

Is amazing that your bb's kick is so strong. I last felt my bb's mild kick last Sat night when I was trying to sleep on my right. When I told hb that I want to test on bb's reaction by pressing or tapping on my tum tum, he keep discouraging me saying bb is so small don't distrub bb.

Lately, my sleep has improved - in fact I feel tired quite early around 10plus, I will KO. Only manage to read 1-story to bb last night (The emperor's new dress). Have you tired reading to yr bb?

Tiger Lily,

You are reading to bb? So good yah, I am getting lazier, now sometime skip reading bedtime story to my ah boy, so bad right...haha

My #1 just recovered from flu and cough a week ago and now come back again, he so poor thing, running nose keep flowing down, he keep crying, sigh...really bo sim to work, still have almost 2 hrs to go before knocking off to see my baby

tiger lily> i probably won't read to baby...got no time :p as it is, i have no time to read right now even for myself!

jynnsan> can he take any med to stop running nose?

Hi badfifi-> the doctor ask you to inject on your tummy or hand?? cos i am do the injection myself so the nurse advice me inject on tummy instead of arm . at least i have both hand to control the needle if i were injection on tummy. i wonder you are at your 3 trimester so your tummy skin and fat will be became thinner compare to 2nd trimester so it will not harmful to feotus if you inject on ur tummy during 3rd trimester?? i think my prob are same as urs if i am not wrong, as the gynea told me this injection will make my blood thinner and prevent my blood get clot.. cant slp for the whole last nite and finally i do the injection myself this morning.. felt so terrible when i poke the needle myself..

Hi Jessica-> they quote me the price of 1850 and wroker of leavy 6buck per day when i give them a called two mths ago. Dont tel me they hv increase the price!! i also heard of PEM confinement agent that badfifi mentioned above.. i called them , they also quote me the price at around 1.9k excluded levy..unless you wanna find for those freelance but they also charge at around 1.9-2k without levy but there will be some risk that they might not be able to make it last min..

hi bibitigger-> mine belong to high risk O&G, and i ask the clerk let me neo the estimated amt and she said the nurse will explain to me when come to my due date.. and i totally dont neo that i ought to pay for bay room also.. as i get to neo i no need to pay baby room when i went to East shore's hospital package tour.. and i am not under any subsidise as i was refer from east shore doctor to SGH's kidney specialist and now this kidney specialist refer me to high risk O&G. hence for the whole consultation i been with the doctor or gynea are under private rate. Actually quite stress over these few week as i hv been spending 2k ++ for alot of laboratory test due to suspect of my kidney inflammation....

Hi pinkyluv-> may i neo you visit the gynea once a month?? cos mine is high risk case so the gynea request me to see him once every two week to monitor me.. dont mind tat i ask you , is your visit under subsidise and how much you pay?? and do we need to pay for the ultrasound (how much, can get the pix bak from gynea?). for vitamin or calcium have to buy from the pharmacy there? so around how much you will spent per visit ? cos i sign up my package with east shore ($600)when i was in my 12weeks but dont think they will refund the $$ bak to me.. so i dont neo for the price wise is east shore cheaper or SGH, from what i neo and wat you tole me they do not have any package..

dear all mom

there will be a baby fair on 30apr to 2may'10 at expo.. you gals might wanto take a look and do some last min shopping for your baby before ur due date


Had taken what we suppose to give, we are suspecting might be due to teething, poor baby, can't express himself, can only cry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


You mean we need to pay levy for confinement lady? Hmm...


we do nd to pay teh levy fee if we get the confinement lady from the agency.. so you must double check with them is the package price has included the levy but from what i neo usually is excluded de..


Last nite was my 1st try. I don't have story book at home. That story was from the weekly pregnancy book that I brought last week at chinatown. Is in chinese. Besides reading, that book also says MTB can also sing to bb, listen to classical music & visit museum/art gallery to help buildup bb's character

Pomme Low,

I had wanted to try Mdm Ida's prenatal massage - rang her when I was around wk16, she is already full for her postnatal massgae in Sep. She also recommended her cousin (don't know her name) She told me to ring her again when I am around 6mths for the prenatal massage. Is it true can only massage after 6mths? So I am planning to call her when I am about wk24 - try out her cousin's skill.


Need to double check, my CL still have not let me know whether she can make it or not.

Tiger Lily,

I think this is part of 胎教 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LOL.. ok.. regarding d belly button protuding.. mayb, its just another old wives tale.. heehee.

i was very surprise on the strong kicks.. cos before that, my hubby was saying me and my bb is "fat base" (in hokkien) then i told bb, aiyo, bb nathaniel, ur daddy so fat, still say we "fat base".. so bad hor.. then hub was kissing n sayanging him.. maybe thats why?

later im going to buy story book to read to him at night.. =)

jynnsan, i was abt to reply to say it could be due to teething. my cousin's daughter also going thru this. will feel feverish and uncomfortable.

rachoho, i dun use feminine wash. now just using Dettol to clean. i guess we just need to be careful and drink more water to wash down the bacteria and discharge.

i think bb is fine. don't over worry. so long as there is no spotting and excessive pain, i will assume baby is doing well. U just need to feel ok physically. U are the best indicator of bb's health. dun worry.



ur CL is freelance from msia or from agency? if freelance then no nd to pay for the levy as so called they are work with you under visiting /holidays entry to spore.. :)

